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Effect of Various Additives on the Physical Properties of Polyvinylchloride Resin

Article · December 2010

20 7,591

3 authors:

Imran Nazir Unar Suhail Soomro

Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


Shaheen Aziz
Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


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Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2010) 44 – 50

Effect of Various Additives on the Physical Properties of

Polyvinylchloride Resin
Imran Nazir Unar*, Suhail Ahmed Soomro and Shaheen Aziz
Department of Chemical Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan
The compounding of Polyvinylchloride (PVC) with some additives was studied for the
enhancement of physical and mechanical properties. Two categories of formulations (un-
plasticized and plasticized PVC) were prepared with PVC (K value ranging from 60 to 70) taking
as base polymer. Different additives generally categorized as plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers,
pigments and processing aids, were mixed in the standard concentration unit “parts per hundred
resins (phr)” with base polymer. Cable compound and shoe compound were prepared in
plasticized-PVC category containing mainly plasticizing additives like diisooctyl phthalate (DIOP)
(40 phr) and epoxidized soybean oil (2-3 phr) with general plasticizer (50-80 phr) respectively.
Whereas the rigid pipe and sheet compounds were prepared as un-plasticized PVC category
containing different fillers/stabilizers like tribasic lead sulphate (6 phr), lead stearate (1 phr),
glyceryl monostearate (0.4 phr) in rigid pipe and butylin mercaptides (2-2.5 phr), fatty alcohol and
fatty acid ester (0.5-0.8 phr) in rigid sheet compound. Experimental investigation was carried out
for analyzing the mechanical properties like tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness and
physical property i.e. specific gravity for the compounded samples. An appreciable increase was
observed in tensile strength from 460 Kg/cm2 (base PVC-polymer) to a range of 550 Kg/cm2 for
un-plasticized PVC compounds (rigid PVC-pipe and sheet) with little increase in elongation at
break from 56% (base polymer) to 124.33% and 150% (for Pipe and Sheet compounds
respectively). On the other side the elongation at break for plasticized PVC compounds was
increased from 56% to 250.67% (for cable compound) and 351.33% (for shoe compound), where
as the tensile strength was decreased from 460 Kg/cm2 to 150.33 Kg/cm2 (for cable compound)
and 120.33 Kg/cm2 (for shoe compound). The hardness (shore A, D) was increased from 40 to 80
for all the compounds except shoe compound with hardness of 65.33. The impact of plasticizers
was found in direct proportion on elongation at break but having inverse proportion on tensile

Keywords: Polyvinylchloride, Additives, Resin, Physical properties.


Polyvinyl chloride, more commonly known as [1, 2]. Presently there are 50 different basic types
PVC, is a building block of various products, such of plastics, included in 60,000 different plastics
as electronic items, constructional materials, formulations. Those based on polyolefins and
stationeries, chemical equipments, wires, cables polyvinyl chloride, have highest utilization
etc. It is one of the major thermoplastics used worldwide [3]. As per one estimate, each week in
today and produced in a huge amount worldwide USA, six new plastics materials are sent for
*Corresponding Author Email: imran_unar@hotmail.com
Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2010) 45

evaluation and approval to major testing easily plasticized than polyvinyl chloride can be
laboratories [4]. prepared by adding various properties of vinyl
acetate to vinyl chloride before polymerization the
The worldwide production tonnage of mixture; stiffer resins result from treatment of
PVC is second only to that of low-density polyvinyl chloride with chlorine. In commercial
polyethylene. However, PVC has inferior PVC formulations, proportions of plasticizer range
processability and thermal stability to those of from 15-50% by weight [3, 10]
other commodity plastics, like polyethylene and
polystyrene [5]. PVC is thermoplastic and due to Even at low processing temperatures
its low thermal stability the use of PVC polymer is polyvinyl chloride decomposes and loses HCl. The
limited in industry. Several attempts have been apparent replacement of active hydrogen is
made to enhance the thermal stability and assumed in PVC. There is possibility of inhibition
mechanical properties of PVC in recent years [6- of the eliminated HCl through organometallic salts,
8]. Unmodified PVC polymer is a brittle, inflexible and stabilize PVC or suppressed the catalytical
material with rather limited commercial activity of HCl in this reaction by epoxides [14,
possibilities. The processing of PVC in the raw 15].
form using heat and pressure resulted in severe
degradation of the polymer [9]. Hydrogen chloride To achieve better sealing properties PVC
is produced and discolored rapidly from white to is modified with elastomers and special plasticizers
yellow to brown to black. These changes observed [16-23]. These modifiers cause decrease of glass
at processing temperatures, around 150ºC [10]. transition temperature, increase deformability,
The utilization of PVC is based on the elasticity, abrasion resistance, elastic recovery,
“Compounding” (addition of additives with base resistance to oils, fuels and many cleaning
polymer) of PVC all over the world. The method chemicals [16, 17, 20, 24, 25 and 26].
of preparing typical recipe for the compounding is
known as “Formulation”. With the addition of The physical state and morphology of a
additives like plasticizers, heat stabilizers, polymer have a strong influence on its mechanical
lubricants, fillers and copolymerization with other properties. A simple measure of the differences
monomers, the poor properties of PVC can be produced in mechanical behavior is the elongation
improved [1, 2]. Commercially, compounding that occurs when a plastic is loaded (stressed) in
PVC contains sufficient modifying components to tension. Almost all plastics exhibit some
the raw polymer to produce a homogeneous elongation on being stressed that is not recovered
mixture suitable for processing and requiring when the stress is removed. The most commonly
performance at the lowest possible price [10]. The specified mechanical properties of polymers
proper compounding and processing PVC resin include stiffness and breaking stress are flexural
using suitable additives produces a complex modulus and tensile strength. Mechanical
material whose behavior and properties are quite properties are considerably affected by the type
different from the PVC resin by itself [11, 12]. and amount of plasticizer. To a lesser extent fillers
The selection of particular additive is dependent on will affect the physical properties. Un-plasticized
the end use of the PVC product like PVC-resin is PVC is a rigid material whilst the plasticized
not plasticized for the use in making rigid products material is flexible and even rubbery at high
such as water pipe, plumbing fittings, and plasticizer loadings.
phonograph records.
Due to wide variety of PVC compounds it
For use in making piping or structural is important to note the physical properties of PVC
panels that require high resistance to impact, resins getting an idea about the formulation of
polyvinyl chloride often is blended with small PVC compounding. Table-1 represents some
proportions of rubbery synthetic polymers. The properties of PVC resins.
modification of rigid poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC)
having relatively low toughness carried out by The present study outlines the effect of
incorporation of a rubbery phase [13]. Resins more additives mainly plasticizer and filler on physical
46 Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2010)

and mechanical properties of polyvinyl chloride analyzed for determining the tensile strength,
compounding, i.e. specific gravity, tensile strength, elongation at break and hardness and the specific
elongation at break and hardness. gravity.

Table 1. Properties of PVC. Table 2. Formulation of Un-plasticized PVC Pipe (Rigid).

Property Value Concentration

60 – 70
Suspension polymer of PVC (ISO
Appearance White Powder 100
No. 85-100)
Degree of Polymerization (°C) 170±30
Tribasic lead sulphate 6
Volatile matter (%) 0.05
Lead stearate 1
Foreign matter (phr) <50
Glyceryl monostearate 0.4
Apparent specific density 0.44 – 0.52
1.3 – 1.6
Acrylic process aid 2
Density (g/cm3)
Hardness (shore A,D) 40
Glass transition temp, Tg (°C) 85
Table 3. Formulation of cable compound.
Tensile strength (Kg/cm2) 460
Elongation at break (%) 50
Flexural modulus (Gpa) 2.1 – 3.4 Materials

Suspension polymer of PVC (ISO No. 125) 100

Materials and Methods
Trixylyl phosphate 20

The chemicals that were used for preparing China clay 20

four formulations of PVC based compounds comes Tribasic lead sulphate 7
under two categories. The first one was the base Stearic acid 0.5
polymer that is necessary for the preparation of the Pigment 2
formulation of PVC. For the purpose, suspension
polymer of PVC (ISO No. 85-100), suspension
Polymer of PVC (ISO No. 125), PVC resin (K- Table 4. Formulation of PVC Rigid sheet.
value 60 – 65) and PVC resin (K-value 70) were
used. The second category was the additives used Materials
for improving the qaulity & process conditioning
PVC (K-value 60-65) 100
of the PVC formulations. The additives used were
Butylin mercaptides 2 – 2.5
Tribasic lead sulphate, Lead stearate, Glyceryl
monostearate, Acrylic (for process aid), Di-isoctyl Fatty alcohol 0.5 – 0.8
phthalate (DIOP), Trixylyl phosphate, China clay, Fatty acid ester 0.5 – 0.8
Butylin mercaptides, Fatty alcohol, Fatty acid Polyethylene wax 0.1 – 0.2
easter, Polyethylene wax, UV absorber, Plasticizer, UV absorber 0.3 – 0.5
Epoxidized soyabean oil, Liquid Ba/ Cd stabilizer,
Stearic acid, Pigment. The concentration of the
base polymer is referred as 100 parts in the Table 5. Formulation of shoe compound.
mixture; whereas the concentration of rest of the
additives used is referred as parts per 100 resins Materials
i.e., “phr”.
PVC (K-value 70) 100

Table-2, 3, 4 and 5 shows the different Plasticizer 50 – 80

formulations for four types of PVC based Epoxidized soyabean oil 2–3
compounds which were prepared. The materials Liquid Ba/ Cd stabilizer 1.5 – 2
were mixed in different types of mixers. Three Stearic acid 0.2 – 0.4
samples of each compound were taken and were
Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2010) 47

Equipments The shore hardness of the samples was

measured using a Durometer device according to
High speed mixer with 100 Liter capacity the ASTM (D 2583–67). The Durometer
was used (model No. SMNC-100, make: Kawata) instrument has an indenter projecting below the
to blend different additives with base polymer. bas (face) of the pressure foot. Two types of
Pipe extruder was used (model No. SE-40A, make: indenters were used: blunt-ended (Type A) for
Shibawa) to make 1” dia pipe-compound. plasticized compounds and pointed (Type D) for
Universal Testing Machine (UTM) (Load Cell rigid compounds. The indenter was pressed with
Capacity: 10kN, Model: Autograph, Make: sufficient hand force for 5 seconds into the plastic
Shimadzu) was used to measure Tensile Strength specimen perpendicularly so that the base took rest
and Elongation at break. Shore hardness was on the plastic surface. The amount of indentation
measured with Durometer Insturment (Model: registered directly on the dial indicator.
Hardmetic, Make:Mitutoyo). For specific gravity 8.12”
testing simple glass made Pyconometer was used.
Injection Moulding machine was used to prepare ½” ¾”
required samples (Model: J550E III, Make: JSW, ”
Clamping force: 550 tons Injection capacity:
18000g). Figure 1. Tensile test specimen.

Test methods Results and Discussion

Specific Gravity and Density is one of the The four formulated compounds can be
important parameter that must be analyzed. The classified in two broad categories i.e., Un-
sample was taken in any shape with a volume of plasticized PVC compounds (hard or rigid
more than 1cc. 5 grams of the pellets or powdered compounds) and Plasticized PVC compounds (soft
material of sample was added to a measured compounds). The test results are tabulated for all
volume in a pyconometer, and the specific gravity the compounds in the Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9. The
was calculated from the weight and volume change comparisons between the properties of formulated
at 73.4°F. To maintain the accuracy complete air PVC compounds with that of base polymer are
evacuation was necessary in this method. shown in Fig 2, 3, 4 and 5 which show great
enhancements in physical properties of the PVC
The tensile measurements were carried out resins.
according to the ASTM D638 using a
Table 6. Test Results of Un-plasticized PVC Pipe (Rigid).
computerized Universal Tensile Machine equipped
with suitable software. In this analysis, tensile Samples
Property Mean
strength and elongation at break were carried out. 1 2 3
Specimens were processed through injection- Specific Gravity 1.40 1.44 1.43 1.4233
molded and brought in standard shape (as shown in 2
Tensile Strength (Kg/cm ) 547 551 554 550.67
Fig.1) with 0.13 to 0.28 inch thickness. For the
analysis, both ends of the specimen were firmly Elongation at break (%) 125 145 133 134.33
clamed in the jaws of a universal testing machine. Hardness (Shore D) 80 78 83 80.33
The best results were obtained when an
extensometer was attached to both ends of the Table 7. Test Results of PVC Rigid Sheet.
narrow neck. The jaws could move apart at rates of
0.2, 0.5, 2 or 20 inches a minute, pulling the Samples
Property Mean
sample from both ends. Stress was plotted against 1 2 3
Specific Gravity 1.41 1.41 1.40 1.4067
strain (elongation) to produce a stress-strain curve
that describes the material’s response to tensile Tensile Strength (Kg/cm2) 551 552 549 550.66
Elongation at break (%) 151 150 149 150
Hardness (Shore D) 80 80 80 80
48 Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2010)
Table 8. Test Results of Cable Compound. interaction occurs for polar groups in the polymer
with the polar groups in the plasticizer [10]. In
Samples such case, the polar group played by chlorine atom
Property Mean
1 2 3 in PVC resin whereas ester group in the DOP
Specific Gravity 1.37 1.36 1.39 1.373 stands for polar group in the plasticizer. The bond
Tensile Strength (Kg/cm ) 2
149 152 150 150.33 forces of the polymer atoms weaken due to the
linked established and thus free volume increases
Elongation at break (%) 250 249 253 250.67
with the addition of the plasticizer to the polymer,
Hardness(Shore A) 79 81 82 80.67 which leads to lowering the hardness, modulus of
elasticity and tensile strength [27]. Our results are
Table 9. Test Results of Shoe Compound. in accord with previous studies [10, 28, 29 and 30].
Samples 600

Tensile Strength (Kg/Cm2)

Property Mean
1 2 3 500
Specific Gravity 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.23 300
2 200
Tensile Strength (Kg/cm ) 118 122 121 120.33
Elongation at break (%) 346 352 356 351.33 0


PVC Resin





Hardness (Shore A) 64 65 67 65.33

Com pounds

There is almost equal specific gravity

(Fig. 2) of all the compounds which is a strong Figure 3. Comparison of tensile Strength in the formulated
element in pricing and thus is of great importance. compounds.

It is also used in production control, both in raw

material production and in molding and extrusion. Reverse of that, due to presence of
plasticizers, the elongation at break of flexible
1.45 PVC compounds is larger than UPVC compounds
1.4 (Fig. 4). Higher values of elongation at break have
Sp. Gravity

1.3 obtained in compounds free from fillers. As

mentioned above that plasticizer acts on PVC as
1.15 spacer and increases the free volume, which makes
PVC to become softer and weaker and allows it to
PVC Resin






be elongated longer at low loads. The obtained

result of plasticizer effect on the elongation at
Com pounds
break is in good agreement with previous studies
Figure 2. Comparison of Sp. Gravity in the formulated [10, 27, 31].

The tensile strength of UPVC compound is 400

highly increased (Fig. 3) up to the values of 550
Elongation at Break (%)

kg/cm2. This increase in tensile strength is due to 300
the absence of plasticizers in formulations of these 200
compounds. The tensile strength of flexible PVC 100
(cable and shoe) is up to 150 kg/cm2, which is too 50
low as compared to UPVC compounds and that, is







again because of presence of plasticizers in their

formulations. The plasticizer forms links with
polymer molecules and acts as spacer between Com pounds

molecules of the polymer. Due to this linkage

plasticizer has great effects on the mechanical Figure 4. Comparison of elongation at break in the formulated
properties of the polymer. It was stated that dipole
Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 11, No. 2 (2010) 49

The effect of plasticizer and filler content increasing plasticizer content and
on the shore hardness is given in (Fig. 5). The corresponding minimum value is 120.33
hardness of UPVC pipes and sheet is equal to that Kg/cm2 for Shoe compound.
of cable compound because of the presence of 2. Elongation at break decreases with increasing
moderate quantity of fillers but the hardness of filler/stabilizer content for group of sample
shoe compound is slightly decreased, due no free of plasticizers (Rigid PVC compounds),
presence of filler. It is shown that the shore while it increases with increasing plasticizer
hardness decreasing with increasing plasticizer content for flexible compound group
content for plasticized PVC compounds without (Plasticized PVC compounds). The maximum
the addition of filler. It is obvious that the lowering obtained elongation at break for plasticized
fillers resulted in decreasing the shore hardness, samples (containing mainly plasticizer) is
while increasing filler content increases shore 351.33 %. Samples with filler showed
hardness. As explained previously the plasticizer minimum elongation at break at 134.33%.
softens the PVC by weakening the intermolecular 3. Shore hardness (shore A and D) increases for
interaction, while incorporating the filler the effect both plasticized and un-plasticized PVC
is completely reversed as the filler increases the compounds to the values of 80, while shore
hardness of the PVC. Elgozali, Brydson, Mark and hardness decreased to a value of 65.33 for shoe
Nielsen [10, 28, 30, 31] observed that addition of compound (plasticized PVC).
filler increases the hardness of the PVC which is 4. The rigid compounds (un-plasticized PVC
according to our results. compounds) show a little higher values of
specific gravity i.e. 1.4233 (PVC pipe) and
1.4067 (PVC sheet) than the soft compounds
80 (plasticized PVC compounds) with values of
1.373 (cable compound) and 1.23 (shoe

compound). The probable reason of this slight
increase in specific gravities is that the fillers
10 are denser than the plasticizers.







It could be concluded, that increasing

plasticizer content results in decreasing tensile
strength and specific gravity but increasing in
Figure 5. Comparison of hardness in the formulated compounds.
elongation at break. On the other hand, increasing
the filler content increased the tensile strength but
Generally it is seen that slight change in reduced the elongation at break in the absence of
formulation of different additives such as plasticizers. It is finally concluded that the addition
plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers, lubricants, of various additives in the base polymer (PVC in
colorants, etc., make the PVC compound versatile our case) have great effect on the mechanical
and its properties are greatly enhanced as properties.
according to the formulation.
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