Thieve's Cant Homebrew
Thieve's Cant Homebrew
Thieve's Cant Homebrew
casts her eyes about to find the card game in the
corner. Paying into the pot with the appropriate
greeting, she waits to see what cards she's dealt
by the man in the parallel brassard. They
exchange amiable conversation for a time and Spy Games
when she's finished the elf stands, leaving the While it is common belief among the varied trades
game and her winnings behind her. that spies operate in a similar manner to other
A well-dressed dragonborn frowns, counting her funds for rogues and understand the Cant, if one has ever
a third time. She has even less than she thought. She hadn't been approached with the appropriate greeting,
wanted to resort to this again so soon, but it seems she has they have never revealed it by reciprocating
confirmation of the craft.
little in the way of options. She stoops out of her rented
room, calling to her companions that she'll be at the market
all morning, clipping a double banded chocker around her
neck as she does so.
A nimble halfling hand reaches out for an unattended
purse only to feel a firm grasp landing on the matching
halfling shoulder. A grinning half-orc with twin earrings Lay of the Land
greets them; "it's been far too long!" he laughs. Under the A rogue seeking generally applicable knowledge upon
stranger's armpit, the halfling spies a patrol of city guards arriving in a city should look for a deck of cards. Any signified
rounding the corner. "Of course!" their face lights up with individual actively using a deck of cards will respond to a
recognition, "How are the wife and kids?" greeting recognised as an appeal for information - so long as
they're paid for their trouble.
A Cultural Code
Rather than form guilds, many rogues of varying trades have A Game of Cards
developed a common system of signifiers in order to make As a character with the Thieves' Cant feature pays into a
ease of their dealings in the public eye without drawing the playing card service, the varied trader dealing the cards will
attention of law enforcement. Some roguish operators will encode a message into each hand. Wherever or whomever
create syndicates, while others simply display their they're discussing as the hand is dealt will be the topic to
availability for hire for those aware of the cypher to make which the cards pertain. A rogue hunting down information
offers as they please. can guide conversation to specific intel the dealer might be
able to give, but should be subtle about it lest the dealer shut
Identification the game down. When the enquiring rogue has had their fill,
A member of the Varied Trades may choose to identify they exit the game, leaving their contributions to the pot as
themselves to others in the know by use of an accessory worn compensation.
in two parallel bands, as plain or intricate as the rogue
prefers. The location in which the accessory is worn also
indicates the speciality of the individual displaying it.
Con Artistry. Right Ear.
Counterfeiting. Left Ear.
Assassination. Choker.
Smuggling. Brassard.
Intimidation. Left Wrist.
Fencing. Right Wrist.
Interrogation. Thumb and Pinky.
Trapfinding. 2nd Finger Ring LH.
Lockpicking. 3rd Finger Ring LH.
Kidnapping. Pinky Ring LH.
Theft. 2nd Finger Ring RH.
Forgery. 3rd Finger Ring RH.
Reconnaissance. 4th Finger Ring RH.
Pocket Picking. Pinky Ring RH.
Burglary. 2nd & 4th Finger Rings RH.
Stalking. Anklet.
Espionage. Unknown.
homebrew by
Dael Kingsmill
Element & Inspiration credits:
Theodoor Rombouts
Lucas Graciano