Desco Bill
Desco Bill
Desco Bill
Step 1. Select “Bill Payment” from Step 2. Select “Prepaid Bills” Step 3. Select “DESCO Smart”. Provide Step 4. Enter Pin to Confirm Step 5. Customer will receive
GPAY Meter Information and Amount then Transaction Payment confirmation SMS
Enter Meter no & amount and Enter
Submit to proceed
How to Pay DESCO Bill through GPAY USSD ?
Find nearest GPAY Agent will dial Select Option Select Option Select Option
designated Agent *777# 1. Cash-In 1. Pay with details 1. Electricity
Shop and request to From his Agent 2. Cash Out 2. Quick Pay 2. Gas
recharge your Pre Paid Number and follow 3. BillPay 3. Company Association 3. Water
Meter 4. Customer Reg. 4. Check Bill Status 4. Internet
following steps
5. Balance Transfer 5. Last 3 Prepaid Token
6. My Wallet
7. Recharge
Step-1 Step-2 Step-3 Step-4 Step-5
Select Option Select Option Enter Meter No: Enter Amount: Enter Customers
1. PDB 1. Post Paid Mobile Number
2. DPDC 2. Smart Prepaid (MSISDN)