Ms. Sangeetha S Anvekar D/o Sri Sathyanarayana D.T. is admitted to 1st year MBA during the
academic year 2018-19 under PGCET quota. The total approximate fees expenditure for the years of study are
as mentioned below:
No. Particulars 1st Year 2nd Year
1 Tuition Fee 40,000.00 40,000.00
2 University Registration Fee 3,500.00 --
3 Admission and other Fees 8,270.00 6,510.00
4 Examination Fee 3,190.00 3,190.00
5 Project and Documents Recovery -- 12,370.00
Total : 1,17,030=00 (Total Rs. One Lakh Seventeen Thousand Thirty only)
Note:- 1) The loan has to paid by the bank to the student only.
2) Cheques/ D.Ds drawn in favor of the Principal are not acceptable and the office cannot take
Responsibility of disbursing the same.
Assistant Registrar