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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Del Remedio, San Pablo City


EDUC 607
Ed.D. Major in Educational Management Professor

Executive Summary

Staff development is a key factor in the propagation of developmental aspect to

both learners and the individual. This study aimed to determine the perception level of
the Araling Panlipunan teachers of the Lutucan integrated National High School in terms
of attending specialized training and graduate school program. This study utilized
descriptive method of research since it made use of questionnaires or survey forms as
instrument for the gathering of data. Seventeen faculty members excluding the
researcher answered the questionnaire and whole heartedly participated in the study.
They were given survey questionnaire and interview question. The respondent’s responses
were treated with utmost confidentiality and utilized mainly for research purposes only.
There is only one male respondent in the study. It was perceived that the years in service
of the respondents are almost equally distributed to the bracketed years in service
designed by the researcher. Based form the result, most of the respondents are still in the
entry level of appointment, i.e. Teacher I position. It was observed that the highest
graduate degree program attended by the respondents is a graduate degree diploma
equivalent to a non-thesis master’s degree program. The respondents strongly
manifested the idea of the importance of attending specialized training and graduate
school program and strong contention of disagreement that attending to such is just a
waste of time and resources. The researcher upon establishing the study’s conclusion,
manifested recommendations and developed a simple monitoring tool to track the
development of teachers as to position, edu8cation and training.

The NCBTS provides a single framework that shall define effective teaching in all
aspects of a teacher’s professional life and in all phases of teacher development. The
use of a single framework should minimize confusion about what effective teaching is.
The single framework should also provide a better guide for all teacher development
programs and projects from the school-level up to the national level.
The changes brought about by various national and global frameworks such as K
to 12 Reform, ASEAN Integration, globalization, and the changing character of the 21 st
century learners necessitates the improvements and call for the rethinking of the National
Competency- Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS); hence the development, adoption
and implementation of the Philippine Professional Teachers’ Standard (PPST) through the
D.O. 42 s. 2017
The Domain 7 of the NCBTS known as Personal Growth and Professional
Development and its three stands such as (1.) Takes pride in the nobility of teaching as a
profession; (2.) Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice and
(3.) Reflects on the extent of the attainment of learning goals are key concepts that state
facts about the importance of Staff Development in the teaching profession. This
promotes the importance of the continuous improvement of teachers through trainings
and attending the graduate school program.
The key element is development. In education, development is a sacred thing. It
is holy since the main characteristics of education is development. Learners attend
school for them to develop holistically. If teachers play the vital role in the development
of the learners, it is proper then for teachers to develop continuously along with their
students. This can be manifested through continues professional development through
trainings and graduate school program.

Problems / Issue Statements

This study was conducted to evaluate the view of the faculty members of the
Araling Panlipunan Department of Lutucan Integrated National High School on the
importance of attending and participating in specialized programs and graduate
Specifically, it sought to achieve the following objectives:
1. Classify the demographic profile of the respondents as to gender, years in service
and position.
2. Find out the educational level or attainment of the faculty members of Araling
Panlipunan Department of Lutucan INHS.
3. Determine the issues and problems of teachers concerning staff development.
4. Identify the importance of attending specialized training and graduate school
program among the respondents.
5. Develop a monitoring tool on the professional development status of the teachers.
Related Literature

Staff development is a key element in the teaching profession. Accordingly, the

bachelor’s degree is just an initial step in the said profession. Trainings and graduate
school program are essential to teachers. Training is a way of life among teachers.
Pursuing a graduate school program is essential for teachers for their career path and
pursuing the thrust of education through continuous development. This can be done
through capacity building or trainings (Miruka, 2007) that the school must provide to the
school personnel, students, parents and other stake holders. Thus, trainings in schools are
primary practice to improve the capacity of teachers about their continuous
But, Raja (2009) in his study posited that the duration of training programs does not
depend on the effectiveness of training, but rather it is dependent on the subject matter
which is to be studied. With this, the relevance of trainings is essential. There are times that
trainings are becoming a mere presentation for compliance and diversion of funds. It
must be considered that trainings must be relevant. Updated subject matters are
necessary with greater emphasis on the applicability and viability to the teachers. Thus,
duration plays a little role in trainings.
Aside from training and education, an improved and safe learning environment
is necessary (Khowaja and Munshi, 2015). This deals with the idea that that learning
environment of teachers must be conducive, safe and sound. It must be noted that the
importance of training matter on how it is protected and safeguarded. Thus, many of the
trainings are done in a more convenient venues such as training centers, halls and even
hotel function halls. A well ventilated and conducive learning environment is a key factor
for better understanding the subject matter of the trainings provided to the teachers.
One of the compelling issues in the attendance of teachers to trainings and
graduate school program is fund. Most of the time teachers managed to attain higher
level of trainings (national and international) if they will pay. This was negated by David
and Albert. This can be funded because of the high allocation of the government in
education (David and Albert, 2015). Thus, trainings should be free of charge and
available to all.

Data Analysis

This study was conducted in Lutucan Integrated National High School. The
respondents were the faculty members of Araling Panlipunan Department in which the
researcher is a member. The Araling Panlipunan Department is composed of seventeen
(17) teachers and one (1) department head (head teacher). Primarily, seventeen (17)
faculty members and the department head were the respondents of the present study
excluding the researcher.
This study utilized descriptive method of research since it made use of PAGE |
questionnaires or survey forms as instrument for the gathering of data. This is done to
congregate the needed information and data to achieve the objectives sought in the
study. A survey questionnaire was adopted from the data in the Problems and Issues
presented in Educ 607 – Advanced Theories and Practices of Educational Management.
After the data were gathered and collected from the respondents, the result was
interpreted. The data gathered were used to evaluate the issues and problems of
teachers concerning staff development and its importance.
The research underwent a process of survey with the use of a questionnaire
developed by the researcher based from the data in the Problems and Issues presented
in Educ 607 – Advanced Theories and Practices of Educational Management as the
focus of this study. The questionnaire was used to find out the issues and problems of
teachers concerning staff development and its importance of Lutucan Integrated
National High School. Aside from the survey questionnaire, a separate interview question
was answered by the respondents to further validate their answers. Specifically, the
statement’s for Staff Development have ten (10) statements based from the said data.
To strengthen the integrity of the study, proper channeling of procedures was
done in conducting the study among the faculty members of Araling Panlipunan
Department. A dialogue of approval to conduct the study was requested from the
department head of Araling Panlipunan Department. Upon the approval, the
questionnaire was released to the faculty members. The researcher personally
approached the faculty members during a regular faculty meeting and asked the help
of the department head to conduct the study.
The respondents were given individual copy of the questionnaire. Instructions were
written in the questionnaire to facilitate an easy and smooth flow of data collection from
the respondents. They were given enough time to answer. Queries of the respondents
were attended, and data gathered were treated with utmost confidentiality. Afterwards,
questionnaires were retrieved for the interpretation of the date gathered.
The statistical formula used in the analysis of the data was the weighted mean:
4𝐹 + 3𝐹 + 2𝐹 + 𝐹
WM =
WM = Weighted mean
F = frequency
N = number of respondents
To interpret the respondents’ level of interest, the scale below was utilized:
Point Scale Range Interval Descriptive Rating
4 3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.50 – 3.24 Agree
2 1.75 – 2.49 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

Key Decision Criteria

Table1 below presents the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

gender. Subsequently, majority of the respondents are females with only one male.
Table 1
Frequency Distribution of the demographic profile
of the respondents in terms of Gender

Male Female Total

1 16 17

Table 2
Frequency Distribution of the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of Years in Service

Years in Service Number

1 to 5 5
6 to 10 2
11 to 15 4
16 to 20 4
21 to 25
26 to 30 1
31 to 35 1
Total 17

Table 2 presents the distribution of the demographic profile of the respondents in

terms of years in service. Based from the table 30% of the respondents are still in the
beginning of their career in the public-school system that is first 5 years of fresh service.
Meanwhile majority of the responders that comprises 10 are in the middle of their service.
Significantly, only 2 of the responders are in the level of the senior years in service that
comprises twenty to thirty years in public service. Consequently, it is noticeable that it is
almost equally distributed in different groups as to the number of years in service. There
are teachers on their beginning years as public-school teachers, some are on the peak
of their careers and some are almost in the retirement level as to their services rendered
in the government.
The next table (Table 3) shows the distribution of the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of Plantilla Position. Noticeably, majority of the respondents are in
the first or entry level position. Consequently, few of the respondents managed to vie
promotion and next level of positions. It is noticeable that higher item or plantilla positions
are limited to the few respondents. 5
Some of the highest positions are limited to the position itself and the standard
requirement of the Department of Education. The Head Teacher III position is limited only
to one position since it if a function of the department head. The Master Teacher I position
is limited in a ratio of 7:1. With this, there may be an assumption that the Araling
Panlipunan department may produce another Master Teacher I position based from the
number of its faculty members. Consequently, creating another item for Master Teacher
I position is not as easy with the Teacher II and Teacher III positions. The Master Teacher I
position is bounded with the quality standards of the Department of education.
The Teacher II and Teacher III position can be obtained through open ranking
position for promotion and educational attainment qualification. The Master Teacher I
position is a completely different matter regarding the much lower ranks. The Head
Teacher III position is limited only to one qualified applicant.

Table 3
Frequency Distribution of the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of Plantilla Position

Position Number
Teacher I 10
Teacher II 2
Teacher III 3
Master Teacher I 1
Head Teacher III 1
Total 17

Table 4
Frequency Distribution of the respondents in terms
of Educational Attainment

Highest Educational Attainment Number

Bachelor's Degree 4
MA Units 7
Complete Academic requirement for MA 5
Graduate Diploma 1
Total 17

Table 4 presents the distribution of the respondents in terms of educational

attainment. Accordingly, among the respondents only one respondent holds a graduate
diploma equivalent to a non-thesis master’s degree. Around 25% of the respondents
finished the academic requirement for master’s degree. Some are in their thesis writing
stage and some did not continue as soon as they finished the academic requirements.
Seven of the respondents hold master’s degree units. Unfortunately, four of the 6
respondents are still not engaged in a graduate program.
Table 5
Mean Distribution of Respondents according to their Observation on the
Problems and Issues un Education in terms of Staff Development

Issues and Problems 4 3 2 1 WM DR

1. Teachers have to spend in order to
receive professional development such as Strongly
11 5 1 0 3.59
specialized training and graduate school Agree
2. Teachers feel that Saturday and Sundays
should be intended for family and other
6 8 2 0 3.06 Agree
errand works than attending specialized
training and graduate school program.
3. Teachers struggle for limited funding or
6 9 1 1 3.18 Agree
4. Teachers want to improve their teaching
but are not sure how to apply what they
1 7 9 0 2.53 Agree
learn from specialized training and
graduate school program.
5. Attending specialized training and
graduate school program is a waste of time Strongly
0 1 6 10 1.47
since students scores show little Disagree
6. Teachers have limited access to the
research on improving achievement for 3 8 5 1 2.76 Agree
every student.
7. Teachers and administrators are often
have to travel, sometimes great distances, in 3 10 4 0 2.94 Agree
order to receive professional development.
8. Teachers of varying experience level do
not receive the professional development 1 5 10 1 2.35 Disagree
that meets their specific needs.
9. Teachers do not have the proper training
and resources to support the mandates of 2 5 7 3 2.35 Disagree
the department.
10. Administrators rush to find a solution and
often end up wasting time and money 4 0 12 1 2.41 Disagree
without achieving result.
Average Weighted Mean 2.66 Agree
Table 6 presents the mean distribution of the respondents according to their
observations in the issues and problems on staff development. As shown in the table, the
respondents have varied answers that range from strongly agree to strongly disagree.
With an average weighted mean of 3.59 with a descriptive rating of strongly agree
that teachers must spend in order to receive professional development such as
specialized training and graduate school program. Primarily, most of the seminars free of
charge are only in the school level such as in-service training (INSET) twice in a school
year, gender and development training (GAD), school learning action cell (SLAC) and
localized organized symposium. This is true with the study of Miruka (2007) stated that this
can be done through capacity building or trainings that the school must provide to the
school personnel, students, parents and other stake holders. There are times that the
above-mentioned types of training for teachers that are free charge are elevated in the
district level. The higher level of training in the division, region and national levels that are
free of charge are very limited to the participants. It is just once in a blue moon chance
to be a delegate in the higher level of trainings. Most of the time, for teachers to attain a
much higher level of trainings must pay in their own expense. Aside from trainings,
graduate school program is not for free. There are scholarship grants but with only limited
slots. Thus, attended to trainings and graduate school programs sacrifices the pockets of
the teacher for their attendance.
Consequently, the item “attending specialized training and graduate school
program is a waste of time since students’ scores show little improvement” got the lowest
average weighted mean of 1.47 dubbed as strongly disagree. Indeed, the respondents
strongly disagree with the idea that attendance to trainings and graduate school
program is just a waste of time. Thus, attendance to trainings and graduate school
program is a plus factor to teachers.
For the respondents, they feel that Saturday and Sundays should be intended for
family and other errand works than attending specialized training and graduate school
program. This maybe a hindrance for some in attending such. It can be anchored with
table 4 wherein 4 of the respondents are still not pursuing a graduate program. Hence,
this may be a hindrance for teachers in attending trainings and graduate school
Another compelling answer with the respondents is by agreeing with WAM of 3.18
is the idea that teachers struggle for limited funding or resources. It is an infamous topic
in social media, national television and other instrumentalities regarding salary increase. PAGE |
For many years, it is struggle for teachers nationwide about funding and resources.
Accordingly, this can be funded because of the high allocation of the government in
education (David and Albert, 2015). Teachers feels that they are deprived as to salary
compared with other profession and government workers. This may be a hindrance for
teachers to attend trainings and graduate school program.
The responders agree with the idea that teachers want to improve their teaching
but are not sure how to apply what they learn from specialized training and graduate
school program. This is in consonance with the study of Raja (2009) wherein that the
duration of training programs does not depend on the effectiveness of training, but rather
it is dependent on the subject matter which is to be studied. The assumption is that, some
of the trainings attended by teachers are irrelevant and not connected with the area of
their specialization and viability of their profession.
The respondents agree with the idea that teachers have limited access to the
research on improving achievement for every student. The respondents believe that as
of this time, there are still limited access to research. If not limited access to research, it
may be also defined as limited number of researches available.
Another compelling agreement with the respondents is the idea that teachers
and administrators are often have to travel, sometimes great distances, in order to
receive professional development. There are also limitations regarding the availability of
nearby places for trainings and graduate school program. Most of the time, venues for
trainings are situated in highly urbanized areas. Universities and colleges are also limited
and mostly situated in cities. Aside from training and education, an improved and safe
learning environment is necessary (Khowaja and Munshi, 2015)
Finally, the negative items from number 8-10 received disagreements for the
respondents. Thus, attendance to trainings and graduate program is a priority to the
respondents. They disagree with the ideas pertaining to negative thoughts such as waste
of time, inexperience and lack of proper training. Intentionally, negative forms of question
were introduced in order to triangulate with other statements. If respondents will answer
agree with negative statements it will be a contradictory with their previous questions.

Tools of Analysis
Aside from the survey questionnaire, the researcher triangulated the study with
one interview question answered by the respondents. The question states that, “what is
the importance of attending specialized training and graduate school program?” The
following answers were generated from the respondents. Most of the answers can de
categorized with the idea that attending specialized training and graduate school
program is for professional growth and development.
Varying answers states that attending to such will improve decision making skills,
improve the learning process and to cope up with the changing learning environment.
This leads to the idea answered by one of the respondents stating that it is for the
advancement in terms of knowledge, techniques or strategies, and updates on learning. PAGE |
This is due to the innovative skills needed nowadays by education and by the demands
of the 21st century skills.
More likely, some answered with the idea that attending specialized training and
graduate school program is a great factor in promotion and advancement in a career.
It is a fact that both specialized training and graduate school program are essential in
applying for promotion. There are also positions that require such specialized training and
graduate degree program.
Thus, the respondents are fully aware of the importance of attending specialized
training and graduate school program. This is both important with their profession and
career path. In their profession, attending specialized training and graduate school
program is a tool to improve learning. In their career path, attending specialized training
and graduate school program is essential to be promoted in the next level. Thus, it plays
a significant role both in the profession as to learning conveyed to the development of
the learners and individual development of the teachers towards a better career.

Based form the analysis and findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The demographic profile of the respondents as to gender is limited to one male
responder and the rest are females, years in service varies and are almost equally
distributed to the bracket of years in service and position are most in the entry
2. The highest educational level or attainment of the faculty member of Araling
Panlipunan Department of Lutucan INHS a graduate degree diploma equivalent
to a non-thesis master’s degree program.
3. The issues and problems of teachers concerning staff development are time,
resources and distance of training venues and school offering graduate degree
4. The importance of attending specialized training and graduate school program
among the respondents is for individual growth and development and promotion
5. A simple monitoring tool was developed on the professional development status
of the teachers.

Based form the result of the study, the following were recommended:
1. Provide relevant trainings for teachers that will allow them to learn without any
cost from their pockets.
2. Intensify the culture of research among teachers for their individual development
as an educator.
3. Open possibilities and create more positions for promotion for teachers to be
encourage in attending the graduate school program. PAGE |
4. Constantly monitor and track the progress of the teachers in terms of their
attendance to specialized training and graduate school program.

Action and Implementation Plan

In order to monitor the individual progress and professional development of the
teachers, a simple monitoring tool was developed in order to track the professional
development of the teachers in Araling Panlipunan. The simple monitoring tool will help
the administrators on tracking the teachers as to their plantilla position, qualification for
promotion and training acquired, career path, alignment of education and data
gathering purposes. The tool gives emphasis on career path since it tracks the promotion
and qualification for promotions as to education and trainings.

Years in service:
Teacher I (year of appointment)
Teacher II (year of appointment)
Teacher III (year of appointment)
MT I (year of appointment)
MT I I(year of appointment)
Head Teacher III (year of appointment)
Bachelor’s (degree and year graduated)
MA (degree and last year of attendance)
MA (CAR – degree and last year of attendance)
MA (degree and year graduated)
Graduate Diploma (degree and year graduated)
Doctoral (degree and last year of attendance)
Doctoral (CAR – degree and last year of attendance)
Doctoral (degree and year graduated)
Specialized Training (title, level and year acquired)

David, C. C. and Albert, J. R. G. (2015). Recent Trends in Out-of School Children
in the Philippines. Philippine Institute for Development Studies, 2015-51, pp. 1-19.

Khowaja, M. and Munshi, P.(2015). Evaluation of Quality of Education in

Secondary Schools of Sindh Province. International Journal of Arts and Humanities,

Miruka, O. (2007). Combating Gender-Based Violence in Kenya: The

Experience of “Men for Gender Equality Now”. Critical Half: Bi-Annual
Journal of Women for Women International, 5-1, pp. 21-25

Raja, W. (2009). Evaluating Effectiveness of Training Programs and their Return PAGE |
of Investment in the Education Sector of Pakistan. New Horizons, 3-1 11

National Competency Based Teacher Standard. Retrieved from


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