Online Locker Management System
Online Locker Management System
Online Locker Management System
Prepared By-
(Enrollment no.156762613)
Under Guidance of-
Maidan Garhi
New Delhi – 110068.
Table of content
Objective ………………………………………………………………5
Project category………………………………………………………….6
Scope of the system……………………………………………………...7
Requirment specification………………………………………………...8
Project planning and scheduling………………………………………..10
Pert chart………………………………………………….…………….11
Gantt chart……………………………………………….……………...12
ER Diagram…………………………………………..…………………16
Database Design……………………………………..………………….17
Use Case diagram…………………………………...…………………..19
Class diagram……………………………………..…………………….20
Future scope………………………………………………………………21
Having certain valuables like gold, diamonds and important documents at home can
make our daily lives insecure, as guarding these valuables will command primary
importance at home. A well shielded location, where these valuables can be stored,
will definitely relieve us to some extent.Bank lockers are relatively safe for a person
to store his/her valuables for a period of time. The lockers are built to be safend well
equipped with alarms and other alerting devices. These lockers are available with
many banks in India and each bank has specific branches where they have these
lockers. The locker is just like a cupboard that is made of metal and has a door that
can be locked by various means (key, coded number etc). The lockers are available in
different sizes and based on the needs, a customer can choose the size of his locker.
The customer may also have to deposit some amount as security in the beginning.
This may include the rent for locker for a period (say 3 years) and also an amount for
emergencies when the bank has to break open the locker.
Opening a bank locker is not the easiest of things to do, as lockers are not readily
available and all the branches have a waiting period for opening a locker. Bank
branches usually maintain a waiting list register and allot the lockers on a first come,
first served basis.One has to physically visit other branches to find out if they have
lockers available.
This project basically deals with the difficulties faced while opening and operating
bank lockers. This project provides facility to check the availability of bank lockers
in nearest branches online which saves a lots of time and effort and gives all the details
like charges, guidelines , norms , availability etc. on one mouse click. It also helps to
make request for date and time for operating specified bank locker. It also notify the
customer about the confirmation of the appointment on the stipulated date and time
for the operation of the locker.
Online locker Management System is to provide efficient searching of
available lockers in nearest branches and provides the facility to make
appointments for operation of particular locker. It also -
Provides information about the guidelines, eligibility, charges , sizes available
etc. in a convenient manner.
Enhanceslocker management by providing speed and ease benefits to increase
operational efficiency.
Helps to make appointments for KYC.
Maintains record of waiting list number and also the status of the same.
Maintains A copy of agreement between bank and hirer.
Maintains the details of bank account and FD (if any) relates to the concerned
Maintains the record of operations and charges of concerned locker in a month.
Maintains the details of nominee.
Maintains the record of requests and complaints made.
Project Category
Online Locker Management System,a Web Application using Visual Studio IDE for
Visual C# and asp.NET Framework is a software framework that runs primarily on
Microsoft Windows. It includes a large library and supports several programming
languages which allow language interoperability (each language can use code
written in other languages). Programs written for the.NET Framework and other
libraries.The .NET Framework is intended to be used by most new
applicationscreated for the Windows platform. Microsoft also produces a popular
integrated development environment largely for.
Hardware resources:-
• Processor: Dual core Processor
• RAM :Min 512 MB (for better Results it must be upgraded)
• HDD : 40 GB of free Hard Disk Space.
• Printer : LaserJet/Dot-Matrix
• Monitor : 15” colour Monitor.
• Key-board : Microsoft standard keyboard
• Mouse : Microsoft standard 2 PS1 or PS2 mouse
Almost every activity in the world today is controlled by computer
drivensoftwareprograms. This trend was first accommodated by engineering
applications in the past. However, as the life style became more and more complex,
every area ofhuman interactions was invaded by various software systems, such as
real time, business, simulation, embedded, web based, personal and more recently,
artificial intelligence software etc. According to the above facts, managing and
maintaining lockers at banks could also be controlled by efficient software. This
project focuses attention on designing efficient and reliable software which helps in
making appointments for locker operations and opening new lockers at bank online.
Requirement Specifications
The requirements specified in this document cover the entire necessary and
mandatory feature of application required by the client. The data captured in this
process will aid the testing process during unit testing and deployment. This project
deals with automation of operations of a bank locker. Generally it includes making
requests for new locker, Accounts Management, maintains records of operations and
making appointment for operations etc. The software is required to fulfil all the
functional requirements identified by this document.
Administrator is responsible for managing the working of system. She/he has the all
the security privileges to access the system. He/she has following tasks –
• Create new user of the system.
• Generate and view various Reports.
Clients are the various individual customers or organizations those wants to
have a bank locker or want to operate their bank locker. He/she has following tasks-
• Creating new accounts for making new applications for locker.
• Making request for locker operations etc.
Operator Operates the whole system. He / she has following tasks-
• Data entry.
• Report generation.
• updating the status of requests.
• making new appointments.
• forwarding customers request to banks etc.
Time Constraints
The final deployment of this website will not take place until all functional features
has been tested. This is estimated to be done by 30th of November 2018.
One year free support for rectifying system bugs including front end and back end
will be provided. During warranty period Software Engineers will be responsible for
removing bugs and improving it. After one year support can be extended @ 20% of
the total product deployment cost.
Specifying the bank/customer who has requested for locker (i.e. whetherhaving any
account in bank or not).Entering the information about the requirements of the
customer like the required size and type, required location etc. If no locker is available
at the time of request then do the following:
Maintain the record of date and time of request along with the details of bank.
Update the status of request and waiting number within a bank.
Provide the SMS alert on the approval of locker request or approval of
appointment for locker operations .
Generate reports of various requests.
Project Planning and Scheduling
Our planning was about all kinds of resources required and estimation regarding total
cost. Project Evaluation and Review Technique (pert) is a network model. We also
finalized how much time it will take to implement the software with in the given
constraint of the cost, effort and resources. In resources we also considered human
resources, reusable software resources and environmental resources. Knowing the
amount of time, a team has to complete a project makes it easier for the project
manager to allocate tasks and get things done. Therefore, many projectmanagers rely
on project schedules to set timeframe parameters for projects.
Project scheduling looks at which tasks need to be performed for a project and assigns
deadlines for their completion. The project scheduler sets these deadlines by
calculating how long each task should take to perform. The most important
requirement for using PERT is the breaking up of the project into jobs or activities
and determining the order of precedence for these jobs that is deciding which jobs are
to be completed before another can be started.
The next step is to draw a picture or graph, which illustrates the jobs outlining the
predecessor and successor relations among them. The major tasks in this system are
listed below: -
Pert Chart
Project Evaluation and Review Technique (pert) is a network model. In a network
model, various states and events are represented.the project acquires several
intermediate states. first step to decide what our tasks are performed and which task
depends on which.
Following is the list of task to The pert below:
Start: 19-09-18 ID: 3
Finish: 20-11-18 Dur: 45 days
documentation implementation
Start: 20-09-18 ID: 5 Start: 29-11-18 ID: 6
Finish: 28-11-18 Dur: 50 days Finish: 05-12-18 Dur: 5 d
Res: Res:
Gantt Chart
The simplest planning approaches uses Gantt chart or bar charts. Gantt
chart is a graphical representation of a project that shows each task as a horizontal
bar whose length is proportional to its time for completion. The Gantt chart is as
• Zero level DFD:
Admin Customer
manages View
Online Locker
Bank Updates Management Updates
First level DFD
Second level DFD
Admin BANK
Name Address Address
Lockr_No Capacity
Status Update
Manag Details
A/C No.
Table Name: Locker
update users
user logIn
locker Details
-updates -Requests
Waiting List
Locker booking
Account Details
-Generates -View
Class diagram:
-User_id : Char
-User_pass : Char
-Name : Char Customer
-contactNo : Double -CustomerId : String
-emailID : Char -Name : String
+AddUser() -Adhar : Double
+RemoveUser() -contactNo : Double
+ManageTran() Locker Details -accountNo : Double
+ManageLocker() -emailID : String
-Locker_id : Char
+Managewaiting() -Address : String
-Bank_id : Char
-Capacity : Double +ViewLocker()
-Charges : Double +RqstLocker()
-Status : Char
-BankId : Char
-BankName : Char
-IFSC : Char
+approveRqst() Transations
-Locker_id : String
-UserID : String
-NoOfTr : Integer
-status : Char
-PaymentMode : String
-dateOfTr : Date
Following modification or upgrades can be done in system.
• More than one bank can be integrated through this software.
• Web services can be used to know exact status of lockers.
• Customers can check their request status online.
• To increase operational efficiency.
• Maintains report of daily processed transactions.
• Proper bank and locker information management.
• SMS alert facility can be provided.
• Enquiry facility can be upgraded.