Running Head: The Future of U.S. Healthcare System 1
Running Head: The Future of U.S. Healthcare System 1
Running Head: The Future of U.S. Healthcare System 1
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The healthcare system is among the most crucial departments that need a lot of
commitment from various stakeholders to deliver better services to people irrespective of their
backgrounds and social status. The United States delivers its healthcare system through various
stakeholders such as private sectors, states, governments, players, insurers, educational and
researchers. However, the country has a faulted system because of the lack of harmonization
between stakeholders that leads to inefficiencies and complexity at the time of healthcare service
delivery. The disintegration of the healthcare system had resulted in financial issues. Therefore,
the United States does not have a national healthcare system and its citizens normally left to
The country finances its healthcare system through insurance cover which is offered
through the public or private system. Lack of proper universal healthcare system in the US has
delayed and prevented poor citizens from accessing quality healthcare. Additionally, employers
don’t have freedom of choosing the right medical cover because the policies hinder them to make
better decisions employers (McCracken & Phillips, 2017). The United States has a lot of
healthcare employees that ensure that service is delivered. Possibly, the lack of universal or
national healthcare system in the US has been because of delay or failure of implementation of
healthcare regulations and laws that work with quality service and expenditure.
The US has a very exceptional healthcare system compared to other nations because it
does not have a central body that presides over it and insurance financing is offered through
insurance cover. The country has irregular system and needs universal care provision. Even
though there have been several legislations ratified towards the development of the system, most
of them have not been implemented (Niles, 2018). This is one of the major issues that affect the
US healthcare system currently. The healthcare system does not function as a universal or
national system but it is controlled through different sectors. The disintegration in the system is
because of the lack of general streamlined financing delivery and payment system. Insurances
only act as mediators between funding and compensation. As a result, it is complex to control the
their healthcare through other insurance companies that are privately owned like the MCO which
is paid by companies. The employers are solely the one who makes a decision on the kind of
insurance to be offered to employees that prevent workers from getting their preferred medical
services. Additionally, workers have few options for quality healthcare services because of
limited information and options (Niles, 2018). However, most small employers fail to pay
insurance covers for their employees that hinder them accessing better healthcare services. The
US provides insurance cover such as Medicaid and Medicare to those citizens who are not able
to pay for their medical coverage. This program enables the insurance company to meet a certain
amount whereas the patient meets the bigger a fraction of the cost. The poor and unemployed
people are locked out and the government only finances those who are elderly and special needs.
McCracken & Phillips (2017) found that current healthcare works under intense pressure
to offer quality medical services. The healthcare sector seems to be shifting from the worst state
to a better state. For instance, the sector is known to be moving from illness to wellness in order
to make sure that all citizens get better services and transformation. The government has strived
to give better services through promises of transformation. The health sector develops quality
values and creates conformity with the standards to get better services. American citizens have
high hopes of getting quality services making the healthcare providers improve on service
provision. Healthcare system and the government have partnered to invest in scientific research
and the use of better technologies that will guarantee better healthcare services. However, lack of
proper coordination and lack of central healthcare leading body has resulted in a failure to get
services like low-income earners, those who are not covered and the poor.
According to McCracken & Phillips (2017), a higher percentage of the US‘s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) is spent on health care. For instance, in 2015, the US used more than $
1.900 trillion accounting 20% GDP on healthcare system. The country has a serious problem
with inflation because of the health sector. It uses the money on healthcare sector through
payment of physicians and clinicians, scientific research and new technologies, improvement of
healthcare services and delivery of healthcare services. Healthcare service gets money from
citizen’s service payments, insurance providers and the government. The healthcare spending is
supplied from federal funds, local, state and private funds that are why the system is fragmented.
For example, in 2012, private funds provided 50%, the federal government offered 38% and the
Most policies and laws have tried to tackle the issue of quality, access, and cost of
healthcare provided in the United States. The present cost of the system is ever increasing
hindering most Americans from accessing quality healthcare. The establishment of modern drugs
and high technologies has resulted in increased cost of healthcare provision. Nonetheless, the
high cost of administration in healthcare has affected the cost of getting services. This has a
negative impact on low-income earners and citizens who are not covered by the insurance
scheme. thus, the public policies and laws that are ratified and guarantee that the elderly, children
and poor can afford better healthcare provided by government insurance (McCracken & Phillips,
2017). The policies and laws developed to ease the cost of healthcare to the disabled, poor
people, and the elderly will increase the chances of accessing better health care. Most citizens
don’t access better healthcare because they lack enough money to pay for the services. Whereas
the laws and policies encourage the government to lessen the healthcare costs that will make
The future and trend of quality healthcare in America has been a contentious issue among
U.S citizens and politicians. There are many serious problems surrounding the strategic and
future direction the healthcare sector is heading. Some of the challenges include payments,
accreditation. If the government does not deal with this issue today, it will present a major effect
and negative impacts on the direction and strategic plan of health care. In 2010, President Obama
implemented the Affordable Care Act which changed and reformed the manner in which
healthcare was run initially (McCracken & Phillips, 2017). After the law was affected, many
Americans started to access quality healthcare and purchased insurance. The previously
The Americans have shown that they are living longer than before which will complicate
the healthcare industry more. The industry will have problems in developing patient-centered and
centric models. Statistics show that the number of Americans who are above 80 years is 11
million. The number is likely to double after eight years. This means that the country will have
more people with complicated health issues. Healthcare in America is not ready to deal with the
situation. The systems that were developed to deal with people with acute illnesses are already
strained and older people imply that many people will have an acute illness. This will have
serious economic implications. When healthcare cost increases, the cost of living is also
increasing. The consolidation is projected to take place at a high speed. The future will see that
the impendent and rural hospital will have a problem and may not survive. It is because of this
reason that hospitals will look at ways to side with bigger systems (McCracken & Phillips,
2017). Technology will advance in coordinating treatments in a cheaper manner. Technology and
modernization have failed to advance efficiency and cost, nevertheless, investments will
maintain as the systems create mechanisms to encourage technology. There is sufficient date but
only used occasionally. There is improbability concerning which systems ability and culture that
will link with future generation and millennials. Nevertheless, it widely believed that millennials
Big hospitals will look for health institutions that will help them develop and expand the
market. The states have shellacked the budgets which will have serious implications on the
healthcare system. Most states will be inundated by the high cost of healthcare responsibilities
and pension. There are high chances that the cost of accessing quality healthcare will continue to
rise. The government attempt to manage and constrict the Medicare and Medicaid spending
makes it difficult for limiting spending. In the future, there will be a lack of correct universal
healthcare system in the US which will delay and prevent poor citizens from accessing quality
healthcare (McCracken & Phillips, 2017). Most employers will not have freedom of choosing the
right medical cover because the policies will deter them to make better decisions. If the
legislation that has been ratified towards the development of the system will not be implemented,
then the healthcare system will continue to have problems. Over the next few years, the shift to
value will occur because of the varying laws and regulations. There are challenges to achieving
this shift in the current system and its uncertain how the new system on a value-based approach
will be.
The government should put emphasis on health prevention and diseases prevention and
reinvigorate the public health systems. This will reduce the already strained healthcare system.
There is a need to adopt personalized healthcare where patients will be allowed and involved in
healthcare management to handle their own health care. All players in healthcare must strive to
digitize healthcare where most things will be automated to reduce a high number of patients
visiting the health facility. Technology will help in coordinating treatments in a cheaper way.
Utilizing electronic health records (EHR), health information exchange (HIE), personal health
records (PHR) and other information related to health will have incredible impacts on the
people’s health and healthcare. Scientists and medical practitioners should customize drugs for
patients who have chronic diseases (Niles, 2018). Healthcare system and the government will
have to partner and invest in scientific research and the use of better technologies that will
The healthcare system is an important sector for the economy of any country. The US
spends around 16% of GDP on healthcare alone. The healthcare system in the US is unique
because lacks leading body and stakeholders like insurance companies, government and private
sector to manage it. The finances, service delivery and payment are arbitrated by insurance
companies. The medical payments are done through insurance covers denying citizens the
opportunity to choose better health services. The government provides insurance to those who
are not covered through Medicare. The laws and policies of quality, access, and cost might
improve the healthcare services where all people can get better health care. However, there are
challenges associated with the future of healthcare. There are numerous serious troubles
surrounding the strategic and future direction the healthcare sector is heading. The country has a
blundered healthcare system because of the lack of coordination between stakeholders that result
to inefficiencies and complexity at the time of healthcare service delivery. Some of the
better healthcare and accreditation. Additionally, there will be more aged people who will require
special medication.
McCracken, K., & Phillips, D. R. (2017). Global health: An introduction to current and future
trends. Routledge.