J. QSPM: Build Four New Production Facilities in China, USA, and Eastern Europe
J. QSPM: Build Four New Production Facilities in China, USA, and Eastern Europe
J. QSPM: Build Four New Production Facilities in China, USA, and Eastern Europe
Build Four
Facilities in
in China and
China, USA,
and Eastern
Opportunities Weight AS TAS AS TAS
1. Growth in sales of luxury vehicles exceeds growth in all other
0.10 3 0.30 4 0.40
automobile categories.
2. Formula One, NASCAR, Indy Racing and other racing
0.04 0 0.00 0 0.00
organizations are outstanding ways to promote products.
3. Growing middle and upper class in China, India, Eastern Europe
0.05 3 0.15 4 0.20
and Latin America.
4. Financially well to do people are less effected by down turns in
0.05 4 0.20 3 0.15
the economy than middle and lower class families.
5. Growing desire for hybrid style cars among customers. 0.03 4 0.12 2 0.06
6. BMW head of sales and marketing recently said “We are
confident of healthy sales growth especially in Asia and the 0.07 4 0.28 3 0.21
7. Ford and GM saw sales drop by around 10% in Europe. 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14
8. Growing demand for diesel engines and trucks in China and
0.05 4 0.20 1 0.05
other developing markets.
9. Ford and GM continue to struggle in the USA and international
0.08 2 0.16 3 0.24
10. Germans take a sense of pride in their subject matter and want to
be as well prepared as possible, so they can contribute and make
0.04 0 0.00 0 0.00
key points during the meeting. In general, the German worker is
well skilled.
Threats Weight AS TAS AS TAS
1. Volkswagen (VW) is the largest car manufacturer in Germany
and aims to double its USA market share from 2% to 4% by 2014, 0.06 3 0.18 1 0.06
and aims to be the world's largest carmaker by 2018.
2. VW introduced diesel-electric hybrid versions of its most
popular models in 2012, including the Jetta, followed by the Golf 0.03 0 0.00 0 0.00
Hybrid and the Passat. VW owns Porsche.
3. Mercedes-Benz is active in three forms of motorsport racing:
Formula Three, DTM, and Formula One. The parent, Daimler 0.04 0 0.00 0 0.00
AG, holds a 60 percent stake in Formula One team Mercedes-
4. Mercedes-Benz’s U.S. sales surged 11% in January 2013, in its
effort to overtake BMW in luxury-auto deliveries for all of 2013. 0.06 3 0.18 1 0.06
Both strategies are attractive, but building new production plants, especially two new ones in China and
one in the USA, should be undertaken first.