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Grain Boundary Chemistry and Intergranular Corrosion in Alloy 825

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Y.-M Pan, D.S. Dunn, G.A. Cragnolino, and N. Sridhar
Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
Southwest Research Institute
San Antonio, TX


Alloy 325, candidate material for radioactive high-level waste containers, was investigated '

assess its 't.'ienaimi stability and the time-temperature conditions for sensitization. Alloy speidmeus

with a caibon content of 0.01 wt. % in the mill-annealed and solution-anneaed conditions were

stldied after thermal exposure to temperatures in the range of 600 to 800C for periods of up t

1,0 hours. Sensitization was evaluated by using corrosion tests that were corre ated with grain

boundary chemistry analyses. Sensitized microstructures were found to contain M 2 3Cctype c <ixbides

and a chromium-depleted region in the vicinity of the grain boundaries. Thermal aging t 7000 C for

100 hours resulted in the highest sensitization. Whereas low-ternperature aging at 640'C showed a

progressve development of sensitization with time, healing was found to occur after aging rat 800' C

for X hi Prs. The degree of sensitization quantified by an equivalent chromiun deleton zone size

correlates well to both the corrosion rate in the nitric acid test and Mhe repassi vation potential i..I a

cAloride-containing solution. Thermodynamic models were used to calculate the nteracial

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Y.-M Pan, D.S. Dunn, G.A. Cragnolino, and N. Sridhar

Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses
Southwest Research Institute
San Antonio, TX


Alloy 825, a candidate material for radioactive high-level waste containers, was investigated to

assess its thermal stability and the time-temperature conditions for sensitization. Alloy specimens

with a carbon content of 0.01 wt. % in the mill-annealed and solution-annealed conditions were

studied after thermal exposure to temperatures in the range of 600 to 8000 C for periods of up to

1,000 hours. Sensitization was evaluated by using corrosion tests that were correlated with grain

boundary chemistry analyses. Sensitized microstructures were found to contain M 2: Ctype carbides

and a chromium-depleted region in the vi .ity of tU: Uz bou-idaries. Thermal a, -igat 700C fo

100 hours resulted in the highest censitizatk.w. Whereas low-temperatuxe aging at 340 0 C sho-wed a

progressive development of sensitization w,-vn heeingwas found to occ'ir after aging at 80.t

for 100 hours. The degree of sensidzizonp quantified by an equivalent chromirk depieo-'n -zcresize

correlates well to both the corrosion rate in the nitric acid test and the epassivatic tentkl in a

chloride-containing solution. Therlodynamic models were used to calculate the interfacial

9905110111 990415 'id

chromium concentration, chromium depletion profile, and the depletion zone width. Comparisons

between experimental measurements and model calculations indicate that reliable prediction depends

on the selection of key model parameters.


The thermal stability of nuclear waste container materials is an important issue in the geological

disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Among the materials for containers in the proposed Yucca

Mountain (YM) repository, Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo and Ni-Cr-Mo alloys have been main candidates. One of

them, Alloy 825, is the focus of this study. Containers will be made by welding plates both

longitudinally and circumferentially. Currently, Alloy 22 is the main candidate material due to its

superior corrosion resistance. Even in stabilized Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo alloys, such as Alloy 825, welding

produces a heat affected zone in which grain boundary carbide precipitates and sensitization in a

narrow region close to the fusion boundary may occur. Changes in material microstructure and

microchemistry, particularly at grain boundaries, can affect mechanical properties due to thermal

embrittlement or decrease in corrosion resistance as a result of sensitization.

Intergranular corrosion has been known to occur for Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo alloys in specific

environments and can promote stress corrosion cracking and even disintegration at the grain

boundary. It is generally accepted that the principal feature responsible for this phenomenon in

stainless steels and Cr-bearing nickel alloys is the existence of a narrow chromium-depleted zone

adjacent to carbide precipitates in the grain boundary region. Extensive research has been conducted

to quantify the grain boundary chemistry of stainless steels (1,2) and other Ni-Cr-Fe alloys such as

Alloy 600.(3-6) However, very few studies exist in the literature on the development of chromium

depletion during the sensitization of Alloy 825. Raymond (7)has conducted one of these studies on

the mechanisms of sensitization and stabilization of Alloy 825. He found that the sensitivity to

intergranular corrosion of Alloy 825 can be attributed to the precipitation of Cr-rich carbides and the

formation of a Cr-depleted area adjacent to the grain boundary but no Cr concentration profile was

experimentally measured. Thus, determination of the chemistry in the vicinity of grain boundaries

is important in understanding the thermal stability of these alloys.

Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy with the analytical electron microscope (AEM) is one of

the few techniques available for analysis of grain boundary chemistry. The development of the AEM

with a finely focused electron probe has enabled sampling of very small volumes. Hall and Briante')

have systematically determined the Cr distribution in the vicinity of carbides as a function of

sensitization temperature and time in type 316LN austenitic stainless steels. Good agreement was

found between the AEM measurements and the results calculated from thermodynamic models.

Modeling of sensitization has been attempted both phenomenologically( 8 ) and mechanistically.(9 0 )

Bruemmer("1) has reviewed the basic approaches to model sensitization. While phenomenological

modeling is based on the normalization of bulk compositional effects on intergranular corrosion,

mechanistic modeling considers the thermodynamics and kinetics of carbide precipitation and Cr

depletion profile evolution. Numerous investigators (1-6) have attempted to predict the development

of sensitization using these models. The success of these predictions was found to be dependent on

the selection of key parameters in the models such as activity coefficient, diffusion coefficient, and

the critical values of Cr depletion for intergranular corrosion to occur.

In the study documented in this paper, a combination of corrosion tests and AEM measurements

were employed to examine the factors affecting the sensitization of Alloy 825. Models predicting

sensitization by taking into account interfacial Cr concentration and Cr depletion profile were

correlated with experimental measurements.


Alloy 825, supplied by INCO Alloys International as a 12.5 mm thick plate in the hot-rolled and

mill-annealed (MA) condition, was used in this study. Its chemical composition is given in Table I

as Heat A. The microstructure of the as-received MA material was observed to have a dual grain size

with areas of large grains surrounded by areas of very small grains. (2) Whereas the grain boundaries

were found to be completely devoid of precipitates, a large number of small intragranular carbide

precipitates and large cuboidal particles within some of the grains were observed in the MA

microstructure. Specimens of Alloy 825 were solution-annealed (SA) at 1,200'C for 10 min

followed by fast quenching in cold water. The high-temperature treatment produced significant grain

growth and dissolution of the intragranular precipitates. The grain boundaries of the SA material

were found to be free of precipitates.

Both MA and SA specimens were then heat treated at various temperatures ranging from 600

to 800'C for 0.1 to 1,000 hours and still-air cooled. All specimens were then subjected to the

following corrosion tests: (1) ASTM A262 Practice C,('3 ) boiling 65 % HN0 3 for five 48 hours

periods; (2) ASTM A262 Practice D,(13 ) boiling 50 % H 2SO 4 + 42 g/L Fe 2 (SO4 )3 -4H 2 0 for 120 hours;

(3) ASTM G-6 1,(' 4 )cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) at a potential scan rate of 0.167 mV/s

in a 100 ppm Cl- solution at 950 C. Both the nitric acid and CPP tests were performed using Heat A.

The sulfuric acid - ferric sulfate tests were conducted using a 3.1 mm thick plate also obtained from

INCO Alloys International. The composition of this plate is shown in Table I as Heat B. While the

first two tests were used to evaluate the susceptibility to intergranular corrosion, the third test was

undertaken to determine the repassivation potential (Em) for localized corrosion in a

chloride-containing environment relevant to the proposed YM repository. Selected specimens were

then cross-sectioned for metallographic observation.

AEM analyses were conducted to determine the composition of the grain boundary precipitates

and the associated Cr depletion using a Phillips EM420 scanning transmission electron microscope

(STEM). Thin-foil specimens were prepared by cutting slices about 1,000 prm thick from the heat-

treated material followed by mechanical thinning to 40 pm. Discs 3 mm in diameter were then

punched out and electropolished in ajet-polishing apparatus using a perchloric-ethanol mixture until

a small perforation was detected. At least two specimens for each heat treatment condition were

examined. The quantitative X-ray microanalyses were carried out using a 20 nm electron beam

diameter. The X-ray intensities were converted to concentration of species using the Cliff-Lorimer

procedure.(1 5) In this procedure, the ratio of concentration of species is assumed to be proportional

to the ratio of their X-ray intensities, because the X-ray fluorescence and absorption can be neglected

due to the small thickness of the sample. The relationship can be expressed as:

CNr CrNi 'N (1)

where Ccr and CNj refer to the concentrations of Cr and Ni, respectively, and ICr and INj refer to their

respective X-ray intensities. The factor, kCrNi, is calculated by conducting the analysis at a location

remote from the grain boundary and using the known bulk chemical composition of the alloy as

reference. Nickel, the main alloying element in Alloy 825, was used as the basis for calculating the

concentration of other alloying elements. Since in this investigation the characteristic intensity peaks

of the desired elements are far apart, the errors in concentrations were estimated from replicate

measurements rather than by the sum of relative errors (95 percent confidence interval/average

value) of k and I values as used by Goldstein and Williams.( 5 ) The standard deviation (a) for the

measurement of Cr concentration was estimated to be 0.5 at. % and for Mo about 0.16 at. %.


A. IntergranularCorrosionTests

According to ASTM A-262-93a, Standard Practice C, the evaluation of the susceptibility to

intergranular corrosion is made by calculating an average corrosion rate over the five 48 hours test

periods. In order to compare the data for different conditions, corrosion rates were normalized by

dividing the corrosion rate of the heat-treated specimens by that of the MA (0.107 mm/yr for Heat A)

and SA (0.1 16 mm/yr for Heat A and 0.100 mm/yr for Heat B) specimens, respectively. It has been

previously reported that sensitization of the thermally treated SA specimens was observed to occur

more readily than that of the MA specimens.('2 The normalized corrosion rates for the thermally

treated SA specimens of Heat A are shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that specimens heat treated at

7000 C exhibited the highest corrosion rates for both time periods of 15 and 100 hours. The corrosion

rate increased with increasing heat treatment time for the lower aging temperatures of 600, 640, and

700'C, whereas a decrease was observed for the higher aging temperatures of 750 and 800'C. The

corrosion rate is calculated as uniform dissolution regardless of the localized morphology of the

attack following the procedures of the ASTM Standard. However, cross sections of the specimens

indicated the development of localized dissolution along the grain boundaries in the form of

intergranular corrosion. The extent of localized dissolution was also found to be greater for the

heat-treated SA specimens compared to the heat-treated MA specimens. No signs of localized attack

were detected in the SA specimen without additional thermal treatment.(12)

Results of the sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate tests using Heat B are shown in Figure 2. It is clearly

seen in Figure 2 that the maximum corrosion rate was observed in the specimen heat treated for

1,000 hours at 640 C. From Figures 1 and 2, it is apparent that the nitric acid test is much more

sensitive to grain boundary precipitation than the sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate test even though different

specimen heats were employed. The differences in the corrosion rates observed in these tests are the

result of the different sensitivities of these tests to grain boundary chemistry, as discussed by

Streicher.(' 6 ) The sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate test is sensitive to the extent of the Cr-depletion region,

both measured by its microstructural width and its minimum Cr concentration. The nitric acid test is

sensitive to Cr depletion, the precipitation of a-phase, and the presence of Cr6 , species in the test

solution. For sensitized microstructures that do not contain a-phase, the higher Cr-containing phases,

such as chromium carbide precipitates at the grain boundaries, have higher corrosion rates in nitric

acid solutions containing Cr6 '. If the grain boundary region has some level of Cr depletion as a result

of sensitization, preferential corrosion occurs initially in this region in nitric acid. Once a sufficient

concentration of Cr6 ' species is generated, accelerated corrosion occurs in the grain boundary where

there is an enriched Cr phase. The relatively low corrosion rate in sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate solution

seems to indicate a very narrow region of Cr depletion. This finding is in agreement with previous

results reported by Brown (17) for Alloy 825 with a higher carbon content (0.03 %) and slightly lower

Cr concentration (21.24 %).

A convenient method for displaying the data of the intergranular corrosion tests is the use of the

time-temperature-sensitization (TTS) diagram. The results for both heat-treated MA and SA

specimens from Heat A are shown in Figure 3. A value of 0.3 mm/yr was adopted as a boundary

between the sensitized and the nonsensitized regions of the diagram based on the previous work of

Raymond.( 7 ) It should be emphasized, however, that the location of the boundary depends on the

solution composition and other environmental conditions that are used to perform the test (in this

case, ASTM A-262, Practice C). In a different environment, the sensitization domain may be reduced

or extended beyond that shown in Figure 3.

The effect of sensitization on localized corrosion of Alloy 825 was examined by measuring the

repassivation potential, Erp in a 100 ppm CY solution at 950C using CPP tests. The correlation

between the corrosion rate in the nitric acid test and the repassivation potential in chloride solution

is shown in Figure 4 as functions of sensitization temperature and time. As shown in Figure 4, a good

correlation exists between the E p measured in the chloride solution and the corrosion rate in boiling

nitric acid. The maximum corrosion rates observed in the specimens heat treated at 700 0C coincide

with the minimum Erp values for both aging time periods of 15 and 100 hours. Heat-treatment

conditions that created a sensitized microstructure also resulted in a significant decrease in E,

indicating that the sensitized microstructure is less resistant to localized corrosion. Localized

corrosion in the form of pitting was observed to occur preferentially along the grain boundaries.( 12)

B. Grain Boundary Precipitation

Grain boundary precipitation was observed at all heat treatment temperatures and times

employed in this study. The microstructures of the grain boundary regions of the heat-treated

Alloy 825 Heat A are shown in Figures 5 through 8 for different aging conditions. The TEM images

in Figures 5 through 8 correspond to various aging time periods at 640, 700, 750, and 800 0 C,

respectively. Electron diffraction analysis of the grain boundary precipitates confirmed that the crystal

structure was M 23 C6 -type carbide within an austenitic matrix oriented to a [001] zone axis, as shown

in the diffraction pattern insert in Figure 7a. The globular M23 C6 -type carbide precipitates observed

in this study are similar to those previously reported for this alloy.(7) The chemical composition of the

grain boundary carbides measured in thin-foil specimens is presented in Table II for two

electropolishing solutions. Surface chemistry artifacts in Alloy 825 and variations of the grain

boundary chemistry in relation to the electrolytes used for electropolishing were observed. The

chromium content of the carbides for the perchloric acid-polished specimens is substantially higher

than that for the nitric acid-polished specimens and consistent with previous findings!" 8 ) Whereas
1 ) those in Alloy 825
M23C6 carbide precipitates in type 31 6LN stainless steels had about 65 wt. % Cr,M

can be up to 75 wt. % Cr.' 8 ) A detailed discussion concerning the effect of electropolishing in nitric

acid solution has been published elsewhere.(9)

The effect of heat treatment temperature and time on grain boundary precipitation is also clearly

shown in Figures 5 through 8. It was observed that the size of the carbide precipitates increases with

increasing aging temperature; however, their density decreases significantly. A low aging temperature

of 640'C produced finer, but more numerous, grain boundary precipitates (Figure 5). The size of

precipitates increased substantially upon aging at 8000 C (Figure 8). A similar trend was also observed

regarding the effect of aging time as revealed in Figure 5 for three different aging periods. The

precipitate morphology after a 1,000-hour treatment at 640'C became coarse and discrete, quite

different from that corresponding to aging for shorter times.

C. Chromium Depletion Profiles

Chromium depletion profiles were obtained across grain boundaries between precipitates.

Several grain boundary areas were examined on duplicate specimens with the same treatment.

Figures 9 through 12 show representative profiles for 640, 700, 750, and 800'C, respectively, at

various aging times. The minimum of the grain boundary Cr concentrations are listed in Table III for

the same thermal treatments. Significant chromium depletion occurred for most of the

time/temperature combinations employed. A pronounced Cr depletion was observed at 700'C, and

also at lower temperatures for the most prolonged treatments. Variations in the Cr concentration

profiles due to preferential electropolishing were also observed during TEM thin-foil specimen

preparation of Alloy 825 using nitric acid and perchloric acid solutions. The Cr-depleted zone

observed in specimens electropolished in perchloric acid solution was found to be significantly deeper

and wider than that in specimens electropolished in nitric acid solution. (19)

A significant effect of aging time on the grain boundary depletion of Cr was also observed.

For an aging temperature of 700 'C, while longer aging time did not appreciably affect the minimum

Cr concentration (Table I), a widening of the depleted zone is noted in Figure 10. However, at

800'C, while the minimum Cr concentration slightly increased with increasing aging time, the

depletion width decreased slightly, as shown in Figure 12. An intermediate behavior without an

apparent change in both the width of the depleted zone and the minimum Cr concentration, is noted

at 750'C (Figure 11). Contrary to the high aging temperature, at 640'C the minimum Cr

concentration gradually decreased with increasing time, while the depletion width increased

(Figure 9). The effect of aging temperature on the grain boundary depletion of Cr is shown in

Figures 13 and 14 for aging times of 15 and 100 hours, respectively. In both time periods aging at

700'C produced the lowest grain boundary Cr concentration, and aging for 100 hours resulted in the

widest depletion.

In some specimens, Mo depletion was also observed, but the observations were not entirely

consistent. It is possible that the small concentration of Mo present in the alloy did not permit an

accurate analysis of the profile with the instrument used in this investigation. The relative error in the

determination of the Mo content in the matrix is close to 30 %. It must be noted, however, that

carbide precipitates consistently exhibited higher Mo contents than the matrix.


A. Kinetics of Sensitization

The results of this study essentially confirm the findings reported by Raymond (7) regarding

the temperature range for sensitization and the location of the "nose" in the TTS diagram for

Alloy 825. The thermally treated SA material exhibited a much higher degree of sensitization than

that of the MA material. This was rationalized by Raymond in terms of the redissolution of matrix

M23 C6 carbides with the resulting increase in the soluble carbon content of the matrix and

reprecipitation of these carbides along the grain boundaries. However, for a material

solution-annealed at 1,204'C and then heat-treated at 940'C for 1 hour (temperature of the current

stabilizing treatment for MA samples), Raymond found a much larger sensitization domain, in terms

of time and temperature, than that found in the current investigation. The simplest explanation for the

greater degree of sensitization of the material studied by Raymond is related to the higher carbon

content of the original composition of Alloy 825. Raymond tested a heat with a carbon content of

0.03 wt. %, whereas the heat used in the present study contained only 0.01 wt. %. The effect of the

higher carbon content on the sensitization of Alloy 825 is understandable in terms of chromium

depletion as determined by the equilibrium chromium concentration at the carbide-matrix interface.

From the corrosion rates of the SA specimens heat treated for 15 hours at temperatures

ranging from 600 to 700'C, an activation energy of approximately 292.6 kJ/mole was calculated by

plotting corrosion rates as a function of the reciprocal of temperature. This value is relatively close

to the activation energy for matrix diffusion of chromium in nickel-based alloys such as Alloy 600

(Ni-15%Cr-6%Fe) which is 277.7 kJ/mole 20 ) and Alloy 800 (32%Ni-21%Cr-45%Fe) with a value

of 287.4 kJ/mole. 2 1 Data for binary Ni-Cr alloys reported by Pruthi et al.(20 ) also indicate that the

activation energy increases with increasing chromium content, reaching about 290.4 kJ/mole for

Ni-29.7%Cr. This effect of the chromium content on the activation energy for chromium diffusion

may be the reason of the value for the activation energy obtained in the present study, since the

chromium content of Alloy 825 is comparable to that of Alloy 800. It appears that the corrosion rates

measured in the thermally-treated SA samples can be related, at least qualitatively, to the degree of

sensitization, as given by the level of chromium depletion and the width of the depleted zone. The

width of the depleted zone is proportional to 2(Dt)v2, where D is the matrix diffusion coefficient of

chromium at the temperature of interest and t is time. The activation energy and preexponential

factors for Cr diffusion in Alloy 825, adopted from the study by Paul et al., (21) are 287.4 kJ/mol and

3.24 cm 2 /s, respectively. Chromium depletion width can be estimated assuming a critical Cr level of

21 at. % as compared to the 24.6 at. % for the Cr content in the bulk. Figure 15 shows a comparison

of measured depletion zone widths with the calculated results for various temperatures. The

calculation generally predicts depletion zone widths for the heat treatments used in this study with

the exception of 800'C, temperature at which significant Cr replenishing takes place in a short time.

The high activation energy for Cr diffusion indicates a very strong temperature dependence.

A decrease in temperature from 600 to 4000C implies a decrease of at least five orders of magnitude

in the rate of the controlling process if there is no change in the mechanism with respect to that

prevailing in the 600 to 700'C range. This implies that heat treatments extended for more than

18 years will be required at 400'C to obtain the degree of sensitization observed in the

high-temperature range. In order to study the thermal stability of Alloy 825 at temperatures closer to

those expected under repository conditions within a realistic time frame, it would be necessary to

enhance metallurgical processes responsible for sensitization, such as carbide precipitation and

chromium diffusion. This may be accomplished by introducing a higher dislocation density in the

y-phase matrix of SA samples through cold work prior to the sensitization treatments. Park et al.(22)

found that cold work preceding heat treatment accelerates the precipitation of M7 C3 carbides in

Alloy 600. The effect of cold work on thermal stability is also important from a practical point of

view. Surface and near-surface areas of the high-level radioactive waste containers could be affected

by cold work arising from sudden mechanical loads, impingement by wall-rock shear offsets, and

other interactions leading to localized plastic deformation. Initial investigations using U-bend

specimens of SA material, however, did not indicate any effect of cold work on sensitization

kinetics. 23 ) This may indicate that the amount of cold work in the U-bend was inadequate or

sensitization of Alloy 825 is relatively insensitive to prior cold work.

B. Modeling of GrainBoundary Chemistry

Modeling of Cr depletion kinetics in single phase fcc Ni-Cr-Fe alloys has been attempted by

1 ) The formation of M C carbide which is the

numerous investigators and reviewed by Bruemmer.(l 23 6

prevailing carbide in most of these alloys, is represented by the following overall reaction:

M 23 C 6 23 M+6 C (2)

where M is mostly Cr, but may contain some Mo, Ni, and Fe. The equilibrium constant for this

reaction, that decreases with decreasing temperature (11), is written as:

K =exp AG~ _ aM23 C6 (3)

RT) (am)2(aC) 6

Since the activity of the carbide can be assumed to be equal to 1 under standard conditions, a higher

carbon content in the alloy implies a lower chromium activity or concentration at the interface. The

activities in Eq. (3) can be written in terms of the appropriate concentrations as:

acr* = YCr*Xcr*; a = zyX, (4)

where the M is replaced by an equivalent Cr concentration, Cr*, that includes the effect of Mo. The

ys are the activity coefficients, and the Xs are the concentrations of the corresponding elements. The

activity coefficient of carbon in solid-solution has been reviewed by Hillert and Qui(24 ) and Natesan

and Kassner. 25 ) The activity coefficient for Cr can be calculated either by the approach of the pairwise

interaction parameters as given by Was and Kruger(3) or by using empirical equations as employed

by Bruemmer.( I)

The minimum Cr concentration in Alloy 825 was calculated using the value for the

equilibrium constant from the work by Richardson. 26 ) The value for the activity coefficient of carbon

was calculated using the formulation of Natesan and Kassner. 25 ) Insufficient information is available

for determining the activity coefficients for chromium. Activity coefficients were estimated on the

basis of the Cr activity vs. temperature equation given by Bruemmer,(1 1 ) adjusted by using the

interfacial concentration measured at 600 C. Figure 16 compares the measured Cr minimums with

the calculated values as a function of temperature. A good agreement between the calculated results

and the measurements is found for all aging temperatures with the exception of specimens treated at

640 C for 15 and 100 hours. It is apparent that equilibrium was not reached for these heat treatment

times, although it occurred in 1,000 hours. Another possible reason for this discrepancy may be the

morphology of carbides in the specimens aged at lower temperatures. The carbides were small, and

more continuously distributed along the grain boundaries. Hence, it was difficult to find a grain

boundary area devoid of precipitation in order to determine accurately the interfacial Cr

concentration. The electron beam partially intersected the overlying carbides affecting the results of

the chemical analysis. Data for M23 C6 carbides indicate that the equilibrium Cr concentration at the

matrix-carbide interface decreases with decreasing temperature.1) The experimental results shown

in Figure 16 are consistent with this prediction over the temperature range of 800 to 600 0C.

Whereas the chromium concentration at the carbide/matrix interface is thermodynamically

determined, the profile of the chromium concentration gradient is dominated by diffusional factors.

The depletion zone width has been predicted to increase with aging temperature from 600'C to

700'C for both austenitic stainless steel (M 23C 6 carbides)" 1 ) and Alloy 600 (M 7 C3 carbides)(3). Beyond

this temperature, the depletion zone width increases, but the minimum Cr concentration also

increases. Thus, the total volume of depleted material below a certain critical Cr concentration

decreases. These predictions are essentially confirmed by the present set of experiments.

Modeling of chromium concentration profiles was performed based on the equations given

by Hall and Briant.() The minimum Cr content for each calculated profile was chosen to match the

experimental measurement, rather than the calculated equilibrium value. The calculated profiles for

Alloy 825 annealed for 15 hours at various temperatures are presented in Figure 17. The calculated

profiles at 700'C are shown in Figure 18 superimposed on the experimental data. The model seems

to not fully account for the broadening of the Cr depleted region after long aging times. The

discrepancies may be attributed to the diffusion coefficient values chosen for the calculations. The

effect of increasing the diffusion coefficient is shown in Figure 19 for the specimen aged at 700'C

for 15 hours. The Cr depletion width from the experimental data is in agreement with that of the

calculated profile using a diffusion coefficient an order of magnitude larger than the literature

value.( 2 1 )

C. GrainBoundary Chemistry and IntergranularCorrosion

The effects of heat treatment temperature and time on corrosion rates in boiling 65 % nitric

acid may be better understood if combined with the results of the STEM analyses. For this purpose,

the size of the chromium depletion zone and the level of Cr were considered together as an equivalent

Cr depletion zone width, as suggested by Was et al.( 27 ) The area of the depletion profiles below

various Cr concentrations was calculated. This area was then divided by the bulk Cr concentration

to obtain an equivalent width of the Cr depletion zone (in nanometers). The corrosion rate in boiling

65 % nitric acid is plotted as a function of the equivalent Cr depletion size for various Cr levels in

Figure 20. A good correlation was obtained between the corrosion rate and depletion size below a Cr

concentration of 21 at. %, suggesting that the corrosion rate is determined by the size of the depletion

zone below a critical Cr concentration of about 21 at. % (about 19 wt. %). In contrast, the corrosion

rate in boiling nitric acid did not correlate well with the minimum Cr concentration at the grain

boundaries. For example, both aging treatments at 700'C, for 15 and 100 hours, showed the same

minimum Cr concentration, but the latter treatment resulted in significantly higher sensitization as

measured in the nitric acid test.

The effect of Cr depletion zone size on the Ep is shown in Figure 21. The correlation is not

as good as that for the corrosion rate in nitric acid. This poorer correlation presumably arises from

the fact that localized corrosion resistance is a function of both Cr and Mo. The STEM analyses of

Mo did not indicate significant depletion, although the carbide analyses showed higher Mo. This

observation may be due to a lack of resolution of the Mo analyses, low Mo concentrations, or the

result of a very narrow Mo profile. Another possibility is that a linear correlation of Cr depletion to

E pis not valid. It can be observed in Figure 21 that below a depletion zone size of about 5 nm, the

Erp levels off, indicating that pitting takes place mostly in the matrix.

Sensitization of Alloy 825 may be initiated during either fabrication from plates or closure

welding of containers. Annealing of both types of welds may be possible. The closure weld must be

annealed in a manner whereby the temperature of the contained spent fuel assemblies is maintained

below 350TC. The advanced conceptual design for the proposed YM repository includes a thick steel

outer disposal overpack. The heat generated during the welding closure of the outer disposal overpack

may also induce growth of any grain boundary precipitates and the concurrent increase in the width

of the associated Cr-depletion zones. Depending on the thermal loading of the repository,

sensitization may continue after final disposal. The results of Erp measurements on sensitized

Alloy 825 confirm that the existence of Cr-depletion zones decreases the resistance of the material

to localized corrosion in a potential repository environment. While the presence of a thick steel

overpack may galvanically protect the Alloy 825 inner disposal overpack from localized corrosion

even after the outer barrier is breached, it is apparent that the Cr-depletion zones and carbide

precipitates may act as local anodes and undermine the integrity of the waste package.


The following conclusions can be drawn from this investigation:

1. Alloy 825 with a very low carbon content (-0.01 wt %) is still susceptible to sensitization. Both

grain boundary M23C6 precipitation and significant chromium depletion in the vicinity of the

carbides are present for all heat treatment temperatures ranging from 600 to 800 0 C.

2. The effects of heat treatment on chromium depletion profiles are related to the development of

the sensitization process. The most severe sensitization was observed after aging at 700 'C for 100

hours. Contrary to the progressive severity of sensitization with time at low temperatures,

replenishing of the depleted region was observed to occur for high temperature heat treatments.

3. The nitric acid test was found to be much more sensitive to grain boundary chemistry than the

sulfuric acid-ferric sulfate test. The observed differences in the corrosion rates of the sensitized

Alloy 825 can be attributed to preferential intergranular corrosion as a result of microchemistry

variations in the grain boundary region. Sensitization prompts localized corrosion along grain

boundaries and decreases Ep in chloride containing solutions.

4. The degree of sensitization in Alloy 825 was quantified and correlated well with the corrosion test

results in boiling nitric acid using an equivalent chromium depletion zone size below a chromium

concentration of 20-21 at. %. Model predictions are strongly dependent on the selection of key

modeling parameters.

5. The sensitization process was found to be strongly dependent on temperature, with an apparent

activation energy of approximately 292 kJ/mole in the 600 to 700'C range, which indicates that

very prolonged heat treatment are required to induce sensitization at lower temperatures.


The authors wish to thank Messrs. W. J. Machowski and H. G. Saldana for conducting corrosion

experiments and TEM specimen preparation. This paper was prepared to document the work

performed at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) for the U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission (NRC), Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards, Division of

Waste Management, under Contract No. NRC-02-97-009. This paper is an independent product of

the CNWRA and does not necessarily reflect the views or the regulatory position of the NRC.


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:l / z /: _ 79t~~~~~~15 hr
z50- / hr

o0m e /_ 0.1 hr
600 640 700 750 800

Sensitization Temperature, 0C

Figure 1. Effect of heat temperature and time on the corrosion rate of

solution-annealed specimens of Alloy 825 (Heat A) in boiling 65 %

nitric acid.


i 10-1 hr

N l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O whr qj

z /

600 640 750 8wO

Setization Tenperatnm, C

Figure 2. Effect of heat treatment temperture and time on

the corrosion rate of solution-annealed specimens of Alloy

825 (Heat B) in boiling sulfuric acid plus ferric sulfate.

900 [] A <0.3 mm/yr
a A 0.3 - 1.5 mm/yr
850 _ A >1.5 mm/yr

V 800 A A&-- in----A.

0.3 - 1.5 m~yr
= 750 -_ Im
Sos~~~~~ >1. mm/yr
v 700 -_ [ Af
E ~<
0.3 milyr gd
Ez650 - M mTI "O&v v

600 -_ Lm ] '

550 LA LA LA

500 I l
0.1 1 10 100 1000

Time, hours

Figure 3. Time-temperature-sensitization diagram

for heat treated mill-annealed and

solution-annealed Alloy 825 specimens (Heat A).

Corrosion rates determined in boiling 65 % nitric


220 40
15 hr
+ 100 hr
O 15 hr
;180 \ S Bo30

140 20



C4100 . / , < 10

60 - o - , b0 g 0
550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Sensitization Temperature, 0C

Figure 4. Comparison of the repassivation potential (in solid lines), Erp, measured at a scan rate of

0.167 mV/s, in a 100 ppm chloride solution at 95 0C and the corrosion rate (in dashed lines) in 65 %

nitric acid, for specimens of Heat B.

Figure 5. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 640 C for (a) 15 hours, (b) 100 hours, and (c) 1,000 hours.

- ____
-_ ___ % *4,V
t - I"

-11 I 111-0*


I .I

,~~~~_ pmf VSWS
(bi . ; PM'
Figure 6. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 7000 C for (a) 15 hours and (b) 100 hours.

0.2pm p

Figure 7. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 7500 C for (a) 15 hours and (b) 100 hours.

(a) _______
0.5 PM

Figure 8. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 800 C for (a) 15 hours and (b) 100 hours.


V19. .n . .
1 \dl * 640C/ld5hr

17 - ----- * 640C/lO~hr

400 400 0 400 800

Dstance PromGrain Miundary (n)

Figure 9. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 640 C for various time periods.



U :, U of

- 400O 0 400 Do

DamFnGi BaRde (n

Figure 10. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 700 C for various time periods.


* X
25 1

'23 N'

~21 U


17 75OCthr
----- a 75OC40Ohr

15 . . . . . .
-800 400 0 400 800

Distance From Grain Boundary (ni)

Figure 11. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 750 C for various time periods.






A 800C/l5hr
17 ----- A 80GI0
1S~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . . . .lL.

800 400 0 400 oo
Distance Fron Grain Bmndry (nM)

Figure 12. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 800 'C for various time periods.



~23 A A \ i u


c 19 . '015ha
---- 0 70001l5thr
17 -- a75-C15hr
~A C15hr

-800 400 0 400 800

Distce FRu Grain Boyday (nm)

Figure 13. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated for 15 hours at various temperatures.


~~'23A U A A-P


o 3

19 -4 \0r -640lO600hr
' ------ 7000h
17 . -OOhr 7-OC
A 8i0jCjj.~jp

800 400 0 400 800

Distance FhPm Grain Boundary (nm)

Figure 14. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated for 100 hours at various temperatures.



Depion XMdth At 21 at% Cr

e 100

lo I /0C750C
-- 600C ~ ~ ~ 0 00
63800 C
0.1 1 10 100 1000
Uha Tratnent Tam (h)

Figure 15. Comparison of measured and calculated chromium depletion widths.




20 . a X


14 . hr
*100 hr
12 * hr

500 600 700 800 900
Annealing Teiuerature CQ

Figure 16. Comparison of measured and calculated chromium minimums.



Q 19 I - - 5 r
1, ~~640
.17 - - - 700 c
- I: 750C
- El - -- 800c
15 . . . . . .
-800 400 0 400 800

nsa iviGrain Bmid (m^

Figure 17. Calculated chromium concentration profiles for Alloy 825 heat-treated for 15 hours at

various temperatures.


0*o S -
25 0 -

0 0
~230 8 .

- ~~0 .:0

21 q :e
0 ACloy 825
~19 00at-treae
0 at o700C
400 40~0 0
40 0

17 * Exp- 5 hr
0 ExP -lO0br
.80 -400 0 400 800
asW Ru~nCranBwnxar (mn)

Figure 18. Comparison of measured and calculated chromium concentration profiles for Alloy 825

heat-treated at 700'C for 15 and 100 hours.


15 D~~~~=3.24
. * ----....
13 . I
-800 400 0 400 800

- ~Figure 19. Effect of diffusion coefficient on calculated chromium concentration profiles for Alloy

825 heat-treated at 700'C for 15 hours.

0 25% Cr, r2 = 0.75 * 20% Cr, r2 = 0.96
* 23 % Cr, r2 = .90 519% Cr, r2 = 0.99
+ 21% Cr.r = 0.99 A 17% Cr
40- I I I I

19% 20%
Cr Cr 21% Cr 23% Cr
, 30 \ *-
t 20- /" 25% Cr


lo -

0 20 40 60
Equivalent Cr Depletion Size, mm

Figure 20. Corrosion rates in boiling 65 % nitric

acid as a function of equivalent chromium

depletion zone size (nm) below various Cr levels

for Alloy 825 after solution annealing followed by

various heat treatments.

0 25% Cr, r2 = 0.67 * 20% Cr, r2 = 0.72
* 23% Cr, r2 = 0.66 E 19% Cr, r2 = 0.99
0 21% Cr r2 = 0.85 A 17% Cr

200 .. -

100 - 25% Cr
2 \ * 021%cr * 0
19% 20% 23% Cr
Cr Cr

0- l I

0 20 40 60
Equivalent Cr Depletion Size, nm

Figure 21. Repassivation potential in a 100 ppm

chloride solution at 95 0C as a function of

equivalent chromium depletion zone size (nm)

below various Cr levels for Alloy 825 after

solution annealing followed by various heat


Table I. Bulk Chemical Composition of the Alloy 825 in Weight Percent

[ Heat I C I Cr I Fe I Mo I Ni I Ti
A 0.01 22.09 30.41 3.21 41.06 0.82
| _B 0.01 1 22.07 29.69 3.49 41.22 1.02

Table II. Chemical Composition of Grain Boundary Carbides in Atomic Percent (The + Sign
Indicates the 95 Percent Confidence Interval)

I Polishing Solution
Perchloric Acid
Nitric Acid

27.2 ± 1.0
9.9 ± 2.5
36.4 ±1.7
71.9 ± 4.7
31.0 ± 2.1
4.7 ±0.9
2.1 0.3

Table III. The Measured Minimum Grain Boundary Chromium Concentration in Atomic

[ Temperature (C) | 15 Hours I 100 Hours I 1,000 Hours

600 16.5
640 21.1 20.5 17.9
700 16.5 16.6 _
750 19.6 20.0 _

. 800 20.4 21.7 _ .


Figure 1. Effect of heat treatment temperature and time on the corrosion rate of solution-annealed

specimens of Alloy 825 (Heat A) in boiling 65 % nitric acid.

Figure 2. Effect of heat treatment temperature and time on the corrosion rate of solution-annealed

specimens of Alloy 825 (Heat B) in boiling sulfuric acid plus ferric sulfate.

Figure 3. Time-temperature-sensitization diagram for heat treated mill-annealed and

solution-annealed Alloy 825 specimens (Heat A). Corrosion rates determined in boiling 65% nitric


Figure 4. Comparison of the repassivation potential (in solid lines), EV, measured at a scan rate of

0.167 mV/s, in a 100 ppm chloride solution at 95 0 C and the corrosion rate (in dashed lines) in 65 %

nitric acid, for specimens of Heat B.

Figure 5. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 640 C for (a) 15 hours, (b) 100 hours, and (c) 1,000 hours.

Figure 6. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 700'C for (a) 15 hours and (b) 100 hours.

Figure 7. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 750'C for (a) 15 hours and (b) 100 hours.

Figure 8. Transmission electron microscopy images of Alloy 825 solution annealed and heat-treated

at 800 C for (a) 15 hours and (b) 100 hours.

Figure 9. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 640 C for various time periods.

Figure 10. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 700 C for various time periods.

Figure 11. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 750 C for various time periods.

Figure 12. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated at 800 0 C for various time periods.

Figure 13. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23C6

precipitates after heat-treated for 15 hours at various temperatures.

Figure 14. Chromium concentration profiles along a grain boundary of Alloy 825 containing M23 C6

precipitates after heat-treated for 100 hours at various temperatures.

Figure 15. Comparison of measured and calculated chromium depletion widths.

Figure 16. Comparison of measured and calculated chromium minimums.

Figure 17. Calculated chromium concentration profiles for Alloy 825 heat-treated for 15 hours at

various temperatures.

Figure 18. Comparison of measured and calculated chromium concentration profiles for Alloy 825

heat-treated at 700'C for 15 and 100 hours.

Figure 19. Effect of diffusion coefficient on calculated chromium concentration profiles for Alloy 825

heat-treated at 700 0 C for 15 hours.

Figure 20. Corrosion rates in boiling 65 % nitric acid as a function of equivalent chromium depletion

zone size (nm) below various Cr levels for Alloy 825 after solution annealing followed by various

heat treatments.

Figure 21. Repassivation potential in a 100 ppm chloride solution at 95 0 C as a function of equivalent

chromium depletion zone size (nm) below various Cr levels for Alloy 825 after solution annealing

followed by various heat treatments.


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