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Data Encoding and Transmission

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Data Communications & Networks

Session 3 – Main Theme

Data Encoding and Transmission

Dr. Jean-Claude Franchitti

New York University

Computer Science Department
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Adapted from course textbook resources

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6/E
Copyright 1996-2013
J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved


1 Session Overview

2 Data Encoding and Transmission

3 Summary and Conclusion

What is the class about?

 Course description and syllabus:

» http://www.nyu.edu/classes/jcf/csci-ga.2262-001/
» http://cs.nyu.edu/courses/Fall13/CSCI-GA.2262-

 Textbooks:
» Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (6th Edition)
James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross
Addison Wesley
ISBN-10: 0132856204, ISBN-13: 978-0132856201, 6th Edition (02/24/12)

Course Overview

 Computer Networks and the Internet

 Application Layer
 Fundamental Data Structures: queues, ring buffers, finite state machines
 Data Encoding and Transmission
 Local Area Networks and Data Link Control
 Wireless Communications
 Packet Switching
 OSI and Internet Protocol Architecture
 Congestion Control and Flow Control Methods
 Internet Protocols (IP, ARP, UDP, TCP)
 Network (packet) Routing Algorithms (OSPF, Distance Vector)
 IP Multicast
 Sockets

Course Approach

 Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts (Network Stack)

 Origins of Naming, Addressing, and Routing (TCP, IP, DNS)
 Physical Communication Layer
 MAC Layer (Ethernet, Bridging)
 Routing Protocols (Link State, Distance Vector)
 Internet Routing (BGP, OSPF, Programmable Routers)
 TCP Basics (Reliable/Unreliable)
 Congestion Control
 QoS, Fair Queuing, and Queuing Theory
 Network Services – Multicast and Unicast
 Extensions to Internet Architecture (NATs, IPv6, Proxies)
 Network Hardware and Software (How to Build Networks, Routers)
 Overlay Networks and Services (How to Implement Network Services)
 Network Firewalls, Network Security, and Enterprise Networks
Data Transmission and Encoding Session in Brief

 Data Transmission and Encoding Concepts

 ADTs and Protocol Design
 Summary and Conclusion

Icons / Metaphors


Common Realization

Knowledge/Competency Pattern



Solution Approach


1 Session Overview

2 Data Encoding and Transmission

3 Summary and Conclusion

Data Encoding and Transmission - Roadmap

2 Data Encoding and Transmission

Data Encoding and Transmission Concepts

ADTs and Protocol Design

Simplified Data Communications Model

S(t) = A sin(2ft + Φ)

Terminology (1/3)

 Transmitter
 Receiver
 Medium
 Guided medium
 E.g., twisted pair, optical fiber
 Unguided medium
 E.g., air, water, vacuum

Terminology (2/3)

 Direct link
 No intermediate devices
 Point-to-point
 Direct link
 Only 2 devices share link
 Multi-point
 More than two devices share the link

Terminology (3/3)

 Simplex
 One direction
 e.g., television

 Half duplex
 Either direction, but only one way at a time
 e.g. police radio

 Flux duplex
 Both directions at the same time
 e.g., telephone
Analog and Digital Data Transmission

 Data
 Entities that convey meaning

 Signals
 Electric or electromagnetic representations of

 Transmission
 Communication of data by propagation and
processing of signals


 Analog
 Continuous values within some interval
 e.g., sound, video

 Digital
 Discrete values
 e.g., text, integers


 Means by which data are propagated

 Analog
 Continuously variable
 Various media
 e.g., wire, fiber optic, space

 Speech bandwidth 100Hz to 7kHz

 Telephone bandwidth 300Hz to 3400Hz
 Video bandwidth 4MHz

 Digital
 Use two DC components
Data and Signals

 Usually use digital signals for digital data and

analog signals for analog data
 Can use analog signal to carry digital data
 Modem

 Can use digital signal to carry analog data

 Compact Disc audio

Analog Transmission

 Analog signal transmitted without regard to

 May be analog or digital data
 Attenuated over distance
 Use amplifiers to boost signal
 Also amplifies noise

Digital Transmission

 Concerned with content

 Integrity endangered by noise, attenuation etc.
 Repeaters used
 Repeater receives signal
 Extracts bit pattern
 Retransmits
 Attenuation is overcome
 Noise is not amplified

Advantages/Disadvantages of Digital

 Cheaper
 Less susceptible to noise
 Greater attenuation
 Pulses become rounded and smaller
 Leads to loss of information

Attenuation of Digital Signals

Interpreting Signals

 Need to know
 Timing of bits - when they start and end
 Signal levels

 Factors affecting successful interpreting of

 Signal to noise ratio
 Data rate
 Bandwidth
Encoding Schemes

 Non-return to Zero-Level (NRZ-L)

 Non-return to Zero Inverted (NRZI)
 Bipolar –AMI
 Pseudoternary
 Manchester
 Differential Manchester
 B8ZS
 HDB3
Non-Return to Zero-Level (NRZ-L)

 Two different voltages for 0 and 1 bits

 Voltage constant during bit interval
 No transition (i.e. no return to zero voltage)
 e.g., Absence of voltage for zero, constant
positive voltage for one

 More often, negative voltage for one value

and positive for the other
 This is NRZ-L
Non-Return to Zero Inverted

 Nonreturn to zero inverted on ones

 Constant voltage pulse for duration of bit
 Data encoded as presence or absence of signal
transition at beginning of bit time
 Transition (low to high or high to low) denotes a
binary 1
 No transition denotes binary 0
 An example of differential encoding


Differential Encoding

 Data represented by changes rather than

 More reliable detection of transition rather
than level
 In complex transmission layouts it is easy to
lose sense of polarity

Summary of Encodings

NRZs Pros and Cons

 Pros
 Easy to engineer
 Make good use of bandwidth

 Cons
 DC component
 Lack of synchronization capability

 Used for magnetic recording

 Not often used for signal transmission

 Manchester
 Transition in middle of each bit period
 Transition serves as clock and data
 Low to high represents one
 High to low represents zero
 Used by IEEE 802.3

 Differential Manchester
 Mid-bit transition is clocking only
 Transition at start of a bit period represents zero
 No transition at start of a bit period represents one
 Note: this is a differential encoding scheme
 Used by IEEE 802.5
Biphase Pros and Cons

 Con
 At least one transition per bit time and possibly two
 Maximum modulation rate is twice NRZ
 Requires more bandwidth

 Pros
 Synchronization on mid bit transition (self clocking)
 No dc component
 Error detection
 Absence of expected transition

Asynchronous/Synchronous Transmission

 Timing problems require a mechanism

to synchronize the transmitter and
 Two solutions
 Asynchronous
 Synchronous


 Data transmitted on character at a time

 5 to 8 bits
 Timing only needs maintaining within
each character
 Resync with each character

Asynchronous (Diagram)

Asynchronous - Behavior

 In a steady stream, interval between characters is uniform

(length of stop element)
 In idle state, receiver looks for transition 1 to 0
 Then samples next seven intervals (char length)
 Then looks for next 1 to 0 for next char
 Simple
 Cheap
 Overhead of 2 or 3 bits per char (~20%)
 Good for data with large gaps (keyboard)

Synchronous – Bit Level

 Block of data transmitted without start or stop bits

 Clocks must be synchronized
 Can use separate clock line
 Good over short distances
 Subject to impairments

 Embed clock signal in data

 Manchester encoding
 Carrier frequency (analog)

Synchronous – Block Level

 Need to indicate start and end of block

 Use preamble and postamble
 e.g. series of SYN (hex 16) characters
 e.g. block of 11111111 patterns ending in
 More efficient (lower overhead) than
Synchronous (diagram)

Data Encoding and Transmission - Roadmap

2 Data Encoding and Transmission

Data Encoding and Transmission Concepts

ADTs and Protocol Design

Common Issues in Design

 When building protocol software, there are

two common problems that designers face:
1) How to handle data that arrives from two
independent sources
 Down from the higher layer
 Up from the lower layer

2) How to implement the protocol

Data from Two Sources

 Down from the Higher Layer (HL)

 Higher layer (HL) sends requests (control and data)
 Cannot always process the request immediately, so we
need a place to hold the request
 We may get “many” HL users (e.g., many TCP, only
one IP)
 Requests may need to be processed out of order (out
of band, QOS, etc)

Data from Two Sources

 Up from the Lower Layer (LL)

 Lower layer sends data and indications
 Data must be separated from indications
 Read requests from HL may use different data
boundaries than LL
 LL may be providing data at same time as HL
wants to read it

Ring Buffer of Size N

0 Inititial State
1 Input: 0
Output: 0


Ring Buffer of Size N

0 Element 0
New Element
1 Arrives
2 Input: 1

. Output: 0



Ring Buffer of Size N

0 Element 0
New Element
1 Element 1 Arrives
2 Input: 2

. Output: 0



Ring Buffer of Size N

Read next
0 Element 0 (element 0)

1 Element 1 Input: 2

2 Output: 1

Read next
. (element 1)
Input: 2
Output: 2

Ring Buffer of Size N

After Nth
0 Element 0 input:

1 Element 1 Input: 0

2 Element 2 Output: 2

How many more
. input elements can we

N-1 Element N-1

Ring Buffer Spec (1/3)

Let B be a buffer.
Let S be the size of the buffer B in bytes.
Let I be an index into the buffer where the producer will store
the next new byte of data.
Let O be the index of the next byte that the consumer should
remove from the buffer.
Let N be the number of unconsumed bytes in the buffer.
Define % as the modulus operator.
Initially, I = O = N = 0.
The buffer is full (has no room for new data) when N == S.
The available space (for new data) A = S - N

Ring Buffer Spec (2/3)

To Add m bytes of data from buffer D to the buffer B the

producer will:

(1) Check that m <= A (if not an error has occurred)

(2) put bytes into the buffer using this model:

int j = I;
I = (I+m)%S
N += m;

for (int q = 0; q < m; q++)

B[(j+q)%S] = D[q]

Ring Buffer Spec (3/3)

To remove r bytes from the buffer B to buffer D, the

consumer will:

(1) Check that r <= N. If not, adjust r (r = N) or signal error.

(2) take bytes from the buffer using this model:

int j = O;
O = (O+r)%S
N -= r

for (int q = 0; q < r; q++)

D[q] = B[(j+q)%S]

Ring Buffer: Making it Safe

So, you see that the idea is that the input (I) and output
(O) pointers change continuously from the beginning of
the buffer to the end and then wrap around back to the
beginning again. Conceptually, it appears as if the end of
the buffer is connected back the front of the buffer as if to
form a ring (or circle). We enforce that the input pointer
never tries to overtake the output pointer!

To make these two methods thread safe, we need only to

protect the 3 lines of code that update the class variables
O, N, I: NOT the loops that move data! This is a better
real-time approach than serializing access to the loop
itself, or worse, the entire object.

Ring Buffer Characteristics

 Elements are all same size and type

 Elements are typically primitives (byte, int, etc) but can be pointers
or even structures

 Finite
 Fixed space must be allocated a priori

 Low overhead
 No “per element” costs like we have in a Queue

 Elements MUST be processed in order.


 Elements are linked together in a list

 List can be single (forward) or double (forward
and backward) linked
 Queue Control Block contains (as a minimum)
pointer to first element (head) and last element
 Queues are almost always used as FIFOs, but
can support iteration, random access, and reverse
(LIFO) processing
Queue (Singly Linked)

Queue Control Block

head a Payload can be ANY object or structure.
Elements need not contain similar payloads.
tail z

Forward link b z null


element a element b element z

Queue (Doubly Linked)

Queue Control Block

head a

tail z

Forward link b z null

Backward link null a b


element a element b element z

Queue Operations

 Required Operations
 Put (add to tail)
 Get (get from head)

 Nice to Have Operations

 Remove (remove specific element)
 Insert (add element after a specific element)

 Deluxe Operations
 Peek (non-destructive Get)
 Put to head
 Get from tail
 Iterate (head to tail or tail to head)
Queue Characteristics

 Not fixed in length (“unlimited” in length)

 Does not require pre-allocated memory
 Allows processing of elements in arbitrary
 Can accommodate elements of different
 Additional per element cost (links)

Queue or Ring Buffer

 Stream data: Use a ring buffer

 Arriving elements are primitives that make up a
data “stream” (no record boundaries)
 TCP data is an example

 Service requests: Use a queue

 Arriving elements are requests from a user
layer (or clients) and must be processed

What is a FSM?

 Let’s define the idea of a “machine”

 Organism (real or synthetic) that responds to a
countable (finite) set of stimuli (events) by
generating predictable responses (outputs)
based on a history of prior events (current

 A finite state machine (fsm) is a

computational model of a machine
FSM Elements

 States represent the particular configurations that

our machine can assume
 Events define the various inputs that a machine
will recognize
 Transitions represent a change of state from a
current state to another (possibly the same) state
that is dependent upon a specific event
 The Start State is the state of the machine before
is has received any events
Machine Types

 Mealy machine
 one that generates an output for each transition

 Moore machine
 one that generates an output for each state

 Moore machines can do anything a Mealy

machine can do (and vice versa)
 In my experience, Mealy machines are more
useful for implementing communications protocols
 The fsm that I’ll provide is a Mealy machine
State Diagram

From State Diagram to FSM

 Identify
 States
 Events
 Transitions
 Actions (outputs)

 Program these elements into an FSM

 Define an event classification process
 Drive the events through the FSM
 Example ….

1 Session Overview

2 Application Layer

3 Summary and Conclusion

Assignments & Readings

 Readings
» Chapters 1 and 5
 Assignment #3

Next Session: Data Link Control


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