Front Jeep Compass
Front Jeep Compass
Front Jeep Compass
University School of Management , Lalita PAL
Kurukshetra MBA 3rd Semester
Roll No. : 54
This report is an outstanding prospect to convey my gratefulness to those many people whose
timely help and guidance went a long way in finishing this project work from commencement to
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Ajay Solkhe, worthy M.B.A. Deptt. for providing me an
opportunity to complete my training project.
This project could not been completed without the able guidance and support of the faculty
members. Their valuable suggestions have been extremely helpful during the course of the
project and while formulating the final output.
I would like to thank Dr. Ajay Solkhe (MBA DEPTT.) who was always there with warm
support and valuable inputs that helpful me to perform my course of action with full of
enthusiasm and spirit.
Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for their moral support and my friends with whom I
shared my day to day experience and received lots of suggestions that my quality of work.
Lalita Pal
I, Lalita Pal the student, student of MBA 3rd Semester studying at University School of
Management hereby declare that the summer training report on “ANALYSIS OF
FINANCIAL STATEMENT” submitted to University School of Management,
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra in partial fulfillment of degree of Master of Business
Administration is the original work conducted by me.
The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge.
This summer training report is not being submitted to any other university for award of any other
Degree, Diploma and fellowship.
Lalita Pal
In this age of globalization hyper completion has become a regular feature. Today the markets
are no less then battlegrounds and one has to strive very hard for survival and growth.
Due to very repaid industrialization all over the world the demand for the managerial personnel
and the administrative personnel has increased. The perfect study of management involves both
the theoretical as well as practical aspects. To survive in this highly competitive market
“Practical Knowledge” is as relevant as the theoretical.
The significance of MBA Degree is that the theoretical aspects, which a student learns
throughout the year in the class sessions, can be practically applied through deferent projects,
which one undertakes. Keeping in tune with this doctrine, we have tried to apply theoretical
aspects throughout the project, which we learned under the course of management.
In this project more emphasize given to the various tools. Actually in recent trend to some extent
this technique also become victim of clutter, even though it can be eliminated by generating
innovative and more attractive tools to lure the customer.
MBA (Marketing, HR)
& BBA Project report Available
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