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Automata: Theoretical Computer Science Abstract Machines

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theoretical computer science, automata theory is the study of abstract machines and the

computational problems that can be solved using these abstract machines. These abstract machines are
called automata.

As suggested in the figure, automaton consists of states (circles). An automaton takes a symbol as input
and "jumps" or transitions, from one state to another according to a transition function (arrows and input
symbols as their labels). This transition function tells the automaton which state to go to next given
a current state and a current symbol.

Automata are similar to finite state machines (FSM). Automata theory is also closely related to formal
language theory as the automata are often classified by the class of formal languages they are able to
recognize. An automaton can be a finite representation of a formal language that may be an infinite set.

Automata play a major role in compiler design and parsing.


1 Automata

o 1.1 Informal description

o 1.2 Formal definition

2 Variations in definition of automata

3 Automata theory

4 Classes of automata

o 4.1 Discrete, continuous, and

hybrid automata

5 Applications

6 References

7 External links


Following is an introductory definition of one type of automata, which attempts to help one grasp the
essential concepts involved in automata theory.

[edit]Informal description
An automaton is supposed to run on some given sequence or string of inputs in discrete time steps. At
each time step, an automaton gets one input that is picked up from a set ofsymbols or letters, which is
called an alphabet. At any time, the symbols so far fed to the automaton as input form a finite sequence of
symbols, which is called a word. An automaton contains a finite set of states. At each instance in time of
some run, automaton is in one of its states. At each time step when the automaton reads a symbol,
it jumps or transits to next state depending on its current state and on the symbol currently read. This
function in terms of the current state and input symbol is called transition function. The
automaton reads the input word one symbol after another in the sequence and transits from state to state
according to the transition function, until the word is read completely. Once the input word has been read,
the automaton is said to have been stopped and the state at which automaton has stopped is called final
state. Depending on the final state, it's said that the automaton eitheraccepts or rejects an input word.
There is a subset of states of the automaton, which is defined as the set of accepting states. If the final
state is an accepting state, then the automatonaccepts the word. Otherwise, the word is rejected. The set
of all the words accepted by an automaton is called the language recognized by the automaton.

[edit]Formal definition
An automaton is represented formally by the 5-tuple ⟨Q,Σ,δ,q0,F⟩, where:

 Q is a finite set of states.

 Σ is a finite set of symbols, called the alphabet of the automaton.
 δ is the transition function, that is, δ: Q × Σ → Q.
 q0 is the start state, that is, the state which the automaton is in when no input has been
processed yet, where q0∈ Q.
 F is a set of states of Q (i.e. F⊆Q) called accept states.
Input word
An automaton reads a finite string of symbols a1,a2,...., an , where ai ∈ Σ, which is called a input
word. Set of all words is denoted by Σ*.
A run of the automaton on an input word w = a1,a2,...., an ∈ Σ*, is a sequence of states q0,q1,q2,....,
qn, where qi ∈ Q such that q0 is a start state and qi = δ(qi-1,ai) for 0 < i ≤ n. In words, at first the
automaton is at the start state q0 and then automaton reads symbols of the input word in
sequence. When automaton reads symbol ai then it jumps to state qi = δ(qi-1,ai). qn said to be
the final state of the run.
Accepting word
A word w ∈ Σ* is accepted by the automaton if qn ∈ F.
Recognized language
An automaton can recognize a formal language. The recognized language L ⊂ Σ* by an
automaton is the set of all the words that are accepted by the automaton.
Recognizable languages
The recognizable languages is the set of languages that are recognized by some automaton. For
above definition of automata the recognizable languages are regular languages. For different
definitions of automata, the recognizable languages are different.
[edit]Variations in definition of automata
Automata are defined to study useful machines under mathematical
formalism. So, the definition of an automaton is open to variations
according to the "real world machine", which we want to model using the
automaton. People have studied many variations of automata. Above,
the most standard variant is described, which is called deterministic finite
automaton. The following are some popular variations in the definition of
different components of automata.


 Finite input: An automaton that accepts only finite sequence of

words. The above introductory definition only accepts finite words.
 Infinite input: An automaton that accepts infinite words (ω-words).
Such automata are called ω-automata.
 Tree word input: The input may be a tree of symbols instead of
sequence of symbols. In this case after reading each symbol, the
automaton reads all the successor symbols in the input tree. It is said
that the automaton makes one copy of itself for each successor and
each such copy starts running on one of the successor symbol from
the state according to the transition relation of the automaton. Such
an automaton is called tree automaton.

 Finite states: An automaton that contains only a finite number of

states. The above introductory definition describes automata with
finite numbers of states.
 Infinite states: An automaton that may not have a finite number of
states, or even a countable number of states. For example,
the quantum finite automaton or topological
automatonhas uncountable infinity of states.
 Stack memory: An automaton may also contain some extra memory
in the form of a stack in which symbols can be pushed and popped.
This kind of automaton is called a pushdown automaton
Transition function

 Deterministic: For a given current state and an input symbol, if an

automaton can only jump to one and only one state then it is
a deterministic automaton.
 Nondeterministic: An automaton that, after reading an input symbol,
may jump into any of a number of states, as licensed by its transition
relation. Notice that the term transition function is replaced by
transition relation: The automaton non-deterministically decides to
jump into one of the allowed choices. Such automaton are
called nondeterministic automaton.

 Alternation: This idea is quite similar to tree automaton, but

orthogonal. The automaton may run its multiple copies on
the same next read symbol. Such automata are calledalternating
automaton. Acceptance condition must satisfy all runs of
such copies to accept the input.
Acceptance condition

 Acceptance of finite words: Same as described in the informal

definition above.
 Acceptance of infinite words: an omega automaton cannot have final
states, as infinite words never terminate. Rather, acceptance of the
word is decided by looking at the infinite sequence of visited states
during the run.
 Probabilistic acceptance: An automaton need not strictly accept or
reject an input. It may accept the input with some probability between
zero and one. For example, quantum finite automaton, geometric
automaton and metric automaton has probabilistic acceptance.

Different combinations of the above variations produce many variety of


[edit]Automata theory
Automata theory is a subject matter which studies properties of various
types of automata. For example, following questions are studied about a
given type of automata.

 Which class of formal languages is recognizable by some type of

automata?(Recognizable languages)
 Is certain automata closed under union, intersection, or
complementation of formal languages?(Closure properties)
 How much is a type of automata expressive in terms of recognizing
class of formal languages? And, their relative expressive power?
(Language Hierarchy)

Automata theory also studies if there exist any effective algorithm or not

to solve problems similar to following list.

 Does an automaton accept any input word?(emptiness checking)

 Is it possible to transform a given non-deterministic automaton into
deterministic automaton without changing the recognizing language?
 For a given formal language, what is the smallest automaton that
recognize it?(Minimization).
[edit]Classes of automata
Following is an incomplete list of some types of automata.

Automata Recognizable language

Deterministic finite automata (DFA) regular languages

Nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) regular languages

Nondeterministic finite automata with ε transitions

regular languages
(FND-ε or ε-NFA)

Pushdown automata (PDA) context-free languages

Linear bounded automata (LBA)

recursively enumerable
Turing machines

Timed automata

Deterministic Büchi automata omega limit languages

Nondeterministic Büchi automata omega regular languages

Nondeterministic/Deterministic Rabin automata omega regular languages

Nondeterministic/Deterministic Streett automata omega regular languages

Nondeterministic/Deterministic parity automata omega regular languages

Nondeterministic/Deterministic Muller automata omega regular languages

[edit]Discrete, continuous, and hybrid automata

Normally automata theory describes the states of abstract machines but
there are analog automata or continuous automata or hybrid discrete-
continuous automata, using analog data, continuous time, or both.


Most implementations of automatons are used to make

a software recognize a certain language, common examples
are compilers and regular expression engines.

 John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.
Ullman (2000). Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and
Computation (2nd Edition). Pearson Education. ISBN 0-201-44124-
 Michael Sipser (1997). Introduction to the Theory of Computation.
PWS Publishing. ISBN 0-534-94728-X. Part One: Automata and
Languages, chapters 1–2, pp.29–122. Section 4.1: Decidable
Languages, pp.152–159. Section 5.1: Undecidable Problems from
Language Theory, pp.172–183.
 James P. Schmeiser, David T. Barnard (1995). Producing a top-
down parse order with bottom-up parsing. Elsevier North-Holland.
[edit]External links

 Visual Automata Simulator, A tool for simulating, visualizing and

transforming finite state automata and Turing Machines, by Jean
 dk.brics.automaton
 libfa
 Proyecto SEPa (in Spanish)
 Exorciser (in German)
 Automata Made it on Java, with the Sources so you can see
v • d • e
Automata theory: formal lan
Chomsky hierarchy Grammars
Type-0 Unrestricted R
— (no common name)
Type-1 Context-sensitive
— Indexed
— Tree-adjoining etc. M
Type-2 Context-free
— Deterministic context-free De
— Visibly pushdown
Type-3 Regular
— —
Each category of languages is a proper subset of the category directly above it. - Any automaton and a

Categories: Automata theory

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