Public Health Perspectives Journal: A'idah Nur Syarifah, Dyah Rini Indriyanti
Public Health Perspectives Journal: A'idah Nur Syarifah, Dyah Rini Indriyanti
Public Health Perspectives Journal: A'idah Nur Syarifah, Dyah Rini Indriyanti
Address correspondence: p-ISSN2528-5998
Unnes Campus Jl. Kelud Utara III, Semarang, 50237, e-ISSN 2540-7945
A'idah Nur Syarifah & Dyah Rini Indriyanti/ Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 61 - 66
A'idah Nur Syarifah & Dyah Rini Indriyanti/ Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 61 - 66
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and porridge are carbohydrates that are often
consumed by babies and toddlers. Diverse food
The study, of 77 respondents describe consumption can reduce the risk of shortage of
characteristics of data, including quality, certain nutrients to a person. Pahlavi (2012)
quantity and age giving breastfeeding relation also says the level of energy and protein intake
to the nutritional status of children. affects the nutritional status.
with the child's condition will give an This study was supported by research
uncontrolled impact the nutritional status of kalsum (2015) stating that there is a
children. The more frequent administration of relationship between the first administration
breastfeeding given will affect the nutritional breastfeeding and nutritional status of children
status and improve the child's weight. aged 7-36 months with a p-value = 0.005.
Multivariate analysis with logistic
Table 3. Relations Award age breastfeeding regression test, which is to see the relationship
with infant nutritional status between the dependent variable and all
administra Toddler Nutritional Status independent variables.
tion Less Well Total p-
Breastfeedi % value Table 4. Influence the quality, quantity and age
f % f f %
ng provision of breastfeeding on infant nutritional
Not 31 81.6 13 33.3 44 57.1 0,000 status
exactly 7 18.4 26 66.7 33 42.9 variables P-value Sig.
Right Quality 0.001 0003
Total 38 100 39 100 77 100 breastfeeding 0.000 0001
Quantity 0.000 0032
Based on Table 3 shows the majority of
Age Award
respondents to the provision of breastfeeding
age who do not exactly have malnutrition as
many as 31 infants (81.6%), whereas
respondents with age appropriate provision has The results in Table 4 show that the
good nutritional status were 7 infants (18.4%). variable quality of breastfeeding has the most
Results obtained chi square test p-value dominant influence with sig (0003), followed
of 0.000 (p <0.05), which means that the age of by breastfeeding Quantity factor with sig
the provision of breastfeeding associated with (0.001) and age factors Giving breastfeeding
infant nutritional status in Puskesmas Tirta with sig (0032). Table 4 shows that the three
Pekalongan. Based on the findings in the field independent variables affect the nutritional
the majority of mothers breastfeeding in infants status of children.
with age not on time of less than 6 months. The lack of variety in food consumption
This is due to the mother or caregiver assumed is a problem which affects the nutritional status
that if children are given food from an early age of children (Roess A et al., 2018). Research
it will be faster fat and no fuss. Whereas the (Widiyawati et al., 2016) reported no
provision of breastfeeding is not timely impact significant relationship between the frequency
on the child's digestive development. Toddlers of breastfeeding and nutritional status of
given breastfeeding <6 months are likely to children. The frequency of breastfeeding
have malnutrition. enough that is 3 times or more to meet the
According to Maseko & Owaga (2012) consumption of food and nutrients required in
infant feeding to consider the timeliness of accordance with the age of the child (Depkes
administration, frequency, type and amount of RI., 2010).
food, and how to manufacture. Mukhopadhyay According to WHO the provision of
et al., (2013) the practice of giving breastfeeding breastfeeding at 6 months of age, the frequency
at age is not exactly common in children who of eating 2-3 times a day aged 6-8 months,
are malnourished. The provision of early increasing to 3-4 times a day ages 9-12 months
breastfeeding has health risks, causing the and 12-24 months. Extra snack or snacks
growth and development of infants being (snacks) nutritious (such as a piece of fruit or
distracted (Mulyani & Minarti 2013). bread) was administered 1-2 times per day. The
A'idah Nur Syarifah & Dyah Rini Indriyanti/ Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 61 - 66
A'idah Nur Syarifah & Dyah Rini Indriyanti/ Public Health Perspectives Journal 4 (1) 2019 61 - 66
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