Assignment MAA Term-1
Assignment MAA Term-1
Assignment MAA Term-1
Folio Nature of
S.NO. Date Particular Number Account Debit Credit
Purchase Goods A/C
1 01.03.2018 Dr 1 Real 25000
to Cash a/c 25000
Being goods purchase on cash
Cash a/c
2 02.03.2018 Dr 2 Real 50000
to Sales A/C 50000
Being goods sold for cash
Purchase A/C
3 03.03.2018 Dr 3 Personal 19000
to Gopal A/c 19000
being goods purchase from Gopal
Milton A/C
4 05.03.2018 Dr 4 Personal 8000
to Sales A/c 8000
being goods sold to Milton
5 07.03.2018 Cash A/c Dr 5 Real 6000
to Milton A/C 6000
being received cash from Milton
Gopal A/c
6 09.03.2018 Dr 6 Personal 5000
to Cash A/C 5000
being cash paid to Gopal
Furniture A/C
7 20.03.2018 Dr 7 Real 7000
to Cash A/C 7000
being purchase furniture from cash
Ledger Accounts
Purchase Goods A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars JF No Amount
01.03.2018 To Cash A/c 25000
03.03.2018 By Gopal A/C 19000
Cash A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars JF No Amount
01.03.2018 By Purchase good 25000
02.03.2018 to Sales A/C 50000
07.03.2018 By Milton 6000
09.03.2018 by Gopal A/c 5000
20.03.2018 to Furniture A/C 7000
31.03.2018 By Balance c/d 21000
Sales A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars JF No Amount
02.03.2018 By Cash A/C 50000
05.03.2018 To Milton 8000
31.03.2018 to Balance b/d 42000
Gopal A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars JF No Amount
03.03.2018 To Purchase A/c 19000
Milton A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars JF No Amount
05.03.2018 by Sales A/C 8000
07.03.2018 To Cash A/c 6000
31.03.2018 to balance b/d 2000
01.04.2018 By Balance c/d 2000
Furniture A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars JF No Amount
20.03.2018 by purchase A/c 7000
31.03.2018 to balance b/d 7000
01.04.2018 by Balance c/d 7000
Ledger Nature
Folio of
S.NO. Date Particular Number Account Debit Credit
1 01.08.2018 Plant & Machinery A/C dr Real 250000
to capital A/C 250000
being started business
with Plant & machinery
Stock A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
01.08.2018 to Capital A/C 90000
31.08.2018 by Balance c/d 90000
01.09.2018 to Balance b/d 90000
Furniture A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
01.08.2018 to Capital A/C 7000
31.08.2018 by Balance c/d 7000
01.09.2018 to balance b/d 7000
Cash A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
01.08.2018 to Capital a/C 50000 04.08.2018 by sunder 125000
10.08.2018 by natarajan 28000
31.08.2018 by rent 5000
31.08.2018 by salary 9000
50000 167000
31.08.2018 to balance 117000
01.09.2018 by balance 117000
Capital A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
01.08.2018 By Plant & Machinery 250000
01.08.2018 By Stocks 90000
01.08.2018 By Furniture 7000
01.08.2018 By Cash A/C 50000
31.08.2018 to Balance b/d 397000 397000
01.09.2018 By Balance c/d 397000
Sundar A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
02.08.2018 to sales A/c 150000
04.08.2018 to cash A/c 125000
31.08.2018 By Balance c/d 275000
01.09.2018 to balance 275000
Sales A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
02.08.2018 by sunder 150000
31.08.2018 to balance 150000
01.09.2018 by balance 150000
Purchase A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
01.08.2018 to Sundry Creditors 150000 06.08.2018 by natarajan 2000
03.08.2018 to Natarajan 65000 213000
31.08.2018 by balance 213000
01.09.2018 to balance 213000
Natarajan A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
06.08.2018 to Purchase A/c 2000 03.08.2018 by purchase a/c 65000
10.08.2018 to cash A/C 28000
Rent A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
31.08.2018 to cash A/c 5000
31.08.2018 by balance 5000
01.09.2018 to balance 5000
Salary A/C
Debit Credit
Date Particular JFNO Amount Date Particulars No Amount
31.08.2018 to Cash A/C 9000
31.08.2018 by balance 9000
01.09.2018 to balance 9000
S.No. Ledger Account Debit Credit
1 Plant & Machinery 250000
2 Stock 90000
3 Furniture A/C 7000
4 Cash A/C 117000
5 Sundry Creditors 150000
6 Capital 397000
7 Sundar 275000
8 Sales A/C 150000
9 Purchase 213000
10 Natarajan 35000
11 Rent 5000
12 Salary 9000
Total 849000 849000
Problem 3 (5 marks)
Prepare accounting equation and balance sheet on the basis of the following:
Solution -3
(Figures in rupees)
Transaction Assets
Stock = Liabilities Capital Total
No. Cash of Rent Furniture Total
i. Pandiyan started business with cash Rs.60,000
-10000 10000 0 = 0
-2000 2000 0 = 0
Liabilities =
Total Capital =
60000(Capital) +
5000 (Profit)
Assets (95000) =
(30000) + Capital
Balance Sheet
S.No. Particular Amount Type
Revenue Revenue
Expense Expense
Capital Expense (CE) (RE) (DRE) Reason
Revenue Expense as sales meeting
was successful and would benefit for
1 Travelling Expense 60000 RE 60000 the current year.
It is including the fixed asset cost i.e.
2 Machine Installation Cost 500 CE 500 capital expense.
It is deferred revenue as R&D
revenues are deferred more than
3 R&D 600000 DRE 600000 one year.
It is an operational cost therefore
4 Fuel 500 RE 500 categorized as revenue expense.
It is a revenue whose benefit will be
deferred in future years also, as
alteration done to reduce power
5 Machine Alteration 600 DRE 600 consumption
Total 500 60500 600600