Improv - Tech Unit Plan
Improv - Tech Unit Plan
Improv - Tech Unit Plan
20. Evaluate and Create lighting and lighting design and include concepts of:
Storytelling, emotional feel of the play and time
21. Refine Technical design elements – Set, lighting and sound
The above skill sets are largely reflective of what is found in the Framingham High School Theatre Arts
Curriculum Map for Acting One.
1 6b, 11a, 13a Improv Vocab Day SWBAT: Completion of ➢ Warm-up- Zip-
Investigate and in Class vocab Zap-Zop
instruct one project (Kahoot, ➢ Groups mine for
another about key Mini Scenes) vocab in books
terminology focusing on
relating to small chunks
improv. ➢ Groups teach/
share the vocab
they were
responsible for
with peers
Tristan Burke Date: 09/30/19
2 1c, 3c, 5a, 6b, Saying Yes/ Giving SWBAT: Participation ➢ Warm-up- What
14a and Receiving offers Start unpacking and engagement are you doing?
what it means to in class ➢ Discuss: What
“Say Yes” in the exercises/ does it mean to
context of discussion to “say yes”?
improvisation/ follow. ➢ Yes, and…
Performance. ➢ Three headed
3 1c, 6b, 10a Observation Skills SWBAT: Students will be ➢ Warm-up- Who
Begin honing formatively started the
their observation assessed on motion?
skills for practical practicing and ➢ Discuss: Why is
application in beginning to it important to
performance. demonstrate be observant in
target skills improv?
through ➢ Line-ups order,
participation in re-order
classroom ➢ Mill and seethe
activities. reflect on
movement of self
and of another.
4 1c, 3c, 6b, 9a, Listening and SWBAT: Practicing and ➢ Warm-up- Pass
10a Responding Quickly deliver demonstrating energy or Bing
responses, to target skills bang bong
carefully received during ➢ Steal the keys
stimuli, that are classroom without
both appropriate activities/ someone hearing
and creative classroom and ➢ 30 seconds
group rambling with
discussion. partner (Not
○ Discuss
➢ Mirror Speech
6b, 7a, 8a, 9a, Start sharing warm-ups and Dumb Crambo
10a, 13a, 14a information class activities ➢ Gibberish/
about character, and intermittent English
and given informal ➢ Create short
circumstances by discussion of scenes (30s-
“showing” and activities. 1min)
not “telling”. ➢ Recreate scenes
without text.
➢ Reflect and
6 2b, 4b, 5b Jobs and SWBAT: Group Students will meet and
responsibilities of Discuss and conversations discuss their assigned
production team present about the and role with others of the
members. key presentations. same role assignment
responsibilities of and present to the class.
their assigned FOR A GRADE
production role.
8 1a, 1c, 3c, 5a, Tableau Work SWBAT: Each group ➢ Warm-up-
6a, 6b, 7a, 9a, Concretely define should have 5 Tableau game
10a, 13a, 14a the pivot points clear parts with cue cards
of their 5 person (pictures) of ➢ Fairy tale
scene their scene. tableaus (5 to tell
➢ Come up with 5
tableaus for your
➢ Share with class
➢ Conclude
Tristan Burke Date: 09/30/19
9 1a, 1c, 3c, 5a, Activating Tableau SWBAT: Participation in ➢ Freeze- Warm-
6a, 6b, 7a, 9a, Begin creating the warm-ups and up
10a, 13a, 14a connecting tissue class activities ➢ Review Grading
of their scenes by and intermittent Criteria
activating informal ➢ Rehearse-
moments between discussion of Improving the
each tableau. activities and parts between
rehearsal. each tableau
➢ Assign HW:
Design/ Concept
for Scene and
10 1c, 3c, 5a, 6b, Revisit- Saying Yes, SWBAT: Participation in ➢ Warm-up- Mr.
14a Continue warm-ups and Electricity
Continue Rehearsal implementing class activities ➢ Fortunately,
for Scene their skills of and intermittent Unfortunately
making and informal group-told story
receiving offers in discussion of ➢ Rehearse
the development activities and ➢ Reconvene and
of their scene. rehearsal. conclude.
12 1c, 3c, 6b, 9a, Improv Test SWBAT: Formal written ➢ Warm-up-
10a Demonstrate examination on Twizzle (Jump,
Revisit: Listening knowledge and important unit Clap, Start,
and Responding, understanding of terminology. Stop)
important ➢ Improv Test
Rehearse improvisation Participation/ ➢ Rehearse
unit terminology. Continued ➢ Reconvene and
rehearsal. Conclude
Apply and review
skills of listening
and responding
for application to
13 1c, 3c, 5a, 6a, Revisit: Showing SWBAT: Participation in ➢ Warm-up- Party
6b, 7a, 8a, 9a, and Not telling, Further explore warm-ups and Quirks
10a, 13a, 14a Rehearse skills of showing class activities ➢ Rehearse
through action, and intermittent ➢ Reconvene and
not telling for informal conclude.
incorporation discussion of
into 5 person activities and
scenes. rehearsal.
Tristan Burke Date: 09/30/19
Differentiation: Process and Product may be varied at times to accommodate different learning needs. Additionally,
There will be multiple means of representation and expression so that diverse learners may access course work at any
Over the course of the unit, almost all of gardner’s intelligences are catered to, and there are opportunities for both
introverted and extroverted students to be successful and engage.
A. References for the Teacher, References for the Student: Where did you find your
information and resources? What reference materials/resources will you provide to
Students will reference:
● Classroom theatre textbooks
● Internet sources for research on the different roles for production
Tristan Burke Date: 09/30/19
V. Reflection after Teaching: What did you learn from teaching the Unit?
A. Looking at Student Performance (Evidence of student learning)
1. To what extent did students meet the objectives of the unit? What is your
2. What data sets of student work did you analyze? What did you find?
3. Based on your evidence, what areas of instruction / topics / activities need
revision or elaboration?