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Thieve's Cant Homebrew

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Thieves' Cant

casts her eyes about to find the card game in the
corner. Paying into the pot with the appropriate
greeting, she waits to see what cards she's dealt
by the man in the parallel brassard. They
exchange amiable conversation for a time and Spy Games
when she's finished the elf stands, leaving the While it is common belief among the varied trades
game and her winnings behind her. that spies operate in a similar manner to other
A well-dressed dragonborn frowns, counting her funds for rogues and understand the Cant, if one has ever
a third time. She has even less than she thought. She hadn't been approached with the appropriate greeting,
wanted to resort to this again so soon, but it seems she has they have never revealed it by reciprocating
confirmation of the craft.
little in the way of options. She stoops out of her rented
room, calling to her companions that she'll be at the market
all morning, clipping a double banded chocker around her
neck as she does so.
A nimble halfling hand reaches out for an unattended
purse only to feel a firm grasp landing on the matching
halfling shoulder. A grinning half-orc with twin earrings Lay of the Land
greets them; "it's been far too long!" he laughs. Under the A rogue seeking generally applicable knowledge upon
stranger's armpit, the halfling spies a patrol of city guards arriving in a city should look for a deck of cards. Any signified
rounding the corner. "Of course!" their face lights up with individual actively using a deck of cards will respond to a
recognition, "How are the wife and kids?" greeting recognised as an appeal for information - so long as
they're paid for their trouble.
A Cultural Code
Rather than form guilds, many rogues of varying trades have A Game of Cards
developed a common system of signifiers in order to make As a character with the Thieves' Cant feature pays into a
ease of their dealings in the public eye without drawing the playing card service, the varied trader dealing the cards will
attention of law enforcement. Some roguish operators will encode a message into each hand. Wherever or whomever
create syndicates, while others simply display their they're discussing as the hand is dealt will be the topic to
availability for hire for those aware of the cypher to make which the cards pertain. A rogue hunting down information
offers as they please. can guide conversation to specific intel the dealer might be
able to give, but should be subtle about it lest the dealer shut
Identification the game down. When the enquiring rogue has had their fill,
A member of the Varied Trades may choose to identify they exit the game, leaving their contributions to the pot as
themselves to others in the know by use of an accessory worn compensation.
in two parallel bands, as plain or intricate as the rogue
prefers. The location in which the accessory is worn also
indicates the speciality of the individual displaying it.
Con Artistry. Right Ear.
Counterfeiting. Left Ear.
Assassination. Choker.
Smuggling. Brassard.
Intimidation. Left Wrist.
Fencing. Right Wrist.
Interrogation. Thumb and Pinky.
Trapfinding. 2nd Finger Ring LH.
Lockpicking. 3rd Finger Ring LH.
Kidnapping. Pinky Ring LH.
Theft. 2nd Finger Ring RH.
Forgery. 3rd Finger Ring RH.
Reconnaissance. 4th Finger Ring RH.
Pocket Picking. Pinky Ring RH.
Burglary. 2nd & 4th Finger Rings RH.
Stalking. Anklet.
Espionage. Unknown.


Calling a Spade a Spade Old Friends
The key phrase greeting to win a rogue in the know a place at Upon identifying a varied tradesperson who specialises in the
the information table is "Nice to find a friendly face in an desired field, an employer familiar with the cant will
unfamiliar town", or statements to similar effect. Once approach them with a coded greeting designed to feign
welcomed to take part, the rogue will need to match the suits friendship. The greeting serves two purposes.
of the cards they are dealt in each hand with the seemingly The first is as confirmation of visual identification. If an
innocuous topics of conversation floated by the dealer during employer's greeting is met with confusion by the stranger,
that round. The meanings of the suits are as follows: they will know that the individual they've approached is not
Hearts. The location or individual mentioned provides a offering roguish work, simply making a fashion statement.
measure of safety for rogues practicing the varied trades. Second is as a means of clarifying the type of exchange the
Diamonds. The location or individual mentioned serves as approacher is initiating. The tone of the greeting phrase will
a wealthy target for thievery one way or another. differentiate between someone looking to hire and someone
Clubs. The location or individual mentioned is well looking to blend in or for temporary protection in the form of
protected or heavily guarded. hiding or a falsified alibi. On occasion, when a high alert for
Spades. The location or individual mentioned is a good bet suspicious activity is in effect, a kind rogue will warn others
for sourcing dishonest work. of the varied trades to lay low by use of a similar greeting. For
These cards may be combined to form more detailed example:
messages for the information seeker. For example a person Offering Work. "Look what the cat dragged in"; "Uh oh,
may be described using three diamonds and two clubs to here comes trouble"; greetings suggesting a teasing
indicate that they're attended by personal guards but that closeness.
things stolen from them fetch a good price. Requesting Sanctuary. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes";
"Boy, am I glad to see you"; greetings expressing relief.
Lay Low. "Long time no see"; "Feels like I haven't seen you
in forever"; greetings indicating a long period between
Variant Information Brokers meetings.
While a tavern card game is a classic example of a If a rogue requests and is provided sanctuary of any sort by
context in which the party rogue might drum up use of the Strange Approach, it is generally regarded that
information, it is worth considering other contexts repayment take the form of an owed favour. To demand coin
in which a tradesmember could be utilising a deck in return for the service of protection is deemed poor taste,
of cards without drawing suspicion. When and work for such a tradesman would dry up in the city as
surrepticiously handing out intel through an word got around that they weren't good to work with. For the
interaction other than a card game, the DM should dishonest, reputation is everything.
come up with appropriate equivalents to being
dealt a hand of cards. For example, a charlatan
fortune teller who is part of the trade might accept
Dishonest Employment
coin from a fellow rogue in the context of a tarot Once a cant greeting has been accepted, an offer may be
style reading, turning over appropriately suited floated by the approaching employer, disguised as
cards at moments matching their wistful conversational catching up. This offer will provide the basic
descriptions of decipherable landmarks and outline of the illegal work to be done, allowing those
personalities of the city. propositioned to decide whether or not they're interested in
taking on the job. The type of task to be completed is already
assumed based on the advertised speciality of the hiree, so
ordinarily this conversation covers:
Not every tavern or city will have a roguish individual willing Whether the contract is personal or on behalf of a
to stand post and give up their time to others of the varied syndicate;
trades, but the bigger the city, the higher your chances of The anticipated difficulty in carrying out the work;
encountering someone looking to make some easy coin in The amount of payment proposed; and
this way. A location at which both parties may meet later for further
The Strange Approach Catching Up
When a varied tradesman familiar with the cant is looking for When a greeting is accepted, it is customary for the hiree to
work, they may display their availability for dishonest jobs by enquire as to the employer's wellbeing. From there the
use of the parallel banded accessories. In this way, they employer is obliged to answer that they are either "on my
advertise their capabilities to others who might have use for own these days" if the job is for them personally, or "starting
them, in the hopes of earning coin from such work during a family" or similar if the job is on behalf of a larger group.
their down time. Some might wish to steer clear of crime family work, for
example, or to remain unafiliated with a cause and this could
be their only opportunity to turn down the offer of work
without causing offense.


How's Your Dad? As an optional extra, the informational card game may be
The conversation will then move to the general foreseen described as a "private game" if the contract is being offered
difficulty of a contract. This will be measured by the health to this rogue alone, or a "party" if it is to be a team operation
status of a fabricated loved one of the employer. The scale or a matter of first in best dressed.
may range from a simple task when the loved one is "well" to
a potentially deadly challenge if hey have "passed away". If
the obstacles are unknown, the health of the loved one will be Example Conversation
similarly uncertain, "a bit touch and go". Dorian is a rogue displaying his parallel bars while going
about his business in the city. He wears two rings on the
Compensation second and fourth fingers of his right hand, each of them a
Payment is also usually discussed during this 'catch up', double band, one etched silver and the other plain.
however the onus is on the hiree rogue to ensure such - if an Before too long he is approached by a bright-smiled elven
inexperienced thief takes a job without negotiating woman with twinned bangles pushed up her wrist to make
remuneration and winds up with little reward to show for them hold their place
their efforts, the fault lies with them. Who are they gonna "Someone pinch me, I thought you'd never show your face
complain to, the guards? in these parts again! It's so great to see you!"
A discussion of compensation may be brought to the Dorian has never met this woman before in his life. He
conversation by the introduction of any topic enabling the beams and pulls her into a tight hug.
inconspicuous use of numbers. By context a rogue should be "You too! I thought you'd moved out East, how are you?"
able to gleen whether the number indicates a multipilier of "The family moved, I stayed here on my own. Doing pretty
x100gp or x100pp, erring toward x100gp if in doubt. For well for myself, actually." She shrugs in faux-faux-modesty.
example: "Glad to hear it." His smile tightens at her boastfulness
even though it's all an act. Annoying is annoying. "I should
Number of kids/grandkids. x100gp/x100pp respectively. ask, how have things been with Theodora since I last saw
Number of younger/older siblings. x100gp/x100pp you? Any improvement?"
respectively. She shifted, a notable loss of confidence. "We lost Great
Age of child. Always x100gp. Aunt Theo last year. But thankfully she got to spend a lot of
time with all three kids and five grandkids before she passed."
Haggling for amounts is acceptable, but it is impolite to "I'm so sorry. It's good she was surrounded by so many
follow up with an uncertain attendance to the 'card game' for loved ones"
more details on the job; either accept the contract or turn it "Hm. Yes. Well. C'est la vie!" She perked up again and
down. touched Dorian lightly on the arm. "I've got to run, I'm
meeting a friend, but we're planning a card game for a little
Rendezvous after sundown - it's a cosy place on the corner of Market's
Run and the West Alley; green door, planter box in the
The location for further details will always be given as a card window, easy to spot. You should come!"
game at a particular address, commonly a safehouse, at a Dorian winced thoughtfully. "I'm really not sure if I can
specified time. make it tonight, my companions will be expecting me..."
If the hiree is accepting the work offered, they should "Oh come on! I could tell you about the fight Theodora's
indicate their intent to attend the card game. If not, it is not younger sisters got into at the funeral; it will be fun I
uncommon practice to express uncertainty at one's ability to promise."
attend, reserving the option to pick up the job at the time of "All five of them?"
the card game, or formally accept or decline once more The woman ground her teeth a little. Dorian smiled
details have been learned. If taking this tactic, however, the pleasantly.
hiree rogue should expect competitors to the contract to have "Only three, but it's still a killer story. A nice, quiet, private
been gathered in the mean time, likely lessening their game. For old time's sake?" She looked him hard in the eye
potential earnings. for a long moment.
"Fine." Dorian nodded at the total stranger. "For old time's

homebrew by
Dael Kingsmill
Element & Inspiration credits:
Theodoor Rombouts
Lucas Graciano


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