Project Report PDF
Project Report PDF
Project Report PDF
This is to certify that the project entitled “IDENTIFICATION OF LEAF DISEASES USING
IMAGE PROCESSING” submitted by
Is record of bonafide work carried out by them under my guidance, in partial fulfillment of
Project phase 1 of Final Year Engineering ( Electronics & Telecommunication) of Savitribai
Phule Pune University.
Place: Dr. D.Y.P.I.T., Pimpri, Pune-18
We express our sincere thanks to our Project Guide Prof. Smita Desai for her encouragement and
support throughout our project, especially for the useful suggestions given during the course of
project and having laid down the foundation for the success of this work.
We would also like to thank our Project Coordinator Prof. Nilakshee Bagdure for her assistance,
genuine support and guidance from early stages of the project. We also thank Principal Dr. S.N.
Mali & Dr. S.R. Jog, Head of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering for their unwavering support during the entire course of this project work. We also
thank all the staff members of our department and technicians for their help in making our project
report work successful.
I also wish to convey our gratitude to our friends for their constant encouragement and help
without which this project would not be possible.
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………… i
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………………….. ii
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………….......…………. iii
Producing agricultural products are difficult task as the plant comes to an attack from various
micro-organisms, pests and bacterial diseases. Image processing techniques can be used in
performing early detection of plant diseases through leaf features inspection. Leaf image is
captured and then processed to determine the status of plant. Proposed frame work model into
four parts. Image pre-processing including RGB to different color space conversion. Image
enhancement, segment the region of interest using K-mean clustering for statistical usage to
determine the defect and severity areas of plant leaves, feature extractionand classification.
Texture feature extraction is done using GLCM (gray-level co-occurrence matrix) and colour
features by means of mean values. Finally classification can be achieved using SVM (support
vector machine. This will ensure that chemicals only applied when plant leaves are detected to be
effected with the disease.
List of Figures
One of the important sectors of Indian Economy is Agriculture. Employment to almost 50% of
the countries workforce is provided by Indian agriculture sector. India is known to be the world's
largest producer of pulses, rice, wheat, spices and spice products. Farmer's economic growth
depends on the quality of the products that they produce, which relies on the plant's growth and
the yield they get. Therefore, in field of agriculture, detection of disease in plants plays an
instrumental role. Plants are highly prone to diseases that affect the growth of the plant which in
turn affects the ecology of the farmer. In order to detect a plant disease at very initial stage, use of
automatic disease detection technique is advantageous. The symptoms of plant diseases are
conspicuous in different parts of a plant such as leaves, etc. Manual detection of plant disease
using leaf images is a tedious job. Hence, it is required to develop computational methods which
will make the process of disease detection and classification using leaf images automatic..
1.2 Introduction
Agriculture is not only to feed ever growing population but it’s also important source of energy.
Plant diseases affect both quality and quantity of crops in agriculture production. Plant disease
diagnosis is very essential in earlier stage in order to prevent and control them. The naked eye
observation of experts is the main approach adopted in for detection and identification of plant
diseases. But the naked eye observation is time consuming, expensive and take lots of efforts.
To remove drawbacks in existing system many system have been proposed to overcome those
drawbacks by using different techniques. In the next section this paper tries to present those
proposed systems in meaningful way. The management of crops required close inspection
especially for management of disease infected crop that can affect the quality and quantity of
crop. Image processing is an best technique for agricultural application. Image processing can
detect an pest’s attack from the image of plant. The detection and classification of plant diseases
are important task to increase plant productivity.
There are various techniques emerged to detect the plant disease such as thresholding, region
growing, clustering, Edge based detection etc. To detect plant disease the image should go
through some process like pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification
processes. The pre-processing is an improvement process of image data to suppresses unwanted
distortion or enhances some image features important for further processing.
The segmentation process is to partition an image into meaningful regions and it is vital process
through which image features are extracted. There are various features of an image such as grey
level, color, texture, shape, depth, motion, etc. Classification process is used to classify the given
input data into number of classes and groups. It classifies the data based upon selected features.
In [3], novel algorithm for detecting bacterial leaf scorch of shade trees using image
processing concepts is proposed. The method of this paper uses a novel approach to detect
the infected areas of the plant by segmenting the plant leaves by clustering. K-means
clustering was performed for different cluster centres to obtain different cluster groups
of the region of interest (ROI).
threshold value, the green pixels are masked and removed, which is further followed by
segmentation process, and for getting useful segments the texture statistics are computed. At
last, classifier is used for the features that are extracted to classify the disease. The proposed
algorithm shows its efficiency with an accuracy of 94% in successful detection and
classification of the examined diseases. The robustness of the proposed algorithm is proved by
using experimental results of about 500 plant leaves in a database.
simple and robust method for the color prediction of paddy crop plant has been discussed
along with the mathematical modelling which may provide a great platform to the advisory
bodies in the agriculture field for the atomization of the crop health problems and solutions.
As shown in below block diagram laptop is been used to process matlab into which leaf disease
detection algorithm is implemented, leaf disease algorithm detects diseases and passes command
to GSM via pl2303 usb to serial converter . thisAT commands allow GSM to send message to
particular user in which disease name and solution is main content
The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in below fig The step by step proposed
approach consists of leaf and fruit image database collection, pre-processing of those images,
segmentation of those images using k-means clustering method, feature extraction using texture
information method and finally the training of system using cross correlation algorithm.
GSM Module:
The SIM900A is a readily available GSM/GPRS module, used in many mobile phones and
PDA. The module can also be used for developing IOT (Internet of Things) and Embedded
Applications. SIM900A is a dual-band GSM/GPRS engine that works on frequencies EGSM
900MHz and DCS 1800MHz. SIM900A features GPRS multi-slot class 10/ class 8 (optional) and
supports the GPRS coding schemes CS-1, CS-2, CS-3 and CS-4.
Web Camera
4.1 Algorithm:
Step 1 : Start.
Step 9: compare heck for threshold value and take the decision if input image of leaf is healthy
or diseased.
Step 11 : Stop.
4.2 Flowchart
Figure 6: Flowchart
6) Network LED
The Network LED indicates the various status of GSM module e.g. Power on,
Network registration & GPRS connectivity. When the modem is powered up, the status LED
will blink every second. After the Modem registers in the network (takes between 10-60 seconds),
LED will blink in step of 3 seconds. At this stage you can start using Modem for your application.
7) Baud rate
The Baud rate supported by the modem 1s between 9600 and 115200. Make sure the
host system is set to the supported baud rate.
The modem automatically sets to the baud rate of the first command sent by the host
system after it is powered up. User must first send "A" to synchronize the baud rate. It is
recommended to wait 2 to 3 seconds before sending "AT" character. After receiving the
OK" response, Your Device and GSM Modem are correctly synchronized. So there is no
need for setting the baud rate using commands. Before You Start using the modem, please make
sure that the SIM card you inserted support the needed features and there is enough
balance in SIM.
In this chapter we study about the whole project hardware and then after we check the hardware
by using the multimeter. If there is an error in the hardware then by using the continuity tester we
check the track connection path of hardware. Sometimes there are many erors are occurs we have
tested them by following way:
• Firstly check the connection of circuit diagram as per the connection on proteus software.
• Second by using the ARES we make a layout of circuit diagram and check the tracing path
of circuit with respect to ground
• Third we add software program in our simulation circuits and check out the interlacing of
hardware and software.
• Then debugging the program step by step and get desire output voltage at the pin of GSM.
• Then check out all solder connection. Check whether there is short connection or not.
Also check the supply voltage of each stage in running mode.
As discussed in the introduction, solution is composed of four phases.In this, input image is
selected from dataset folder as shown in Figure 2. Color transformation structure is created. Then
color based segmentation is applied to get the infected region of interest. The choice of selection
of number of clusters is user dependent. This is the region of interest for further processing.
Infected cluster is selected. Green pixels are masked based on threshold value set. Also Pixels on
the boundaries are also removed as they both do not contribute to disease identification process.
• Agricultural
Image information can play a crucial role in the diagnosis of different diseases in the
agricultural domain where the understanding of image symptoms is often essential to
problem solving. Vegetable crops suffer from many leaf batches. Leaf batches differ in
color, shape and size according to the cause. Leaf batches happen as a result of plant
pathogens (Fungi, Bacteria and viruses), insect feeding (sucking insect pastes), and plant
nutrition (lack of microelements). The importance of the fungal diseases came from its
great distribution, short life cycle and propagation. In agricultural mass production, it is
needed to discover the beginning of plant diseases batches early to be ready for
appropriate timing control to reduce the damage production costs and increase the income.
Plant leaves are considered first station for the rest and germination of bacterial, fungal
capsules due to suitable macro environment.
Identification of the correct medicinal plants that goes in to the preparation of a medicine
is very important in ayurvedic medicinal industry. The main features required to identify a
medicinal plant is its leaf shape, colour and texture. Colour and texture from both sides of
the leaf contain deterministic parameters to identify the species.
A database of medicinal plant leaves is created from scanned images of front and back
side of leaves of commonly used ayurvedic medicinal plants. The leaves are classified
based on the unique feature combination. Identification rates up to 99% have been
obtained when tested over a wide spectrum of classifiers. The above work has been
extended to include identification by dry leaves and a combination of feature vectors is
obtained, using which, identification rates exceeding 94% have been achieved.
• Biological research.
Images form important data and information in biological sciences. Until recently
photography was the only method to reproduce and report such data. It is difficult to
quantify or treat the photographic data mathematically. Digital image processing and
image analysis technology based on the advances in microelectronics and computers
circumvent these problems associated with traditional photography. This new tool helps to
improve the images from microscopic to telescopic range and also offers a scope for their
analysis. It, therefore, has many applications in biology (Sainis, et al., 1994). However, as
is the case with any new technology, imaging technology also has to be optimised for each
application, since what each user is looking for in an image is quite unique. Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre (BARC) is a multidisciplinary research institute with advanced
research programmes in many fields of science and technology including electronics and
computer sciences on one-hand and biology and agriculture on the other. BARC is,
therefore, an ideal place for developing the uses of image processing technology in many
scientific disciplines including biology and agriculture.
8.1 Conclusion:
The detection of plant disease is one of the important tasks. A plant disease reduces the
production of agriculture. Every year the loss due to various diseases is challenging part in
Agriculture production. Although work is carried out till time on detection of diseases but proper
segmentation of affected part based on type of plant family is still an open problem as a research
Using different technologies and method we can make faster efficient application.
In order to increase the future scope of the disease detection large datasets of different disease
should be used.
In the future, the proposed methodology can be integrated with other yet to be developed,
methods for disease identification and classification using color and texture analysis to develop an
expert system for early soya plant foliar disease warning and administration, where the disease
type can be identified by color and texture analysis and the severity level estimation by our
proposed method since it is disease independent. The performance of the system can be improved
in the future by using advanced background separation methods to separate the leaf object from a
complex background. More infections like downy mildew (DM) and sudden death syndrome
(SDS) can also be classified along with the BB, FE, BS, and SR by using the proposed ST-NDCT
based cataloguing algorithm, but due to non-availability of suitable and sufficient training and test
data at present it has not been incorporated into the present work. The similar methodology can be
applied to other plant foliar infections and early warning systems for - 165 - rice, cotton-crops,
fruits, vegetables and beans, etc. The use of other cataloguing methods can be exploited to
improve the accuracy of the system in future.
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