0). 3) These two conditions can be combined as 0 < field index n = -a(∂Bz/∂r)/B0 < 1 for overall betatron stability."> 0). 3) These two conditions can be combined as 0 < field index n = -a(∂Bz/∂r)/B0 < 1 for overall betatron stability.">
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Stability of Transverse Oscillations in a Betatron

Kirk T. McDonald
Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
(November 26, 2012; updated January 17, 2013)

1 Problem
A betatron1 is a magnetic-induction accelerator of electrons about a circular orbit of radius
a, in which a time-dependent magnetic field, nominally perpendicular to the plane of the
orbit, induces an azimuthal electric field that accelerates the electrons. Deduce conditions
on the form of the magnetic field such that motion of (relativistic) electrons transverse to
the central orbit is stable.

2 Solution
2.1 Condition for a Central Orbit with Fixed Radius
A condition for the existence of a central circular orbit with a fixed radius follows (for
relativistic electrons) from the basic conception of a betatron as having a time-dependent
magnetic field Bz (r, z, t), in cylindrical coordinates. Early sketches [4, 10] of apparati to
generate such a field are shown below (although these efforts considered only nonrelativistic

A relativistic electron has energy U simply related to the magnitude p of its momentum
by U = pc, where c is the speed of light in vacuum. For the electron, of charge −e and speed
v ≈ c, to move in a circle of radius a (with angular velocity ω 0 ≈ c/a) under the influence
of a magnetic field B0 (t) = Bz (a, 0, t) perpendicular to the plane of the orbit, Newton’s law
for the centripetal force Fr tells us that (in Gaussian units)

pc U evB0
Fr = ωp = = = = eB0. (1)
a a c
The name betatron was given by Kerst [1] to the circular induction accelerator after its first successful
demonstration [2, 3], which followed a long conceptual history [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].

In a betatron, the electron accelerates (increases its energy U) due to the azimuthal electric
field Eφ induced by the changing magnetic flux Φ through the orbit of radius a, which is
related by Faraday’s law,

2πaEφ = − , (2)
so that
dU eΦ̇
= Fφ v = −eEφc = . (3)
dt 2πa
From eq. (1) we also have that for relativistic electrons,
= eaḂ0, (4)
so the magnetic flux through the orbit must be related to the magnetic field at the orbit by
Φ̇ ≈ 2πa2 Ḃ0, i .e., Φ(t) = 2π Bz (r, 0, t) r dr = 2πa2B0 (t). (5)

This condition (first given in [8]) for a circular orbit of fixed radius as the relativistic electron
accelerates is often stated as requiring the field at the orbit to be one half the average field
in its interior,
Bz  1
B0 (t) = = 2 Bz (r, 0, t) r dr. (6)
2 2a 0

2.2 Stability of Motion in the Plane of the Central Orbit

The radial equation of motion is, approximately,
eB0(t)a vφ2 evφ evφ ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
γmar = r̈ − ≈− Bz (r, 0, t) ≈ − Bz (a, 0, t) + (r − a) , (7)
c2 r c c ∂r

noting that γm = U/c2 = eB0a/c2 according to eq. (1), where B0 = Bz (a). In this we assume
that electrons whose trajectories are close to the central orbit have the central energy U.
Defining x ≡ r − a, so that 1/r ≈ (1/a)(1 − x/a), we have that for relativistic electrons with
vφ ≈ c,
eB0 a x ∂Bz (a, 0, t) eB0 a ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
ẍ ≈ eB0 1 − − eB0 − e x = −x 1 + (8)
c2 a ∂r a B0 ∂r

a ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
ẍ ≈ −ω 20 x 1+ , (9)
B0 ∂r
ω0 = (10)

is the angular frequency of the relativistic electrons in the central orbit.
The radial motion will be stable, simple-harmonic motion if

a ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
> −1. (11)
B0 (t) ∂r

This condition for radial stability of relativistic electrons was first given in eq. (2) of [10]; an
earlier argument in [6] for nonrelativistic electrons was cumbersome.2

2.3 Stability of Motion Perpendicular to the Plane of the Central

The equation of motion in the z-direction for electrons is approximately

eB0(t)a evφ ∂Bz (a, z, t)

γmz̈ = 2
z̈ ≈ Br (a, z, t) ≈ eBr (a, z, t) ≈ ez , (12)
c c ∂r

a ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
z̈ ≈ ω 20 z , (13)
B0 (t) ∂r

noting that the radial component of the magnetic field B vanishes in the symmetry plane
z = 0, and ∇ × B = 0 in the region of the orbits, so

∂Br (a, z, t) ∂Bz (a, z, t)

= , (14)
∂z ∂r
 z  z
∂Br (a, z , t)  ∂Bz (a, z , t)  ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
Br (a, z, t) = 
dz = dz ≈ z . (15)
0 ∂z 0 ∂r ∂r
The z-motion described by eq. (13) is stable, simple-harmonic oscillation only if

a ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
< 0. (16)
B0 (t) ∂r

This condition for “vertical” stability of relativistic electrons was also first given in eq. (2)
of [10].
Sec. 11-1 (p. 405) of [11] ends with the peculiar statement that since the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field is expressed in terms of the potentials V and A rather than
the electric and magnetic fields E and B, it must be that knowledge of the potentials, rather than the fields,
is required to characterize the stability of charged-particle orbits. The present analysis, based entirely on the
magnetic field B, with no mention of the vector potential A, shows this not to be the case. And since the
potentials are not gauge invariant, it cannot be that they, rather than their derivatives (the electromagnetic
fields) determine the motion of a charged particle. Possibly, the paper [12], which deduces the equations of
motion from a Hamiltonian involving the vector potential, gave a misimpression that the vector potential,
and not the magnetic field, governs the motion of the charged particle.

2.4 Weak Focusing
The condition (6) for the central orbit implies that the magnetic field Bz (r) will, in general,
be decreasing with increasing r. Hence, it has become customary to define the field (gradient)
index as3
a ∂Bz (a, 0, t)
n=− , (17)
B0(t) ∂r

such that the stability conditions (11) and (16) can be summarized as

0<n<1 (betatron stability condition). (18)

The approximate radial and vertical equations of motion can now be written as

ẍ ≈ −ω 20 (n − 1) x = −ω 2x x, z̈ ≈ −ω 20 n z = −ω 2z z, (19)

such that the radial and vertical betatron oscillation frequencies,

√ √
ω x = ω 0 1 − n, ω z = ω 0 n, (20)

are equal only in the special case of n = 1/2, and are always lower than the orbital angular
frequency ω 0 . The latter behavior is characterized as weak focusing (in contrast to strong
focusing [13, 14, 15] in so-called synchrotrons where the frequency of transverse oscillations
is higher than the orbital frequency).

[1] D.W. Kerst, A 20-Million Electron-Volt Betatron or Induction Accelerator, Rev. Sci.
Instr. 13, 387 (1942), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/kerst_rsi_13_387_42.pdf

[2] D.W. Kerst, Acceleration of Electrons by Magnetic Induction, Phys. Rev. 58, 841
(1940), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/kerst_pr_58_841_40.pdf

[3] D.W. Kerst, The Acceleration of Electrons by Magnetic Induction, Phys. Rev. 60, 47
(1941), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/kerst_pr_60_47_41.pdf

[4] J. Slepian, X-Ray Tube, US Patent 1,645,304 (1922),


[5] G. Breit and M.A. Tuve, Carnegie Institution Year Book 27, 209 (1927).

[6] E.T.S. Walton, The Production of High Speed Electrons by Indirect Means, Proc. Camb.
Phil. Soc. 25, 469 (1929),
In principle, the field index n could vary with time, but if the magnetic field is excited by a single
(series) current in all windings, the shape of the magnetic field, and index n, are time independent.

[7] J.D. Cockcroft, The Cyclotron and Betatron, J. Sci. Instr. 21, 189 (1944),

[8] R. Wideroe, Über ein neues Prinzip zur Herstellung hoher Spannungen, Ark. Electr.
20, 387 (1928), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/wideroe_ae_21_387_28.pdf

[9] W.W. Jassinsky, Beschleunigung der Elektronen im elektromagnetischen Wechselstrom-

feld, Ark. Electr. 30, 590 (1936),

[10] M. Steenbeck, Device for Producing Electron Rays of High Energy, US Patent 2,103,303
(1936), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/patents/steenbeck_2103303.pdf

[11] A. Shadowtiz, The Electromagnetic Field (McGraw-HIll, 1975; Dover 1988).

[12] D.W. Kerst and R. Serber, Electron Orbits in the Induction Accelerator, Phys. Rev.
60, 53 (1941), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/kerst_pr_60_53_41.pdf

[13] N. Christofilos, Focussing System for Ions and Electrons, US Patent 2,736,799 (filed
1950), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/christofilos_2736799_50.pdf

[14] E.D. Courant, M.S. Livingston and H.S. Snyder, The Strong-Focusing Synchrotron–A
New High Energy Accelerator, Phys. Rev. 88, 1190 (1952),

[15] E.D. Courant and H.S. Snyder, Theory of the Alternating-Gradient Synchrotron, Ann.
Phys. 3, 1 (1958), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/examples/accel/courant_ap_3_1_58.pdf

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