Term Paper in Social Media Marketing
Term Paper in Social Media Marketing
Term Paper in Social Media Marketing
Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide
radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter is a social site
designed to let people share short messages or “updates” with others.
Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site that allows for
sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities. As
millions and millions of people, users, and clients around the world uses
Facebook daily. Connecting and communicating with others while seeing
the advertisements and so-called promos from a business organization.
The meaning of the term ‘social media’ can be derived from two
words which constitute it. Media generally refers to advertising and the
communication of ideas or information through publications/channels.
Social implies the interaction of individuals within a group or community.
Taken together, social media simply refers to communication/publication
platforms which are generated and sustained by the interpersonal
interaction of individuals through the specific medium or tool. Wikipedia
has a general definition of the term: Social Media is the democratization of
information, transforming people from content readers into content
publishers. It is the shift from a broadcast mechanism to a many-to-many
model, rooted in conversations between authors, people, and peers.
Social media uses the “wisdom of crowds” to connect information in
a collaborative manner. Social media can take many different forms,
including Internet forums, message boards, weblogs, wikis, podcasts,
pictures, and video.
Thus the benefits of social media include: brand reach and awareness,
consumer interactions through transactions, referrals and reputation
BMW - Utilizing Facebook to promote their 1-Series Road Trip and they
have created a Rampenfest Page for fans.
Dunkin Donuts - They've found value in social media and have set up a
microblogging Twitter account.
86% of consumers will decide against buying from you if they read
negative reviews about you online. Thus, any negative reviews are likely
to adversely affect the business and in turn, this will cause a dip in
revenue. This just shows just how critical positive reviews are for a
business and it is clear reputational management is something businesses
need to take very seriously.
Passive approach:
However, Apple promptly issued a statement saying that the problem was
extremely rare and that the company had taken several steps to make the
mobile device's case stronger and robust. Unlike traditional market
research methods such as surveys, focus groups, and data mining which
are time-consuming and costly, and which take weeks or even months to
analyze, marketers can use social media to obtain 'live' or "real time"
information about consumer behavior and viewpoints on a company's
brand or products. This can be useful in the highly dynamic, competitive,
fast-paced and global marketplace of the 2010s.
Active approach:
Social media can be used not only as public relations and direct
marketing tools but also as communication channels targeting very
specific audiences with social media influencers and social media
personalities and as effective customer engagement tools. Technologies
predating social media, such as Broadcast TV and newspapers can also
provide advertisers with a fairly targeted audience, given that an ad placed
during a sports game broadcast or in the sports section of a newspaper is
likely to be read by sports fans.
However, social media websites can target niche markets even more
precisely. Using digital tools such as Google Ad-sense, advertisers can
target their ads to very specific demographics, such as people who are
interested in social entrepreneurship, political activism associated with a
particular political party, or video gaming. Google Ad-sense does this by
looking for keywords in social media user's online posts and comments. It
would be hard for a TV station or paper-based newspaper to provide ads
that are this targeted (though not impossible, as can be seen with "special
issue" sections on niche issues, which newspapers can use to sell
targeted ads).
Social networks are, in many cases, viewed as a great tool for avoiding
costly market research. They are known for providing a short, fast, and
direct way to reach an audience through a person who is widely known.
For example, an athlete who gets endorsed by a sporting goods company
also brings their support base of millions of people who are interested in
what they do or how they play and now they want to be a part of this
athlete through their endorsements with that particular company. At one
point consumers would visit stores to view their products with famous
athletes, but now you can view a famous athlete's, such as Cristiano
Ronaldo, latest apparel online with the click of a button. He advertises
them to you directly through his Twitter, Instagram, and FaceBook
Those are some mind boggling numbers, especially after the viewing
the depth of social media penetration across big companies. But what is
most striking from the two surveys is the fact that while nearly 70 percent
of Fortune 100 companies are virtually inactive. However, a similar
percentage of small businesses are buzzing with activity on social media.
Nonetheless statistics aside, it is high time, that businesses, irrespective
of their size have a social media plan that has 3 C’s in it, (1) a
Companywide engagement strategy that (2) ensures Conversations with
consumers, and (3) Causes user loyalty across social networks.
Social Media Marketing Strategies:
SMM is still in its infancy. Most of the online retailers though appreciate
its positives fallouts on the brand awareness and promotion; they are still
in the early stages of adoption. For an organization willing to invest in
social media marketing, it is important to understand why SMM is an
important marketing strategy and how it can help:
Social media gives businesses on small budgets the ability to find out
what people are saying about them (and others) in their industry, without
paying large sums on market research. With it’s ear to the ground on
social media, the company will be the first to know if its product is working
or if changes need to be made.
To successfully implement one’s SMM strategy the following points
must be kept in mind:
• The company shouldn’t expect results over night. SMM is a long term
strategy. It will not happen overnight. The results might become visible
anywhere from three to six months.
• SMM is not a standalone tool for marketing. It has to be used along with
all the other conventional marketing strategies.
There are many things that social media can do for business.
Developing a strategy for using it means that the firms need to think about
what they want to accomplish this year and determine how social media
fits into the plan. One of the benefits of a social media strategy is the fact
that the available tools can customized for their particular needs. The firms
can choose to concentrate their efforts on the sites that seem to offer the
best return on investment, while taking a “wait and see” stand on the