Master Thesis Proposal - Water Absorption
Master Thesis Proposal - Water Absorption
Master Thesis Proposal - Water Absorption
Master’s project in Building Materials, for the Master Program Structural Engineering and Building
Performance Design
For concrete with respect to compressive strength and durability the water cement ratio (w/c) is a
key parameter. When calculating the w/c-ratio only the effective water content is used and which is
the difference between the total water present in the concrete and the water absorbed by aggregates.
To be able to calculate the free water it is necessary to know the water absorption of the aggregates.
For example, with and water absorption of 0.5%, fore the fine aggregate (sand) approximately 10
litres of water per cubic meter can be added to compensate for the aggregate absorption.
Water absorption sand is determined according to SS-EN 1097-6 and for the fine aggregate it is
determined by first water saturating the aggregate (for 24 hours) and then by drying the aggregate
so that it becomes water saturated but surface dry. This condition is assessed visually by filling a
cone, see figure below, which ten is lifted and the slope of sand cone is assessed. This method is
however not suitable or applicable to crushed sand. This is a big problem at crushed sand is
becoming more frequently used as a replacement for natural sands due to environmental aspects
and recourse depletion. Hence, new test methods are needed for crushed sands.
Figure 1. Determination of water absorption according to SS-EN 1097-6 and states of moisture content.
In this master thesis project different methods for determining water absorption will be evaluated.
The work will start with a review of review of proposed and available methods (e.g. based on
conditioning in RH-chamber, centrifugal removal, sorption isotherms, thermodynamic principle, IR-
spectroscopy, electrical impedance spectroscopy, etc.). Different methods will be evaluated on
different crushed sand materials to determine their applicability and reliability.
PhD Oskar Esping,, Thomas Concrete Group
Doc. Helén Jansson, Chalmers University of Technology (examiner)
Thomas Concrete Group AB, Södra vägen 28, Box 5162, 402 26 Göteborg, Sweden
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