MT & Acting Video Submission: Important Details
MT & Acting Video Submission: Important Details
MT & Acting Video Submission: Important Details
Important Details:
The video should be shot with good lighting and a solid background. A wall works just fine.
Please make sure the audio is clear.
It should be a three-quarter shot for your slate and a full body shot for audition songs/monologues.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no need for a professional videographer, your cell phone and a friend filming
works just fine.
Please state your name
(College Students Only: Your school, year in school)
Please present two contrasting 16/32 bar cuts. You may use a track or an accompanist. Please make sure
the audio is clear and your choices put your best and most marketable self forward. Please don't feel the
need to sing legit and contemporary. If your wheelhouse is in one or the other there are other ways to
present contrasting pieces.
Please present two contrasting 1 minute monologues or any combination not exceeding 2 minutes. Our
preference is one classical and one contemporary.
The dance portion of your submission is optional. If you excel as a dancer, go ahead and add in this
portion of the video. We'd like to see 90 seconds of a Musical Theatre Jazz combo, we do not need to see
tap. You should wear whatever clothing best shows your physique.
Videos must be received by November 15th, 2019. Decisions will be sent out on a rolling basis.