KXK BG Factorial Designs
KXK BG Factorial Designs
KXK BG Factorial Designs
This time try to “draw the boxes” (be sure to label each IV and specify each or
its conditions) based on the description of the design -- whatever IV is
described first will define the rows
Clinician Clin. Grad. Soc. Club
Respond like a ..
Acute depressive
Chronic depressive
“Fake” depressive
Statistical Analysis of kxk Factorial Designs
Only a couple of differences from the 2x2
1. Tell IVs and DV 2. Present data in table or figure
3. Determine if the interaction is significant
• if it is, describe it in terms of one of the sets of simple effects
using LSD mmd to compare the cell means
4. Determine whether or not the first main effect is significant
• if so, describe it using LSD mmd compare 3+ marginal means
• determine if that main effect is descriptive or misleading
5. Determine whether or not the second main effect is significant
• if so, describe it using LSD mmd compare 3+ marginal means
• determine if that main effect is descriptive or misleading
The omnibus ANOVA for the kxk is the same as for the 2x2
Things to notice:
• There is a single error term that is used for all the Fs
• All of the effects are equally “powerful” except for sample size
differences (stat power)
The LSD follow-ups are a little different than for the 2x2
• the 2x2 uses the LSD only for comparing cell means
• describe the simple effects to explicate the interaction pattern
• not needed for MEs , since they involve only 2 conditions
• the kxk uses the LSD for comparing cell & marginal means
• different LSD mmd values are computed for different effects
• if the interaction is significant, then an LSD is computed to
compare the cell means -- describe SEs, interaction, etc.
• If a ME with 2 conditions is significant - no LSD needed
• If a ME with 3 or more conditions is significant, then LSD is
computed to compare the marginal means of that ME
Be sure to use the proper “n” to compute each LSD
• “n” = mean number of data points used to compute the
means being compared (more on demo sheet)
What statistic is used for which factorial effects????
Male Female
30 30 30
20 30 25
Back to Æ 100 males and 100 females completed the Quick Accurate Both None
task, either under instructions to work quickly, work
accurately, to work as quickly as possible without Male
making unnecessary errors or no instructions. Female