Analysis of Shock Absorber
Analysis of Shock Absorber
Analysis of Shock Absorber
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Date: 05-08-2019
This is to certify that the project work embodied in this report entitled, “ANALYSIS OF
SHOCK ABSORBER” submitted by students of second year. For the award of in house
internship in the subject of Automobile Engineering, is a work carried out by them
under my guidance and supervision within the institute. The work described in this
project report is carried out by the concerned students and has not been submitted for
the award of any other than SSOU, Kiwale.
Further, it is to certify that the students were regular during the academic year and have
worked under the guidance of concerned faculty until the submission of this project
work at the Symbiosis Skills and Open University.
__________________ ___________________
Signature of the Guide Signature of Vice-Chancellor
(Dr. Vaijanti Deshpande) (Dr. Charudutta Pathak)
Student Declaration
We, the students involved in this in-house internship project (namely: Khozema Kadiani,
Danish Inamdar, Arish Syed, Viraj Vhor and Vikas Gupta) hereby declare, that the project
work entitled “ANALYSIS OF SHOCK ABSORBER” submitted to the Symbiosis Skills and Open
University is a record of an original work done by us under the guide of Dr. Charudutta
Mechatronics and this project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
The results embodied in the thesis have not been submitted to any other university or
This project is an outcome of a great deal of dedication, hard work, enthusiasm and
commitment of an industrious team without which this project could not have been brought
into book.
First and foremost, I offer my sincere gratitude to Dr. Charudutta Pathak and Dr. Vaijanti
Deshpande for their whole-hearted support, encouragement, guidance and valuable input
they provided us, without it, this work would not have been possible.
In all successful work, a lot of people work behind the curtains whose contribution cannot
be neglected. Here we would like to express gratitude to all the respondents, my friends and
all the connected persons who directly or indirectly supported us in this work and guided it
We wish to express our gratitude to the whole staff of the Automobile department for their
co-operative & considerate approach and wish to thank the university for giving us a great
Furthermore, we would like to extend my heartiest thanks to the parents who stood beside
us as a wall and protecting us from every problem and gave us all the support by which we
The main objective of any automobile engineering student is to get as much practical
automobile system is vital for working in the industry. We are thankful to have such an
opportunity to learn.
Through the development of the project, we had a great experience of various strategies
that are applied in development of projects. Completing the project helped us know more
about the concepts of suspension. Working with other team members taught us the
We are pleased to present this project. We have taken proper care while organizing the
project so it may be easy to comprehend. We hope you will find our project report
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 6 Conclusion
This project aims to analyze a suspension model and the various parameters considered in
their design.
Our aim was to study these parameters and the effects in changes of these parameters to
changes in the suspension system with respect to performance over a standard bump.
Typically, these parameters are: spring stiffness, damping coefficient, un-sprung and sprung
The suspension model we have chosen is a shock absorber. A shock absorber is made up of
a spring coiled around a damper. The ends of the damper are connected to the chassis and
the wheel knuckle. We have chosen this model as it is quite widely used in the industry and
Invented by Maurice Houdaille in 1907, the shock absorbers were a revolution in the
automobile and transport industry, with Houdaille’s equipment (now called rotary/lever
arm shock absorbers) becoming standard on the immensely popular Ford Model A in 1927.
Various improvements and evolutions have been made in the system but the principle
largely remains the same, a hydraulic device designed to absorb and damp shock impulses
to the chassis, and ensure maximum contact of wheels to the ground. It does this by
converting the kinetic energy of the shock into another form of energy (typically heat) which
is then dissipated.
Hence, it is quite important to understand, in depth the characteristics to such a vital system
The study was conducted from 27 May 2019 to 27 July 2019, focusing on the simulation of a
quarter car suspension system. We have used MATLAB Simulink, MSc. Adams View and
Adams Car for this purpose due to their simplicity and accuracy, along with ease in making
reduces the effects of travelling over rough ground or helps it to land more smoothly.
Most vehicles now employ vertical telescopic shock absorbers over Houdaille’s lever arm
shock absorber. The telescopic shock absorber dissipates heat more effectively, owing to its
larger working volume of fluid and also the better ratio of surface area to fluid volume. In
most suspension systems they come paired with a spring, which is what we have analysed
The major benefits of employing a shock absorber are: - safety, stability, and comfort.
Their major role in vehicle safety is to provide steering stability and complete vehicle safety.
Thanks to them, our cars do not veer to the sides when it is windy and have no trouble
stopping. Proper shock absorbers provide the capacity required to control the car and can
Another important role of shock absorbers is stability. They boost the friction between car
tires and road, enabling car stability on the road. If streets, highways and country roads
were perfectly flat, then shockers wouldn’t be necessary. But even recently paved roads
have subtle flaws that apply forces to the wheel, causing it to move up and down. Without
shock absorbers, all the vertical energy of wheels will shifts to the frame of the vehicle. This
can thus cause for the wheels to lose contact with the road surface for a moment and then,
Comfort is the most common thing associated with shock absorbers. Since the invention of
the first car, the challenge of enhancing passengers’ comfort was a major part of the
manufacturing process. This is why absorbers were invented. Their job, apart from providing
vehicle stability, is to ensure the comfort of all passengers. They reduce the magnitude of
vibratory motions due to various road imperfections to provide a smooth and comfortable
Driver comfort is also an important criterion to consider for any automobile system. This is
With our project we aim to help understanding of how to optimize the parameters of the
The software we have chosen for the purpose of modelling our system in has primarily been
MATLAB, along with industry used MSc Adams. The reason for the choice was the ease of
modelling the suspension system with knowledge of required equations, as well as the
optimized graphs and data that can be extracted. Furthermore, functionality can be greatly
expanded by the addition of toolboxes. These are sets of specific functions that provided
motions: -
xr = Road velocity,
Un-sprung Mass 60 kg
These parameters were put into the Simulink model shown above, and the results were
The data procured from the program was extensively analysed, yielding the results
mentioned below.
The given conditions are: Displacement of 10 mm, given with a frequency of 0.477 rad/sec
in a sinusoidal wave.
In all graphs, the blue line is the standard value of the parameter; red line represents an
increase in the parameter’s standard value with a factor of ten and the black line represents
Damping Coefficient
In case of spring stiffness: -
Spring Stiffness
And in the case of sprung mass: -
Sprung Mass
The results of the analysis presented in this paper enabled us to consider the effects of the
parameters in a suspension on the resultant behaviour of the quarter car suspension model.
It was found that changes in the suspension parameters have the following effect: -
The driving comfort was decreased as spring stiffness was increased for excitation
Within the zone of resonant frequency of sprung mass, the deformation amplitudes
Higher shock absorber damping values provided better oscillatory comfort for the
driver at excitation frequencies close to the resonant frequency of the system body.
At excitation frequencies above resonance frequency, the shock absorber with lower
The amplitudes of dynamic wheel load were decreased as the values of the shock
according to the most favourable values of the weighted driver’s acceleration and to ensure
From this project we have learned that which we can now apply into further research into
this topic, in the field of active suspensions; as well as apply this knowledge in the future, for
our careers.
2. Sanoop Soman, Sherry Shaji, Vipin T Thomas, Vishnu E. M, Arun K Varghese; Semi-
Active Suspension for Two Wheelers; International Journal for Innovative Research in
3. Dragan Sekulić, Vlastimir Dedović; The Effect of Stiffness and Damping of the
September 2011.
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 03, Issue 07; July-2016.
5. Patrick Smith; Houdaille Hydraulic Shock Absorber Service & Adjustments; PMS