RPP Reading SMP Kelas 8
RPP Reading SMP Kelas 8
RPP Reading SMP Kelas 8
B. Basic Competencies
1. Expressing the meaning in the monologue text by using the oral language variety
accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life in text form:
2. Express the meaning and steps of rhetoric in the essay by using a variety of
written language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday
life in text in the form of: narrative.
C. Indicators of Competence Achievement
D. Learning objectives
At the end of the student's learning can:
Identify meaning in narrative text
Identify the steps of rhetoric in the discourse
E. Subject Matter
Answer the following question based on the information on the above text.
1. What is the purpose of the instructions?
2. What is the first procedure?
3. If you want to check your CD, how should you hold the CD?
4. What should you put to polish the CD?
5. Where should you put the CD before you polish it?
6. What is the first step?
7. What should you do after polishing the CD?
8. Can we put the wet CD into the player?
F. Learning Method
2 cycle 4 stages ( Building Knowledge of Field, Modeling of Text, Join instruction
of Text, Independent instruction of Text)
G. Learning Strategies
In elaboration activities, teachers:
a. Familiarize learners to read and write diverse through meaningful tasks
b. facilitate learners through assignment, discussion, and others to bring new
ideas both orally and in writing
c. provide opportunities to think, analyze, solve problems, and act fear
d. facilitate learners in cooperative and collaborative learning
e. facilitate learners to compete in a healthy way to improve learning
f. facilitate learners to make exploratory reports conducted either orally or in
writing, individually or in groups
In confirmation activities, teachers:
a. Provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written,
gestures, or gifts to the success of learners;
b. To confirm the results of exploration and elaboration of learners through
various sources;
c. Facilitate learners to reflect to get the learning experience that has been
d. Facilitate learners to gain meaningful experience in achieving basic
- Serves as a resource and facilitator in answering questions of learners
facing difficulties, using standard and correct language;
- Help solve the problem;
- Provide guidance so that learners can check the results of exploration;
- Provide information to explore further;
- Provide motivation to students who are less or have not actively
e. The teacher asks questions about things students do not know yet
f. Teachers with students ask the answer to straighten out misunderstandings,
provide reinforcement and inference
I. Closing Activities (15 minutes)
In closing activities, teachers:
a. Together with learners and / or yourself make a summary / conclusion of the
b. Conduct assessment and / or reflection on activities that have been
implemented consistently and programmed;
c. Provide feedback on learning processes and outcomes;
d. Plan follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment
programs, counseling services and / or assign tasks both individual and group
tasks in accordance with learners' learning outcomes;
e. Delivering the lesson plan at the next meeting.
K. Assessment
Knowing …………….………,
Headmaster Teacher
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