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Effect of the Tower Type on the Gas Sweetening Process

Abdolkarim Sharifi, Elham Omidbakhsh Amiri

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Abdolkarim Sharifi, Elham Omidbakhsh Amiri. Effect of the Tower Type on the Gas Sweetening
Process. Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, Institut Français du
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Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24
Ó A. Sharifi and E. Omidbakhsh Amiri, published by IFP Energies nouvelles, 2017
DOI: 10.2516/ogst/2017018
Second and Third Generation Biofuels: Towards Sustainability and Competitiveness
Seconde et troisième génération de biocarburants : développement durable et compétitivité

Effect of the Tower Type on the Gas Sweetening Process

Abdolkarim Sharifi and Elham Omidbakhsh Amiri*
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar - Iran
e-mail: e.omidbakhsh@umz.ac.ir

* Corresponding author

Abstract — The removal of acid gases, CO2 and H2S from natural gas streams is essential for
environmental and health reasons. In this work, the simulated gas sweetening unit with Methyl-
DiEthanolAmine (MDEA) solvent was studied to improve quality. Firstly, the effect of trays types and
then, the effect of various packing and the effect of the packing size were considered on the flow rate
of CO2 and H2S in the main streams. Results show that with considering the different trays types in
the regenerator tower, the flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream with bubble cap tray is lower
than other trays types. Also, with considering the different trays types in the absorber tower, the flow
rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream with bubble cap tray is lower than other trays types in the
absorber tower. In considering with different types of packing, results show that the flow rate of CO2
with ballast ring packing and the flow rate of H2S with Raschig ring packing are lower than other
types of packing. However, in some types such as cascade miniring, Intalox Saddles and pall ring,
there is no difference for the flow rate of CO2 or H2S. In all cases, with increasing the size of the
packing, the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas stream increases, however, this increasing in
the metal packing is very small.

INTRODUCTION 2014). One of these processes is the gas purification process

by amine. The amines are the most generally accepted of
The growing needs of the natural gas in many of the industry the many available solvents for removal acid gas from the
lead to improving the existing processes for welfare of the natural gas streams. First use of the amines for sweeten-
people, energy and pollution control. One of the problems ing of the natural gas was referred to Bottoms who was
in the natural gas processing is the presence of acid gases given a patent in 1930. The amines to be used in the natural
such as CO2 and H2S. According to the contracts, specified gas sweetening include MEA (MonoEthanolAmine),
H2S and CO2 content in the natural gas stream would be DiEthanolAmine (DEA), Tri-EthanolAmine (TEA),
about 4 ppm and 2%, respectively (Stewart and Arnold, DiGlycolAmine (DGA), Methyl-DiEthanolAmine (MDEA)
2011). The presence of these gases in the pipeline can cause (Maddox, 1982).
technical problems (i.e. corrosion), so, before transferring of MDEA is rapidly increasing in importance as a solvent for
the natural gas through pipelines, these acid gases must be the removal of high concentrations of acid gas, particularly
removed. CO2, because of its low energy requirements in regenera-
Many processes have been developed for the removal tor specially, high capacity, excellent stability, and other
of CO2 and H2S from the natural gas in various operat- favorable attributes. On the other hand, capability of MDEA
ing conditions and various CO2 and H2S concentrations for selective reaction with H2S in the presence of CO2 is
in the sour gas (Kohl and Nielsen, 1997; Processors, important. Actually, when CO2 amount to H2S amount be
2004; Rufford et al., 2012; Abdulrahman and Sebastine, high, MDEA is used in this process (Maddox, 1982; Borhani
2013; Muhammad and GadelHak, 2014; Tavan and Tavan, et al., 2016).

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Page 2 of 9 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24

The gas sweetening processes by amine were developed of ethane and CO2 with DEA was studied. In addition to, the
to meet this need for a high pressure, high volume H2S effects of several variables were investigated.
removal process. There are many cases that need to be con- In this work, the simulated gas sweetening unit with
sidered to select a process for gas sweetening. These include: MDEA solvent was studied to improve quality and
– the different impurities to be removed from the natural gas increase efficiency. In this unit, there are two towers,
stream; absorber and regenerator tower. Firstly, the two towers
– the concentration level of these impurities and the desired were studied as tray tower and investigated the effect of
degree of separation would be achieved; trays types such as valve, bubble cap and sieve tray on
– the needed volume of the natural gas and the operation the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the main streams. Then,
conditions of gas are set; the regenerator tower was considered as a tower with bub-
– the feasibility of sulfur recovery to be considered; ble cap trays and the absorber tower was considered as a
– relative economics of the suitable processes to be consid- packed column and the effect of various packing, such as
ered. ballast ring, cascade mini ring, Intalox Saddles, pall rings,
The level of acid gas concentration in the sour gas is an and Raschig rings and the effect of the packing size were
important issue for selecting the proper amine solvent and considered on the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the main
on the other influence on human health. Table 1 shows the streams.
allowable of H2S concentrations for human contact time
(Maddox, 1982).
Abdulrahman and Sebastine (2013) studied the effect of 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS
amine solvents types on the percent of CO2 and H2S in the
sweet gas stream. In their simulation, the optimization of The general process for gas sweetening plant with amine is
process studied by using several amine types and blends of shown in Figure 1. The sour gas always enters the plant
them, for example, MEA and MDEA. Also, they examined through a scrubber to remove any free liquids and entrained
some of the critical factors for amine solvent types, such solid. The sour gas, then, enters the bottom of the absorber
as solvent circulation rate and solvent concentration. tower and flows upward through the tower in intimate coun-
They found that the use of (DEA 35% w/w) is mostly recom- ter current contact with the MDEA amine solution and then
mended. Abu-Zahra et al. (2007a, b) studied a parametric washed with water. Sweet gas cool after exiting the top of
study of the technical and economic performance based on absorption tower, and then into the sweet gas dehydration
MEA. They found that with increasing the MEA concentra- to final use.
tion in the absorption solution, energy savings can be Amine absorbed acid gases with moving downwards and
achieved. Higher efficiency of the regeneration can be seen then rich amine (the amine solution with acid gases) leaves
by increasing the pressure. The costs of CO2 avoided and the bottom of the absorber tower. After this, rich amine
cost of electricity were found to show a shallow minimum enters to flash drum in order to separation gases and then
for specification lean solvent loading. The highest concen- temperature rises through the heat exchanger. Rich amine
tration of MEA, if allowable from the corrosion point of sends to the upper part of regeneration tower and flows
view, can decrease the costs. Cho et al. (2015) studied through the lower section of the tower and heats with reboi-
amine-based acid gas sweetening with an emphasis on ler hot stream and acid gases are released that these gases are
energy minimization. For the implementation of design with amine steam. The gas passes into the condenser to
and optimization of process, the process simulator Aspen become liquid amine and returns to the tower and finally acid
HYSYS was linked to a stochastic optimization algorithm gas comes out through the top of the flash drum. Recovered
within MATLAB. With this configuration and operating amine solution comes out from the bottom of the regenerator
conditions, the reboiler duty was significantly reduced and tower and then, cools with the passage of the heat exchanger
the overall utility costs are decreased. and sent to a storage tank. Then, it mixes with the new amine
Muhammad and GadelHak (2014) extracted the numeri- and in the end, sent to the absorption tower.
cal output of the simulation by experimental design models
for laboratory setups. The key variable and the total cost are
related to the percent of CO2 and H2S in the feed flow rate. 2 SIMULATION OF GAS SWEETENING PLANT
Accordingly, the obtained relation is checked against differ-
ent operating conditions to use for ensure the validity of the The temperature, pressure and total flow rate of feed of the
results. Tavan and Tavan (2014) noted that the absorption of unit (sour gas) is 52 °C and 53.01 barg and 7154.8 kmol/h,
CO2 into DEA is one of the most promising technologies for respectively. The composition of feed, based on mole
CO2 capturing due to its cost effectiveness, and capability of fraction, is given in Table 2. Also, physical properties for
handling large amounts of acid gases. Azeotropic separation the MDEA solvent are shown in Table 3 (Maddox, 1982).
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24 Page 3 of 9

H2S concentration for human contact time (Maddox, 1982).

Period of exposure Parts of H2S per million parts of air (ppm)

Maximum allowable concentration for prolonged exposure 10

Slight symptoms after exposure of several hours 70-150

Maximum concentration that can be inhaled for 1 h without serious 170-300


Dangerous after exposure of 30 min to one hour 400-500

Fatal in exposure of 30 min or less 600-800

Figure 1
Process flow diagram for unit of the gas sweetening with MDEA solution.

The MDEA solvent is clear, colorless liquid and slightly pun- the absorption tower with the total flow rate, temperature
gent. It has lower regeneration cost, lower corrosion rate and and pressure of 448 kg/h, 25 °C and 51.9 barg, respec-
the thermal and chemical degradation resistance. Typical tively. The pressure of first try of absorber tower is
concentration ranges for MDEA are 30%-50% by weight in 51.84 barg and the pressure of the latter tray is 52.32 barg
the aqueous solution and 48% solution was used in this paper. and the pressure drop was calculated as 0.04 barg for two
Sour gas, after passes through the scrubber, enters to consecutive trays. Gas exits from the top of the absorption
bottom of the absorption tower. On the other hand, MDEA tower and then flows into the air cooler-102. The temper-
enters the top of the absorption tower with temperature and ature and pressure of the gas out stream decrease and reach
pressure as equal 55 °C and 53.31 barg, respectively. to 8 °C and 0.4 barg and continue to enter to the two-phase
Another stream containing pure water is into the top of drum. Two phases separate at the operating conditions, the
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Composition of sour gas based on mole fraction.

Component Value Component Value

Methane 0.7124 H2O 0.0023

Ethane 0.1155 Nitrogen 0.0058

Propane 0.0724 CO2 0.0412

i-Butane 0.0122 H2S 2.40E-04

n-Butane 0.0211 M-Mercaptan 4.09E-06

i-Pentane 0.0057 COS 9.53E-07

n-Pentane 0.0055

n-Hexane 0.0056

Physical properties for MDEA solvent.

Component Value Component Value

Formula (HOC2H4)2NCH3 Weight 8.69 lb/gal

Mw 119.17 kg/kmol Specific gravity, 20 °C/20 °C 1.0418

Boiling point at 760 mmHg 477 °F Heat of vaporization 223 Btu/lb

Freezing point 5.8 °F Viscosity at 20 °C 101 cp

Critical pressure 5623 psia Constants for Antoine equation A = 16.23

Critical temperature 611.6 °F B = 7456.8

Density at 20 °C 1.0426 gr/cc C = 311.71

temperature of 52 °C and the pressure of 51.38 barg and drum. The regenerated amine stream comes out from down
the sweet gas leaves from the top of the drum. The bottom the regenerator tower and continues to reduce to 86.18 °C by
flow of absorber tower containing the rich amine enters the heat exchanger. Stream output of the converter into the
into the flash drum, because of there are very small make-up tank with the flow rate of 587.945 kmol/h mixed
amounts of gas in rich amine stream and excess gas with some fresh amine. Finally, MDEA returns to the
leaves the main stream (which is as rich amine) at the oper- absorption tower. Specifications and geometry of the tray
ating temperature and pressure as 63 °C and 5.17 barg, towers and packed towers were shown in Tables 4 and 5,
respectively. The rich amine enters the heat exchanger respectively. Tray tower specifications have fixed for all of
amine – amine as cold fluid and heated by the amine trays. Also, packed tower specifications have fixed for all
regenerated. of packing.
Rich amine stream, after warming by heat exchanger, be
sent in the fourth tray of regenerator tower. The pressure
of first tray is 0.76 barg and the pressure of latter tray is 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
0.79 barg, while the pressure of reboiler of regenerator tower
is 0.83 barg. Sour gas comes out from the top of the regen- 3.1 Validation
erator tower with amine vapor and the temperature reduces
to 55 °C by air cooler and then amine becomes liquid in In this section, the results of our simulation were compared
the operating conditions 55 °C and 0.689 barg and returns with industrial data. The flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the
to the first tray of regenerator tower by pump – 102 with sweet gas stream and the temperature and pressure of this
the pressure of 0.76 barg. Sour gas leaves the top of the flash main stream are listed in Table 6. Error is the ratio of the
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24 Page 5 of 9

Specifications and geometry of the tray towers.

Height (m) Diameter (m) Number of tray Pressure of top tray (barg) Pressure of down tray (barg)

Absorber tower 8 1.5 13 51.84 52.32

Regenerator tower 12 1.5 20 0.76 0.79

Geometry of the packed towers. Comparison of our simulation with industrial data.

Height of packing (m) Diameter (m) Properties Industrial Simulation Error (%)

Absorber tower 8 1.5 H2S (kmol/h) 0.00959 0.01001 4.37

Regenerator tower 12 1.5 CO2 (kmol/h) 170.87 169.41 0.85

Total flow (kmol/h) 7031.8 7029.47 0.033

Temperature (°C) 52 51.8 0.38

difference between the industrial and simulation data to the
industrial data. The error in all cases is less than 5%. Pressure (barg) 51.38 51.55 0.33

3.2 Effect of the Trays Types

In this section, two towers, absorber and regenerator towers This result is valid when in all cases the valve tray was used
were considered as a column with different trays. Trays in the regenerator tower. But when in all cases, the sieve tray
types of towers were studied such as a considered parameter was used in the regenerator tower, the flow rate of CO2 in the
in this section. Three types were used: sieve, valve, and bub- sweet gas stream with valve tray is lower.
ble cap tray. Sieve tray is the simplest type of tray (Fig. 2a). As can be seen in Figure 3b, with considering the different
On these trays, vapor goes to up, through several holes. In trays types in the regenerator tower, while in all these cases
order to create more favorable conditions for the distribution the sieve tray was used in the absorber tower, it can be seen
of steam in the liquid and more contact of these two phases, the flow rate of H2S in the sweet gas stream with bubble cap
valves or caps be installed on the holes, which ones were tray is lower than other trays types in the regenerator tower.
named valve tray and bubble cap tray, respectively This result is valid when in all cases the valve tray was used
(Fig. 2b and 2c). Almost large surface area and small pres- in the absorber tower. But when in all cases, the bubble cap
sure drop are two special properties of these two types of tray was used in the absorber tower, the flow rate of H2S in
trays. Also, they can be used in the different liquid and vapor the sweet gas stream with sieve tray is lower. However, with
flow rates. considering the different trays types in the absorber tower,
Figures 3a and 3b show the flow rates of CO2 and H2S in while in all these cases the bubble cap tray was used in the
the sweet gas stream with different trays in the absorber and regenerator tower, it can be seen the flow rate of H2S in
regenerator towers. Three parts show in the horizontal axis, the sweet gas stream with bubble cap tray is lower than other
which each part is the three different trays in the regenerator trays types in the absorber tower. This result is valid when in
tower, while each part shows three different trays for all cases the bubble cap or valve tray was used in the regen-
absorber tower. As can be seen in Figure 3a, with consider- erator tower. It be noticed that from the lower flow rates of
ing the different trays types in the regenerator tower, while in CO2 and H2S it can be found that the absorption and separa-
all these cases the sieve tray was used in the absorber tower, tion by amine were done as well. In bubble cap tray more
it can be seen the flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream contact between two phases was achieved than other trays,
with bubble cap tray is lower than other trays types in the so less acid gas remains in the sweet gas stream.
regenerator tower. This result is valid when in all cases the
bubble cap or valve tray was used in the absorber tower. 3.3 Effect of the Packing
On the other hand, with considering the different trays
types in the absorber tower, while in all these cases the bub- In this section, the regenerator tower was considered as a
ble cap tray was used in the regenerator tower, it can be seen column with bubble cap trays and the absorber tower
the flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream with bubble cap was considered as a packed column. Packing is differently
tray is lower than other trays types in the absorber tower. classified. The material and size of the packing are the two
Page 6 of 9 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24

a) b) c)

Figure 2
Different types of trays: a) sieve tray, b) valve tray, c) bubble cap tray.

a) b)

Figure 3
Effect of the different trays in the absorber and regenerator on: a) flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream, b) flow rate of H2S in the sweet gas

classified parameters, which that would be considered in the types of packing. The liquid distribution becomes more
next sections. with Raschig ring packing and so, more contact area was
generated between gas and liquid. Also, Figures 4b and 4c
show the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas stream
3.3.1 Effect of the Material of the Packing
for different types of the plastic and metal packing, respec-
In this section, packing is divided into three categories: tively. It can be seen, above results are valid for these two
ceramic, plastic, and metal. Specifications of each material cases. However, in some types such as cascade miniring,
were listed in Table 7. The absorber tower was used with Intalox Saddles, and pall ring there is no difference for the
these different types of the packing and the effects of each flow rate of CO2 or H2S.
packing on the flow rates of CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas Figures 5a and 5b show the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in
stream was studied. In all cases in this section, the size of the sweet gas stream for three material types of the packing,
the packing is 2 inch. metal, ceramic, and plastic with ballast ring and Raschig ring
Figure 4a shows the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the sweet packing. When the ceramic ballast ring packing was used,
gas stream for different types of the ceramic packing. It can the flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream is less than
be seen, there is a little difference in all cases. However, the the metal and plastic packing, while the flow rate of H2S
flow rate of CO2 with ballast ring packing and the flow in the sweet gas stream with metal Raschig ring packing is
rate of H2S with Raschig ring packing are lower than other more than other types of the packing.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24 Page 7 of 9

Specifications of the different materials of the packing.

Metal packing Plastic packing Ceramic packing

Corrosion resistant and usable for acidic

Unusable for corrosive environments Corrosion resistant and alkaline environments

High mechanical strength High mechanical strength Low mechanical strength

Usable for high temperature Limited use at high temperature Usable for high temperature

Suitable wettability Limited wettability Suitable wettability


b) c)

Figure 4
Effect of the different types of packing in the absorber tower on the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas stream for: a) ceramic packing,
b) plastic packing, c) metal packing.

3.3.2 Effect of the Size of Packing of the packing, contact area increases and so, the lower
The size of the packing is an effective parameter in the amount amount of CO2 remains in the sweet gas stream.
of the empty space inside the absorber tower and so, more
contact area of natural gas with amine solvent. Figures 6a 3.4 Effect of the Tower Types
and 6b show the flow rate of the CO2 and H2S the sweet
gas stream with plastic, metal, and ceramic Raschig rings In this section, the performance of the towers was studied
packing with different sizes. It can be seen, in all cases, with with the flow rate of CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas stream
increasing the size of the packing, the flow rate of CO2 and in two types of towers, tray and packed towers. In the previ-
H2S in the sweet gas stream increases, however, this increas- ous sections, it found that the better performance (lower flow
ing in the metal packing is very small. With decreasing the size rate of CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas stream) has been
Page 8 of 9 Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24

a) b)

Figure 5
a) The flow rate of CO2 and b) H2S in the sweet gas stream with ballast ring and Raschig ring packing with different materials.

a) b)

Figure 6
Effect of the size of the packing in the absorber tower on: a) the flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream, b) the flow rate of H2S in the sweet gas

a) b)

Figure 7
Effect of the tower types on the flow rate of a) CO2 and b) H2S in the sweet gas stream.
Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles (2017) 72, 24 Page 9 of 9

achieved with bubble cap tray for tray towers and with REFERENCES
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– the flow rate of H2S in the sweet gas stream with bubble Rufford T.E., Smart S., Watson G.C.Y., Graham B.F., Boxall J.,
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other types of packing;
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and pall ring there is no difference for the flow rate of CO2 J. CO2 Utilization 5, 24-32.
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– when the ceramic ballast ring packing was used, the flow
rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream is less than the metal
and plastic packing; Manuscript submitted in February 2017
– with increasing the size of the packing, the flow rate of Manuscript accepted in June 2017
CO2 and H2S in the sweet gas stream increases; Published online in September 2017
– the flow rate of CO2 in the sweet gas stream with bubble
cap tray tower is less than the packed tower;
– the flow rate of H2S in the sweet gas stream with bubble
cap tray is more than the packed tower.

Cite this article as: A. Sharifi and E.O. Amiri (2017). Effect of the Tower Type on the Gas Sweetening Process, Oil Gas Sci. Technol

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