Algorithmic Trading & DMA: by Barry Johnson
Algorithmic Trading & DMA: by Barry Johnson
Algorithmic Trading & DMA: by Barry Johnson
By Barry Johnson
Algorithmic Trading & DMA
Preface XIII
2 Market microstructure 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 Fundamentals 28
Market function 28
Participants 28
Liquidity 29
2.3 Market structure and design 30
Types of markets 31
Order types 35
Trading Protocols 35
vi Contents
Transparency 36
After-hours and off-market trading 37
Other important market design features 38
2.4 Trading mechanism research 39
Price formation 39
Price discovery / trade execution 40
Reporting, clearing and settlement 46
2.5 Transaction cost measurement and analysis 47
Cost measurement 48
Analysing the components of transaction costs 49
2.6 Summary . _. 51
3 World markets 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 Asset classes 54
Equity 54
Fixed income 54
Foreign exchange 55
Money markets 55
Derivatives 56
Other asset classes 57
3.3 Market structure 58
Inter-dealer markets 59
Dealer-to-client markets \ 62
Alternative markets s 63
3.4 Global market trends 66
Electronic trading 67
Transparency 69
Accessibility 69
Centralisation versus fragmentation 70
3.5 Global market comparison 74
Overall size 74
Average daily turnover 75
Adoption of electronic and algorithmic trading 77
3.6 Summary 78
4 Orders 83
4.1 Introduction 83
4.2 Market orders 84
4.3 Limit orders 85
4.4 Optional order instructions 88
Duration instructions 88
Auction/Crossing session instructions 89
Fill instructions 89
Preferencing and directed instructions 92
Routing instructions 92
Linking Instructions 95
Miscellaneous instructions 95
Algorithmic Trading & DMA vii
12 Portfolios 341
12.1 Introduction 341
12.2 Portfolio risk 342
Portfolio volatility 342
Diversification , 345
Decomposing portfolio risk 346
Portfolio risk measures 349
12.3 Transaction cost analysis for portfolios 351
Market impact 351
Timing Risk 352
12.4 Optimal portfolio trading 352
Additional goals for portfolio trading 354
Hedging 354
Minimising the overall portfolio risk 359
14 News 401
14.1 Introduction 401
14.2 Types of news 401
Macroeconomic news 402
Corporate news 403
14.3 The changing face of news 404
Digitisation of news 404
Digitisation of corporate reports/research 406
Changing sources of news 407
14.4 Computerised news handling techniques 409
News filtering 410
News association 410
News analysis 412
News interpretation 413
News mining 414
14.5 Market reactions to news 416
Reactions to macroeconomic news 416
Reactions to coroorate news/announcements 423
Algorithmic Trading & DMA xi
Epilogue 471
Appendices 473
A Equity markets 474
B Fixed income markets 495
C Foreign exchange markets 504
D Money markets 509
E Derivatives markets 515
F Other markets 534
References 545
Index 569