Materials Today: Proceedings: Sachindra Shankar, Somnath Chattopadhyaya
Materials Today: Proceedings: Sachindra Shankar, Somnath Chattopadhyaya
Materials Today: Proceedings: Sachindra Shankar, Somnath Chattopadhyaya
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: AA 1050 and commercially pure copper alloys were successfully fabricated using Friction stir welding
Received 5 April 2019 (FSW). The welds were obtained by using the different tool rotational speed of 1400 and 2000 rpm
Received in revised form 11 July 2019 and the traverse speed of 40 and 63 mm/min. Mechanical tests and FESEM tests were implemented to
Accepted 30 July 2019
inspect the joint strength and microstructural property. The highest joint strength of weld was 91%
Available online xxxx
of Al parent metal. The fine-grained microstructure was observed in the WN and a large amount of Cu
parent metal exists with different shapes in the elongated in weld nugget.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Commercially pure copper alloy
1050 Al alloy
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on
FSW Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering.
Tensile strength
1. Introduction are plasticized. Last is WN (Weld nugget), also known as weld stir
zone. This region is totally recrystallized region and during the
FSW is a fabrication process which is suitable for the joining of welding process, this region is occupied by the tool probe.
dissimilar materials, developed and patented by W.M. Thomas of Copper and Aluminum have been extensively used as engineer-
‘The Welding Institute’ [TWI, UK] in 1991. During the joining of ing structural materials, by reason of their excellent ductile prop-
the two plates of same or different materials, a rotating non- erties, electrical and thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance
consumable tool probe is used which is driven between the joining and less presence of residual stresses and distortions. These two
ends of the two plates and then is allowed to move along the plates materials are commonly used in wide varieties of engineering
interface i.e. along the welding direction. Frictional heat is pro- applications including railway, marine, automobile, and electric
duced on the interfaces of two plates and then the sufficient pres- power industries, aerospace [1]. FSW has many benefits (a) low
sure is applied to the two joining plates with the help of tool processing temperature (b) greater weld strength compared with
shoulder. The heat generated allows the metal to flow and mix the fusion welding process (c) little or no porosity (d) no filler
together without melting to create a strong weld joint. The weld materials (e) no solidification cracking (f) no welding gases or
properties and weld conditions were greatly influenced by differ- fumes and improved corrosion resistance.
ent process parameters such as probe axes, tool geometry, feed Till date, many research works have been accomplished in this
rate, tool position and rotational speed. These process parameters welding process. Xavier et al. performed the FSW of Cu and Al and
were analyzed to produce high-quality welds. The joints produced analyzed the weld zone properties with respect to the change in
mainly consists of four regions, first is PM (Parent metal), material the tool traverse speed. The results showed the zero defect in stir
region that has not been influenced by the heat in terms of zone, thin inter-metallic layer, fine Cu particles distribution in
mechanical properties and microstructure and second is HAZ (Heat the WN region results in improved tensile properties [2]. Sachindra
Affected Zone) that lies near to the weld zone and has experienced et al. used friction stir welding for joining the dissimilar thickness
more heat which eventually modifies the mechanical properties Al-Cu alloys in the bus bar application [3]. Rao et al. investigated
and the microstructure of that zone. However, in this region, no the optimum FSW parameters for Cu using cylindrical pin with
plastic deformation takes place. The third is TMAZ where materials thread on its external surface and taper threaded at the rotational
speed of 900 rpm. The results showed that cylindrical threaded
tool is mostly suited for welding [4]. S. Ma et al. determined the
⇑ Corresponding author.
influence on microstructure and corrosion properties accom-
E-mail address: (S. Shankar).
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering.
Please cite this article as: S. Shankar and S. Chattopadhyaya, Friction stir welding of commercially pure copper and 1050 aluminum alloys, Materials Today:
2 S. Shankar, S. Chattopadhyaya / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
plished by laser surface melting of Friction stir joined 2219Al alloy. mations (Al6Fe and Al5Fe2). The results of this study showed that
In this study, the corrosion resistance enhanced through laser sur- by enhancing the welding speed, the tensile strength of weld joint
face melting by improving microstructure and phase distribution increases. They also noticed the reduction in IMC information at
[5]. Ding et al. joined AA5754 Al alloy and coated Al-Si steel using higher welding speed which also showed higher joint strength
refill FSSW. The Al-Si coating and the intermetallic phase Al7Fe2Si [16]. El-Sayed et al. used finite elemental analysis (FEA) to antici-
and Al5Fe2Si formed during welding played the key role in the dis- pate the temperature distribution of AA5083-O using FSW process.
similar welding and microstructure evolution which led to a very They observed that the maximum temperature obtained by FEA is
high shear strength [6]. Kesharwani et al. analyzed the influence matched the maximum temperature measured by infrared thermal
of travel speed, rotational speed, shoulder diameter and pin geom- image camera with an error of 3.31% at 630 rpm and 1.22% at
etry on butt welded two dissimilar sheets of AA5754-H22 and 400 rpm [17]. R Murugan et al. used ANSYS model analysis for
AA5052-H32 using FSW. They have used Taguchi grey based FSW process on bronze and copper plate and analysed the various
approach to optimize the experiment and settle that with temperature distributions at various travel time and seen that the
1800 rpm rotational speed, travel speed of 50 mm/min, 20 mm tool temperature increases as travel time duration increases along the
shoulder diameter and square geometry tool pin resulted in the weld line [18]. Shankar et al. investigated the different type of
ultimate tensile strength of 175 MPa [7]. Dubey et al. observed defects and temperature induced during the FSW of aluminum
the microstructure, wear nature and hardness of FSWed Al-Cu alloys [19]. Saw et al. examined the microstructure evolution of
alloy. They have investigated that welded joint which was guided friction surfaced different material [20].
to maximum heat transfer was harder in comparison to other The present study investigates the FSW of Cu alloy and AA1050
joints. They have also observed that alloy containing the greater plates on a hmt made vertical milling machine (FN1U hmt). Weld-
proportion of Cu exhibited better wear resistant property than that ing was performed by H13 die steel with an offset of 2 mm on Al
containing less amount of Cu [8]. Zhang et al. executed compara- side. From the literature study, it was concluded that only few
tive study in which pure Cu and 1060 Al alloy were joined by Fric- papers related to dissimilar welding of Cu alloy and 1050 Al alloy
tion Stir Welding where Al is used as retreating side and Cu is plates has been accomplished with the help of friction stir welding.
advancing side. The result of this study showed that the formation The microstructural characteristics, joint strength test and micro-
of Intercalation structure in a metallurgical bonding of Cu/WN hardness of the fabricated welded specimens were analyzed and
areas promoted Al and Cu. Due to a high dislocation density; the reported in this paper. The microstructure of weld nugget was
values of hardness in the weld nugget were greater than the base investigated by using FESEM. The optimum parameters have been
metal [9]. Lee et al. studied the microstructure of dissimilar butt determined for obtaining the improved mechanical properties of
joint that was produced under the ‘off-set’ situation i.e. the posi- the weld. This type of joints is widely used in marine industries,
tion of tool plunge moved towards AZ31 from the AA6061-T6 railways and various types of applications in industries.
and AZ31interface. This study showed that in stir zone, the fine- Joining of dissimilar metal is a challenging task due to the dif-
grained microstructure, weaker or randomized plane orientation ference in the mechanical and chemical property. Only few studies
of plane was observed and average recrystallized grains size was have been focused on the joining of Al and Cu which is a major bus
investigated as 2.5–4.5 lm [10]. Kundu et al. used FSW to join bar material.
commercial pure Al and interstitial free steel. They observed that
in weld zone, the intermetallic compounds (Al3Fe) were formed
and its growth rate depend upon the tool rotational speed. The 2. Experimental procedure
micro-hardness of the interface was observed to be greater than
parent metal [11]. Franchim et al. analyzed the result by the FSW FSW of commercially pure Cu alloy and Al alloy 1050 plates
of thin sheets of Al alloy AA2024-T. Tensile tests, SEM, Optical with thickness 6 mm has been performed. Table 1 represents the
microscopy were used to characterize the butt joints formed. This chemical composition of the material to be weld. The plates having
study reported that without post-weld heat treatment, the dimension of 100 mm length and 85 mm width were cut from the
strength of weld zone is near about to the strength of the parent
metal and no defects are found in the resulting microstructure
[12]. Dorbane et al. observed that by taking AZ31B magnesium
alloy on the retreating side and Al 6061-T6 Al alloy on the advanc-
ing side of the weld, produces a good quality joint. Intermetallic
compounds (IMC) Mg2Al3 and Mg17Al12 were found in the weld
zone. They also concluded that micro-hardness values of Al parent
metal are higher than the magnesium base material in weld nugget
[13]. Azizieh et al. concluded that highest tensile strength can be
found in the pin position of the weld while welding of Al and mag-
nesium alloy [14]. Palanivel et al. performed the comparative study
on the welding of AA5083-H111 and AA6351-T6 Al alloys at differ-
ent welding speeds of 36, 63 and 90 mm/min and concluded that
the transverse speed of 63 mm/min produces better metallurgical
characteristics and ductile fibrous fracture [15]. Dehghani et al.
used the FSW process to join the mild steel to AA5186. They exam-
ined the effect of varying parameters on joint strength and IMC for- Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of Al- Cu FSW setup.
Table 1
Compositions of AA1050 alloy.
Material Cu Al Fe Mg Zn V Cr Si
AA1050 0.05 Bal. 0.4 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.25
Please cite this article as: S. Shankar and S. Chattopadhyaya, Friction stir welding of commercially pure copper and 1050 aluminum alloys, Materials Today:
S. Shankar, S. Chattopadhyaya / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
large sheets of Cu and Al with the help of the wire-EDM machine. It was determined that the rotational speed of 1400 rpm and the
To remove oxide films and impurities, the surface of the welding welding speed of 63 mm/min were obtained as the optimum crite-
plates were cleaned with the help of acetone and then the plates rion. The parameters for welding was selected by considering the
were set for welding by the use of clamps. Fig. 1 shows the sche- weld pitch ratio. Weld pitch is the ratio of welding speed to the
matic diagram of FSW set up. During the process, AA1050 and Cu rotational speed which has a detrimental effect on the heat gener-
alloys were placed at the retreating side and the advancing side ation at the time of welding. Micro hardness testing of samples
of the non-consumable tool respectively. The probe was pene- were performed on an Economent VH-1MD machine. Hounsfield
trated along the welding line between the sheets. The entire oper- computerized UTM machine was used for the tensile testing of
ation was accomplished on the milling machine (vertical). The the samples.
samples were prepared at different parameters as shown in Table 2. A h13 steel made tool with cylindrical threaded pin of 6 mm
diameter and 5.8 mm length was used for the joining of the two
Table 2 dissimilar metals. The shoulder diameter was 28 mm. H13 steel
Different Experimental welding parameters.
has high strength at elevated temperature. It has low wear resis-
Specimen no. Rotational speed (rpm) Traverse speed (mm/min) tance as well as good thermal fatigue resistance. Therefore H13
1 1400 40 steel has been used as tool material At the time of joining. The
2 2000 40 threaded form tool was used because it is beneficial for improving
3 1400 63 tool performance and also reduces in-plane reaction forces on the
4 2000 63
tool i.e. forces in X and Y direction.
In this study, displacement control mode was used during the
formation of welds. Four samples of Al alloy and Cu alloy are
welded by FSW at distinct rotational speed and at different feed
rate using Vertical Milling Machine. The parameters of these four
welded sample are shown in Table 2.
Four friction stir joined specimens were taken for tensile test.
Samples for tensile testing were prepared as per the ASTM:
E8/E8M-16a standard. The value of tensile strength of each
specimen is taken for analysis. The result shows that the ultimate
tensile strength (UTS) in stir zone was close to the Al alloy and far
less than that of Cu alloy in each specimen due to inhomogeneous
microstructure. Due to high strain rate and heat generation at the
joint interface IMC layer were formed which increases brittleness
of the stir zone this might be the cause for decreasing the UTS at
Fig. 2. Variations of micro-hardness along the weld nugget zone. the joint interface as compared to parent material. Highest joint
tensile strength value was 91% of the Al base metal. Table 3
Table 3 indicates the joint strength of the welded samples.
Tensile strength of the samples.
Specimen no. Rotational speed Travel speed Tensile Strength 3.2. Micro-Hardness
(rpm) (mm/min) (MPa)
1 1400 40 74.754 The Vickers hardness of the weld region was measured from the
2 2000 40 86.581
bottom to top as represented in (Fig. 2). From the graph, it can be
3 1400 63 88.466
4 2000 63 66.448 observed that the hardness in the bottom region is greater as
compared to the middle and top of the weld nugget region which
Please cite this article as: S. Shankar and S. Chattopadhyaya, Friction stir welding of commercially pure copper and 1050 aluminum alloys, Materials Today:
4 S. Shankar, S. Chattopadhyaya / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx
represents the maximum fraction of copper is distributed along the 5. The distribution of Cu and Al in weld zone is complicated i.e.
bottom area of the weld nugget part. large amount of Cu with different shapes and continuous strips
It was also observed that hardness increases drastically due to a with elongated shapes take place which results in the change in
large amount of Cu particles present with different shapes in an the microstructure inside the weld zone.
elongated form in weld nugget Moreover, high fluctuation in hard-
ness value was observed due to the formation of a large number of
IMC’s inside the weld zone. References
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Please cite this article as: S. Shankar and S. Chattopadhyaya, Friction stir welding of commercially pure copper and 1050 aluminum alloys, Materials Today: