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Factsheet Physics: The Quantum Nature of Light

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Physics Factsheet

September 2000 Number 01

The Quantum Nature of Light
This Factsheet covers one of the fundamental - and hard to grasp - concepts The differences between the particle and wave views of light
of modern physics; wave-particle duality. To ensure this important topic The fundamental differences between the wave and particle views of light
is clear, the Factsheet is longer than usual. are in their explanations of (i) the energy of the light and (ii) how often the
‘light’ arrives.
What is light?
Well, there’s no simple answer, because it behaves differently in different The particle theory says the energy depends on frequency; and the number
situations. Usually it behaves as a wave – it can be diffracted, reflected and of photons arriving per second depends on the power (see above for
refracted – so we consider it to be a wave. However, sometimes this ‘wave explanations).
model’ does not explain what we see – for example, when we shine light onto
a metal surface, electrons can be released (the photoelectric effect). This The wave theory says the energy depends on the amplitude of the wave,
requires a new explanation; that light comes in lumps (quanta), or particles which is related to the power (power ∝ amplitude2); and the number of
called photons. So depending on what experiment we do, light behaves as waves arriving per second is defined as the frequency.
either a ‘wave’ or a ‘particle’. Neither explanation by itself can describe all
that we observe. In summary: Differences between particle & wave views of light
Property of Light Depends on
‘Wave-particle duality’ means: Particle Theory Wave Theory
the ability of something to show both wave-like and particle-like properties,
depending on how we look at it (i.e. what experiment is performed). It is Energy Frequency E = hf Power P ∝ A2
just one aspect of quantum physics. How often it arrives Power #photons/sec Frequency #waves/sec

Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which we commonly explain The Photoelectric Effect
as consisting of waves with different frequencies (e.g. gamma rays, X-rays,
radio waves, infra-red radiation and microwaves). We find that all parts of What is the Photoelectric Effect?
the electromagnetic spectrum show the same ‘wave-particle duality’ as light, When EM radiation falls on a metal surface, electrons are emitted so
so we commonly speak of ‘electromagnetic radiation’ (EM radiation) long as the frequency of the EM radiation is above a certain ‘threshold’
rather than ‘light’. value. The emitted electrons, called photoelectrons, have kinetic energies
ranging from zero to a maximum value.
What is the particle model of EM radiation?
By Plank’s theory, EM radiation (e.g. light) is considered to be composed
of a stream of small lumps or packets (quanta), which are called photons.
Each photon travels at the speed of light and has no mass and no charge. How is the Photoelectric Effect explained?
Each photon has a fixed amount of energy (E) which depends on the • Light consists of particles (photons) of energy; the higher the frequency,
frequency (f) of the EM radiation: the higher the frequency, the higher the the higher their energy.
energy of each photon: • One single photon collides with one electron and gives all its energy to
that electron.
E: Photon energy (J) • If this energy is enough to free the electron from the metal surface, then
E = hf h: Planck's constant (6.63× 10-34 Js) the electron will be released, otherwise it won’t be released.
f: frequence of EM radiation (Hz) • The minimum energy required to release an electron from a metal
surface is called the Work Function (W). This differs for different
The more photons (i.e. packets of energy) there are, then the more energy metals, as each metal surface binds the electrons with varying
there is arriving at a point each second. Thus, the power (defined as energy ‘strengths’.
per second) of the EM radiation depends on the number of photons arriving • Whether the electron is released or not depends on the energy of the
per second. If the power is measured over an area (e.g. 1m2), then we call it photon (E) in comparison to the metal work function (W):
intensity (Wm-2), which in the case of light is the same as its brightness.
♦ Electron just released (E=W). If the energy of a single photon
(E) is equal to the work function (W), it can just release one
To summarise the Particle Model of EM radiation: electron from the surface of the metal. We say the photon is at
• EM radiation comes in a stream of packets, known as photons. the threshold frequency, (fo), the minimum frequency of EM
• Each photon has no charge and no mass radiation required to just release electrons from a metal surface,
• The Energy of each photon depends on frequency only where E = hf0 = W; or rearraged f0 = W/h.
• The Power or Intensity of EM radiation of a fixed frequency depends ♦ Electron not released (E<W). If the EM radiation is below the
on the number of photons arriving each second (where Intensity
threshold frequency, one photon does not have enough energy to
= Power/area).
release one electron and no electrons are emitted.
♦ Electron released with energy to spare (E>W). A photon
above the threshold frequency not only has enough energy to
Exam Hint : If you are asked to explain "Wave Particle Duality" with
free the electron from the metal, but has excess energy which is
examples, ensure you give examples of light acting both as a particle and as
given to the electron as kinetic energy (KE). The largest value
a wave
this can take is given by Einstein’s Equation (see below).

The Quantum Nature of Light Physics Factsheet

By using the principle of conservation of energy, we can also write an A simple demonstration of the Photoelectric Effect
equation for the transfer of energy from the photon to the electron This uses a gold leaf electroscope (Fig 2). The electroscope is initially
(pictorially represented in Fig 1). charged either positively or negatively, so the gold leaf is raised.

Fig 1. The Photoelectric Effect Fig 2. Gold Leaf Electroscope

Incident UV radiation
Photoelectrons move away with
energies from 0 - KEmax
E = hf Zinc Plate
1 3 Free electron from metal;
2 Work Function (W)

Gold Leaf
Photon energy → Energy to free electron from metal surface + Electron KE
hf = W + KEmax

Re-arranging this, we obtain;

When ultra-violet (UV) light is shone on the clean zinc plate, then:
Einstein's Equation • If the electroscope is initially negatively charged, the gold leaf rapidly
KEmax:maximum electron kinetic energy (J) falls, showing the electroscope is discharging.
KEmax = hf - w hf : photon energy (J) • If the electroscope is initially positively charged, the gold leaf does not
W : metal work function (J) move from its raised position: no effect is observed.

These observations are explained by the Photoelectric Effect, as electrons

are released from the zinc plate when UV radiation falls on it:
Exam Hints • When the plate is negatively charged, any electrons emitted from the
• Einstein’s Equation may be written in any of the following zinc plate will be repelled from the plate as ‘like charges (negative)
forms: repel’. Thus the electroscope ‘loses’ charge and discharges.
KEmax = hf – hf0 (by f0=W/h) • When the plate is positively charged, any emitted electrons are
KEmax = hc/λ - hc/λ0 (by c = fλ) immediately attracted back to the plate as ‘unlike charges attract’. So
= hc(1/λ-1/λ0) photoemission does occur, but the electroscope does not discharge.
• Often energies are given in electron-volts (eV). To convert eV
into joules, multiply by the charge on an electron, 1.6×10-19C, Important points to remember
as l eV = 1.6 × 10-19J. E.g. 2eV → 2 ×(1.6×10-19) = 3.2×10-19 J. • The UV light is not charged
• A positively charged plate is one which lacks electrons.
• Only electrons are emitted from the metal surface
Why is the kinetic energy shown as the maximum value (KEmax)? As W is
the minimum energy required to release an electron from the surface of the Measuring the Photoelectric Effect and checking Einstein’s Equation
metal, it follows that the equation gives the largest electron kinetic energy Experimental measurements can be made to confirm the Photoelectric Effect
possible, thus it is shown as KEmax. Electrons that are deeper in the metal (or to determine Einstein’s Equation) using the apparatus shown in Fig 3.
will be more strongly bound and so take more energy to be freed, leaving
less energy for the electron’s KE. Thus a range of electron kinetic energies Fig 3. Photoelectric Effect apparatus
are observed, ranging from zero up to a maximum value given by the above

Typical Exam Question photocell

(a) Explain what each of the terms in Einstein’s Equation

represents: hf = KEmax + φ [3] Variable V
dc supply
A metal surface of work function 3.0 eV is illuminated with radiation EM radiation
of wavelength 350nm.

(b) Calculate the threshold frequency and wavelength. [3]

(c) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
photoelectrons, in Joules. [3]
Answer Apparatus
(a) hf – the energy of each light particle or photon4; KEmax – the maximum This essentially consists of a photocell and a variable d.c. power supply.
kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons 4; φ - the work function of The photocell consists of two metal plates sealed in an evacuated quartz
the metal 4 container. Quartz is used for the photocell, in preference to glass, as it does
(b) The work function in joules, φ = 3.0eV x (1.6×10-19C) = 4.8x10-19J 4; not absorb higher frequencies of EM radiation (e.g. ultra violet) that are above
The threshold frequency (f0) is defined as f0 = W/h = 7.2×1014Hz 4; the threshold frequencies of common metals. In addition, the photocell is
The threshold wavelength is given by the wave equation c = fλ, λ0=c/ evacuated to prevent the photoemitted electrons colliding with air molecules.
f0 = (3.0×108ms-1)/( 7.2×1014Hz) = 4.1×10-7m 4 The variable d.c. supply is used to alter the voltage across the metal plates
(c) Re-arrange the equation in (a) to give KEmax = hf - φ 4; where f = c/λ in the photocell. Measurements are taken from the ammeter and voltmeter
=(3.0×108ms-1)/(350×10-9 m) = 8.6×1014Hz 4, and φ = 4.8×10-19J for different supply voltages.
(N.B. this must be in joules); Thus KEmax = 9.0×10-20J 4

The Quantum Nature of Light Physics Factsheet

Electromagnetic radiation of a known frequency is directed on to one of the photocell plates.
• If it is above the threshold frequency (i.e. if it has sufficient energy), then photoelectrons are emitted.
• The number of photoelectrons emitted per second depends on the number of photons arriving per second, i.e. the Power, or Intensity, of the EM

Electron flow in the circuit

What happens to the electrons after they are emitted from the plate depends on the potential (i.e voltage) of the metal plates in the photocell. This is controlled
by the applied voltage (V) from the variable d.c. power supply. Consider the following cases, starting with V = 0:

Effect of Supply Voltage on photocell current.

Applied Supply Voltage

V decreases
(becomes more V<0 V=0 V>0 V increases

The current continues to A reverse potential gives Some electrons hit the The ‘receiving plate’ The current will
drop, until even the most the receiving plate a other metal plate, thus is given a positive continue to rise as the
energetic electrons (with negative potential completing the electrical potential by the battery, potential of the plate is
KE max ) are unable to (relative to the battery). circuit and allowing a attracting more of the made more positive,
overcome the potential Thus, some electrons are current to flow. photoelectrons towards until all the emitted
energy of the electric field. repelled from the plate, the plate. Thus the photoelectrons are
At this point, no electrons leading to a reduced zero
Applied voltage
Voltage current in the circuit attracted and captured.
will bridge the gap between current flowing through increases. At this point the
the plates and so the current the circuit electrons
electrons current reaches its
falls to zero. The reverse maximum value, called
potential required to reduce the saturation current,
the current to zero is II Is.
Photocell Plates
termed the stopping
voltage VS.
positive applied pp
voltage g
negative applied
Negative voltage
Applied Voltage

positive potential
Positive potential
Maximum II
Saturation Photocell Plates
Stopping saturation
Voltage, V
I = I0A
= 0A voltage Vs s Saturation
Photocell Plates

Current, I s

Voltage, Vs

- ve (reverse) 0 + ve Voltage

­ EM Energy Þ ­V S ­ EM IntensityÞ ­I S

Saturation Current and Stopping Voltage

The saturation current depends only on the number of photons arriving per second (i.e Intensity), as each photon releases one electron (assuming 100%

The stopping voltage depends only on the energy of the photoelectrons, which is determined by the photon energy (i.e. frequency) for a given metal.

The Quantum Nature of Light Physics Factsheet

In Summary: stopping voltage and saturation current

Typical Exam Question
Photoelectric Effect Depends on Alter by changing
electron photon A photoelectric cell is illuminated. The graph below shows how the
current (I) through the cell varies with the applied voltage (V) across
Stopping Voltage, VS Energy Frequency it.
(Photon Energy) Current (I)
Saturation Current, IS number emitted Intensity
per second (number of photons/sec)

Dependence of Stopping Voltage on Photon Frequency

At the stopping voltage, the most energetic electrons just cannot overcome
the potential energy of the electric field between the plates. Thus;
Max. Electron energy= Electrical Potential Energy
Voltage (V)
KEmax = eVs - ve (reverse) + ve (forward)
Substituting this in Einstein’s Equation gives:
(a) Why does a current flow for positive voltages? [3]
hf – W = eVs;
(b) Why does the current reach a constant value for large positive
Graphically, this is represented by a straight line if Vs is plotted against f
voltages? [2]
(c) Why does the current reach 0A for a large negative voltage? [2]
(d) Add the following to the graph:
Dependence of stopping voltage on EM frequency
(i) A point, labelled S, to show the stopping potential [1]
Vs : stopping voltage (V) (ii) A curve, labelled F, showing what you would expect if only
Vs = (h/e)f – (W/e) h : Plank's constant (6.63 × 10-34) Js the frequency of the light illuminating the cell were
e : charge on an electron (1.6 × 10-19 C) increased. [1]
f : EM radiation frequency (Hz) (iii) A curve, labelled I, showing what you would expect if only
W : metal work function (J) the intensity of the light illuminating the cell were
increased. [1]
(iv) A curve, labelled W, showing what you would expect if only
Fig. 4. Dependence of Stopping Voltage on EM frequency a metal of a slightly larger work function were used. [1]
Stopping Voltage /V Answer
(a) Electrons are released from one of the metal plates in the photocell by
Different metal, the photoelectric effect. 4They are then attracted towards the other
with smaller W metal plate which is positively charged by the battery. 4 Therefore the
gradient = h/e circuit is completed and a current flows. 4
(b) The current is limited by the number of photoelectrons released each
0 second.4 Increasing the applied voltage varies how many of the
Frequency /Hz photoelectrons are collected by the positively charged metal plate in the
photocell. At large enough potentials, all the electrons are collected 4
Threshold frequency and so the current cannot increase further.
f0 = W/h (c) When the collecting plate is negatively charged, it repels the
-W/e photoelectrons. At large enough voltages, even the most energetic
Dependence of Stopping Voltage on Frequency electrons are repelled.4 Thus, no electrons ‘bridge’ the gap between
Vs = (h/e)f – (W/e) the plates to complete the circuit and no current flows.4
(d) See graph.
• The gradient is (h/e) regardless of the metal being tested. It can be Current (I) I4
used to experimentally determine a value for Plank’s constant (h) if
the charge on an electron (e) is known.
• The y-intercept is (-W/e). It depends on the work function of the
metal plate used and is always negative. Thus different metals will F
have different y-intercepts (work functions), but always the same 4
• The frequency axis intercept is equal to the threshold frequency (f0 = W/h). Applied
• A graph of maximum electron kinetic energy against frequency has Voltage (V)
exactly the same form, but the gradient becomes h and the y-intercept S4

Typical Exam Question Answer

Light of wavelength 420nm with a power of 10mW is incident on
(a) E = hf = hc/λ 4 = (6.63×10-34)(3×108)/(420×10-9) 4
a metal. (Charge on an electron is 1.6 × 10-19 C).
= 4.74×10-19J 4
(a) Calculate the energy of each photon [3]
(b) Number/second = Power/ photon energy = 0.01/ 4.74×10-19 4
(b) Calculate the number of photons arriving per second. [2]
= 2.11×1016 s-1 4
(c) Assuming 50% of the incident photons release electrons,
(c) Number of electrons emitted/sec = 0.5 x 2.11×1016 = 1.05×1016s-14
what current is produced? [3]
As each electron has charge e, the current produced = (N/s)e 4
= (1.05×1016)(1.6×10-19) = 1.68mA 4

The Quantum Nature of Light Physics Factsheet

Why does the Photoelectric Effect provide evidence for particle nature of light, rather than its wave nature?
Before studying this, make sure that you understand the differences between the wave and particle theories of light (see page 1). Also, remember that intensity
is defined as the power per unit area. The observations made in the Photoelectric Effect are unable to be explained using the wave theory of light. Therefore,
the particle theory was developed in order to explain what was observed. These are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1. Photoelectric Effect - Observations and Explanations

What is Observed? What does Wave Theory predict? What does Particle Theory predict?

For a given metal, electrons are The greater the intensity (amplitude) of the EM • Light consists of photons with energy E = hf
only emitted above a certain radiation, the greater the energy that arrives at the • Minimum energy required to release an electron is
threshold frequency of the metal surface. So a high enough intensity should the work function (W)
EM radiation, irrespective of its cause electrons to be emitted regardless of the • To release electrons, E>W
intensity. frequency. The frequency should have no effect here. • Threshold frequency (f0) occurs when E=W; hf0 = W

The maximum KE of the The greater the intensity (amplitude) of the EM • For frequencies above the threshold frequency (f>f0),
emitted electrons depends only radiation, the greater the energy that arrives at the Einstein’s Equation gives: KEmax = hf – W
on frequency of the EM metal surface. So, more energy is given to each • Thus KEmax depends on the frequency
radiation. electron. The frequency should have no effect here.

The number of photoelectrons The intensity of the EM radiation relates to energy, • The number of photons arriving per second depends
emitted per second depends only not the number of waves arriving per second. So, on the intensity of the EM radiation
on intensity of the EM the number of emitted electrons depends on the • One photon can release one electron (assuming 100%
radiation, for a single frequency. number of waves arriving (i.e. the frequency) and efficiency)
not the wave energy (i.e. intensity). The intensity • Thus the number of electrons emitted per second
should have no effect here. depends on intensity

Low intensity EM radiation Low intensity EM radiation has low energy. So it • Intensity only relates to how many photons arrive
(above the threshold frequency) will take some time before enough energy builds up per second, so few arrive per second for low intensities
results in immediate emission on the metal surface to free one electron. • But, each photon has enough energy to release an
of electrons. electron (f>f0) so immediate electron emission occurs

Exam Workshop (c) Use the particle theory of light to explain why red light does not
have the same effect as ultra-violet light. [5]
This is a typical poor student’s answer to an exam question. The comments Red light doesn’t free electrons as it doesn’t have as much energy as UV
explain what is wrong with the answers and how they can be improved. 4. Energy comes in lumps that depends on the frequency 4.
The examiner’s answer is given below.
• Did not mention what the particle theory of light is (i.e. photons).
The photoelectric effect can be simply demonstrated by using an • Did not explain why electrons are released when UV light shines
electroscope which is negatively charged, as shown in the diagram. on the plate.
UV radiation • Needs to be specific about red light being below the threshold
frequency – too vague here to gain mark.
Plate (d) If the metal has a work function of 2.3 eV, calculate the maximum
kinetic energy of the emitted electrons, in Joules, when light of 200
nm is used. [3]
KEmax = hf – W = h(200×10-9)/(3.0×108) – 2.3 = -2.3eV 6
Gold Leaf • Used λ not f in equation
• Calculated energy in eV, not Joules as asked

Examiner’s Answers
When ultra violet light is shone on the metal plate, the gold leaf (a) Both the foil and rod are negatively charged.4 Like charges repel,
gradually returns to the vertical. However, when red light alone is so the foil moves away from the rod.4
used, the foil remains displaced and does not return to the vertical. (b) The UV light frees electrons so they can escape from the metal plate
(the photoelectric effect) 4 so the negative charge on the metal plate
(a) Explain why the gold leaf is initially displaced from the vertical [2] and rod decrease 4. So, the repulsion between the foil and the rod
It’s Repelled 4 decrease and the foil drops due to gravity. 4
• Needs more detail for 2 marks (c) Light consists of packets (quanta) called photons 4. The energy of
each photon depends on its frequency, by E = hf 4. As red light has
a lower frequency than UV light, it has less energy 4. One photon
(b) Explain why the gold leaf gradually returns to the vertical when gives its energy to one electron 4. In order to release an electron,
UV is shone on to the metal plate? [3] the photon energy must be greater than or equal to the metal work
It becomes less negatively charged. 4 function: red light photons have less energy than this and so do not
The light takes the extra charge away.6 provide enough energy to free an electron 4.
• Not enough detail to gain 3 marks. (d) Use Einstein’s Equation: KEmax = hf – W,
• Be precise - light does not 'take the extra charge away'. where f = c/λ = (3.0×108)/(200×10-9) = 1.5×1015Hz 4
and W = 2.3eV × (1.6×10-19C) = 3.7×10-19J 4.
Substitute in the equation to get KEmax= 6.2×10-19J 4.

The Quantum Nature of Light Physics Factsheet

Qualitative (Concept) Test (7) What is the stopping voltage? How can it be decreased for a given
Look in the text for the answers to the questions and use the hints! metal?

(1) Explain wave – particle duality. Include an example in your answer. (8) Describe an experiment to verify Einstein’s photoelectric effect.
(2) What is a photon? Explain how values for the metal work function and Plank’s constant
can be determined form this experiment.
(3) Describe the photoelectric effect.
(9) If visible light is incident on zinc, no electrons are emitted,
(4) How does the photoelectric effect provide evidence for the particle irrespective of how intense the light is. Explain this observation.
nature of electromagnetic radiation?
(10) Monochromatic electromagnetic radiation is incident on a metal
(5) What is the work function of a metal? Explain how this relates to surface, resulting in the emission of electrons.
the threshold frequency for the metal. (Hint: See "How is the Describe the effect on the maximum kinetic energy and on the
Photoelectric Effect Explained") number of electrons ejected per second for the following changes:
(a) increasing/decreasing the frequency of the incident radiation
(6) What is Einstein’s equation? What does it describe? Explain all (b) increasing/decreasing the intensity of the incident radiation
symbols used. (c) changing the metal for one with a greater/smaller work function
(Hint: See "saturation current and stopping voltage")

Quantitative Test Answers

Quantitative (Calculation) Test
(1) (i) E = hf = h(c/λ) 4= (6.63×10-34Js)(3×108ms-1)/(1.2×10-6m) 4
Time for test:35 mins Total Marks:34
×10-19J 4;
= 1.66×
Data: Plank's Constant h = 6.63 × 10-34 Js (ii) E = hf = (6.63×10-34Js)(2.0×1018Hz) = 3.14J 4
electron mass me = 9.1 × 10-31 kg
electron charge e = 1.6 × 10-19 C (2) f = E/h = (60×106)(1.6×10-19 J)/(6.63×10-34Js) 4=1.45××1022Hz 4;
Speed of EM in a vacuum c = 3.0 × 108 ms-1 λ = c/f = (3.0×108ms-1)/(1.45×1022Hz) 4= 2.07× ×10-14m 4
(3) (a) by Einstein’s Equation h = W/f + KEmax/f 4
(1) Calculate the energy of a photon of: = (5.0×10-19J)/(3×1015Hz) + (1.46×10-18J)/(3×1015Hz) 4
(i) wavelength 1.2 µm; (ii) frequency 2.0×1018Hz. ×10-34Js 4.
= 6.5×
(b) threshold frequency, fo= W/h = (5.0x10-19J)/(6.63x10-34Js) 4
(2) Calculate the frequency and wavelength of a photon of energy 60
×1014Hz 4
= 7.5×
MeV. (c) by Einstein’s Equation; f = W/h + KEmax/h 4= fo + KEmax/h 4
(3) Light of frequency 3 × 1015Hz is incident on a metal of work = 7.5×1014 + (1.46×10-18J)/(6.63×10-34Js) = 6.8××1015Hz 4
function 5.0×10-19 J causing electrons to be emitted with maximum (4) (a) # photons/sec = (emitted power)/(energy per photon)
kinetic energy 1.46×10-18J. = Power/(hc/λ ) 4
(a) Calculate a value for Plank’s constant. ={(7.5×10-2W)(490×10-9m )}/{(6.63×10-34Js)(3.0×108ms-1)}4
(b) Calculate the threshold frequency for this metal = 1.85×1017 s-1 4
(c) Calculate the minimum frequency of radiation required to (b) Current = (# electrons emitted/sec) × (charge on each electron)
achieve electron kinetic energies above 4×10-18J. = 0.1×(# photons/sec) x e 4
(4) Laser light of 490nm with a power of 7.5×10-2W is incident on a = 0.1(1.85×1017 s-1)(1.6×10-19C) = 3.0mA 4
metal of work function 2 eV. (c) E = hf = hc/λ = (6.63×10-34Js)(3.0×108ms-1)/(490×10-9m)
(a) Calculate the number of photons emitted per second. = 4.06×10-19J 4;
(b) If 10% of the photons result in an electron being emitted, As 1eV= 1.6x10-19J, this corresponds to (4.06×10-19J)/(1.6×10-19J)
what current is produced? = 2.54eV 4
(c) Calculate the energy of each photon in electron volts. (d) (i) by Einstein’s Equation; KEmax = hf – W = E – W 4
(d) (i) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons = 2.54 – 2.0 = 0.54eV 4
in electron volts. (ii) What speed would these electrons have (ii) KE = ½ mev2; v = √{2(KEmax)/me}
(neglect relativistic effects)? = √{2(0.54×1.6×10-19J)/( 9.1× 10-31kg)} 4 = 4.3×105ms-1 4
(e) If the incident power is doubled, what will be the effect on (i) (e) (i) no change as energy is independent of Intensity; 4
the maximum energy of the emitted electrons; and (ii) the (ii) doubled, i.e. 3.7×1016s-1 4as doubling the intensity doubles
number of electrons emitted per second the number of electrons arriving per second and thus also of
(f) Calculate the threshold wavelength for the metal. the electrons emitted per second.
(g) Will light of 1.5×1015Hz result in the emission of electrons? (f) W = hfo = h(c/λo); λo =hc/W 4
= (6.63×10-34Js)(3×108ms-1)/(2×1.6×10-19J) 4= 155nm 4
(g) No,4
Further Reading as this frequency is below the threshold frequency calculated from
• ‘The Quantum World’ by J.C. Polkinghorne published by Pelican ISBN part (f);
0140226532. A good overview of the subject with minimal fo = c/λo = (3.0×108ms-1)/(155×10-9m) = 1.9×1015Hz 4
mathematical content.

Related Factsheets Acknowledgements:

This Physics Factsheet was researched and written by Thane Gilmour
• Quantum Nature of Particles The Series editor for physics is Thane Gilmour
• Basic Wave Properties The Curriculum Press,Unit 305B, The Big Peg,120 Vyse Street, Birmingham, B18 6NF
• Applied Wave Properties Physics Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that
their school is a registered subscriber.
No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any other form or by any other means, without the prior permission of the publisher.
ISSN 1351-5136

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