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Content Clarification for Modeling the Universe: Earth and Space Science—Origin and Evolution of the Universe

Vision of Lasting Knowledge Grade Level Learning Goals and Inquiry Ideas about Student Learning from MTU investigations/
and Skills: Related Content Abilities (combined Benchmarkes for Science formal and informal research (compiled activities/resources
Knowledge and Adult Science Literacy and National Science Education from NSES essays, Benchmarks Ch 15,
Literacy statements from Standards) AER, informal education evaluations) Fill in connections to YOUR
SFAA, NSES, Benchmarks curriculum topics/ related content
Finding our place in the cosmic Grades 6-8 While there is quite a bit of research on What are your ideas about models?
scheme of things and how we • The sun is a medium-sized star located near students ideas about the Earth, Moon, Sun Pre and Post- Assessment Survey
got here is a task for the ages- the edge of a disk-shaped galaxy of stars, part of and Solar System, there is much less
past, present, and future. The which can be seen as a glowing band of light that information on how students think about Modeling the Universe activity and
scientific effort to understand spans the sky on a very clear night. The universe the universe outside the solar system. Journal Reflections
the universe is part of that contains many billions of galaxies, and each Here are some of the ideas from small
enduring human imperative, galaxy contains many billions of stars. To the studies and preliminary research: How big is the universe? scaling
and its successes are a tribute to naked eye, even the closest of these galaxies is no demo
human curiosity, more than a dim, fuzzy spot. Many students do not distinguish between
resourcefulness, intelligence, • The sun is many thousands of times closer to the terms “solar system”, “galaxy” and How old is the universe? Timeline
and doggedness. If being the earth than any other star. Light from the sun “universe” inquiry
educated means having an takes a few minutes to reach the earth, but light
informed sense of time and from the next nearest star takes a few years to An Adler Planetarium study of visitors What’s in the Universe? Tour
place, then it is essential for a arrive. The trip to that star would take the fastest sorting pictures of the universe found:
person to be familiar with the rocket thousands of years. Some distant galaxies • In "Picturing the Universe" most
scientific aspects of the are so far away that their light takes several billion people spontaneously created an "Earth Modeling the Universe presentation
universe and know something years to reach the earth. People on earth, therefore, stuff" category, some created a "Solar on development of scientific models
of its origin and structure. see them as they were that long ago in the past. System" or "Planets" category, but almost of the universe
• Nine planets of very different size, none created either a "Milky Way" or
In thinking about what composition, and surface features move around the "Universe" category
students should learn about sun in nearly circular orbits. Some planets have a • Many adults created a "Solar System"
the heavens, at least three great variety of moons and even flat rings of rock category. No children created such a
aspects of the current and ice particles orbiting around them. Some of grouping, although many created a
scientific view ought to be these planets and moons show evidence of "Planets" category [apparently, as hinted at
taken into account: (1) the geologic activity. The earth is orbited by one in Joslyn Schoemer's study, it is common
composition of the cosmos moon, many artificial satellites, and debris. to learn about the planets without reference
and its scale of space and • Large numbers of chunks of rock orbit the to what makes them part of a "system."]
time; (2) the principles on sun. Some of those that the earth meets in its • Visitors don't know as much about
which the universe seems to yearly orbit around the sun glow and disintegrate astronomical items in the realms furthest
operate; and (3) how the from friction as they plunge through the from Earth, nor do they have as much
modern view of the universe atmosphere-and sometimes impact the ground. confidence in their knowledge of those "far
emerged. Other chunks of rocks mixed with ice have long, away" realms
off-center orbits that carry them close to the sun, • People conceive of the Universe in
where the sun's radiation (of light and particles) terms of what's closer and what's farther
boils off frozen material from their surfaces and away, and less familiar things are assumed
pushes it into a long, illuminated tail. to be farther away
• Some evidence suggests the belief that
Grades 9-12 stars are sprinkled throughout the universe,
High School is the time for all • The stars differ from each other in size, including within the solar system
of the pieces to come together. temperature, and age, but they appear to be made These results show that the scientist's view
Concepts from physics and up of the same elements that are found on the earth of the hierarchical structure of the
chemistry, insights from and to behave according to the same physical cosmos—a concept important to
history, mathematical ways of principles. Unlike the sun, most stars are in understanding the principles on which the
thinking, and ideas about the systems of two or more stars orbiting around one universe as a whole operates— is not
role of technology in exploring another. second nature to many people.
the universe all contribute to a • On the basis of scientific evidence, the
grasp of the character of the universe is estimated to be over ten billion years
cosmos. In particular, the role old. The current theory is that its entire contents Many students believe the Earth was
of gravity in forming and expanded explosively from a hot, dense, chaotic created in the Big Bang, along with all
maintaining planets, stars, and mass. Stars condensed by gravity out of clouds of other structures in the Universe
the solar system should become molecules of the lightest elements until nuclear
clear. The scale of billions will fusion of the light elements into heavier ones
make better sense, and the began to occur. Fusion released great amounts of Using light years to express astronomical
speed of light can be used to energy over millions of years. distances is not as straightforward as it
express relative distances • Eventually, some stars exploded, producing seems. (Many adults think of light years as
conveniently. clouds of heavy elements from which other stars a measure of time.) Beginning with
and planets could later condense. The process of analogs such as "automobile hours" may
star formation and destruction continues. help.
• Increasingly sophisticated technology is used
to learn about the universe. Visual, radio, and x-
ray telescopes collect information from across the
entire spectrum of electromagnetic waves;
computers handle an avalanche of data and
increasingly complicated computations to interpret
them; space probes send back data and materials
from the remote parts of the solar system; and
accelerators give subatomic particles energies that
simulate conditions in the stars and in the early
history of the universe before stars formed.
• Mathematical models and computer
simulations are used in studying evidence from
many sources in order to form a scientific account
of the universe.

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