Project Impact
Project Impact
Project Impact
During this time in their lives they are also susceptible to becoming self-involved. My project
will ask them to think outside themselves, about their peers, community, and school, to come up
with programs they would like to possibly implement on school grounds. These programs would
make a positive impact on not only them, but on the entire school community and hopefully the
surrounding community.
A great way for the teacher to get to know students is by creating a project where the
project shines a little light into the student’s life and asks them to share what they find important.
It helps build repour by building trust, opening up lines of communication, and allowing the
students, so roughly one hundred and fifty students would participate in this project. It seems that
next year’s students may be a little higher in numbers, so over the next two to three years three
hundred plus students would be participating and benefiting from new programs that would be
implemented by students, for students. I’m hoping that this project will get everyone in the
school involved. These programs will not be able to run themselves, so teacher and
administration participation will be needed. I will ask my students to think about these things
when they invent their programs. Who will be willing to help? What do other teachers think of
their program? Do they think it will be beneficial? My hope is that it creates communication and
The project is broad enough to be morphed to individual needs of the student. Project
based learning allows the question to be the same for every student, but the outcome is
completely up to them. By asking them how we can create programs that make a difference in
our school, we are broadening their focus from themselves to the people and community around
them. My goal is that students will find organizations, I have some already listed, that they can
connect with to help implement and fund these projects. It allows students to connect with each
other, as well as, connecting them with the community. It’s important for them to realize that
they have resources out there that they can utilize and that there are people out there that do-good
work for others. It also asks them to look outside of themselves, which seems to sometimes be
difficult for middle schoolers, and look at the beautiful life around them and ask themselves how