MTX TC220 PC EN V3 0916 - Web
MTX TC220 PC EN V3 0916 - Web
MTX TC220 PC EN V3 0916 - Web
CONTENTS / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Crane Features .................................................................................................................................................................................4
Chassis Data.................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Outrigger Extension, Area of Operation, Reeving Diagram............................................................................................................. 7
22101S Single Axle Load Chart....................................................................................................................................................... 8
22101S Single Axle Boom Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 9
22101S Load Chart: Main Boom & Jib...........................................................................................................................................10
22101S Boom Diagram...................................................................................................................................................................11
2277S Load Chart: Main Boom & Jib.............................................................................................................................................12
2277S Boom Diagram ....................................................................................................................................................................13
Technical Descriptions .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Options .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
KEY/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Operator aids Hook block
Controls Hydraulics
THE TC220 SERIES TELESCOPIC CRANES Other features include:
Versatile. Affordable. User friendly. • 22-ton capacity @ 5 ft. radius
The TC220 series telescopic cranes are built to meet the wide-ranging needs of owner • 3, 4-section
operators who may use it for residential construction one day and bridge work the next. proportional boom
No matter what the task, the 22-ton line of telescopic crane is designed to get you to the • Optional telescopic jib
job and on the job quickly. • 139’-10” (42,6m) maximum tip
With it, you can: height (with optional jib)
• Travel to and between job sites at highway • Open seat control
speed on a commercial chassis • Out-and-down outriggers
Available in 4 x 2 configuration
Best in class performance and value
Four Out & Down Outriggers with Audible Increase productivity and minimize The Load-moment indicator sounds a
Outrigger Motion Alarm sounds as out- downtime. The two-speed planetary hoist warning standard overload shutoff when
riggers are being deployed and indicator lets you change line speed on the fly and lift limitations are about to be exceeded.
lights verify when they are fully extended. minimize rope stacking.
The versatile TC220 series is designed to help both owners and operators make the most
of their investment.
• Travel to and between jobs at highway speed.
• Minimize maintenance costs with replaceable, self-lubricating boom slider pads and
sealed, multi-disc wet brakes on the hoist and swing system.
• Quick setup time
• One man opertion
TC220 SERIES CHASSIS DATA ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
168" in CT
S Models 22101S Single Axle 22101S Tandem Axle
Wheel Base (WB) 256 in. (6,502 mm) 237 in. (6,020 mm)
Cab to Axle (CA) 186 in. (4,724 mm) -
Cab to Tandem (CT) - 168 in. (4,267 mm)
Frame section modulus 15.9 in3, 110,000 psi, 15.9 in3, 110,000 psi,
at 180º area of operation* 758,422 kPa 758,422 kPa
Cab to End of Frame (EOF) 271” (6,883 mm) 271” (6,883 mm)
Nominal Frame Width 34 in. (864 mm) 34 in. (864 mm)
* Frame selection modulus at 360º area of operation requires front bumper stabilizer.
Model 22101S
Crane without cab 18,100 lb. (8210 kg)
Cab 575 lb., (261 kg)
Flatbed 13 ft. 1,100 lb. (544 kg)
Jib Fixed 660 lb. (299 kg)
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
2277S Tandem Axle
Wheel Base (WB) 237 in. (5,020 mm)
Cab to Tandem (CT) 168 in. (4,267 mm)
Cab to End of Frame (EOF) 271 in. (6,883 mm)
Nominal frame width 34 in. (864 mm)
Frame section modulus 15.9 in3, 110,000 psi
758,422 kPa
Model 2277S
Crane without cab 16,575 lb. (7,518 kg)
Cab 575 lb., (261 kg)
Flatbed 13 ft. 1,100 lb. (498 kg)
Jib Fixed 660 lb. (299 kg)
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
OUTRIGGER EXTENSION / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
• Pedestal sub-frame and
In order to take advantage of full 360º rotation, the stabilizers are mounted
to chassis by threaded
optional front bumper stabilizer must be set in accor- rods and clamp plates
dance to the manual before working in this area and • Sub-frame: Torsion resis-
tant, rigid 4-plate design
machine must be level. mounted under crane full
If a front bumper stabilizer was not supplied, then the length of truck frame
• Rear under-ride
front tires must be in contact with the ground before protection: Standard on
working in this area. factory mounted cranes
• 12-Volt Electrical System
• State-of-the-art,
weather-resistant com-
ponents throughout
• Hermetically sealed
enclosure includes pow-
er in relays and circuit
status LEDs
Data published herein is intended
as a guide only. Crane operation
is subject to machine specific load
charts and information.
22101S Single Axle LOAD CHART / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Lifting Capacities 4 section Boom 29.4 ft. - 101.4 ft. 19' 9 3/4" (6 m)
LMI Single Axle Load Chart
Full Outrigger Extension
Load Ratings in (lbs.) with Outriggers Fully Extended
Jib Load Ratings in (lbs.)
LMI Code #1
Boom Fixed Jib
Loaded Boom
length &
LMI Code #2
Loaded Boom
A (lbs.) B (lbs.) C (lbs.) D (lbs.) for All Boom
(ft.) 29.4 ft. 53 ft. 69 ft. 85 ft. 101.4 ft. See Warning
Note: 4
5 80 44,000
8 74 33,540 8 29.4 ft.
10 70 28,140 10
12 66 24,230 78 14,000 12
14 61 20,460 76 14,000 80 14,000 14
17 54 16,400 72 14,000 78 12,880 17
20 46 13,520 69 13,700 75 11,430 79 8,920 20
25 29 9,910 63 10,320 71 9,460 75 8,000 79 6,000 25
30 56 7,870 66 7,970 72 7,070 76 5,500 30 80 3,000
35 49 6,200 61 6,300 68 6,130 73 4,980 35 78 2,840
40 41 4,990 56 5,100 65 5,150 70 4,490 40 76 2,620
45 31 4,000 51 4,130 61 4,210 67 4,000 45 73 2,420
50 17 3,180 45 3,320 57 3,390 64 3,440 50 71 2,230
55 38 2,680 52 2,750 61 2,800 55 69 2,020
60 30 2,170 47 2,240 57 2,290 60 67 1,840
65 19 1,750 42 1,830 54 1,870 65 64 1,670
70 36 1,480 50 1,520 70 62 1,520
75 29 1,180 45 1,230 75 59 1,340
80 20 920 41 970 80 56 1,080
85 36 750 85 53 860
90 30 560 90 50 670
95 22 390 95 47 500
340 lbs. 190 lbs. 150 lbs. 120 lbs. 100 lbs. Deductions for Stowed Jib
NOTES: Structural
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
22101S Single Axle BOOM DIAGRAM / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
length &
LMI Code #2
Loaded Boom
A (lbs.) B (lbs.) C (lbs.) D (lbs.) for All Boom
(ft.) 29.4 ft. 53 ft. 69 ft. 85 ft. 101.4 ft. See Warning
Note: 4
5 80 44,000
8 74 33,540 8 29.4 ft.
10 70 28,140 10
12 66 24,230 78 14,000 12
14 61 20,460 76 14,000 80 14,000 14
17 54 16,400 72 14,000 78 12,880 17
20 46 13,520 69 13,700 75 11,430 79 8,920 20
25 29 10,210 63 10,600 71 9,460 75 8,000 79 6,000 25
30 56 8,390 66 8,210 72 7,070 76 5,500 30 80 3,000
35 49 6,790 61 6,890 68 6,130 73 4,980 35 78 2,840
40 41 5,590 56 5,700 65 5,320 70 4,490 40 76 2,620
45 31 4,640 51 4,760 61 4,640 67 4,000 45 73 2,420
50 17 3,880 45 4,000 57 4,070 64 3,580 50 71 2,230
55 38 3,380 52 3,450 61 3,200 55 69 2,020
60 30 2,860 47 2,930 57 2,850 60 67 1,840
65 19 2,410 42 2,490 54 2,520 65 64 1,670
70 36 2,090 50 2,130 70 62 1,520
75 29 1,740 45 1,790 75 59 1,380
80 20 1,440 41 1,500 80 56 1,230
85 36 1,240 85 53 1,080
90 30 1,020 90 50 950
95 22 820 95 47 830
100 100 44 720
105 105 40 570
110 110 36 430
340 lbs. 190 lbs. 150 lbs. 120 lbs. 100 lbs. Deductions for Stowed Jib
NOTES: Structural
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
22101S BOOM DIAGRAM / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
length &
29 ft. Jib 52 ft. Jib
Marker 29 ft. Jib
for for for for
for for
All Boom All Boom
Loaded Boom
Loaded Boom
Loaded Boom
A (lbs.) B (lbs.) C (lbs.) D (lbs.) All Boom
Lengths Lengths
29 ft. 41 ft. 53 ft. 65 ft. 77 ft.
LMI Code LMI Code LMI Code
#2 #3 #4
5 80 44,000 (ft.)
8 74 31,040
10 69 26,090 76 22,000 10
12 65 22,570 73 21,220 78 18,500 12
14 60 19,910 70 18,650 75 16,850 79 14,340 14
17 53 16,880 66 15,800 72 14,430 76 12,540 79 11,500 17
20 45 14,070 61 13,710 69 12,560 73 11,060 77 9,800 20
25 27 10,780 52 10,970 63 10,200 69 9,120 73 8,270 25 79 5,070 79 4,820
30 42 8,760 56 8,500 64 7,840 69 7,030 30 77 4,530 77 4,270 80 3,000
35 30 7120 49 7,220 59 6,670 65 6,050 35 74 4,050 74 3,790 78 2,900
40 41 5,930 53 5,750 61 5,240 40 71 3,640 71 3,330 76 2,640
45 31 4,850 47 4,920 56 4,570 45 68 3,220 68 2,900 74 2,410
50 17 3,980 40 4,060 51 4,010 50 65 2,860 65 2,540 71 2,200
55 33 3,880 46 3,430 55 62 2,550 62 2,220 69 2,040
60 22 2,840 40 2,890 60 59 2,270 59 1,940 67 1,840
65 34 2,440 65 55 2,040 55 1,710 64 1,670
70 25 2,070 70 51 1,830 51 1,490 61 1,510
75 13 1,750 75 47 1,650 47 1,300 58 1,350
80 80 43 1,480 43 1,130 55 1,220
85 85 39 1,290 39 970 52 1,060
90 90 34 1,080 34 760 49 940
95 95 29 900 29 580 46 830
100 100 21 740 43 720
105 105 39 630
110 110 35 520
115 115
430 lbs. 310 lbs. 240 lbs. 190 lbs. 170 lbs. Deductions for Stowed Fixed Jib
680 lbs. 480 lbs. 370 lbs. 300 lbs. 260 lbs. Deductions for Stowed Telescopic Jib
NOTES: Structural
• Loads based on crane on outriggers
• All loads are based on 85% tipping
• Loads above heavy line are based on structural rating
• Loads below heavy line are based on tipping rating
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
2277S BOOM DIAGRAM / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Data published herein is intended as a guide only. Crane operation is subject to machine specific load charts and information.
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONS / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Boom Hoist, Rope and Hook
Boom lengths: Proportional boom Maximum theoretical line speed:
• 3-section 77 ft. (23,5 m) 300 fpm (91 mpm)
• 4-section 101 ft. (30,8 m)
• 3-Sheave quick reeve boom point
Maximum theoretical bottom-layer line pull rating:
• 1-Idler, 2-Load
11,500 lb (5,216 kg)
Self lubricating slider pad
Rating: Permissible 8,500 lbs (3,855 kg)
Max. tip height 2277S: 86’ -4” (26,3 m)
Max. tip height 22101S: 110’5” (33,7 m)
Main winch cable diameter: 9/16” (14,3 mm).
6 x 25 EIPS IWRC Wire Rope
Boom angle (min/max): -6º / 80º
Optional Rotation Resistant Rope 9/16 in.
Line length: 300 ft. (91,4m)
Ball-bearing swing circle with external gear
Double-reduction planetary gearbox driven by
hydraulic motor Main winch: Gear Motor with burst of speed high
speed (activated electrically)
Slewing brake: Spring-applied pressure
released automatic brake
Overhaul ball: 7T (6,4 mt) capacity hook with
heavy-duty swivel and weight is provided for
Slewing speed: 1.5 - 2 rpm. (nominal) single line operation.
Boom rotation: 360º continuous
Outriggers Hydraulics
Outriggers: Out-and-down style 8-bolt direct mounted PTO and SAEB or SAE BB
output (factory mounted units only)
FBS - Front Bumper Stabilizer (optional)
3 -section gear pump, Counter Clockwise Standard,
Outrigger monitoring system (for verification only) SAE BB input (standard).
Outrigger motion alarm Hydraulic reservoir capacity:
Full extension 70 gal. (265 L)
• Center to center: 19’-9 3/4” (6 m) Pump sections @ 2000 rpm with 100 psi
Mid extension for Tandem axle chassis only • 32.4 GPM (123 LPM)
• Center to center: 13' 7" (4,1 m)
• 20.6 GPM (78 LPM)
Full retraction for Tandem axle chassis only
• Center to center: 7'-4" (2,2 m) • 8 GPM (38 LPM)
OPTIONS / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Boom Hydraulics
Max. Tip Height
Hose reel – boom mounted.
Front Bumper Stabilizer (FBS)
2277S Hydraulic oil cooler
• Max. tip height: 86’-4” (26,3m)
• Max tip height: 110.5 ft (33,7 m)
UPTime is the Manitex commitment
to complete support of thousands
of units working every day.
3000 South Austin Avenue
Georgetown, Texas 78626
Manitex reserves the right that specification, equipment and prices
are all subject to change without notice or obligation. MTX-TC200-PC-EN-V3-0916