Entrep DLL 2nd Week
Entrep DLL 2nd Week
Entrep DLL 2nd Week
The learners demonstrates understanding of: The learners demonstrates understanding of: The learners demonstrates understanding of:
A. Content Standards Concepts, underlying principles, and processes of Concepts, underlying principles, and processes of developing Concepts, underlying principles, and processes of developing
developing a business plan a business plan a business plan
B. Performance The learner independently or with his/her classmates The learner independently or with his/her classmates presents The learner independently or with his/her classmates
Standards presents an acceptable detailed business plan an acceptable detailed business plan presents an acceptable detailed business plan
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
C. Learning a. Determine the factors that needs to consider in starting a. Determine the factors that needs to consider in starting a a. Determine the factors that needs to consider in starting a
Competencies/ a business; business; business;
Objectives b. Familiarize with different business opportunities; and b. Familiarize with different business opportunities; and b. Familiarize with different business opportunities; and
b. Recognize a potential market b. Recognize a potential market b. Recognize a potential market
Youtube video (if possible)
B. Other Learning
10 Tips To Starting Your Own Business
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
Pass the Word
Learners shall be grouped into four (4). Each group shall
be a given a sheet of paper which includes the message to
be memorized by the student in the frontline until it Ask the students about the previous lesson:
reaches the last member. When done, the last member 1. One of the factors to consider in starting a business was
shall be able to correctly write the message in the personal competencies such as creativity. Can you give
blackboard. The groups who will get the correct answer example of an existing business in our country that can
A. Reviewing Ask the students about the previous lesson:
get the points. This activity will run for about ten (10) possibly put additional creativity out of it?
1. In your own perspective, from the different factors that has
previous lesson or minutes.
been discussed yesterday, what is the most important among
presenting a new Suggested words:
them and why?
lesson 1. Sources and Capital can be from personal funds, family 1. Before, fries and drinks are sold separately but now, we
and friends, retirement account, banks/financial have kerimoto wherein you can buy the fries and drinks at
institutions, government loan and/or stock market the same time.
2.Availability of Resources pertains to raw materials, 2. Before, fast food normally offers a regular meal. But now,
human resources and machineries and equipment buffet are highly in demand and the unli rice promos.
3. Manufacturing includes the physical or chemical
transformation of material substances or components
into new product.
Ask the students: Ask the students:
B. Establishing a
Give some examples of business that you know. Give example of people that you know who opened a
purpose for the Example: Computer shop, Fast food such as Jollibee, business but after a few months, they already close it. What
lesson Mang Inasal etc. do you think is the reason why it failed?
Factors to Consider in Starting a Business Identifying Business Opportunities
Important Factors to Consider Before an Entrepreneur can
• Entrepreneurial opportunities Entrepreneurial Opportunity – favourable set of conditions
Actually Begin an Enterprise
• Financial stability that will enable the entrepreneurs to create new products or
• Self-fulfilment services by combining resources that will result not only to a
1. Focus and Direction – objective grasp of the business and
• Helps the family profit but for the common good of the society and the
where it will be headed many years from the start of
• Provide employment to others environment
operation. There should be a clear and documented vision-
• New products
mission and strategies to begin with. Start right by “beginning
C. Presenting Ways to Start a New Venture: Most Frequently Used • New services
with the end in mind.”
examples/instances Forms • New ways of organizing
of the new lesson • Start-up – a company which is recently formed, where
2. Sources and Capital – can be from personal funds, family
• New raw materials
the founder establishes a completely new business from • New markets
and friends, retirement account, banks/financial institutions,
scratch • New production processes
government loan and/or stock market
• Buying an existing business - acquiring either the shares
of an existing company or all of the assets of an existing 4 Essential Qualities of Opportunities
3. Good Network – like associations and professional groups,
enterprise. 1. Attractive
childhood friends, family members, former classmates can be
• Franchising – when the “owner of the company that 2. Durable
drivers to build self-confidence and direction, providers of
already has a successful product or service, licenses its 3. Timely
trademark, trade name and methods of doing business to information that are not readily accessible to others, 4. Anchored in a product/service or business that creates or
others in exchange for an initial franchise fee and royalty suppliers of raw materials as well as mentors and coaches. adds value for its buyer or end-user
Jollibee 4. Legal Requirements – know the laws and regulations that Potential Sources of Opportunities
Mang Inasal govern the type of business that will be opened to avoid
Ricky Reyes Salon major problems that can arise if legal requirements are
7-eleven overlooked like copyright and patent laws, environment and
Mini Stop sanitation regulations as well as labor codes.
Tapa King
5. Degree of Risk – like limited market, stiff competition, high
cost of financing the business and few supply of needed labor
According to Industry Classification: Types of Businesses
Based on the Philippine Standard Industrial Classification
D. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
E. Developing
Ask the students:
mastery (Leads to 1. Give some examples of business that you think is in
Formative demand today?
F. Finding practical Ask the students: Ask the students: Ask the students:
applications of 1. If you are going to start a business, what would it be? 1. There are plenty of businesses that you can see anywhere. 1. In your honest opinion, do you think it is possible for you
2. What will be your considerations in starting your own
concepts and skills business?
In your own perspective, how can you have an edge compare to get rich without working abroad?
in daily living to other competitors? 2. Do you see yourself being an entrepreneur someday?
Ask the students:
G. Making 1. Why is it important to consider different factors in
generalizations and starting a new business?
abstractions about 2. What would be the effect if a certain business doesn’t
the lesson consider the different factors that have been discussed
before starting a business?
Ask the students:
H. Evaluating 1. Now that you learned that there are many existing
learning business in our country, how it affects your mind setting
about business?
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why
did these work?