FNCP Output
FNCP Output
FNCP Output
Health threats 1. Failure to utilize Subjective: General: 1. Remind the client Actions to be taken by the
resources for health “Lapit abi kami sa Suba, At the end of 7 days to cover the base family or sick member:
1. Presence of care due to ara lang da sa kilid community exposure, and change the
breeding sites inadequate family namun, kag du ika-duwa the family will be able to: water daily to 1. Ms. M. S. T
resources specifically ang Calmay sa Dengue 1. Identify the avoid breeding cleaning the house
financial resources sa kabilugan sang problems, such sites of upon entering to
2. Unable to identify the Janiuay.” as breeding mosquitoes the compound
problem due to lack Verbalized by: sites. 2. Advise the family 2. Positive response
of knowledge about Ms. M. S. T members to of Ms. M. S. T to
the breeding sites Specific: avoid putting clean the house
and the disease Objectives: At the end of 8 hours bases that has daily
3. Inability to provide a ● During home visit community exposure, water inside 3. During third visit
home and an there is stagnant the family will be able to: 3. Advise the family Ms. M. S. T are
environment water and no 1. Identify the to use continuing what I’ve
conducive to health drainage system interventions to screen net, or done yesterday.
maintenance and alleviate the mosquito net 4. The unused bottles
personal ● Mr. R. T stated problem 4. Remid to close and cans are
development due to: that the river is identified. the pail or poured already in the bag
a. Lack of knowledge of near to their 2. Apply the health out the unused and covered.
the importance of house teachings water 5. With evidence of
hygiene and provided by 5. Discuss with the improvement on
sanitation ● During inspection student for health cleanliness inside
of the house their family the causes
b. Inadequate promotion and and outside of the
is vase of plant, of improper
knowledge of disease house.
that have water waste disposal to
preventive measures prevention
inside avoid water
3. Utilize available
community clogging
resources for
health care
2. Accident Hazards: 1. Failure to utilize Subjective: General: 1. Encourage the Actions to be taken by the
a. Fall hazard resources for health “Pag-bagyo abi At the end of 7 days parents to family or sick member:
b. Fire hazards care due to naguba amun balay.” community exposure, repair/ replace
inadequate family Verbalized by: Ms. M. the family will be able to: 1. Ms. M. S. T cover
resources specifically 1. Perform and
the broken the open wire
S. T materials and
financial resources identify the during home visit
2. Unable to identify the problems within protruding nails 2. Positive response
problem due to lack
● During home their house such 2. Remind the of Ms. M. S. T to
of knowledge about as loose family to cover Tighten the loose
visit there is
the breeding sites materials and the open wires materials
and the disease
wiring that open wires. 3. During home visit
3. Inability to provide a hanging and 3. Provide Mr. R. T stated to
home and an open wires. Specific: teachings for help Ms. M. S. T to
environment ● There is loose At the end of 8 hours wound dressing tighten the loose
conducive to health materials in the community exposure, and further care materials
maintenance and house. the family will be able to: 4. Discuss with 4. The wires that hang
personal ● Upon entering 1. Identify the the family the are already
development due to: the house there interventions to removed
a. Lack of knowledge of alleviate the
difference 5. With evidence of
the importance of
is protruding problem hazards improvement inside
safety measures nails near to the identified. presence in the and outside of the
b. Inadequate door 2. Apply the health house house.
knowledge of teachings 5. Provide safety
preventive measures provided by measures
student for health
promotion and
3. Utilize available
resources for
health care
3. Poor home/ 1. Failure to utilize Subjective: General: 1. Remind the Actions to be taken by the
environment/Mental resources for health “May nag kaon guru At the end of 7 days family to Hand family or sick member:
Condition and care due to nga wala nahugasan, community exposure, wash always
Sanitation: inadequate family wala gid namun the family will be able to: before eating 1. Ms. M. S. T
a. Lack of food resources specifically natakluban bala, permi 1. Identify the and always put cleaning the house
storage financial resources mana da nahugasan problems within cover in foods upon entering the
facilities 2. Unable to identify the kag waay taklub abi.” their kitchen and utensils house
problem due to lack 2. Perform 2. Positive response
Verbalized by: Ms. M. before and after
of knowledge about necessary action of Ms. M. S. T to
S. T use.
the disease that can To avoid cover the utensils
acquired from the contamination of
2. Encourage the before and after
uncover left over Objectives: food family to eating
food ● During home provide cover to 3. During fourth visit
3. Inability to provide a visits the Specific: there utensils Ms. M. S. T are
home and an kitchen At the end of 8 hours 3. Advise the performing what
environment materials are community exposure, family to wash I’ve said yesterday
conducive to health not covered the family will be able to: the plates 4. The unused
maintenance and ● During home 1. Identify the immediately unwashed plates
personal visit there is interventions to after use. are already clean
development due to: unwashed alleviate the 4. Provide health 5. With evidence of
a. Lack of knowledge of plates and problem teaching in improvement on
the importance of utensils in the identified. proper food cleanliness in the
hygiene and kitchin 2. Apply the health handling kitchen
sanitation ● No available teachings 5. Discuss safety
b. Inadequate utensils cover provided by measures about
knowledge of and not enough student for health food handling
preventive measures promotion
storage and proper
3. Utilize available
storage facilities
resources for
health care
4. Unhealthy 1. Failure to utilize Subjective: General: 1. Advise the Actions to be taken by the
Lifestyle and resources for health “Gapanigarilyo ko kay At the end of 7 days client to limit if family or sick member:
Personal habits/ care due to kis-a man lang, lingaw- community exposure, not to stop
practices: inadequate family lingaw.” the family will be able to: smoking 1. Mr. R. T reduced
a. cigarette/ resources specifically Verbalized by: Mr. R. T 1. Provide 2. Remind the number of cigarette
tobacco financial resources adequate nursing family to avoid sticks per day
smoking 2. Unable to identify the “Gina imnan ko tag 3 care to their near contact 2. Positive response
b. self-medicatio problem due to lack family member of Mr. R. T to
kabilog, indi gyapun during cigarette
n/ substance of knowledge about 2. Perform reduced the
makuha abi.” session
abuse the disease that can necessary action cigarette stick per
acquired from the
Verbalized by: Mr. R. T And advise to
3. Provide day
Cigarette and their family techniques and 3. Make use of either
self-medication Objectives: member. tips on how to of the herbal
3. Inability to provide a ● During home quit smoking medications
home and an visit, Mr. R. Z Specific: 4. Discuss the introduced
environment stated that he is At the end of 8 hours causes of drug observing correct
conducive to health drug dependent community exposure, dependence preparations
maintenance and and he is the family will be able to: 5. Teach the 4. Mr. R. T stated
personal smoking daily 1. Identify the family to have during home visit
development due to: ● During home interventions to proper that he already limit
a. Lack of knowledge of visit there is alleviate the segregation of the cigarette sticks
the importance of cigarette butts problem cigarette butts from to 10 to 5-6
health promotion and upon entering to identified. 6. Encourage the per day
prolonging- life the house 2. Apply the health client to report 5. With evidence of
b. Inadequate ● Mr. R. T is teachings immediately to improvement on
knowledge of smoking during provided by physician and personal
preventive measures student for health appearance and
home visit avoid self-
promotion and health promotion
● Presence of medication
dust on the floor prevention
and furniture
Health Deficit 1. Failure to utilize Subjective: General: 1. Encourage the Actions to be taken by the
resources for health “Tatlo na kaadlaw iya At the end of 7 days family to wash family or sick member:
5. Cough and care due to ubo, napa inom ko community exposure, daily with
Wound inadequate family lang lagudi, daw okay the family will be able to: antibacterial 1. Mist. K. T covers
resources specifically naman sa gawa a.” 1. Provide soap mouth when
financial resources Verbalized by: Ms. M. adequate nursing 2. Remind the coughing
2. Unable to identify the S. T care to their client to always 2. Positive response
problem due to lack family member of Mist. K. T to take
wear pajamas
of knowledge about 2. Perform plenty of water and
“Sa ila gid mana dugo, 3. Provide health
the disease that can necessary action take medicine
acquired from the
ang iya magulang nga teaching on 3. Make use of either
uncover left over daan damu pagid tu, Specific: how to wound of the herbal
food nalatnan lang na sa.” At the end of 8 hours dressing medications
3. Inability to provide a Verbalized by: Ms. E. community exposure, 4. Provide safety introduced
home and an Z the family will be able to: measure about observing correct
environment 1. Identify the wound dressing preparations
conducive to health Objective: interventions to and coughing 4. A sputum cup or
maintenance and ● During home alleviate the 5. Remind the plastic bag
personal visit Mist. K. T problem client to drink provided to collect
development due to: Is coughing identified. plenty of water sputum
a. Lack of knowledge of ● During 2. Apply the health 6. Teach the 5. With evidence of
the importance of assessment teachings family on how to improvement on
hygiene and there is crackles provided by prepare the personal hygiene
sanitation sound in left student for health herbal medicine and health
b. Inadequate lower lobe of promotion and 7. Encourage the promotion
knowledge of Mist. K. T disease family to report
preventive measures prevention
● During home or visit health
3. Utilized available
visit, I conduct center
wound dressing resources for
and bathing for health care
Mist K. T