2.1 Research Articles Related To MMC
2.1 Research Articles Related To MMC
2.1 Research Articles Related To MMC
mechanical properties are achieved. The flow behavior under rolling of Al-
particulate metal matrix composites, PMMCs, is analyzed and the product is
characterized for its mechanical properties.
Sandeep Kumar Ravesh & Garg (2012) focused in the past few
years the global need for low cost, high performance and good quality
materials has caused a shift in research from monolithic to composite
materials. In case of MMC‘s, aluminium matrix composite due their high
strength to weight ratio, low cost and high wear resistance are widely
manufactured and used in structural applications along with aerospace and
automobile industry. Also a simple and cost effective method for
manufacturing of the composites is very essential for expanding their
application. Reinforcements like particulate alumina, silicon carbide, graphite,
fly ash etc can easily be incorporated in the melt using cheap and widely
available stir casting method. This paper presents a review on the mechanical
were established with the aid of scanning electron microscopy. The results
show that the corrosion resistance of the single reinforced Al–Mg–Si/10wt .%
Al2O3 composite was superior to that of the hybrid composites in 3.5% NaCl
solution, and the corrosion rates increased with increase in wt.% RHA. The
increase in the population of matrix/reinforcement interface with increase in
wt.% RHA in the hybrid composites was identified as the likely reason for the
increase in corrosion rates observed with increase in wt.% RHA. The
coefficient of friction and consequently, the wear rate of the composites were
observed to increase with increase in RHA wt.%. The wear mechanism of the
composites was observed to transform from predominantly abrasive wear to a
combination of both adhesive and abrasive wear with increase in RHA wt.%.
David Raja Selvam et al. (2013) Stir casting is one of the simplest
ways of producing Aluminium Matrix Composites (AMCs). This work
focuses on the fabrication of AMCs reinforced with various weight
percentages of SiC particulates and a constant weight percentage of Fly Ash
by modified stir casting route. The wet ability of SiC and Fly ash particles in
the matrix was improved by adding magnesium into the melt. The
microstructure and mechanical properties of the fabricated AMCs were
analyzed. (Jenix Rino et al. 2013) The present study deals with the
investigation of the mechanical behavior of Aluminium 6063 alloy
composites reinforced by Zircon sand (ZrSiO4) and Alumina (Al2O3) particles
with a total reinforcement in Wt% is 8, and in this hybrid reinforcement the
variations (0+8)%, (2+6)%, (4+4)%, (6+2)%, (8+0)% were taken in to
account for investigating the properties such as density tensile strength
and hardness of the composites synthesized by Stir casting technique. The
mechanical properties evaluation reveals variations in hardness and the tensile
strength values with the composite combinations. From the experimental
studies, the optimum volume fraction of hybrid reinforcement in Al
The SEM micrographs revealed that the addition of Fly Ash helped
to prevent SiCp dissolution and the formation of Al4C3. The mechanical
properties like hardness and tensile strength were improved with the increase
in weight percentage of SiC particulates with constant weight percentage of
Fly Ash in the aluminium matrix.
Auradia & Kori (2014) In the present work, 11wt% B4C particulate
reinforced 6061 Al matrix composites were produced by conventional melt
stirring method. Processing of composite is carried out at a temperature of
7500C involving two stage additions. Preheated B4C particles along with
K2TiF6 halide salt (with ratio of 0.3) was introduced in steps of two rather
than adding all at once. Characterization of the prepared composites is done
using SEM/EDX and X-RD studies. Fairly uniform distribution of B4C
particulates without clustering in 6061Al matrix was evident from SEM
studies. The prepared composite consists of D-Al, B4C and minor phases like
Al3Ti, AlB2 and Al3BC are confirmed by XRD studies. The addition of B4C
particulates to 6061Al matrix has resulted in improvements in mechanical
properties of the base alloy.
and wear behaviors. Then, some recent techniques to enhance these two
properties are discussed such as alloying, composite production, and casting.
composites. At 150 and 300 oC the matrix alloy exhibits higher strength than
the composites, but the extruded composites have better strength than as-cast
composites? Time rupture creep tests carried out at 300 oC showed that the
composites exhibits higher creep resistance as compared to the matrix alloy
except at relatively low stresses where the matrix has a better creep resistance.
Sandeep Kumar Ravesh & Garg (2012) deals with the fabrication
of aluminium based metal matrix composite and then characterized their
mechanical properties such as hardness, toughness and tensile strength. In
the present study a modest attempt has been made to develop aluminium
based silicon carbide particulate MMCs with an objective to develop a
conventional low cast method of producing MMCs and to obtain
homogeneous dispersion of ceramic material. To achieve this objective stir
casting technique has been adopted. Aluminium 6061 (97.06% C.P) and
SiC, Fly Ash has been chosen as matrix and reinforcement material
respectively. Experiment has been conducted by varying weight fraction of
SiC (2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%) while keeping all other parameters constant.
The result indicated that the developed method is quite successful and there is
an increase in the value of tensile strength, hardness and toughness with
increase in weight percentage of SiC.
material, transmission lines etc. But due to their low melting point and low
hardness they will wear and deformed easily. The metal Aluminium cannot
meet al.l the required properties suitable for various engineering applications.
So it is necessary to develop the Aluminium based materials that could
have all combinational properties satisfying all our engineering
requirements. SiC can be considered as ideal reinforcements due to their high
strength, high aspect ratio and thermo mechanic properties. However, until
now, the main obstacle is to obtain a homogenous dispersion of the SiCs in
the desired matrix. Quite a few methods have studied to help improving the
dispersion of SiCs in a polymer matrix. The objective of this work is to
reinforce light Aluminium with SiC by melt stirring method. Different wt%
of SiC was added to Aluminium [1100] separately to make Aluminium
composites and its mechanical and thermal properties have been investigated
using test like tensile, hardness, coefficient of thermal expansion. The
improvement of mechanical and thermal properties for both the cases has
been compared with pure Aluminium.
downed the wear. In order to judge the densification behavior, the samples
were multi-axially forged and the strength of the samples was compared. The
results showed that the multi-axially forged samples exhibited more strength
than as-casted samples due to presence of pores in as-casted condition.
were conducted and presented by varying the particle size and weight
fractions of SiC.
were studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The fresh Silicon
carbide powder particles were mostly angular in shape. The shape of the 50h
milled particles is irregular and the surface morphology is rough.
Amal Nassar & Eman Nassar (2013) studied the effect of NanoSiC
particles on the mechanical properties for the polymer composite material.
We using the epoxy resin (EPOBOND Epoxy) supplied from epobond for
chemicals and electrical components in Egypt as matrix reinforced with
silicon carbide nano particles with different weight percentage (5, 10, 15 and
20). The tensile tests were made by using LLOYD" Universal Tensile Testing
Machine System at room temperature, the wear tests were made by Pin-on-
Disc machine and A Chirpy impact test machine was used for measuring the
impact toughness during impact testing . It is found that the addition of Nano
SiC particles on epoxy resin can improve the wear resistance however the
strength decrease with further increase in weight percentage of
Rajan et al. (2007) The roles of the melt and the mould material on
the cooling curve parameters and the heat transfer at the casting/mould
interface during solidification of Al(356) alloy and its composites reinforced
with silicon carbide and graphite particles are investigated. A dimensionless
thermal parameter is used to model the effect of thermo physical properties of
the alloy and the composite systems, the mould materials and the heat content
on the cooling rate.
constant machining condition, tool wear study was carried out for a time
duration of 100 min. The result showed that the tool flank wears was
maximum while machining 20% of the SiC reinforcing MMC when
compared with 10% of the SiC reinforcing MMC. The result proved that
the effect of SiC particles‘ weight percentage was a dependent parameter on
tool wear. The main mechanism of tool wear in machining Al-SiC MMC
includes two-body abrasion and three-body abrasion. However, the tool
wear images were captured by optical microscope and SEM, which
supported the result.
AMCs are illustrated. Based upon the survey the precedence of this work will
be used to prepare MMC using Silicon carbide as micro and nano size range
as an reinforcement in aluminium (A6063) matrix and to study its mechanical
and wear characteristics. Studies were also to be carried on the effect of
particle size on mechanical properties and wear behaviour of aluminium SiC