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Cycloidal Gearbox

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I Eksploatacja i testy

Roman KRÓL


This article presents results of the numerical analysis of cycloidal gearbox, which were obtained in MSC Adams engineer-
ing software. Multibody geometry for dynamical analysis was designed in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017 and imported
in MSC Adams. The results of analysis are forces acting on the internal and external sleeves, position, velocity and accelera-
tion of the selected points on the cycloidal gearbox’s moving components. Indirect result is time course of the torque at output
shaft which was calculated on the basis of forces acting on the internal sleeves, which are parts of the equilibrium mechanism
and displacements of these sleeves. Knowledge about cycloidal gearbox’s loading conditions is important in its design process.
Main advantage of a cycloidal gearbox is distribution of the forces on multiple external sleeves, while in majority of other
gears only one tooth is in contact at a time.

Simulation of cycloidal gearbox can be done in software de-
signed for multibody dynamics. Gears have cycloidal shape and it
leads to many complications in design of a simulation model. Mech-
anism of cycloidal gearbox should be assembled from many parts
and it leads to many modeling difficulties. In Autodesk Inventor
Professional 2017 software, constraints were applied on the com-
ponent bodies’ axes and collision detection tool was used. Idea of
constraints is helpful in geometry design of eccentric shafts, which
have constraint applied on axes and radial displacement of the pins.
In geometrical model, interference of the bodies can lead to numeri-
cal problems if an analysis allows contact of the bodies. Collision
detection tool in Autodesk Inventor was used to set up a cycloidal
gearbox mechanism in starting position without interference of
component bodies. Fig. 1. Geometry of the cycloidal gearbox prepared in Autodesk
Geometry designed in Autodesk Inventor was imported in MSC Inventor: external sleeve (1), external cycloidal gear (2), input
Adams engineering software, which is designed for multibody dy- shaft (3), internal sleeve (4), internal cycloidal gear (5), output
namics. Two models based on the imported geometry were de- shaft (6)
signed in MSC Adams. The first model contains only rigid bodies
and the second model contains two rigid cycloidal gears and flexible Tab. 1. Analysis parameters: torque and velocity
Parameter Value
bodies: internal and external sleeves, input and output shafts. Con-
Input torque 1.55 Nm
nections between bodies were set up by the application of bearings. Output torque 22.26 Nm
Each bearing is a radial-thrust connection which follows its applica- Angular velocity of input shaft 500 RPM
tion point on a given component body and rotates with friction dur- Analysis time 0.36 s
ing motion of the cycloidal gearbox mechanism.
Geometry prepared in Autodesk Inventor is shown in Figure 1. Tab. 2. Analysis parameters: masses of the component bodies
It consists of the following bodies: input shaft, output shaft, 8 inter- Part name Mass [kg]
nal sleeves, 16 external sleeves and 2 cycloidal gears. Model which Internal cycloidal gear 0.599
was prepared in MSC Adams (which is shown in Figure 2) consists External cycloidal gear 0.599
Input shaft 0.232
of the same bodies, but there are also two bearings on the each
Output shaft 1.815
external sleeve, two bearings on each shaft and one bearing in Internal sleeve (excluding the pin) 0.0235
each cycloidal gear. Contacts was set up between external sleeves External sleeve 0.0245
and each cycloidal gear and between internal sleeves and each
cycloidal gear. Analysis parameters are shown in Table 1 and 2.

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Fig. 2. Finite element model in MSC Adams (the second model): Fig. 5. Z-components of the points’ “A” and “B” displacements
bearings on external sleeves (1, 2), bearing on input shaft (3), bear- (Fig. 3)
ing on eccentric pin of the input shaft, where the housing is external
cycloidal gear (4), bearing on internal sleeves (5, 6), bearing on
output shaft (7). Red bodies are flexible (consist of tetrahedral finite
elements), gray bodies are rigid


Kinematic quantities was determined in the first model. Points
“A” and “B”, for which kinematic quantities were calculated are
shown in Figure 3. These points lie on the internal cycloidal gear.

Fig. 6. Y-components of the points’ “A” and “B” velocities (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3. Points “A” and “B” on the internal cycloidal gear, for which
position, velocity and acceleration time courses were determined

Time courses of the points’ “A” and “B” position components

during 18 rotations of input shaft are shown in Figure 4 and 5. In
Figure 6 and 7 velocities of these points are shown and in Figure 8
and 9 acceleration of the point “A” is presented. Fig. 7. Z-components of the points’ “A” and “B” velocities (Fig. 3)

Fig. 4. Y-components of the points’ “A” and “B” displacements Fig. 8. Y-component of the point’s “A” translational acceleration
(Fig. 3) (Fig. 3)

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I Eksploatacja i testy
where: Pmax – maximum force acting on the external sleeve,
MC - output torque from the one cycloidal gear, rA – radius of the
circle that makes the point of concentration of force lines in the
meshing of the cycloidal gear, zb – number of external sleeves,
li - force arm from the center of the mentioned circle to the given
force line which is normal to the force line, lmax - maximum force arm
length. Exemplary arms: NR and SN are shown in Figure 12.

Fig. 9. Y-component of the point’s “A” translational acceleration in a

shorter time span


The advantage of a cycloidal gearbox is that many lobes can
work at the same time. Numerical simulation showed forces acting
on the external and internal sleeves (Figure 10 and 11 respectively).
Important part of cycloidal gearboxes’ optimal design [1, 3, 4, 5] is
analysis of the forces acting on sleeves. Information obtained during
analysis can be used in further fatigue-life analysis of the sleeves in Fig. 12. Exemplary force arms NR and SN (blue sections), the rA
which significant deformations occur. (MN) is the radius of the circle that makes the point of intersection of
the force lines (red lines) during motion of the cycloidal gear. L is the
center of rotation of the input shaft and N is the eccentric point

Tab. 3. Forces acting on the external sleeves calculated

from equation 1 and 2
Sleeve number (Fig. 12) Force arm length [mm] Force [N]
1 42 66
2 36.3 57
3 42 66
4 39.7 63
5 34.4 54
6 27.3 43
Fig. 10. Force acting on the one of the external sleeves during three 7 18.9 30
revolutions of the input shaft 8 9.6 15
9 60.8 96
10 9.6 15
11 18.9 30
12 27.3 43
13 34.4 54
14 39.7 63
15 42 66
16 36.3 57


Torque at the output shaft given in Figure 13 and 14 was cal-
culated from the Equation (3) and (4) on the basis of forces acting
on the internal sleeves (Figure 11).
Fig. 11. Force acting on the one of the internal sleeves during three
revolutions of the input shaft (3)

From Equation (1) and (2) forces acting on the external sleeves (4)
were calculated. These results are shown in Table 3.
where M is the moment at the output shaft, Mn is the moment from
n-th internal sleeve, - is the position vector of the given internal
, sleeve‘s center of mass, - is the resulting force vector acting on
(2) the internal sleeve.
. Numerical analysis showed the torque fluctuation at output
shaft (Figure 13 and 14). Peak-to-peak value of the torque at output
shaft calculated in the second model is 4.329 Nm and in the first

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Eksploatacja i testy
model is 3.316 Nm. Average output torque is 22.305 Nm in the
second model and 22.378 Nm in the first model. Measurements
[3, 5] showed fluctuation of the input torque. In MSC Adams the
spline, which represents input torque fluctuations was defined and
applied as an input torque in the cycloidal gearbox’s numerical
model. These input torque fluctuations are shown in Figure 15. In
Figure 16 torques at output shaft with fluctuations of the input torque
and with constant input torque are shown.

Fig. 16. Torque at the output shaft when input torque is with fluctua-
tion (Figure 15) - blue line and when input torque is constant (Ta-
ble 1) – red line


According to [2], since the Adams/Flex software has been re-
leased, MSC Adams uses modal flexibility method for analysis with
flexible bodies. Finite element mesh is generated for a flexible body
Fig. 13. Torque at output shaft calculated in the first model on the and modal superposition is applied. Deformations of the finite ele-
basis of forces acting on the internal sleeves ment model’s nodes are approximated in the way shown in equa-
tion (5).


where: u – modal deformations, M – the number of mode shapes,

– mode shape qi – scale factors or amplitudes (modal coordi-
nates). Modal deformations contour plot is shown in Figure 17
and 18.

Fig. 14. Torque at output shaft calculated in the second model on

the basis of forces acting on the internal sleeves

Fig. 15. Fluctuation of the torque at input shaft, measured in exper-

imental stand [3, 5] Fig. 17. Contour plot of the modal deformations in the model with
flexible shafts and sleeves and two rigid cycloidal gears

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I Eksploatacja i testy
1. M. Chmurawa, Cycloidal gears with tooth modification (in Polish,
Obiegowe przekładnie cykloidalne z modyfikacją zazębienia).
Silesian Technical University, Zeszyty naukowe, Nr 1547, 2002
2. MSC Software, “Using Adams/Flex”
https://simcompanion.mscsoftware.com/infocenter/, pp. 129-
134, 2014
3. M. Wikło, K. Olejarczyk, K. Kołodziejczyk, K. Król, I. Komorska,
Experimental vibration test of the cycloidal gearbox with diffe-
rent working conditions, Vibroengineering PROCEDIA. 13.
10.21595/vp.2017.19073., 2017
4. K. Olejarczyk, M. Wikło, K. Król, K. Kołodziejczyk, EXPERI-
Szynowego. 12., 2016
5. K. Olejarczyk, M. Wikło, K. Król, K. Kołodziejczyk, R. Nowak.
Fig. 18. Contour plot with hidden cycloidal gears. Modal defor-
mations of four internal sleeves at the same time is shown
THE SINGLE-GEAR CYCLOIDAL. Tribologia. 1/2017. 067-073.,
Contour graphs in Figure 17 and 18 show that deformation dis-
tribution on the sleeves is not even. The characteristic feature of a
cycloidal gearbox shown in these Figures is that many sleeves work
at the same time. Kinematics and dynamics of the two stage cycloidal gearbox
This article presents results of the numerical analysis of
CONCLUSIONS cycloidal gearbox, which were obtained in MSC Adams engi-
Kinematic analysis showed that the first model, with rigid bod- neering software. Multibody geometry for dynamical analysis
ies only, can be used for fast analysis. The number of peaks in was designed in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017 and
Figure 4-7 corresponds to the number of revolutions of the input imported in MSC Adams. The results of analysis are forces
shaft. In position and velocity charts, first and second order oscilla- acting on the internal and external sleeves, position, velocity
tions are shown. The second order oscillations have higher frequen- and acceleration of the selected points on the cycloidal gear-
cy than the first order ones. box’s moving components. Indirect result is time course of
Forces acting on the external sleeves (Table 3) were calculated the torque at output shaft which was calculated on the basis
with static assumptions. Numerical simulation in MSC Adams takes of forces acting on the internal sleeves, which are parts of the
into account inertia forces and the second model with flexible bodies equilibrium mechanism and displacements of these sleeves.
takes into account modal deformations of the external sleeves. Knowledge about cycloidal gearbox’s loading conditions is
Forces calculated from static equilibrium (Equation 1 and 2) are important in its design process. Main advantage of
3 times lower than forces determined in MSC Adams. a cycloidal gearbox is distribution of the forces on multiple
Fluctuations of the input torque doesn’t significantly influence external sleeves, while in majority of other gears only one
the output torque. The responses (Figure 16) on the constant input tooth is in contact at a time.
torque and on the input torque with the fluctuation are of the same
order. Autorzy:
dr inż. Roman Król – Uniwersytet Technologiczno-
In the part of the article, related to the calculation of the two Humanistyczny im. Kazimierza Pułaskiego w Radomiu, Wydział
stage cycloidal gear reducer, the MSC Software national scientific Mechaniczny, Zakład Mechaniki, e-mail: roman.krol@hotmail.com
software license has been used, which is operated by the TASK
Computer Centre. License has been funded by a computational
grant obtained by Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and JEL: L97 DOI: 10.24136/atest.2018.125
Humanities in Radom, Poland. Data zgłoszenia: 2018.05.23 Data akceptacji: 2018.06.15

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