Ans BSBMKG609 - Assessment Task 1-Ramin
Ans BSBMKG609 - Assessment Task 1-Ramin
Ans BSBMKG609 - Assessment Task 1-Ramin
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Capabilities and Resource of the Organization........................................................................................4
SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................................................5
Gaps between the Objectives, the Current Capabilities and Resources...................................................6
Developing a Marketing Mix Strategy.....................................................................................................7
Marketing Performance............................................................................................................................9
Tactics for Implementing the Strategy...................................................................................................10
Legal and Ethical Requirements Influencing the Selected Tactics........................................................11
The organization Houzit is determined to become a national retail brand of meeting and satisfying the
needs of people with its high quality of products and easy manage payment plan. In addition, the
organization is planning to develop a significant market presence in homewares in every capital city
of the country. Currently, the company has 15 stores in different places across the Brisbane city.
Houzit is expecting to open up new stores in other part of the country and create a competitive market
presence. Thus, to fulfill the mission and vision, the company sets some particular marketing
objectives. The execution of those objectives may lead the organization to a competitive place in the
market. One of the major objectives of the organization is to maximize sales from $15 million per year
to $ 20 million. Another significant objective of the organization is to create brand recognition in
Brisbane; thus, at least 1 in 3 people learns about the brand.
Houzit is running its business almost for 50 years; thus, the size and resource of the company are
becoming larger. The company usually focuses in building the stores at a commercial and sub-urban
neighborhood. The size of Houzit is near about 1000-15000m2. The organization has 15-20 full time
employees and a large number of causal employees. However, Houzit has a wide category of products
and services. Besides, to make the products and services more effective, the company multiple type of
payment plans like 40% on long-term repayment plan.
Strengths Weaknesses
The employees of Houzit are highly As the organization comes under the
trained, skilled and knowledgeable category of small originations it has
regarding home wares limited marketing budgets to increase
Increased customer loyalty brand awareness
Variety of deals and offers that are The struggle to continually fund the
beyond the competitors offerings in growing long-term repayment plans
terms of quality, range and accessibility taken out by our customer
Great retail space that is bright,
functional and efficient for a
commercial urban district
Opportunities Threats
A growing market in a high growth area Competition from local independent
with a significant percentage of the retailers can drive down prices, as
target market still not aware of Houzit’s owner-operators have lower overhead
offer. costs than our staff-run stores.
Though Houzit is planning to increase their sales from $15 million per year to $20 million in the next
three years, the company might face some budgets issues. The company has limited budgets; thus,
implement the objectives, the company may require a large amount of capital. In order to increased
sales, they have to open up new stores and maximize the human resources capabilities. On the
contrary, to create brand recognition within a span of 2 years, it has to focus on promotion or
endorsement of product. In addition, the company also has to focus on the quality of products and
services, which is again the question of large investment.
1. Marketing Opportunity That Meet Organizational Objectives
In order to meet the organizational objectives, Houzit could focus on digital marketing since it could
help to connect with peopled around the world within a short time. In addition, the company focuses
on penetrative pricing strategies. This could help to increase the market share by selling the products
and service comparatively at low price.
The risk associated with digital marketing is the dynamic nature of digital environment. The trends of
digital marketing often change with competition. The digital marketing only helps the marketers when
they have a niche business. On the contrary, one of the major benefits associated with digital
marketing is, measuring and monitoring. Digital marketing has multiple types; thus, 100%
measurability is the biggest advantage.
Conversely, the risk associated with penetrative pricing strategy is, the abundance of customers. The
customer may leave the service when the price of the products is increased than competitors .One of
the major benefits associated with this opportunity is the chance of maximizing the sales volumes.
The organization Houzit could emphasize on demography. This means while designing the product
and services, they could focus on life style of people, their age, income, family rituals and other
demography. Thus, the customers could stratify their needs buying those products that are designed
based on their life. In addition, to increase the sales volumes, the company could also pay attention to
lead the business in global market. By developing a high quality of products and services, the
company could enter into global market. In such a case, the initial phase of implementing this
opportunity is to focus on digital marketing.
To increase the sales volumes Houzit could implement 4p’s marketing mix strategy. This strategy
helps cover the significant area o business.
In order to increase the market share, the Houzit should set low price for products and services. The
company could design the products effectively and sell them at low price. However, while running the
business in global marketing, they should follow and implement the pricing laws imposed in each
For making the promotion of products, Houzit could pay attention in direct selling and personal
selling. Hence, rather than relying on distributors and supplier, they could directly sell the products
from their outlets. In addition, at the time of selling the product they could distribute the leaflets that
contain the details of each product. This could increase awareness of customers.
As Houzit is a retail brand online shop and social media could help to distribute the details of products
and services. Through online marketing, the origination could place the products and services. This is
how the company could position its products and services. Online platform is the place where people
could purchase their products through an easy way.
There have been certain aspects such as brand awareness, lead generation, customer acquisition,
engagement associated with the marketing performance that should be considered while implementing
the marketing opportunities.
“Brand awareness”: The organization should pay attention on increasing brand awareness since
increased brand awareness could help to make the customers aware of products and services.
“Customer acquisition”: To increase sales volume, it is important to attract more customers towards
the products and services. In such as a case, the organization needs to pay attention increasing market
“Customer retention/Loyalty”: The organization should provide some tangible and intangible benefits
to the potential customers who are using the service for a long time. In such case, the company could
provide additional benefits for premium customers.
KPI: The “key performance indicator” helps to assess the success of Houzit in which they engage.
The success is simply repeated and achievement of levels of goals and objectives. The KPIs could
help the organization Houzit to measure the growth in meeting marketing objective such as
maximizing sales volumes, increasing market share and measuring the cost of customer acquisition.
1. Innovation & Business Industry Councils Ltd. 1st Edition 2017, Develop a marketing plan: