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The Impact of Video Games On The Players Behaviors: A Survey The Impact of Video Games On The Players Behaviors: A Survey

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Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582

The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT)
The 10th International Conference
April 29 – on
2, 2019,Systems,
Belgium and Technologies (ANT)
April 29 – May 2, 2019, Leuven, Belgium
The Impact of Video Games on the Players Behaviors: A Survey
The Impact of Video Games on the Players Behaviors: A Survey
Muhannad Quwaider*, Abdullah Alabed and Rehab Duwairi
Muhannad Quwaider*, Abdullah Alabed and Rehab Duwairi
Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan
Jordan University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110, Jordan

The great popularity of video games and their ability to make players indulge, the turnout of players to play video games
The great popularity
dramatically of video games
led to transforming and game
the video their ability
maketheplayers indulge,side
entertainment the to
turnout of players
be involved in mostto play
areas games
in the
life. Examplesled ofto transforming
these the video game
areas are education, industryand
entertainment from the entertainment
promoting side to be Some
social relationships. involved in most
studies find other areas
out that in is
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life. Examples between
of thesethe video
areas games and
are education, the player'sand
entertainment behavior.
promotingHowever, there are another
social relationships. studiesfind
Some studies denied thisthere
out that kindisofa
relationship. between the video
In this paper, we willgames andthese
explore the two
of studiesHowever, there First,
in two aspects. are another
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study whatdenied
kindthis kind or
of skills of
reactions thatInthethis paper,
player willweearn
explore these
playing twooftypes
kind games.of These
in two aspects. First, we
can be explicit or will study
implicit andwhat kind or
positive of negative
skills or
reactions that
suchtheasplayer will earn improving
development, after playing kind relationships,
social of games. These reactions
enhance thecan be explicit
problem or implicit
solving skills orandviolence,
positive aggression,
or negative
anxiety or such as development,
stressful reaction. In theimproving
second partsocial
of therelationships,
paper, we willenhance
address the problem solving
the evidences that are skills
used by or the
studies to
anxiety or stressful
demonstrate reaction.
the validity In the
of their second part of the paper, we will address the evidences that are used by the previous studies to
demonstrate the validity of their conclusions.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019
This The
is an Authors.
open accessPublished by Elsevier
article under the CC B.V.
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an
Peer-review open
underaccess article
of the
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program
Program license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Keywords: Video games; Players behaviours; Positive or Negative Impact
Keywords: Video games; Players behaviours; Positive or Negative Impact

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
With the continuous growth of production and developing new technology in all aspects of life, many of the
With the
current continuousthat
technologies growth
were of production
previously and developing
considered new technology
as entertainment in all aspects
technologies of life, indispensable
have become many of the
current technologies
technologies thatlives.
in our daily were One
previously considered
of the most as of
important entertainment technologiesis have
these new technologies become
the new media,indispensable
which has a
technologies in our
profound impact ondaily
our lives.
currentOne of the
daily most
lives. important
Some of these
examples newmedia
of new technologies is the
are smart new media,
phones, whichvirtual
computers, has a
profound impacthandheld
worlds, website, on our current
videolives. Some
games, etc. examples of new media are smart phones, computers, virtual
worlds, website, handheld devices, video games, etc.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +962-786-118-190; fax: +962-2-720-1077.

* Corresponding mqquwaider@just.edu.jo
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +962-786-118-190; fax: +962-2-720-1077.
E-mail address: mqquwaider@just.edu.jo

1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open
1877-0509 access
© 2019 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
This is an open responsibility
access of the Conference
article under CC BY-NC-NDProgram Chairs.
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.

1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
576 Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582
2 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

Video games are defined as interactive electronic games which aim primarily to entertain players. Video games
enable players to access virtual environments, 2D or 3D, within specific rules and conditions that vary from game to
game. Video games can be categorized into types as any other media format. This categorization depends on many
characteristics such as how to play the game and the game play interaction. Every video game has different
characteristics from other video games, which make some of them more popular than the others. There are many
types of video games that are played around the world like action, adventure, fighting, platform, racing, role-
playing, shooter, simulation, sports and strategy [1].
Due to the continuous needs of development in the video games and their techniques, the concerns of using these
games are increased. In addition, it is shown that the majority of players are children or teenagers [2], which leads to
change the assumption about video games to be just for entertaining or for time-consuming. Video games can
impact on developing certain human behaviors, whether these behaviors are good or bad. Therefore, video games
have been studied by many researchers in the fields of computer science, psychology, education and youth studies.
These studies also investigate whether the video games have an effect on the player behaviors and emotions during
playing the game or after completing the game, for either short time or long time.
The researchers in this field are divided into two groups. The first group concludes that the video games have
effect on the behaviors and emotions of the players either negatively or positively. While, the second group denied
the impact of the video games on the behaviors or the emotions of the players.
Investigators who support the effects of video games on the players verify their assumption by showing that, the
player skills like concentration; problem solving, imagination, and social behavior are changed, increased or
decreased, by changing the games requirements or levels. They measure the concentration skill for example by
considering the spatial results in shooter games, where increasing or decreasing the spatial results of the player
indicate of increasing or decreasing of the player concentration. While the problem-solving skills can be measured
by considering the strategy games results, either increase or decrease.
In addition, the emergence of new behaviors or emotions on the players support the assumption of effect the video
games on the players. For example, playing the fantasy/role-playing games may increase the social withdrawal and
anxiety. While, playing shooter games may increase the aggression and playing fighting games may increase the
hostility and aggressiveness of the players. More details on these behaviors and emotions will be discussed in
Section 3.
On the other hand, investigators who did support the idea of the effects that video games have on the players
verify their assumption by conducting some experiments on video games players. According to these experiments,
they conclude that there are no changes on the skills or the behaviors of the players during or after the video games
[3]. Currently, all studies that examine the relationship between video games and the players’ behaviors rely on
collecting data about the players themselves. These data are collected at different times like, before playing, during
playing or after playing the game, which depends on the type of experiments. In these experiments, data is collected
using different methods. The most popular method self-reported data. In this method, the data is collected using
questionnaires, surveys, interviews or ethnographic observations either, before, during or after playing the video
game. The self-reported data in new experiment method is integrated with the games, where the player reports his
data during playing the game [4].
In this paper, we will provide a comprehensive study on the assumption of the relationship between video games
and the behaviors and the emotions of the players in two aspects. First, we will study the impact of the video games
on the player behaviors in terms of whether this relationship can improve some of the skills or behaviors of players,
or it can cause an increase at the level of behavioral problems or entering into negative emotional states. The second
side includes denying any potential relationship between the impact of video games on the players. In addition, all
the methods used to bring data about the players will be addressed if they are self-reported data methods or from in-
game data. Finally, each video game will be discussed to verify if it can affect specific behaviors or emotions.
2. Player’s Data Collection
There are many applications in our life that are showing the relationship between the human behaviors and
particular events. For example, the emotions that appear on student after a success or failure in a course exam. In
order to fully understand the players’ behavior during or after completing a video game, we should have enough
data. Two methods that are used by researchers to collect the required data, mainly self-reported data and in-game
Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582 577
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 3

collecting data. Self-reported data is based on gathering data before and after playing the game using surveys,
interview, ethnographic observations, or ethnographic observations. While the in-game collecting data method
depends on the generated and collected the data directly from the player and during playing the video games.
2.1. Self-reported Data
Self-reported data should include questions about the players emotions or attitudes. Survey is a very common
method for quantitative research in the social sciences [5]. It is based on gathering data using a wide range
approaches such as questionnaires or interviews. The data can be collected from people using phone, online
questions, Email, or sometimes face-to-face on busy street corners or in malls. This method aims to examine the
participants’ thoughts, opinions and feelings in a systematic manner. A survey has many disadvantages especially
when it comes to having a large number of biases such as sampling bias and social desirability bias. Based on how
the data is collected, survey research methods can be split into two categories: questionnaire surveys and interview
Questionnaire is a research method consists of a series of questions that are sequentially and logically arranged in
order to gather quantitative data from people, usually completed as pen and paper tests. Questionnaire surveys have
some disadvantages such as it may not be suited for some groups such as children and for issues that need
explanation. Also, the time it takes when it is sent over Internet to a group of people, which may come late.
In this scope, another study was conducted in Austria in 2007 [6]. In this study 205 students aged between 10 and
14 were enrolled in this study from different schools in order to find a correlation between the internet and the video
games including behavior problems in early adolescence. The participants take a questionnaire which contains a set
of questions on gender, and age. The goal of this questionnaire is to see if the internet is accessible to the
participants or not, in addition to write three favorite video games to the player.
Interviews are one of the most personal data collection methods, which required a lot of time, efforts and special
skills by the interviewers. The interviewer is a trained person who aims to collect a correct data as much as possible
from people without making them in tension or in discomfort. There are three shapes of interviews like face-to-face,
phone call or group interviews. The interview data collection method has many disadvantages because it takes a lot
of time and effort to collect large data and expensive. In addition, many people may provide wrong information
because of stress, discomfort, anxiety or tension.
2.2. In-game Data Collection
The ability to understand player characteristics, behavior, and how to respond to an event is very important to the
game designers. The value of this information is how it is analyzed and used to improve the quality of the video
game by the game designers, in addition to increasing the ability of the game to influence positively to the
community. Ownership of such information enables designers to build dynamic video games so that the video game
itself can change its environment and style in a way that suits the abilities and skills of the players. This importance
is shown by the time spent by the player in the video game so that he plays the games without being bored because
the game is very easy for his skills. In addition, the player does not feel weary and get out of the video game because
it requires a higher skill level [7].
Player personality, which reflects through the behaviors and emotions that distinguish players from each other, is
considered one of the most important pieces used in understanding how games can affect players and how it can be
used. More players in a certain game reflects more quality of the game, which reflects also more diversity of the
players’ information and behaviors within the game. This information can be used to study the relationship between
the game and its impact on the players’ behaviors. As an example, MMORPGs is considered as “a gold mine of
personality data” [8].
Most of the researchers tend to use self-reported data such as interviews, surveys, or questionnaire. However, self-
reported data has many disadvantages such as it requires considerable time and efforts to analyze and classify the
collected information, as well as extracting the noisy data. Recently, building a model based on in-game data
collection becomes the focus of researchers. This type of model is capable of collecting and providing an initial
analysis of data relating to the behaviors and emotions of players within the game automatically. Then, these data
are brought back to be analyzed in more detail. On the other hand, many studies have attempted to find the
fundamental factors that can affect the recreational activity of a group of people, society, and population, such as
578 Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582
4 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

age, education, sex, and social class. Predict the behaviors of the players using the traditional demographic elements
have proven its weakness. So, personality could be a better option than demographics for experiential products [9].
3. The Impact of Video Games on player Personality
Playing video games has shown many challenges in the players’ behaviors to be changed for better or worse. This
may create new opportunities to learn new behaviors and skills or to develop pre-existing behaviors and skills as
developed in [2], [10]. These changes in behaviors are clearly visible in adolescents personalities because these
changes face affect the way the players personalities grow, which have not been fully formed yet [11].
The response that comes through playing a specific video game varies from player to player depending on how the
content of the video game is displayed and interpreted to the player's mind. The personality of the player or any
other person has a strong influence on how they think and behaves under a certain condition. This, in turn, should be
reflected on their in-game behavior. According to some studies, players who play online games have the same as the
behaviors that they do in the real world. According to other study that has studied this aspect medically, it worth
mention that neurons in the human body deal with the effects that happen when playing video games just as the
same dealing with the effects in the real world [12].
The effects that video games may have on players' personalities can be positive, such as improving social skills,
mental skills and finding solutions. It can also be negative on the players' personalities, such as violence, aggression,
anxiety and stress. In following two sections we will discuss these two impacts on the players’ personality.
3.1. Video Games with Negative Impact
Many protocols are designed to assess emotional and behavioral problems based on many factors within a unified
framework and format such as Youth Self Report (YSR). It assessed Internalizing behavior problems such as
anxiety, depression, and over controlled behaviors, and externalizing problem behavior such as aggressive,
hyperactivity, noncompliant, and uncontrolled behaviors. Behavioral and emotional problems are assessed along the
lines of internal problems versus external problems through many methods such as self-report data (including the
Youth Self-Report) and in-game data, as we discussed in Section 3.2. In this section, we will discuss some of the
emotional and behavioral problems caused by video games that may be related to internal and external factors.
Increase the popularity of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) led to appearing some
studies that emphasize the existence of a relationship between MMORPGs and internal problems such as anxiety
and withdrawal. In MMORPGs (often called fantasy games), a group of virtual characters is displayed on the
players in order to choose one of these characters to start playing. Each character has certain abilities commensurate
with the goals they are supposed to achieve. Many studies have shown that the players tend to choose the virtual
characters closest to their characters in the real world. In addition, some studies have concluded that the
reincarnation some of these virtual characters can be reflected on the player's personality in real life, especially on
adolescence age. As an example, playing as violent characters in the MMORPG games can increase the rate of
violence in the players in real life [13].
A study conducted on a large-scale survey of Norwegian adolescents shows that video game addiction is
positively associated with internal behavior problems of the players such as depression and conduct problems. In
addition, the negative experiences that can be experienced by the player during video games may have a close
relationship with certain problems of the same kind in real life.
Other studies have shown that some video games like first-person shooters games and other violent video games
may lead to increase the appearance of external behavior problems of players such as aggressive behavior. These
findings were based on the fact that violent video games contain many violent and aggressive scenes which will
convert to real life violence.
Authors in [14] conclude that the higher the level of realism in violent video games, the higher the aggressive
behavior the players will get. This is due to the fact that with increasing the quality of the graphic in violent video
games, the quality of the description of violent acts and the blood scenes increases. This finding has been supported
by many studies as in [15]. In order to find the correlation between the internet and the video games use, the authors
in [6] found that the online video games and playing First-Person Shooters (FPS) video games were predictive of
Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582 579
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external behavioral problems such as aggression, and delinquency. While playing online role-playing games was
predictive of internal problem behavior such as withdrawal and anxiety.
In the interplay of virtual self and real-self category, analyzing the answers for the questions shows that the players
are trying to compensate for their real-life needs by achieving in video games. This results show that the video
games are the right place for addicts to expand their true selves and meet the unfulfilled roles in real life.
3.2. Video Games with Positive Impact
Many researches are now focusing their attention on the impact of video games on players from the negative side
like the aggression and social withdraw. However, there is a need to study the positive side of the video games.
There is no doubt that video games play a major role in determining the motives of players, social effects, and
emotional state. Most of popular video games change in-game environment dynamically which means that the
behaviors of the players in-game may change with that changes in the game itself. This leads the player to adapt
with that changes, which in turn can change the behavior of the player gradually. This means the player may change
his personality in real life and become more adaptive.
Table 1. Benefits type of video games
Game Type Benefit Impact on the players
Shooter/Action Cognitive skills Faster and more accurate attention allocation
Higher spatial resolution in visual processing
Enhanced mental rotation abilities
Strategic Allocate resources more efficiently
Filter out irrelevant information more effectively
Role-playing Enhance memorization, analytical skills, past experience, and intuitions
Improve problem-solving skills, collaboratively
Strategic Motivational Increase the intelligence and abilities,
Benefits Resilience in the face of failure
Develop an incremental theory of intelligence,
Use failure as motivational tools to engaged and bolster one’s efforts
Effective for “training” new behaviours.
Lead to lasting educational success.
Puzzle Emotional Benefits Mood management, enhance the positive feelings.
Sources of inspiration and connectivity.
Build social relationships.
playing Increase commitment and achievement, and higher self-esteem.
Promote relaxation, and ward off anxiety
Dealing with frustration and anxiety in adaptive ways
Cooperative-based Social Benefits Immediate, short-term cooperative play
Short and long term effects on “helping” behaviours
Reduces feelings of hostility
Prosocial Decrease players’ access to aggressive cognitions
Increases subsequent prosocial, cooperative behaviour
Role-playing Increase group organization and leadership skills
Rapidly learning social skills and prosocial behaviours

From a more balanced perspective, many researchers defend the need to consider the benefits of playing the
video games. The authors in [16] provide many studies that show the positive effects of playing video games. The
authors divide their study into four domains: cognitive (e.g., attention), motivational (e.g., resilience in the face of
failure), emotional (e.g., mood management) and social (e.g., prosocial behavior) benefits. Table 1 shows the major
benefits of playing certain types of video games and the impact of these types on many behaviors and emotions in
the player life.
580 Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582
6 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

Table 2. The most popular type of video games and their effects on player behaviors and emotions
Internet Gaming
Type Description Examples Emotional effects
Disorder IGD
Hybrid video games
Resident Evil, Tomb
that mix two types; Weakly related to IGD
Action/adventure Raider, Grand Theft Auto Anger and Aggression [17]
action and adventure [18]
video games.
Counterstrike, ghost Aggressive and delinquent behaviour
Depend on shooting recon, farcry [6] [6]
Halo II [19] Cooperatively or competitively [19] Strong positive
Shooter enemies and other
targets Counterstrike, Battlefield, Increased share of dependent persons correlation with igd [18]
Call of Duty [20] [19]
Reduced share of persons at risk
FIFA Soccer [6], Pro becomes obvious [20]
Depend on a Positive effect on IGD
Evolution Soccer [6] Players may feel anxious about the
Sports simulation the athletic for online sports only
,Fight Night Round 2 outcome of the game, winning the
[21] game may generate pride or joy [18]
emotions 600
Everquest, Dark Age of
Camelot, Ultima Online,
and Star Wars Galaxies Social withdrawal, anxiety, Strong positive
Allows the player to depression, and somatic complaints correlation with IGD
Fantasy/role- [22]
play and role in a
playing Guild Wars [20] [6]. As well as increased share of [18]
fantasy environment
World of Warcraft, Final dependent persons [20]
Fantasy, Gothic [6]
Less likely to exhibit high
internalizing problem [6]
Games that depend on Gran Turismo, Speed Increase players' risk-taking No significant effect
Racing competition and speed Racer [6] , Need for inclinations [23] was found [18]
in driving vehicles Speed Risk-promoting cognitions and
emotions, sensation seeking, and
attitudes toward reckless driving [23]
Type of games focus
Higher risk for negative outcomes,
on martial arts and Mortal Combat, Tekken No significant effect
Fighter including hostile and aggressive
defeat other [6] was found [18]
behaviour [24]
Focuses on skillful
Increase problem solving skills and No significant effect
Strategy thinking and planning Starcraft II
self-regulation [25] was found [18]
to achieve victory.

Playing video games have many benefits to the player as a single player or within a group of players. According
to [19], playing a violent video game with a group will increase the cooperative engaging, feelings of cohesion and
subsequent cooperation between the team members. In this study, the authors conduct this study on 119 participants
to play Halo II game, a first-person shooter game, as teams;hen, evaluated their competitive and cooperative
behavior through the modified prisoner’s dilemma.
The authors in [26] discuss the influence of flow (operationalized as heightened challenge and skill), engagement
and immersion on learning in game-based learning environments. This study shows many positive results that the
engagement and challenge in video games have a positive impact on learning. In addition, both of challenge and
skill level in the video game have a positive impact on engaged and immersed in the video games. However, the
level of skills and immersion do not significantly affect the level of learning but the engagement in the video game
is increased. The recommendations of this study that the design of the educational video games must be fun and
keep pace with the development of the player to keep the level of competition as high as possible.
In order to clarify the most prominent video game types that are being studied, Table 2 shows the most important
video game types with a simple definition and popular example of each type. In addition, the table shows the extent
to which each video game type affect the emotional or behavioral state of the players' whether if it positive or
negative. Then, the table shows how strong the relationship between the type of games and the internet gaming
Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582 581
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 7

4. Deny the Impact of Video Games on Personality

There are many arguments in the research community about the correlation between video games and their effect on
the players' behavior in terms of validation or denying. In this section, we will discuss some of the studies that deny
the effects of the video games on the players' behaviors.
In the studies, there are two main aspects in disproving the effect of video games on the behavior of the players.
The first one is based on the game type and the second one is based on the time that the player is spent.
4.1. Type Constraints
The authors in [13] illustrate that the validity of the relationship between violent video games and aggressive
behavior is based on weak evidence or inconclusive results. Many studies have been conducted on the relationship
between the graphical realism especially in violent video games and aggressive behavior of players [27]. Realism
from the perspective of video games is divided into two main parts, graphical realism and behavioral realism.
Graphical realism is the ability to shape and transform people, objects or places from the real world to the virtual
world with very high quality. Whether it is in a 2D or 3D model. Behavioral realism is the ability of the object in the
virtual world to behave like the same object in real reality. The results show that there is no significant effect of the
realism of the video games into the changes that may happen for the players [28].
The authors in [29] conduct experiment to test the correlation between behavioral realism in the games and the
aggressive behavior in the players. The authors create two games. The first one is a bespoke First-Person Shooter
(FPS) that include some of the enemies who have a realism behavior of death, which was made using ragdoll
physics. The second game was in the same style as the first game but the death method was unrealistic and without
using ragdoll physics. The results of this study show that there is no increase in aggressive behavior of the players
when playing a game containing the realism behavior of death.
4.2. Time Spent Constraints
Late childhood and early adolescence represent the most time-consuming between other ages in playing video
games. It played a major role in changing their personality for good or worse. Therefore, there are many useful and
unuseful or violated media and games that are directed toward this life stage [13].
To clarify this relation, a study on a group of children aged from 6 to 11 from the European Union was conducted.
The study shows that there is no relationship between the amount of time that the kid spent on playing the video
games and the kids' mental health, emotional, Attention-Deficit or Hyperactivity Disorder, behaves or peer
relationship [30]. Another study was conducted on large-scale Norwegian adolescents. In this study, it was shown
that there is no relationship between the amounts of time spent playing with internal problems that may occur to the
kids with playing these games [31].
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we discussed all the studies that are related to how video games affect the behaviors and emotions of
players, whether this effect is positive or negative. It has been shown that games may cause a variety of changes on
the players such as aggressive, negative or cooperative and attention from the positive side. The collected data from
the player is considered the main part in analyzing the personality of the player in order to find the impact of the
game on the player. This data was collected in two ways. The first one was called self-reporting data, which is based
on collecting the data by the player using questionnaires, surveys, interviews or ethnographic observations either,
before, during or after playing the video game. The second way is called in-game data collection, where the data was
collected directly from the player through the video game and by using personal test model like the Five-factor
The majority of studies conclude that there is a relationship between the video games and the player's behavior. In
these studies, the researchers conclude that the video games have impact on the player personality, like emotions,
reflexes, behaviors, motivations, needs, thinking way and approach internal and external situations. On the other
hand, there is another research community claim that the video games have no impact on the players. The
researchers in this community support their assumption by conducting a set of experiments. They support their claim
in two aspects. The first one is based on the game type and the second one is based on the time that the player is
582 Muhannad Quwaider et al. / Procedia Computer Science 151 (2019) 575–582
8 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

spent. Finally, from our point of view from all the existing research on this field, the impact of the video games on
the behavior and emotions of the players cannot be ignored. In addition, most of the research that denied the
existence of the impact of video games relies on a small number of participants or weak evidence.
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