Changing The Entitlement Mindset
Changing The Entitlement Mindset
Changing The Entitlement Mindset
irrational privileges without having earned it. Culture of entitlement at the workplace
is when an employee is under the impression that he deserves irrational and
unmerited concessions and privileges.
Consequently, with more millennials coming into the workforce, the culture of
entitlement is likely to grow. Therefore for a healthier working environment, it is
substantial to curb entitlement.
Employees who want to take ownership and want to be held accountable, grow and
help the growth of the organisation. They are open to constructive criticism and
thereby, improve their performance through it. Improved performance of the
employees, in turn, improve the performance of the organisation.
At the same time, creating an environment with a high level of ownership and
accountability would promote a more professional environment which would result in
the employees being more motivated to perform their best.
Employees with a diverse and great set of skills help in the expansion of business
and consequently also help in ending the culture of entitlement. Taking steps to curb
entitlement and to correct the damage done by it is necessary in order to have
healthy teams and optimal organizations. Greenlatte helps to establish a zero-
tolerance policy against the culture of entitlement and helps to eliminate any
emerging entitlement.
Few leaders would admit to a favorable view of entitlement. In fact, most will
express strong negative views about it publicly. But behind the scenes, many
managers unwittingly tolerate or even allow themselves to be held hostage by
entitled employees.
5. It infuriates managers.
Managers don’t like to be backed into a corner, and entitlement often does just
that. Dealing with entitlement on top of the actual work product makes a leader’s
job more complicated. While solid work might force managers to give perks,
entitlement will generally block promotion options and ultimately be limiting to
a person’s career. If the manager has the opportunity to get out from under the
entitled employee, he or she will always take it—and an entitled reputation will
follow a person to the next job.
Taking steps to check entitlement at the door—and to correct the damage done
by it—isn’t easy, but it’s necessary in order to have healthy teams and optimal
organizations. Establish a zero tolerance policy and make sure that you and your
managers eliminate any emerging entitlement before it takes root. If you
consistently cut it off if when it appears, you’ll create the foundation for an
entitlement-free workplace.
People who are entitled feel they’re more deserving than others,
Zitek says. “[The behavior] manifests as complaining a lot,
requesting a bigger raise or more resources than others without
additional effort, blaming external factors, and thinking others treat
them poorly,” she explains.
Fast Company spoke with Zitek to learn how companies can better
manage entitled employees.