Ats 2500
Ats 2500
Ats 2500
GENERAL - VHF, UHF ATS2500 Model I ATS2500 Model II Model Non-Keypad Keypad Non-Keypad Keypad
*Frequency: 136 - 174 / 330 - 400 / 403 - 470 / 450-527 / 800 GENERAL
Power Supply: Provided through rechargeable battery - 7.5V Maximum Number of Modes 16 160 16 250
H x W x D (Radio footprint height excluding knobs)
With Standard High Capacity NiMH Battery: 137 mm x 57.5 mm x 37.5 mm Maximum Number of Systems 16 20 16 20
With Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery: 137 mm x 57.5 mm x 40.0 mm Max Number of Talkgroups / Personality 15 15 15 15
With NiCD Battery: 137 mm x 57.5 mm x 40.0 mm Max Number of Personality 16 50 16 50
With LiIon Battery: 137 mm x 57.5 mm x 33.0 mm
Channel/Zone Selection via Menu - ✓ - ✓
Professional Radio
With Standard High Capacity NiMH Battery: 420 gm 428 gm Caller ID- Text Alias N/A ✓ N/A ✓
With Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery: 508 gm 508 gm Low Battery Indication ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With NiCD Battery: 450 gm 458 gm Out of Range Indicator ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With LiIon Battery: 350 gm 358 gm
Microphone Automatic Gain Control (TX) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
AVERAGE BATTERY LIFE @ 5/5/90 CYCLE Low Power High Power
With Standard High Capacity NiMH Battery: 11 hours 8 hours Time-Out-Timer Programmable via RSS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery: 14 hours 11hours Vaiable F Power Level ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
With NiCD Battery: 12 hours 9 hours
With LiIon Battery: 11 hours 8 hours
Sealing: Withstands rain testing per MIL STD 810 C/D/E and IP54
Group Call/Announcement Call ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Shock and Vibration: Protection provided via impact resistant housing exceeding MIL STD 810-C/D/E and TIA/EIA 603
Pivate Call/Call Alert/Telephone Encode ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Dust and Humidity: Protection provided via environment resistant housing exceeding MIL STD 810 C/D E and TIA/EIA603
Pivate Call/Call Alert/Telephone Decode ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
One-Touch Button ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Trunking Scan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Selective Radio Inhibit ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Emergency ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
Remote Monitor ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
TRANSMITTER SPECIFICATION All Specs Measured to TIA/EIA-603 RECEIVER SPECIFICATION All Specs Measured to TIA/EIA-603 Dynamic Regroup ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
VHF 330-400 MHz UHF 800 MHz VHF 330-400 MHz UHF 800 MHz Reprogram Request ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
*Frequency (MHz) 136-174 MHz 330-400 Mhz 403-470 MHz 806 - 825 MHz *Frequency 136-174 MHz 330-400 MHz 403-470 MHz 851-870 MHz Status/Message (encode only) ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓
450-527 MHz 450-527 MHz AMSS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Power 1 - 5W 1 - 4W 1 - 4W 1 - 2.5W Power 1 - 5W 1 - 4W 1 - 4W 1 - 2.5W
SMARTZONE (RSSI Site/32 element cc etc) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Frequency Separation Full bandsplit Full bandsplit Frequency Separation Full bandsplit Full bandsplit
Voice on Control ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓
Channel Spacing 12.5/20/25 kHz 25 kHz Sensitivity (12dB SINAD) 0.25 µV 0.25 µV
OMNILINK Capable ✗ ✗ Optional** Optional**
Frequency Stability: ±2.5 ppm ±2.5 ppm Intermodulation -70 dB -65 dB
(-30oC to 60oC, +25oC Ref.) Adjacent Channel Selectivity -60 dB @ 12.5 kHz -70 dB
Modulation Limiting ±2.5 kHz @ 12.5 kHz ±5 kHz @ 25 kHz -70 dB @ 20/25 kHz CONVENTIONAL SIGNALING
±4 kHz @ 20 kHz Spurious Rejection -70 dB -70 dB PL/DPL/CSQ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
±5 kHz @ 25 kHz Rated Audio 0.5 W 0.5 W Monitor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
FM Hum & Noise <-34 dB @ 12.5 kHz -40 dB
Audio Distortion @ Rated Audio 3% typical 3% typical Conventional Scan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
<-38 dB @ 20 kHz
<-40 dB @ 25 kHz Hum and Noise <-34 dB @ 12.5 kHz -37 dB MDC -1200 ✗ ✗ Optional** Optional**
<-38 dB @ 20 kHz
Conducted/Radiated Emission -66 dBw < 1GHz -66 dBw < 1GHz Voting Scan N/A N/A Optional** Optional**
<-40 dB @ 25 kHz
-60 dBw > 1GHz -60 dBw > 1GHz
Conducted Spurious Emission -57dBm < 1 GHz -57dBm < 1GHz
Adjacent Channel Power -60 dBc @ 12.5 kHz -60 dBc
-47dBm > 1 GHz -47dBm > 1GHz
-70 dBc @ 20/25 kHz
Audio Response +1 to -3 dB +1 to -3 dB
(from 6 dB/oct. pre-emphasis ** Optional feature must be ordered upfront with radio.
All Rx Hum & Noise numbers assume low level expander is used.
300-3000 Hz)
Data for +25°C unless otherwise specified.
Audio Distortion 3% 3% *Availability subject to country law and regulations / Specifications subject to change
without notice.
All specifications shown are typical. Radios meet applicable regulatory requirements.
Trunked System Radio Series
Portable Military Standards 810 C, D, & E
810C 810D / E For more information, please contact:
Applicable MIL-STD Methods Procedures Methods Procedures
Low Pressure 500.1 1 500.2 1
High Temp 501.1 1, 2 501.2 1, 2
Low Temp 502.1 1 502.2 1, 2
Visit us at
ATS2500 keypad
From daily operations of policing, fighting oil spills, fire, or just any life threatening identifying the unit in trouble, even before a chan-
nel is assigned. Emergcency calls can be directed
situations, you can rely on Motorola Professional Radio Series – ATS2500 to meet
to specific talkgroups, dispatcher, or announcment
your communication needs. groups, according to users’ need.
b. Dynamic Regrouping
Enables different talkgroups to be brought together
Both the ATS2500 non-keypad and ATS2500 keypad are designed for use in the
to communicate during an emergency. It permits
SMARTNET/SmartZone trunking systems. Each of the models comes with either the dispatcher to change the radio talkgroup as-
signments of individual radios without having to
Privacy Plus Roaming or SmartZone software packages; offering a wide range of
return the radio to the workshop for reprogram-
capability for SmartZone Shared Mobile Radio users to public safety users to
c. Omnilink (optional)
accomplish their unique tasks.
This feature allows the user nation wide roaming
capabilities among all the SmartZone networks.
The ATS2500 radio also allows users the flexibility to roam freely from site to site in
d. Advanced Conventional (optional)
The ATS2500 SmartZone Radio supports a range
the wide area infrastructure systems based on the signal strength. The radio will
of enhanced signaling capabilities such as PL,
automatically send its talkgroup affiliation and radio ID whenever it changes sites.
CTCSS to suite users with complex communica-
tion needs.
e. Remote Monitor
Dispatcher has control to monitor the radio user
Common Key Features for ATS2500 non-keypad and ATS2500 Talkgroup/Priority Scan
activity especially when it suspected that the radio
keypad model The ATS2500 radio provides effortless scanning ability to user may be in danger.
monitor conversations on other talkgroups without hav-
Audio Technology
ing to change systems or talkgroups. It supports dual
As with any radio, sound quality is critical for effective ATS2500 Common Accessories
mode scanning, priority level and nuisance channel de-
communications. Motorola’s ATS2500 Trunked system Enhanced your radios capabilities
lete scanning.
radio series can be heard in almost any environment be- A comprehensive range of accessories is also available
cause of LLE and noise cancelling microphone. so that Motorola professional ATS2500 Trunked Radio
Dual modes
Series can be customised to suit your unique applications.
The ATS2500 radio operates on both trunking and con-
Intrinsically Safe Standards Adding the proper headsets, microphones, batteries,
ventional modes providing maximum systems flexibility.
The radio complies with Factory Mutual (FM) Intrinsically chargers or carry case can enhance the productivity of
Safe Standards in order to meet the needs of petrol chemi- the two-way radio users.
Lithium Ion battery option
cal, oil refinery, hazardous material users and those who
Motorola ATS2500 trunked radio series offers a Lithium
operate in dangerous environment such as emergency Motorola accessories are built with the highest quality
Ion battery option which provides higher capacity at a
Two-Year Warranty
services and public safety. standards and are specially engineered to ensure maxi-
lighter weight; allowing users to communicate for a longer
mum performance for your radio, no matter what profes- Each Motorola radio is backed by a two-year warranty on
period of time.
Wideband and Programmable Channel Spacing (12.5/20/25 kHz) sion you’re in. radio parts and labour and a one-year warranty on the
The wideband technology and programmable channel battery, charger, antenna and belt clip.
ATS2500 also supports various multiple call types such as:
spacing of 12.5/20/25 kHz offer flexibility & easy migra-
» Private Call Key Accessories:
tion of channel spacing requirement in any situation. » Call Alert
» Telephone Interconnect
Motorola: Reliability & Quality
Failsoft Operation
» Group call
In the event of a trunked system or central controller fail- » Announcement call
ure, radio conversation is still possible in failsoft mode.
Upon indication of the central controller failure, the radio Accelerated Life Testing
ATS2500 SmartZone Enhanced Features Stringent Motorola’s Accelerated Life Testing simulating
will automatically revert to a preassigned voice channel five years of hard use in real life, EIA RS-316B in Shock,
Committed to satisfying the trunking communication
Transformer Antenna Rapid-rate Desktop
and operate in a non-trunked repeater mode. Vibration, Dust, Humidity, IP54 for Sealing.
needs, the ATS2500 SmartZone package offers the public Charger
safety features below MIL-STD 810C, D and E
Selective Radio Inhibit Stamp of approval from the U.S. Military for use in rough
a. Emergency Alarm/Call
In situations when the radios have been are stolen or are environments.
During emergency operation, the ATS2500
missing, selective radio inhibit allows the dispatcher to
SmartZone radio is assigned the highest priority n g & De ISO 9001 Standard
ct s
remotely disable the radios for greater privacy.
Compliance with ISO 9001 Standard - an international
for access on trunking system. In life threatening
M a nu
u a l it y
quality system assurance on design, development,
situations, access to communication is critical, an
production, installation and servicing of a product.
• Me
Battery & Belt Clip Remote Speaker
emergency alarm will be sent to the dispatcher
MOTOROLA 2 26/7/01, 1:22 PM