M!DGE Release Notes: Firmware Version 4.2.40.xxx
M!DGE Release Notes: Firmware Version 4.2.40.xxx
M!DGE Release Notes: Firmware Version 4.2.40.xxx
Note: The firmware is the first official firmware available on our website and for mass production
from 4.2.40.x firmware family.
New Functionalities
SW update package validated before upload
An invalid SW update package is identified in the web interface before the actual transfer to the target was
performed skipping the process of slow upload of potential invalid packages via mobile network. The new
architecture also allows us to provide better and more detailed feedback on the current update status.
LED configuration
All LEDs except for "STAT" can be configured to different function like LAN, WAN, WLAN, WWAN, etc.
GUI improvements
Allowing Upload of keys and certificates in nested p12 files.
IP pass-through setup failed on web interface with recent SW releases.
Obsolete GUI interfaces have been removed.
More status information on SWI interface for QMI based WWAN modules
The WWAN status information was extended to show information on SWI status.
Serial Interface configuration
On M!DGE2 with more than one serial interface, only one could be configured for special purpose like
device server or protocol server. The first interface could not be changed to anything else but ‘login
console’. This was fixed and now all serial interfaces can be used for any purpose.
SDK improvements
The SDK function nb_can_setattr failed if the optional parameter restart was different from 0.
Fixed typo in modification time of files in nb_transfer_list.
Mismatch between VLAN network settings and DHCP settings triggers reboot
In situations where the VLAN network settings (network address/netmask) did not fit with the DHCP range
configured for that network, the router would go into reboot. This was fixed. Now the DHCP server on the
mis-configured interface will not be started and a warning is given to the user.
GUI improvements
When changing the network IP and mask of a bridge device, the DHCP settings were not checked. Now
the GUI will propose appropriate new settings for the DHCP server.
The deletion of VLAN interfaces could lead to DHCP configuration failures. This has been fixed.
The web interface did not show the same signal quality information that was displayed by LED colour. This
was fixed. Both interfaces use the same data source now.
An inconsistency in menu of the web interface was fixed.
Setup of a LAN port as WAN with Static IP gave a misleading warning on invalid DHCP setup.
Time-based SDK trigger setup was simplified.
The WWAN connection did not reconnect after a signal loss has occurred if 4G only was configured. This
has been fixed.
USB Tethering
No IP configuration for USB tethering devices were possible. This has been fixed.
Known Issues