1) Dominador Jalosjos Jr. was convicted of robbery by final judgment and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment but was granted probation. Agapito Cardino filed a petition to cancel Jalosjos' certificate of candidacy for mayor, arguing the conviction made him ineligible.
2) The COMELEC cancelled Jalosjos' certificate, finding his probation was revoked so he had not served his sentence. On appeal, the Supreme Court upheld the decision, ruling Jalosjos' conviction carried a perpetual disqualification from public office under the RPC.
3) As Jalosjos had not served his sentence and was disqualified from office, his certificate was void from the start. Cardino was declared the right
1) Dominador Jalosjos Jr. was convicted of robbery by final judgment and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment but was granted probation. Agapito Cardino filed a petition to cancel Jalosjos' certificate of candidacy for mayor, arguing the conviction made him ineligible.
2) The COMELEC cancelled Jalosjos' certificate, finding his probation was revoked so he had not served his sentence. On appeal, the Supreme Court upheld the decision, ruling Jalosjos' conviction carried a perpetual disqualification from public office under the RPC.
3) As Jalosjos had not served his sentence and was disqualified from office, his certificate was void from the start. Cardino was declared the right
1) Dominador Jalosjos Jr. was convicted of robbery by final judgment and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment but was granted probation. Agapito Cardino filed a petition to cancel Jalosjos' certificate of candidacy for mayor, arguing the conviction made him ineligible.
2) The COMELEC cancelled Jalosjos' certificate, finding his probation was revoked so he had not served his sentence. On appeal, the Supreme Court upheld the decision, ruling Jalosjos' conviction carried a perpetual disqualification from public office under the RPC.
3) As Jalosjos had not served his sentence and was disqualified from office, his certificate was void from the start. Cardino was declared the right
1) Dominador Jalosjos Jr. was convicted of robbery by final judgment and sentenced to 4 years imprisonment but was granted probation. Agapito Cardino filed a petition to cancel Jalosjos' certificate of candidacy for mayor, arguing the conviction made him ineligible.
2) The COMELEC cancelled Jalosjos' certificate, finding his probation was revoked so he had not served his sentence. On appeal, the Supreme Court upheld the decision, ruling Jalosjos' conviction carried a perpetual disqualification from public office under the RPC.
3) As Jalosjos had not served his sentence and was disqualified from office, his certificate was void from the start. Cardino was declared the right
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G.R. No. 193237 October 9, 2012 b.
COMELEC First Division found that
DOMINADOR G. JALOSJOS, JR., Petitioner, vs. Jalosjos’ certificate of compliance of COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and AGAPITO J. probation was fraudulently issued; CARDINO, Respondents. thus, Jalosjos has not yet served his x-----------------------x sentence G.R. No. 193536 c. The penalty imposed on Jalosjos was AGAPITO J. CARDINO, Petitioner, vs. DOMINADOR G. the indeterminate sentence of one year, JALOSJOS, JR., and COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, eight months and twenty days of Respondents. prisión correccional as minimum, to four years, two months and one day of DOCTRINE: The disqualification of a convict to run for prisión mayor as maximum public office under the Revised Penal Code, as affirmed 7. COMELEC En Banc denied Jalosjos’ motion for by final judgment of a competent court, is part of the reconsideration enforcement and administration of "all laws" relating to a. With the proper revocation of Jalosjos’ the conduct of elections. Even without a petition under earlier probation and a clear showing either Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus Election that he has not yet served the terms of Code, or under Section 40 of the Local Government Code, his sentence, there is simply no basis the COMELEC is under a legal duty to cancel the for Jalosjos to claim that his civil as certificate of candidacy of anyone suffering from the well as political rights have been accessory penalty of perpetual special disqualification to violated run for public office by virtue of a final judgment of b. Having been convicted by final conviction. judgment, Jalosjos is disqualified to run for an elective position or to hold FACTS: public office 1. Both Jalosjos and Cardino were candidates for c. His proclamation as the elected mayor Mayor of Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte in in the May 10, 2010 election does not the May 2010 elections deprive the Commission of its authority a. Jalosjos was running for his third term to resolve the present petition to its 2. Cardino filed a petition under Section 78 of the finality, and to oust him from the office Omnibus Election Code to deny due course and he now wrongfully holds to cancel the certificate of candidacy of Jalosjos alleging that: ISSUE: WON JALOSJOS IS PERPETUALLY a. Jalosjos made a false material DISQUALIFIED IN RUNNING FOR A PUBLIC representation in his COC when he OFFICE BECAUSE OF HIS CRIMINAL CONVICTION declared under oath that he was BY FINAL JUDGMENT eligible for the Office of Mayor b. long before Jalosjos filed his certificate RULING: YES. The law itself bars the convict from of candidacy, Jalosjos had already been running for public office, and the disqualification is part convicted by final judgment for robbery of the final judgment of conviction. The final judgment of and sentenced to prisión mayor by the the court is addressed not only to the Executive branch, RTC but also to other government agencies tasked to c. Jalosjos has not yet served his sentence implement the final judgment under the law. 3. Jalosjos admitted his conviction but stated that he had already been granted probation The perpetual special disqualification against 4. Cardino countered that the RTC revoked Jalosjos arising from his criminal conviction by Jalosjos’ probation in an Order final judgment is a material fact involving 5. Jalosjos refuted Cardino and stated that the eligibility which is a proper ground for a petition RTC issued an Order declaring that Jalosjos had under Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code duly complied with the order of probation and Jalosjos’ certificate of candidacy was void from that during the 2004 elections, the COMELEC the start since he was not eligible to run for any denied a petition for disqualification filed public office at the time he filed his certificate of against him on the same grounds candidacy 6. COMELEC First Division granted Cardino’s Jalosjos was never a candidate at any time, and petition and cancelled Jalosjos’ certificate of all votes for Jalosjos were stray votes hence candidacy Jalosjos "is not eligible by reason of VOID AB INITIO Cardino, as the only his disqualification as provided for in Section qualified candidate, actually garnered the 40(a) of Republic Act No. 7160." highest number of votes for the position of a. "Jalosjos has indeed committed Mayor material misrepresentation in his A false statement in a certificate of candidacy certificate of candidacy when he that a candidate is eligible to run for public office declared, under oath, that he is eligible is a false material representation which is a for the office he seeks to be elected to ground for a petition under Section 78 of the when in fact he is not by reason of a OEC final judgment in a criminal case, the Section 74 requires the candidate to state under sentence of which he has not yet oath in his certificate of candidacy "that he is served." eligible for said office." A candidate is eligible if he has a right to run for The last sentence of Article 32 states that "the the public office so if a candidate is not actually offender shall not be permitted to hold any eligible because he is barred by final judgment public office during the period of his perpetual in a criminal case from running for public office, special disqualification." Once the judgment and he still states under oath in his certificate of of conviction becomes final, it is immediately candidacy that he is eligible to run for public executory office, then the candidate clearly makes a false Any public office that the convict may be holding material representation that is a ground for a at the time of his conviction becomes vacant petition under Section 78 upon finality of the judgment, and the convict A sentence of prisión mayor by final judgment is becomes ineligible to run for any elective public a ground for disqualification under Section 40 of office perpetually the Local Government Code and under Section 12 of the Omnibus Election Code In the case of Jalosjos, he became ineligible perpetually to hold, or to run for, any elective public office from the The penalty of prisión mayor automatically carries with time his judgment of conviction became final. it, by operation of law, the accessory penalties of temporary absolute disqualification and perpetual Perpetual special disqualification is a ground for special disqualification. a petition under Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code because this accessory penalty is ART. 30 RPC ART. 32 RPC an ineligibility, which means that the convict is Temporary absolute perpetual special not eligible to run for public office, contrary to disqualification produces disqualification means the statement that Section 74 requires him to the effect of "deprivation that "the offender shall state under oath of the right to vote in any not be permitted to hold the false material representation may refer to election for any popular any public office during "qualifications or eligibility” elective office or to be the period of his elected to such office." disqualification," which is One who suffers from perpetual special disqualification perpetually. is ineligible to run for public office. If a person suffering The duration of the from perpetual special disqualification files a certificate temporary absolute of candidacy stating under oath that "he is eligible to run disqualification is the for (public) office," as expressly required under Section same as that of the 74, then he clearly makes a false material representation principal penalty. that is a ground for a petition under Section 78. Both constitute ineligibilities to hold elective public office. Section 78 of the OEC, therefore, is to be read in relation to the constitutional and statutory provisions on A person suffering from these ineligibilities is qualifications or eligibility for public office. If the ineligible to run for elective public office, and commits candidate subsequently states a material representation a false material representation if he states in his in the CoC that is false, the COMELEC, following the certificate of candidacy that he is eligible to so run. law, is empowered to deny due course to or cancel such certificate. Indeed, the Court has already likened a The word "perpetually" and the phrase "during proceeding under Section 78 to a quo warranto the term of the sentence" should be applied proceeding under Section 253 of the OEC since they both distributively to their respective antecedents; deal with the eligibility or qualification of a candidate, thus, the word "perpetually" refers to the with the distinction mainly in the fact that a "Section 78" perpetual kind of special disqualification, while petition is filed before proclamation, while a petition for the phrase "during the term of the sentence" quo warranto is filed after proclamation of the winning refers to the temporary special disqualification candidate. The duration between the perpetual and the temporary (both special) are necessarily A candidate for mayor during the 2010 local elections different because the provision, instead of certifies under oath four statements: (1) a statement that merging their durations into one period, states the candidate is a natural born or naturalized Filipino that such duration is "according to the nature of citizen; (2) a statement that the candidate is not a said penalty" — which means according to permanent resident of, or immigrant to, a foreign whether the penalty is the perpetual or the country; (3) a statement that the candidate is eligible for temporary special disqualification the office he seeks election; and (4) a statement of the candidate’s allegiance to the Constitution of the Republic The accessory penalty of perpetual special of the Philippines disqualification takes effect immediately once the judgment of conviction becomes final. What is indisputably clear is that the false material representation of Jalosjos is a ground The effectivity of this accessory penalty does not for a petition under Section 78 depend on the duration of the principal penalty, However, since the false material or on whether the convict serves his jail sentence representation arises from a crime penalized by or not prisión mayor, a petition under Section 12 of the Omnibus Election Code or Section 40 of the Local Government Code can also be properly filed The petitioner has a choice whether to anchor his petition on Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code, or on Section 40 of the Local Government Code. The law expressly provides multiple remedies and the choice of which remedy to adopt belongs to the petitioner
The COMELEC properly cancelled Jalosjos’ certificate of
A void certificate of candidacy on the ground of
ineligibility that existed at the time of the filing of the certificate of candidacy can never give rise to a valid candidacy, and much less to valid votes Jalosjos’ certificate of candidacy was cancelled because he was ineligible from the start to run for Mayor Even without a petition under either Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code, or under Section 40 of the Local Government Code, the COMELEC is under a legal duty to cancel the certificate of candidacy of anyone suffering from the accessory penalty of perpetual special disqualification to run for public office by virtue of a final judgment of conviction To allow the COMELEC to wait for a person to file a petition to cancel the certificate of candidacy of one suffering from perpetual special disqualification will result in the anomaly that these cases so grotesquely exemplify The COMELEC will be grossly remiss in its constitutional duty to "enforce and administer all laws" relating to the conduct of elections if it does not motu proprio bar from running for public office those suffering from perpetual special disqualification by virtue of a final judgment
FALLO: WHEREFORE, the Motion for Reconsideration
in G.R. No. 193237 is DENIED, and the Petition in G.R. No. 193536 is GRANTED. The Resolutions dated 10 May 2010 and 11 August 2010 of the COMELEC First Division and the COMELEC En Bane, respectively, in SPA No. 09-076 (DC), are AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that Agapito J. Cardino ran unopposed in the May 2010 elections and thus received the highest number of votes for Mayor. The COMELEC En Bane is DIRECTED to constitute a Special City Board of Canvassers to proclaim Agapito J. Cardino as the duly elected Mayor of Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte.
Let copies of this Decision be furnished the Secretaries of
the Department of Justice and the Department of Interior and Local Government so they can cause the arrest of, and enforce the jail sentence on, Dominador G. Jalosjos, Jr. due to his conviction for the crime of robbery in a final judgment issued by the Regional Trial Court (Branch 18) of Cebu City in Criminal Case No. CCC-XIV- 140-CEBU. SO ORDERED.
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