Multidisciplinary Design-Project: E-Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Multidisciplinary Design-Project: E-Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Multidisciplinary Design-Project: E-Attendance System Using Face Recognition
RA1611003040113 KRITHIGHA.S
Maintaining the attendance is very important in all the institutes for checking the
performance of employees (4). Every institute has its own method in this regard.
Some are taking attendance manually using the old paper or file based approach and
some have adopted methods of automatic attendance using some biometric
techniques. But in these methods employees have to wait for long time in making a
queue at time they enter the office. Many biometric systems are available but the key
authentications are same is all the techniques. Every biometric system consists of
enrolment process in which unique features of a person is stored in the database and
then there are processes of identification and verification. These two processes
compare the biometric feature of a person with previously stored template captured
at the time of enrollment. Biometric templates can be of many types like
Fingerprints, Eye Iris, Face, Hand Geometry, Signature, Gait and voice. Our system
uses the face recognition approach for the automatic attendance of employees in the
office room environment without employees’ intervention (2). Face recognition
consists of two steps, in first step faces are detected in the image and then these
detected faces are compared with the database for verification. A number of methods
have been proposed for face detection i.e. Ada Boost algorithm, the Float Boost
algorithm, the S-Ada Boost algorithm Support Vector Machines (SVM), and the
Bayes classifier. The efficiency of face recognition algorithm can be increased with
the fast face detection algorithm. In all the above methods SURF is most efficient.
Our system utilized this algorithm for the detection of faces in the office room image.
Face recognition techniques can be Divided into two types Appearance based which
use texture features that is applied to whole face or some specific Regions, other is
Feature based which uses geometric features like mouth, nose, eyes, eye brows,
cheeks and Relation between them. Statistical tools such as Linear Discriminant
Analysis (LDA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Kernel Methods, and
Neural Networks, Eigen-faces have been used for construction of face templates.
Illumination invariant algorithm is utilized for removing the lighting effect inside
the office room.
The system consists of a camera that captures the images of the employee and sends
it to the image enhancement module. After enhancement the image comes in the
Face Detection and Recognition modules and then the attendance is marked on the
database server. This is shown in the experimental setup in Figure(4). At the time of
enrolment, templates of face images of individual employees are stored in the Face
database. Here all the faces are detected from the input image and the algorithm
compares them one by one with the face database. If any face is recognized the
attendance is marked on the server from where anyone can access and use it for
different purposes.
In this way a lot of time is saved and this is highly secure process no one can mark
the attendance of other. Attendance is maintained on the server so anyone can access
it for purposes like administration, employees themselves(7). In order to avoid the
false detection we are using the skin classification technique. Using this technique
enhance the efficiency and accuracy of the detection process. In this process first the
skin is classified and then only skin pixels remains and all other pixels in the image
are set to black, this greatly enhance the accuracy of face detection process. Two
databases are displayed in the experimental setup. Face Database is the collection of
face images and extracted features at the time of enrolment process and the second
attendance database contains the information about the employees and also uses to
mark attendance.
2.1.3 Expenditure
The cost of the entire project will depend simply on the expenditure incurred for the
hardware requirements(5). The software requirements can be easily fulfilled without
any cost.
This section describes the software algorithm for the system. The algorithm consists
of the following steps
Image acquisition
Histogram normalization
Noise removal
Skin classification
Face detection
Face recognition
In the first step image is captured from the camera. There are illumination effects in
the captured image because of different lighting conditions and some noise which is
to be removed before going to the next steps(1). Histogram normalization is used for
contrast enhancement in the spatial domain. Median filter is used for removal of
noise in the image. There are other techniques like FFT and low pass filter for noise
removal and smoothing of the images but median filter gives good results.
For face detecting, we can do it using the object cascading class and we use the b-
box method. The detection of the face using the object cascading is bought from the
most popular facial recognition model Viola Jones. In here, there are several objects
are present. These are there in the form of small blocks containing them. They are
taken through an image and are moved through each and every block of the image
and are checked for overlapping through them. First, we will convert the image from
the red blue green to gray scale image. The faces from the images captured is to be
collected. The captured faces are cropped into small images. It would be around 11
KB of size.
Automated Attendance System has been envisioned for the purpose of reducing the
errors that occur in the traditional (manual) attendance taking system. The aim is to
automate and make a system that is useful to the organization such as an institute.
The efficient and accurate method of attendance in the office environment that can
replace the old manual methods. This method is secure enough, reliable and
available for use. No need for specialized hardware for installing the system in the
office. It can be constructed using a camera and computer.
[2]. Herbert Bay, Andreas Ess, Tinne Tuytelaars, and Luc Van Gool. Surf: Speeded
up robust features. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), 110(3):346–
[5]. Javier Ruiz Del Solar, Rodrigo Verschae, and Mauricio Correa. Face recognition
in unconstrained environments: A comparative study. In ECCV Workshop on Faces
in RealLife Images: Detection, Alignment, and Recognition, Marseille, France,
October 2008.
[7]. Osuna, E., Freund, R. and Girosit, F. (1997). "Training support vector
machines: an application to face detection." 130-136