Mihomepaperlawenforcementtribute 092619
Mihomepaperlawenforcementtribute 092619
Mihomepaperlawenforcementtribute 092619
TRIBUTE to our
country. event is a great way for our officers and
“The program has also expanded to citizens to get to know each other.”
outside the Unites States to Canada, Chief Donald Pussehl said.
Europe, Australia, Africa, and Latin He added that the theme of the event
to the Police
America. The key to Coffee with a is to join neighbors and police officers
Cop’s growing success is that it opens for coffee and conversation with no
the door for interactions outside of the agenda.
“That’s why we encourage households
to build an emergency preparedness kit
with food, water and a first-aid kit that
allows them to be self-sustaining for at
least 72 hours,” McGowan said.
Animal Clinic, p.c. To learn more about preparing for
emergencies and disasters and making
an emergency preparedness plan, or
1855 Midland Rd. • Saginaw, MI 48638 for more information about the 2019
989-799-6490 • Fax 989-799-2668 • riversideanimalclinicmi.com Prepare Fair visit www.michigan.gov/
miready or follow the MSP/EMHSD on
William L. Cline, D.V.M. • Sandra M. Cline, D.V.M. • Heather Brenner, D.V.M. • Dr Beth Coe Twitter at @MichEMHS.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9-12, 2-5 • Saturday 9-12 • Please call for appointment