KS1200 AB Product Data Nordic
KS1200 AB Product Data Nordic
KS1200 AB Product Data Nordic
KS1200 AB Ecosafe insulated panel system is a through fixed insulated wall panel which can be used
for all building applications such as industrial, commercial, retail, leisure, educational, hospitals.
For Controlled Environment applications such as chill, cold, food production, cleanrooms, date centres
use the KS1200 CS insulated panel system.
Standard lengths are from 1.2m to 16m. Maximum panel length is 19.5m. Panel lengths 13.5m to
19.5m are subject to additional transport surcharge.
All panels are produced flush-ended.
Polyisocyanurate (PIR): EcoSafe LPCB certificated PIR formulation. Receiving BREEAM Credit
(Pollution 4: Insulant GWP) 2006 credit.
• GWP: Low GWP with zero ozone depletion potential.
• Cradle to Grave: A+ rating according to the BRE Green Guide to Specification.
• End of Life: Fully recyclable through conventional shredder plants.
• Responsible Sourcing: Kingspan manufacturing plants are EN ISO 14001: 2004
(Environmental Management Systems) accredited.
Thermal Insulation
The KS1200 AB panels have a Thermal Transmittance (U value):
Heat Transmission
Thermal Conductivity = 0.020W/mK.
The KS1200 AB system is fibre-free and immune to attack from mould, fungi, mildew and vermin and
therefore forms no health and safety risk to building occupants. No urea formaldehyde is used in the
construction, and the panels are not considered deleterious.
The KS1200 AB insulated panel system is both LPCB and FM approved.
• Loss Prevention Certification Board certified to LPS 1208: Issue 2 - Grade FR30 and FR60.
Specifications are available on request from Kingspan envirocare® Technical Services.
• FM Global approved to FMRC 4880 Class 1 Fire Classification (no height restriction – i.e. -
Unlimited Height).
• The steel outer and inner facings have Class 1 surface spread of flame to BS 476-7: 1997 (Fire
tests on building materials and structures. Method of test to determine the classification of the
surface spread of flame of products) and are Class 0, as defined by Building Regulations.
• European reaction to fire classification according to the European Standard EN 13501-1: B –
s1, d0 (for panel thicknesses ≥100mm).
All KS1200 AB panels have a predicted single figure weighted sound reduction Rw = 24dB.
Kingspan Insulated Panels are manufactured from the highest quality materials, using state of the art
production equipment to rigorous quality control standards, approved to ISO 9001:2000 standard.
Kingspan manufacturing plant are ISO 14001 (Environmentally) and ISO 18001 (Health & Safety)
Standard Packing
KS1200 AB systems are stacked horizontally with facing sheets upward. The top and bottom, sides
and ends are protected with polystyrene and timber packing and the entire pack is wrapped in
polythene. The number of panels in each pack depends on panel length, weight and thickness. Typical
pack height is 1200mm. Maximum pack weight 1500kg.
All deliveries (unless indicated otherwise) are by road transport to project site. Off loading is the
responsibility of the client.
• CleanSafe 15, CleanSafe 25: Material Hot dip zinc coated to BS EN 10326: 2004, Standard
sheet thickness 0.5mm.
• Kingspan XL Forte™, Kingspan Spectrum , Kingspan Aquasafe: S220GD+ZA hot-dip
zinc/aluminium Galfan coated steel to EN10214: 1992. Standard sheet thickness 0.5mm,
0.63mm available on request.
• Kingspan Cleansafe 304 – Mill Finish Stainless Steel – grade 304, Finish: 2B, Thickness:
0.5mm nominal, supplied with protection film.