Automata: Theoretical Computer Science Abstract Machines
Automata: Theoretical Computer Science Abstract Machines
Automata: Theoretical Computer Science Abstract Machines
As suggested in the figure, automaton consists of states (circles). An automaton takes a symbol as input
and "jumps" or transitions, from one state to another according to a transition function (arrows and input
symbols as their labels). This transition function tells the automaton which state to go to next given
a current state and a current symbol.
Automata are similar to finite state machines (FSM). Automata theory is also closely related to formal
language theory as the automata are often classified by the class of formal languages they are able to
recognize. An automaton can be a finite representation of a formal language that may be an infinite set.
1 Automata
o 1.1 Informal description
o 1.2 Formal definition
3 Automata theory
4 Classes of automata
hybrid automata
5 Applications
6 References
7 External links
Following is an introductory definition of one type of automata, which attempts to help one grasp the
essential concepts involved in automata theory.
[edit]Informal description
An automaton is supposed to run on some given sequence or string of inputs in discrete time steps. At
each time step, an automaton gets one input that is picked up from a set ofsymbols or letters, which is
called an alphabet. At any time, the symbols so far fed to the automaton as input form a finite sequence of
symbols, which is called a word. An automaton contains a finite set of states. At each instance in time of
some run, automaton is in one of its states. At each time step when the automaton reads a symbol,
it jumps or transits to next state depending on its current state and on the symbol currently read. This
function in terms of the current state and input symbol is called transition function. The
automaton reads the input word one symbol after another in the sequence and transits from state to state
according to the transition function, until the word is read completely. Once the input word has been read,
the automaton is said to have been stopped and the state at which automaton has stopped is called final
state. Depending on the final state, it's said that the automaton eitheraccepts or rejects an input word.
There is a subset of states of the automaton, which is defined as the set of accepting states. If the final
state is an accepting state, then the automatonaccepts the word. Otherwise, the word is rejected. The set
of all the words accepted by an automaton is called the language recognized by the automaton.
[edit]Formal definition
An automaton is represented formally by the 5-tuple ⟨Q,Σ,δ,q0,F⟩, where:
[edit]Automata theory
Automata theory is a subject matter which studies properties of various
types of automata. For example, following questions are studied about a
given type of automata.
recursively enumerable
Turing machines
Timed automata
John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffrey D.
Ullman (2000). Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and
Computation (2nd Edition). Pearson Education. ISBN 0-201-44124-
Michael Sipser (1997). Introduction to the Theory of Computation.
PWS Publishing. ISBN 0-534-94728-X. Part One: Automata and
Languages, chapters 1–2, pp.29–122. Section 4.1: Decidable
Languages, pp.152–159. Section 5.1: Undecidable Problems from
Language Theory, pp.172–183.
James P. Schmeiser, David T. Barnard (1995). Producing a top-
down parse order with bottom-up parsing. Elsevier North-Holland.
[edit]External links
Categories: Automata theory