Gravimetric Determination of Phosphorus in Fertilizer Samples
Gravimetric Determination of Phosphorus in Fertilizer Samples
Gravimetric Determination of Phosphorus in Fertilizer Samples
Fertilizer Samples
Experiment No. 1
Catherine A. Pascua
Philipine Science High School- Ilocos Region Campus
Department of Science and Technology
San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur
Pascua, C. (2019)
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Abstract—Gravimetric analysis was used to obtain precipitate temperature for 15 minutes for the completion of the
in this experiment. Water, ammonia, and magnesium sulfate precipitation process. After 15 minutes of waiting, the
heptahydrate were used to dissolve the phosphorus from the precipitates were quantitatively transferred onto the pre-
fertilizer samples. White precipitates, magnesium ammonium weighed filter papers that were kept earlier at the desiccator.
phosphate hexahydrates were formed. The dried precipitates
contained the phosphorus from the fertilizer samples were used
The filtrates were then washed with two (2) 5 ml portions of
to compare from the amount of phosphorus indicated in the distilled water followed by two (2) 10 ml portions of 95%
package of the fertilizer. The result showed that fertilizers have ethanol. After filtering, the filter papers were spread on petri
actually lower phosphorus content than what is indicated in the dishes and were stored after. During the next period, the filter
package. papers with precipitates were placed in the oven set at 110C
for one (1) hour. After drying, the precipitates were cooled for
Keywords: gravimetric analysis, phosphorus, precipitate, 15 minutes and were weighed after. The recorded weights were
again, noted.
Next, for the precipitation of MgNH4PO4•6H2O, first, the From the experiment, the phosphorus in the sample was
filter papers to be used in filtering the precipitate were precipitated using water, ammonia, and magnesium ions as
weighed. The recorded weights were noted, and the filter shown from the given reaction:
papers were kept in the desiccator while not in use. Three (3)
grams to the nearest 0.1 mg of the fertilizer was weighed in 5 H2O + HPO42- + NH4+ +Mg2+ + OH- MgNH4PO4 6H2O
two (2) trials, again, the recorded weights were noted. Then,
the samples were quantitatively transferred into clean and dry Ammonia cannot be replaced by ammonium chloride
250-ml beakers. Next, 40 ml of distilled water was added to (NH4Cl) because it will cause the formation of magnesium
both trials and stirred after to dissolve the sample. Since, the chloride (MgCl2). In this case, the precipitate will not be
samples did not dissolve completely, the mixtures were filtered formed.
using a filter paper that needed not to be weighed. 45 ml of
10% w/v MgSO4•7H2O solution was added to each filtrate. During the 15 minutes of not touching the precipitates, the
Then, 150 ml of 2 M NH3 solution was added next to each solution was actually left to digest which improves the purity
filtrate while stirring. The mixtures were left standing at room and filterability of the precipitate [2].
dried filter paper
At the latter part of the experiment, the precipitates were with precipitate,
washed with 95% ethanol to dissolve polar impurities from the g
precipitates. Net weight of 0.8544 0.8788
dried precipitate,
For the statistical analysis of the experiment with 10 trials g
of the five (5) groups of the class, the range of the %P varies
from 3.45% to 4.68% while, the range of %P 2O5 varies from 1.2 %P
8.23% to 10.73%. The %P has a standard deviation of 0.37
while, the %P2O5 has a standard deviation of 0.84. The %P was calculated using the formula:
confidence interval of %P in 95% confidence level is 3.73 to
4.25 while, the confidence interval of %P2O5 in 95%
confidence level is 8.55 to 9.75.
The experiment revealed that the amount of phosphorous in The results from five (5) groups are as follows:
fertilizers is actually lower than to what is indicated from its
packaging. Thus, this explains the importance of determining TABLE III. %P RESULTS
the amount of phosphorus in fertilizers, particularly because Trial %P
phosphorus is one of the “Big 3” primary nutrients in fertilizers
1 4.17%
as what have mentioned above in the introduction.
2 4.20%
The percent phosphate was determined and compared to the 3 4.34%
amount indicated on the packaging of the fertilizer though the 4 3.95%
use of gravimetric analysis. Therefore, this experiment was 5 3.59%
able to achieve the three (3) objectives mentioned above in the
introduction. 6 3.70%
7 3.97%
8 4.68%
9 3.84%
10 3.47%
[1] (2016, October 31). Fertilizer 101: The Big 3 - Nitrogen,
Phosphorus and Potassium. Retrieved from Range: 3.45% - 4.68%
phosphorus-and-potassium Average: 3.991
Standard Deviation: 0.3672858409
[2] Crouch, S.; Holler, F.; Skoog, D.; West, D. (2004). Confidence Interval: 3.73 - 4.25
Fundamentals of Analytic Chemistry,8thed.; Harris: Canada,
p. 341 1.3 %P2O5
[3] Medrano, E., & Pasco, J. M. (2014, January). [Chem 28] %P2O5 was calculated using the formula:
Gravimetric Determination of Phosphorus in Fertilizer
Samples. Retrieved from
1.4 Data from the five (5) groups TABLE VIII. GROUP 4
Trial %P %P2O5
1 3.97% 9.10%
Trial %P %P2O5 2 4.68% 10.73%
1 4.17% 9.56%
2 4.20% 9.63%
Trial %P %P2O5
TABLE VI. GROUP 2 1 3.84% 8.81%
Trial %P %P2O5 2 3.47% 7.96%
1 4.34% 9.94%