Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis: Dr. Naveen Kumar MMMC Manipal
Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis: Dr. Naveen Kumar MMMC Manipal
Gametogenesis: Spermatogenesis & Oogenesis: Dr. Naveen Kumar MMMC Manipal
New life begins with the fertilization – two gametes unite to form a zygote
Germ cells undergo gametogenesis, which includes meiosis type of cell division
to reduce the number of chromosomes to half (23 chromosomes /haploid cells)
Spermatogenesis - Formation of
spermatozoa (male gametes)
Just before puberty, primordial germ cells give rise to spermatogonial stem cells
Type A cells undergo limited number of Mitosis - gives more type A and type B
cells (44+X+Y)
Type A Spermatogonia 44 XY
44 XY Primary spermatocyte
Primary spermatocyte
44 XY
First Meiotic
Second Meiotic
Tail (principal piece & tail piece) -Remaining part of the axial filament
Annulus- ring like structure at the point where the middle piece joins tail.
Before birth, Oogonia undergo mitotic divisions. But never after birth
If not fertilized, secondary oocyte does not complete the meiosis and is
thrown out of the uterus with the menstrual flow
Stages of oogenesis
44 XX Oogonium
Oogonium (44+X+X)
Mitotic division
Forms primary oocyte (44+X+X)
Primary Oocyte 44 XX
First Meiotic division
Each primary oocyte- undergo 1st meiotic Prophase Till puberty
division – produces one secondary oocyte
(22+X) and 1st polar body (22+X)
22+ X 22X 1st polar body
Secondary Oocyte
Spermatogenesis Oogenesis
1. Single Ovum / month
1. 300 millions sperms/day
2. Ovum production up to menopause age
2. Sperm production till death (45 – 50 years)
3. 64 days taken for sperm production 3. 14 days taken for Ovum production
4. Sperms are motile 4. Ovum is immotile
5. Sperm is small but long (60x2µm) 5. Ovum is largest cell (120µm in diameter)
Single ejaculation: 200-300 miliion sperms are emitted
Total number of oocytes at birth : 600,000 -800,000
Some may mature very late (at the age of 40 years or more)- but
vulnerable to damage as they age