5.1 Prerequisites
Payer/Buyer Receiver(Merchant)
Banking/ Not Needed. Required at the Required for operating on AEPS MicroATM device.
Business Merchant’s side Usually, merchant is the BC
Bank Account Money will be transferred from this Money is transferred to Merchant’s Bank Account
Payer’s account
Payer/Buyer Receiver(Merchant)
Aadhaar number Aadhaar No to be mapped to Bank Merchant’s Bank Account is to be mandatorily linked
account for authentication to his Aadhaar Number
registered with Bank
Internet Not Needed Optional. Can happen via PSTN or Mobile GSM
(SIM) also
Mobile number Optional. If he wants to receive Not mandatory, but needed to get the receipts/ SMS
alerts and confirmations for the
registered with Bank
transactions, he will also then need a
mobile phone
AEPS ATM/ Not Needed Needed to initiate payments using Aadhaar no,
fingerprint scanner
Micro ATMs
5.2 Steps Involved
5.2.1 For Transactions
Step I: Go to Micro-ATM
Step III: Enter Pin Number
Step VI: Scan your finger print
Collect Receipt
5.3 Frequently Asked Questions on AEPS
Q) What is AEPS?
AEPS is a new payment service offered by the National Payments Corporation of India to banks, financial institutions using ‘Aadhaar’.
AEPS stands for ‘Aadhaar Enabled Payment System’.
Q) What is Aadhaar?
Aadhaar is a unique identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to any resident of India.
Q) Does the customer needs to have a bank account for availing AEPS?
Yes, the customer needs to have a bank account for availing AEPS.
Q) What are the transactions supported by AEPS?
Four types of transactions are supported by AEPS.
Balance Enquiry
Cash Withdrawal
Cash Deposit
Fund Transfer
Q) What is an IIN?
IIN is a six digit number which identifies your Bank with which you have mapped your Aadhaar number.
Q) Can a customer link more than one account to the same Aadhaar Number?
Yes. The customer can link the same Aadhaar number to more than one account subject to bank offering that feasibility. However, only
one account per customer in the bank will be the primary Aadhaar linked bank account into which all respective AEPS transactions
will be effected.
Q) How are the Customer’s IIN & Aadhaar Number added in the respective fields on the MicroATM terminal?
At the MicroATM Terminal, the customer has two options. He can either manually input the required information in the respective
fields or he can swipe a RuPay ATM & MicroATM card with Aadhaar number that would extract the relevant data from card and
present for further transaction processing.
Q) What is POS?
A Point of Sale-PoS device is used to facilitate customers to make Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal, Fund Transfer and Balance
Enquiry. The POS device may be a MicroATM.
Q) How is the settlement affected?
The settlement is affected by NPCI’s Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS). As a joining procedure, the participating banks need to
submit a mandate for crediting and debiting their RTGS accounts with the RBI in favour of NPCI. On the basis of this mandate NCPI
would affect the settlement by debiting/ crediting respective bank’s Current Account/s with such sums as may be specified by the
NPCI in its settlement instructions. The draft for all the documents will be provided by the AEPS NPCI team when a bank envisages
interest in joining the network.