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A Proud

TRIBUTE to our

Thursday, September 26, 2019 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute 1

Saginaw Twp. Police strive to keep crime at bay
Today, the Saginaw Township provide all their own equipment. open and transparent relationship could become a victim of a crime.
Police Department has 43 full- In 1967, 11 part-time officers were with the community,” chief Pussehl “Working together as a team we
time officers certified by the State hired to supplement the eight full- said. develop a relationship with our
of Michigan, an additional three time officers. He added that an overriding citizens and business owners, so that
certified officers who work part-time Located at 4930 Shattuck Road, philosophy for the department together we can prevent criminal
providing contracted services to the the department is currently led by is to prevent criminal activity activity,” Pussehl said.
Golfside Patrol, and five civilian Saginaw Township Police Chief from occurring within township The department employs a Forward
administrative staff members who Donald Pussehl. John Pelkki serves neighborhoods and business districts to Basics policing plan, simply
provide support to the officers from as the investigations lieutenant and and to promote community policing meaning when the basics are done as
behind the scenes. The department Rick Herren serves as road patrol by providing the best service possible. efficiently as possible, the community
has a fleet of 40 marked and Lieutenant. The department strives to reduce will always be moving forward.
unmarked vehicles. “The STPD strives to maintain an those incidents where our citizens Chief Pussehl said it hosts a variety
The Saginaw Township Police of community-centered and crime
Department’s history spans nearly 60 prevention events each year, including
years, with Laverne Clark being the National Night Out, Citizens Police
first constable placed into service in Academy (which started in August),
Saginaw Township on Feb 16, 1959. Coffee with a Cop, Crime Free
Two years later, he was joined by Multi-Housing Program, Lock It or
Gordon Towne. Both worked part- Lose It program and residential and
time enforcing ordinances and liquor business security surveys, just to name
laws. a few. 
The birth of The Saginaw The department’s 20th annual
Township Police Department Saginaw Township Police
happened on April 25, 1963 when the Department’s Citizens Police
township hired its first certified police Academy started in August. In order
officer, John Peplinski. to qualify, applicants must be Saginaw
Constable Clark became the County residents over the age of
department’s first full-time officer 21 and be able to pass a criminal
and chief of police in 1964, and by background investigation.
1966, the department had hired six Classes include learning about the
more officers. These officers were
given badges and uniforms, but had to SAGINAW TWP. on page 7

2 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thomas Township Thank You,
Officer Schroeder!
Police Dept. continues Resource Officer
at Peace Lutheran School
Explorers Program 3161 Lawndale Road, Saginaw Township
Today, the Thomas Township Police a new police explorers group in January,

Susan Brady & Associates

Department employs a police chief, 2020.
sergeant and six officers, as well as an The program is open to young men
administrative assistant. and women ages 14 to 21, who are either
In the early years of Thomas Township, curious about law enforcement or who are The Tri-Cities’ premier Domestic Relations law firm.
there were four elected constables charged interested in law enforcement as a career.
with performing various duties in the Participants will learn what officers do
name of the law. on a daily basis and will also experience
Officially, the Thomas Township Police
Department was formed on May 4, 1970.
hands-on training such as defensive
tactics, building searches, prisoner
Stop Domestic Violence –
At that time, the department was made
up of four officers: Police Chief E. David
searches, accident investigations and
more. call 911 and then call us!
Eimers, elected constable Edwin Matzke, For additional information, contact
and appointed officers William DeVinney Sergeant Al Fong or Sergeant Eric
and Robert Frost. All of these men Cowles at (989) 781-1300.
worked part-time. Along with the fire department
The department hired its first full- administration, the Thomas Township
time police chief, Larry Sicard, on April Police Department is located in the Public
7, 1975. Chief Sicard served Thomas Safety Administration Office at 8215
Township until 1986 and was succeeded Shields Dr., west of the intersection of N.
by Chief Joseph Reinig who served until Miller Road and Shields Drive.
1990. The position is currently held by “The Thomas Township Police
Chief Al Fong. Department would like to thank the
Today, the department offers Thomas citizens of Thomas Township for your
Township 24-hour police coverage. support and we look forward to continue
All of its officers are certified through working with you to make Thomas
the Michigan Commission on Law Township a great place to live,” said Chief
Enforcement Standards. Fong.
The department is currently in its first The administrative office for the police
year of the Thomas Township Police and fire departments is open to the public
Explorers Program, intended for those Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
interested in law enforcement. It can be reached at (989) 781-1300.
The explorers group began this year in In the events in which non-emergency
February and currently has six members. police assistance is needed, residents are
It will conclude its inagural year in late advised to call Saginaw County Central 4334 State Street • Saginaw, MI 48603 • 989-799-1968
December this year, with plans to resume Dispatch (989) 797-4580. susanbradylaw.com
Thursday, September 26, 2019 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute 3
Saginaw County Sheriff’s Dept. strives to serve
The Saginaw County Sheriff’s Saginaw County Courthouse and has
Department, 618 Cass St. in Saginaw, transport units that escort inmates
is a full-service organization that throughout the court system and the
includes the Law Enforcement state. Two full-time employees and
Division: road patrol, detective four part time employees serve the
bureau, records bureau; and the public with records, gun checks and
Corrections Division: jail transport, civil process.
plus office, the county jail, and drug The county jail, located at 208 S.
testing for various court services. Harrison, has a housing capacity of
The Road Patrol and Detective 513.
Bureau serve approximately Sheriff William Federspiel
200,000 residents within the is the current head of the
county - an area of roughly department. He has been in
810 square miles. office since 2009 and came
In addition to the full- in with over 25 years of law
time service provided by the enforcement experience.
department, there are about Prior to becoming sheriff,
80 to 100 support officers who he served in Florida for
serve seven support divisions. They 10 years and with the Saginaw
are: aviation, chaplain/victim advocate, Township Police Department for 12
civil process and handicap parking, years.
emergency response, law enforcement The Saginaw County Sheriff’s
medical support, marine patrol/dive Department’s goal, according to
team and posse. These support officers officials, is to serve all Saginaw
dedicate over 17,000 service hours County citizens and to work together
annually to Saginaw County citizens. to make the county the safest place
The sheriff’s office has contracts to live. Its mission statement is
with MBS Airport, juvenile courts, broken down into four major areas:
the Saginaw County Health to preserve and advance democratic
Department, and Spaulding values, improve the quality of professionalism. 5 p.m. For more information, call
Township. community life, improve the quality Administration hours are Monday the department at (989) 790-5456 or
It also provides security for the of work life and demonstrate through Friday from 8 a.m. until visit www.saginawcounty.com/sheriff.

One Hundred Club honors

lives lost in line of duty
The 100 Club of Saginaw County Originally formed in Detroit, there
was created to acknowledge and repay are now more than 100 clubs located
servicemen and women who have risked throughout the U.S.
their lives to protect The club was founded in 1996 and
others. meets twice a year, once in
5818 STATE ST. • SAGINAW MI 48603 It is comprised
of Saginaw area
winter and summer.
During the meetings,
989-799-0942 residents who
members honor
police officers
for the benefit of
and firefighters
for heroism or
families of police other acts above and
officers, firefighters beyond the call of
We support our Local Law Enforcement and FBI and A.T.F. duty.
agents who have been killed in the line The board consists of David Abbs,
of duty throughout Saginaw County. Thomas Basil, Jr., Bill Charlton,
The 100 Club of Saginaw County, Michael Colby, D.J. DiBlasi, Frederick
under the leadership of Michael Colby Gardner, Liz Gohm, Phillip List,
and Liz Gohm, also wishes to thank the Patrick McGraw, Richard Mott, Jeff
55 loyal sponsors for their support in Opermann, Gene Pickelmann, Randall
Green Acres Plaza helping raise over $12,000 recently from
its golf and cook-out event.
Raymond, president John Sivey and
Vern Weber.
M-F 9am-7pm Sat 9am-5pm The annual occasion serves as the The club encourages anyone to join;
only fundraiser for the club. The event future meeting dates are Jan. 22 and
(989) 790-8600 raises funds to benefit families who may May 20, 2020.
• Printing services • Mailbox services • Notary services • Packing services lose a loved one in the line of duty, and Donations are always welcome.
• Shipping services • Shredding services • Faxing services also to provide grants to public safety For more information, visit
The UPS Store® locations are independently owned and operated by franchisees of The UPS Store, Inc. in the USA and by its master licensee and its franchisees in
departments for their equipment needs www.100clubsaginaw.com.
Canada. Services, pricing and hours of operation may vary by location. Copyright© 2014 The UPS Store, Inc. MS410_2241114 for safety.
4 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute Thursday, September 26, 2019
Saginaw Twp. police celebrate
‘Coffee with a Cop Day’ “Your Car Care
Is Our Specialty!”
By Mandilee HecHt
mhecht@mihomepaper.com • Automobile Repair/Services
• Automobile Diagnostic
Kevin Wenzel
SAGINAW TWP. - In observance
of National Coffee with a Cop Day • Automobile Electric
on Wednesday, Oct. 2, the Saginaw
Township Police Department is • Brake Service Head Pharmacist
inviting area residents to enjoy a hot
cup of coffee with them at Kroger on
State Street. Payment Center &
The occasion provides an opportunity
for residents to share a free cup of Money Orders
coffee, while interacting with local
authorities in a relaxed atmosphere. Liquor, Beer & Wine
Saginaw Township Police has been
hosting these events with Saginaw
Township residents for several years.
In partnership with Kroger, 4672
1806 Court Street
State St., the meet and greet with police
at Bay
will be hosted from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
The Coffee with A Cop events
began in California eight years ago in
2011 when officers from a local police
department were looking for ways to Fax:
more successfully interact with the 4865 Lawndale Rd., Saginaw, MI 48603
citizens they served, according to the officers and ask questions in a non-
Coffee with a Cop website, https:// emergency environment, a recent press
989-792-1401 or 989-792-8071
coffeewithacop.com. release from the department stated. www.beyersservicecenter.com
The happenings are now held every “Saginaw Township Police
year in all 50 states, and it is considered Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
Department has been involved with
one of the most successful community- the National Coffee with a Cop Day
oriented policing programs across the event since its inception years ago. This

country. event is a great way for our officers and
“The program has also expanded to citizens to get to know each other.”
outside the Unites States to Canada, Chief Donald Pussehl said.
Europe, Australia, Africa, and Latin He added that the theme of the event

to the Police
America. The key to Coffee with a is to join neighbors and police officers
Cop’s growing success is that it opens for coffee and conversation with no
the door for interactions outside of the agenda.

& their Families.

crisis situations that typically bring law Saginaw Township police officers said
enforcement officers and community they look forward to residents joining
members together,” the site continued. them at this event.
Saginaw Township Police are For more information, call the
encouraging community members to department’s crime prevention unit at
attend the laid-back occasion, in order (989) 791-7210.
to get to know local law enforcement

Dr. Joseph Douglas & Dr. Karen Douglas

5025 Shattuck Rd., Saginaw
Thursday, September 26, 2019 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute 5
Police stress importance
Valley of being prepared during
O Premier Jacobs Preparedness Month
Fence co.

Michigan residents should prepare for

emergencies and disasters by making an
3251 Kuehn Ave. • Saginaw, MI 48601 emergency plan with their loved ones,
building an emergency preparedness
Phone: 989-799-1143 • Fax: 989-799-1501 kit and learning life-saving skills like
www.jacobsfence.com first aid and CPR during Michigan’s
Preparedness Month, according to the
Michigan State Police, Emergency
THANK YOU to our Local Law Enforcement! Management and Homeland Security
Division (MSP/EMHSD).
Throughout September, the MSP/
EMHSD has joined federal, state and
local governments, as well as private
and public organizations, in supporting
emergency preparedness initiatives and
encouraging residents to take action to
Agencies nationwide are uniting under
the theme “Prepared, Not Scared” to
encourage everyone to create a family
emergency plan and to learn skills
needed to help themselves and others
until help can arrive.
A HUGE THANKS TO OUR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT “During an emergency, critical
services such as electricity and water
Saginaw • 989-781-1430 Hemlock • 989-642-2500 service could be impacted and response
www.firstareacu.com for police, fire and emergency medical
services could be delayed,” said Capt.
Emmitt McGowan, deputy state
Thank You for keeping our community safe! director of Emergency Management
and Homeland Security and commander
of the MSP/EMHSD.

“That’s why we encourage households
to build an emergency preparedness kit
with food, water and a first-aid kit that
allows them to be self-sustaining for at
least 72 hours,” McGowan said.
Animal Clinic, p.c. To learn more about preparing for
emergencies and disasters and making
an emergency preparedness plan, or
1855 Midland Rd. • Saginaw, MI 48638 for more information about the 2019
989-799-6490 • Fax 989-799-2668 • riversideanimalclinicmi.com Prepare Fair visit www.michigan.gov/
miready or follow the MSP/EMHSD on
William L. Cline, D.V.M. • Sandra M. Cline, D.V.M. • Heather Brenner, D.V.M. • Dr Beth Coe Twitter at @MichEMHS.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9-12, 2-5 • Saturday 9-12 • Please call for appointment

Saginaw Township Community Schools

would like to give a big
Michigan State Police serves vital roles
The Michigan State Police, MSP,
serves a vital role in crime prevention
and traffic safety as well as supporting
local law enforcement partners with
to our local police! We all added resources like aviation, canine
and crash reconstruction. MSP also aids
truly appreciate our police with investigative tools to help keep
partnerships, and salute the communities and citizens safe.
courageous work you do, day The Tri-City Post No. 31 is located
at 2402 Salzburg Road in Freeland.
in and day out, to make our The post serves the citizens of Bay,
schools and community safe Midland and Saginaw counties.
places to live! The Tri-City Post can be reached by
calling (989) 495-5555.
6 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute Thursday, September 26, 2019
Police offer free active
shooter training
The Michigan State Police, Tri-City (Teaching, Educating, and Mentoring).
Post, has announced it is now offering Over the past four years he has
free active shooter training and building presented to several thousand people in
safety assessments to organizations groups such as; schools, colleges, banks,
within the Tri-City area. churches, corporate businesses, and
Instructor and Trooper Mark retail businesses.
Burch has 21 years of experience with These trainings, the focus of which is
the Michigan State Police and has to help keep people safe, can be specific
attended a variety of trainings related any organization/group following a
to critical incidents such as: New building assessment.
Mexico Tech-Incident Response to Representatives from the Michigan
Terrorist Bombings, New Mexico State Police, MSP, said it is committed
Tech-Understanding and Planning for to providing public safety, and
School Bomb Incidents, Active Shooter, recognizes that being prepared can help
Department of Homeland Security- save lives.
Protected Critical Infrastructure Any organizations interested in
Information Program. learning more about these trainings
In addition to these trainings, Burch or other trainings offered, may email
is a certified instructor for; C.R.A.S.E. Trooper Burch at burchm@michigan.gov.
(Citizen Response to Active Shooter
Events), Stop the Bleed, and T.E.A.M.

SAGINAW TWP. from page 2 The Saginaw Township Police

Department looks forward to working
operation of the various units within closely with its citizens and business
the police department; equipment owners to keep the community safe,
utilized by emergency services teams; and gives thanks for their ongoing
our medical first unit and crime scene support.
investigations; as well as learning
about criminal law and investigation
techniques; and hands-on training Helping each
with weapons and defensive tactics.
Attendees will tour the Saginaw member realize
County Jail, Saginaw County Central
Dispatch and go on a ride-along with
their financial
a Saginaw Township Police Officer. goals and dreams
The Crime Prevention Program
consists of a sergeant, three crime
prevention officers, a school resource
officer, and four surveillance officers. A full-service
Officers work closely with schools, wellness practice
businesses, apartment complexes as well as a diagnostic
and rental home owners in the area.
They teach at every grade from
& surgery center
kindergarten through middle school, Dwight L. McNally, DVM • Ryan L. McNally, DVM • Sheryl A. Gilbert, DVM • Sheri A. Mayer, DVM • Bailey L. Mielke, DVM
providing safety lectures on a variety
of topics, organizing community 8455 Gratiot Rd., Saginaw, MI 48609 • 989-781-3600 • www.gratiotanimal.com
events and working alongside
township code enforcement officers to
identify, educate, address and enforce
quality of life issues.
The school resource officer provides We Support our Local Law Enforcement
education on legal issues, investigates
juvenile crimes and on a daily basis
builds a positive relationship between Call Wescourt
the police department and future
adult citizens.
989.797.3600 Independent
Retirement Living
Area residents are welcome to stop for a tour of
by or call the police department for
more information at (989) 793-2310.
THE GOOD LIFE. 4141 McCarty Rd. • Saginaw
Pertinent information is also shared
through its Facebook page and by
Saginaw • Bay City Hurry as there are only a few
apartments available.
visiting www.saginawtownship.org and www.copoco.org Join us for a complimentary
clicking “Departments” and “Police
Department.” 800.292.2897 homemade lunch while you’re here.
Thursday, September 26, 2019 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute 7
Please Don’t Drink & Drive
5645 State St. • 793-9427
8 Township VIEW Law Enforcement Tribute Thursday, September 26, 2019

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