In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the
October 2019
definitely not done single-handed but to work together, the researchers would like
to thank their parents, friends, students and teachers for putting up efforts in
understanding the process of this study. They’d been infallible supportive and
The researchers would truly express their feeling and appreciation to Ms.
without her knowledge and ability to advice, expertise, and encouragement to us.
This research would not have happened and we have no knowledge about it and
were influential and essential throughout the process of the research study.
Also, to God Almighty who gives us strengths to work hard and guiding us
Last but not the least, the researchers would like to build up their
appreciation to those people who were not mentioned here but are part of the
Providing the needs of the numerous students is hard especially when the
school only offers one canteen. The majority looks forward for the additional
school canteen so that their needs can be helped thus, the purpose of this
research is to showcase that having additional canteen are more convenient and
helpful in providing the needs of the students as the study conducted is entitled,
Additional School Canteen: Aid to the needs of the numerous students of Holy
the study in which 10 participants from different Grade levels were interviewed;
relying on what time they are available. Out from the activity, six emergent
canteen; Two is better than one; Techniques that students’ always doing on
The results of the interview revealed that having one canteen is not enough to
the students’ population is highly increasing. This is also the reason why the
canteens’ staffs are having a hard time on serving the students’ needs. This cause
the students on pushing each other that might result to some serious fights. The
and well-being through its curriculum in schools and range initiatives that offer
opportunities for physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food.
The importance of this study is to know and voice out the student’s opinions
about having one canteen and how it affects to them. And also, to avoid
The reason why the researchers came up with this idea is because they
Due to the price hikes, the number of students who buy from the school
buy expensive foods from the canteen, but would rather bring their own recess and
lunch. As a result of limited students buying from the school canteen, the income
that the canteen workers receive will be reduced, causing financial strains for
newspaper to get involved in a petition that would make all schools accountable,
under a governing body, to put a price cap on all things sold in a canteen. This
petition is due to the fact that workers are overseeing the prices of food and drink,
which is happening with the canteen workers in our school canteen, and the prices
increase. In this petition, all schools will be monitored and brought to a level that
is feasible for all parents, primarily run by independent franchisees. Further to this
note, it would be great to see the NSW Government provide students with a school
allowance, which can be used for internal school functions such as excursions,
buying from school canteens etc. Independent schools can also use a school
allowance when receiving food from their school cafeteria, rather than paying daily
or weekly.
It would be great if the NSW government can take a survey and a poll, to
see whether other students around NSW are facing these issues at their own
school. Through this process, the NSW Government can clearly identify those
school canteens who are raising the prices of foods way above what the average
price should be. The Government can, therefore, reduce the prices of the foods
students and help ensure appropriate food intake. (O’Toole, Anderson, Miller &
Guthrie, 2007). Food items sold in and around the school during school
hours/recess play a special role in school life because it provides refreshment and
fulfills energy requirements of students. It has an impact on curricular and co-
curricular activities and well-being of students and the school community. Food
It is essential that food is properly handled and prepared to keep it fit for
health. Food should be served in clean dishes. The food required to be kept hot
should be hot, and the food required to be served cool should be kept cool. As
many government schools in Pakistan have no canteen facilities for the students.
Various people (Private Hawkers) sell a variety of food items in and around schools
during school hours and recess. However, there is a need to look into such
practices for its effective and for efficient functioning and services to students and
the school community. Students need to be educated to look into the nutritional
value of such foods and develop healthy choices. Students are investing a part of
their pocket money into buying food items in and around schools. They need to be
taught to see what they are getting in return. There is need for schools to provide
the foods sold in and around the schools can contribute to develop healthy food
what is being sold to students. Strategies can be developed for improving the
quality and service of various types of foods available in and around the schools
Mitchell, & Dachner, 2012). However, aside from recent research on the clients of
Maximova, & Willows, 2016), there has been relatively little examination of this
phenomenon among Canadian students (Burley & Awad, 2015) and can create
vulnerability to income-related shocks that may affect access to food and other
basic needs. Several factors likely underlie precarious finances among students,
secondary institutions, which has contributed to rising tuition fees over recent years
universities rose by 40% on average from 2006 to 2016 (Statistics Canada, 2016).
by the high costs of rental housing (Burley & Awad, 2015). Cross-sectional
research in Australia and the United States suggests that food insecurity affects
(Chaparro, Zaghloul, Holck, & Dobbs, 2009; Gallegos, Ramsey, & Ong, 2013;
Hughes, Serebryanikova, Donaldson, & Leveritt, 2011; Maroto, Snelling, & Linck,
to food-secure students (Gaines, Robb, Knol, & Sickler, 2014; Gallegos et al.,
2013; Maroto et al., 2014; Munro, Quayle, Simpson, & Barnsley, 2013; Payne-
Sturges, Tjaden, Caldeira, Vincent, & Arria, 2017). Further, though they did not
and Roberts (2013) demonstrates that higher levels of student debt are associated
with higher levels of stress among students and a higher likelihood of experiencing
poor mental health and depression (Richardson et al., 2013). A recent survey of
Exchange suggested that almost two in five students experience food insecurity,
with perceived negative impacts on physical and mental health (Silver thorn, 2016).
collected in Canada and the United States with food-insecure low-income families
(Alaimo, 2005; Campbell, 1991; Campbell & Desjardins, 1989; Rose, 1999),
term food shortages or adapt to chronic food insecurity over time. It is not known,
however, to what extent this model aligns with the experience of food insecurity
Canada has yet to incorporate students’ lived experiences and perceptions, and
has not focused on barriers specific to higher education nor on implications for
among this population and to inform policy and program actions. Using Alaimo’s
food, strategies for managing shortages, and perspectives regarding the impact of
The idea that healthy food costs more than junk food is something I hear a
lot. Students tell me they’d like to eat better but can’t afford to. There is a strong
belief that cooking from scratch costs a fortune, and with takeaway meals priced
The past decade has seen increased media attention on healthy diets, and
stories about the cost of healthy eating are also on the rise, all of which influence
public perception. Some studies comparing the price per calorie of foods suggest
less healthy foods are often cheaper, but they don’t tell the whole story. The
Consider the example of two pots of chocolate dessert, one regular and one
with less fat. Using the price-per-calorie measure, the lower-fat dessert appears
more expensive than the regular pot, because it contains fewer calories. But
studies comparing the price per unit weight of food from the same food group
suggest healthy options are often cheaper – for example, 200g of chickpeas versus
200g of bacon. The latter is a more meaningful measure because most people
buying food think about the quantity they are buying rather than how many calories
of obesity has tripled since 1975. According to the World Health Organization,
more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight, of which 650m are obese.
foods. High levels of sugar, fat and salt put children at increased risk of type 2
diabetes and heart disease, not to mention tooth extraction. Perhaps more
worryingly, habits formed in childhood seem to stick for life. This is a tragedy
because these problems are avoidable. It is possible to eat healthily for less –
much less – than the price of a cheeseburger. The crux of the issue is not cost, but
because of the price of meat, fish and dairy, the rise of “super foods” and the higher
cost of organic produce. Yet nutritious food needn’t cost the Earth. Chia-seed
– is cheap as chips.
food's taste, smell, appearance, and texture declines, and an effect commonly
foods available can increase overall food intake. This effect has been observed
across both genders and across multiple age groups, although there is some
disorganized versus organized can increase intake. It has been suggested that this
in a single food, and increased dietary variety increases the likelihood of meeting
nutritional requirements for various vitamins and minerals. Kahn et al. (2004) The
School canteen or lunch order plays a vital role in providing children with a variety
of healthier food which can be cost effective. In general a menu should offer your
customers several items that remain the same, with variety provided by specials
that are for sale only at certain times or on certain days of the week. It will also
make it easier for your staff to order and buy the food needed. Quigley & Watts
(2005) the results of the study will provide insights and information on the factors
identify why students‟ choose to buy food at the local hawkers instead of the school
canteen. The result of the study will benefit the students in giving variety of food
choices that is suitable to their preferences. This also aims to help the School
Canteen Operators to enhance the menu that will be patronized by the students.
Research shows that students who are well nourished at school are more likely to
attend school, have better behavior and better long term academic outcomes.
According to Okely et al. (2006), the canteen can model healthier food
choices that are tasty, interesting and affordable. This can influence food choices
at school and in the wider community. Mahreen assessed that students are
investing a part of their pocket money into buying food items in and around schools.
They need to be taught to see what they are getting in return. (2010) the objective
of this study is to understand and take into consideration the other factors
food. This is also for the canteen operators to gather evaluations from students in
order to maintain or improve their menu. There is a need for canteen operators
quality, variety and other variables that concerns their satisfactions. The students'
participation in planning school canteen meal will help the canteen operators
improve their menu, taking into considerations their preferences. With this, the
school canteen operators will find it easier to create menu that is cost effective and
adaptable to the students. It is important for the canteen to have standard recipes
with strict quantities of ingredients and standard serving sizes in order to accurately
price recipes, for example a consistent quantity of filling each time for sandwiches.
practices, a canteen can provide healthy foods and also be financially viable. The
different snack and drink products are sold. A school utilizes a canteen to meet
the food and nutritional needs of its students in order for them to have the energy
in to accomplish the task that they would do for the day. The Department of
through its curriculum in schools and range initiatives that offer opportunities
for physically fit individuals who love eating healthy food. Schools are
and healthy food among students, faculty and the school personnel, making it
possible for them to enjoy nutritious and healthy food at affordable prices
during the school day. The canteen should also provide the students variety of
foods and dishes that enhance their skills and knowledge (DepEd Order No. 8 of
service quality provided to students. For instance, a lot of students complain about
the price of canteen products because it is too pricey, hence, the students
students also recommend a more spacious venue for canteen because most of
the time it is crowded. There are also various experiences and complaints from
students regarding the kind or variety of foods display in the canteen. Hence, the
service quality provided to students at MCHS where the findings would serve as
Statement of Intent
Having only one canteen with the increasing population of the students in
Holy Cross of Bunawan is quite uncomfortable, thus this study aims to answer the
following questions.
1. What are the insights of the students about the food price of the canteen at
2. What are the challenges encountered by the students in choosing what food
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the high food expense in
This study will help to find out the student’s sentiments on having additional
school canteens. Hence, the following are the significance of the study:
so that they would be able to know the sentiments of the students on having
To the teachers. That the findings of this study may offer the useful insights
about the students’ opinions on having additional school canteens. This may also
give them ideas on how the students view the importance of such and that they
To the future researchers, that they may use this research as the
This chapter will state the methods applied by the researchers in data
gathering. This also includes the accounts of the research setting, the
participants particularly the high school students, measures, and procedures that
are used.
very useful when researchers want to know, regarding events, who were
involved, what was involved, and where did things take place. (Lambert &
Lambert, 2012)
far from or into the data; and, does not require a conceptual or highly abstract
The researchers used Qualitative Method in the study through looking
addition, it is a social science research that collects and works with non-
numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that helps to
understand the social life through the study of target populations or place
(Crossman, 2017).
(David, & Sutton, 2004). The researcher has a list of key themes, issues, and
questions to be covered. In this type of interview, the order of the questions can
The study was conducted inside a private school which is Holy Cross of
The participants of the study qualified to the given criteria; first, the
helps to build and maintain a close relationship and thus improve the open and
sampling where members of the target population that meet certain practical
time, or the willingness to participate are included for the purpose of the study
Neale, 2006).
main questions with three sub-questions each. The questionnaire has gone
through validation by the experts before used and has gained 4.36 score, as the
total summary rating, passing the required score for validation. In-depth
Data Analysis
Thematic analysis was used to analyze data, one of the common forms of
important similar answers of the participants to come up with clear and concise
themes for the study. There are six steps in doing the thematic analysis
according to Braun and Clarke (2006): first, familiarizing the data given by the
responders; second, generating initial codes; third, searching for themes; fourth,
reviewing themes; fifth, defining and naming themes; then finally, producing the
the emerging themes out from the in-depth interview conducted to the
During the in-depth interview with the participants on the subject additional
Bunawan, Inc., it was affirmed that additional school canteen is a need to help
the school provide the necessities of the numerous students. As the students’
students. According to Student 4, “Kuan lisod… kay kung isa lang, dili man gud
lalim pud mag kuan kay pila ra kabuok ang—ang tindera tapos daghan kaayong
estudyante. Mas gwapo man gung duha kay pwede siya mahati-hati… di ang
uban sa pikas, ang uban sa pikas.”. Student 10 said, ”Dili, dili ko fine kay dili man
gud siya na… isa lang jud sya ka-canteen labaw na daghan na kaayo’g…
daghan kaayo’g students diri-a sa Holy Cross.”. Student 9 said, ”Yes I agree kay
kailangan man jud kay siya kay daghan na gud tag population sa estudyante gud
kailangan na jud siya.” In additional, “Ang maingon lang nako kay lisod kay siya
kay daghan gug estudyante dapat naa daghan- naa juy canteen… Duha kabuok
canteen, ana.” And “Kuan difficulties kanang maglisod ug cater ang canteen kay
Students are facing different struggles and difficulties daily in the canteen
just so they can buy and provide their necessity. Student 7 said, “No, kay nay
hassle kay taas kaayong linya. Most especially pag kanang naay program unya
jud kaayo.” Student 10 said, “Mga singit-singit.” Student 3 claimed,” So, mao
kanang, dili makapalit, kulangan sa time and kuan o, mao to siya.” Student 5
said,” Yes ate kay na- katong naexperience man gud nako kagahapon kay
tapos naa man to`y kanang Senior High nisingit so mao to. Nadugay mig maayo
especially that the time for recess is only 15 minutes and the stated time will
Having one school canteen is very inconvenient for us students.” Student 1 said,
“Ano jud, time. Kay ano man gud kay, third floor man gud amoang room. Tapos
kanang five minutes… kay kanang… five minutes diba? Ang first recess five
minutes, mubaba ka… fifteen, mubaba ka, mga three minutes, tas pag-abot nimo
didto daghan pa jud kaayo’g tao, tapos mag-singit-singit pa jud tapos basta
dugay kayo. So, time jud, time.” Student 4 said, “Dili. Kay kuan nakatesting man
gud ko’g kaisa na kanang naglinya mi tapos naabtan nala’g bell… dili na
mahatagan kay kuan naman diba, pag bell na kay pahawaon naman sa guard
students kay naa man tay limited time for recess time or kanang makapalit lang
gud ta. Kanang kuan siya, inconvenience siya kay…of course kanang ang Holy
Cross of Bunawan ng… have kuan kanang daghan siya’g population and then
only one canteen kay kuan siya, makacause siya ug inconvenience sa students,
especially kanang dili man jud maiwasan ang kanang singit-singit nga kuan so
kung naa nalang tay isa ka-canteen, ang time na gihatag sa ato-a sa kanang
makulang gud siya. And then kuan, naay tendency na ang mga students like us
kay kanang dili gyud dili makapalit, dili makakaon, ana gud. So…” Student 10
said, “Ang difficulties nila kay… kana ging makakuan sila ban a dili sila makapalit
na jud on time pabalikon na sila sa room di sila makakaon tas kana ging nay…
naay musingit.”
population is highly increasing, thus this could cater the students’ population.
According to Student 1, “Ah, dako jud kayo sya’g benefits kay para naa gud kay
choices gud. Or kanang para ma—ano jud ba nga kanang inig pag recess is
ma—ano jud, ma-cater jud tanan.” Student 5 said, “So… Mao to te, mao ra
gihapon. Mas makapalit ang tanan kanang dili na maglisod sa pag… pagsigeg
hulat sa linya ug kanang mahatagan na sila sa ilang mga needs.” Student 4 said,
“Oo. Kay kanang dako man pud ang tabang sa mga estudyante kay kanang mas
dako-dako na nuon silag time na makakaon ug kanang, kuan jud kanang dili na
sila maglisod ug kanang kuan dili na sila gutom. Ang uban kay magrecess kay
gutumon kanang dili na hinuon makapalit.” Student 3 said, “Yes, I would agree
kay based on my experienced last year na naay school canteen. Kay kuan ma—
student kay kanang ang time nga gihatag kay kuan gud, magamit gud namo
dayon. Para dili madamay ang ubang kuan ba na subject.” Student 10 said, “Ang
benefits na makuha sa pag mag… mag addition na siya kay dili na siya ma-
trouble di siya ma-trouble baskig kinsa tas pag naay additional canteen dili na
siya maubusa’g time labaw na na gamay ra kaayo’g time mupalit tas pagka-lunch
pud usahay dili napud makapalit maka… mura siya’g ihati nalang ang ano nila ba
mahati sila kung ang Junior diraa tas ang uban pud didtoa pud sa pikas
The students always find their ways just to buy foods and their other
ganon.” Student 5 said, “Kanang sa ano, sa sobra kadaghan sa mupalit kay dili
na sila makapalit usahay, ana. Kanang… magpapalit nalang sila sa uban aron
makakaon sila.” Student 3 said, “Well sa akoa kay, kuan naman jud dugay-dugay
naman jud ko diri so murag kanang nakabantay na gyud ko ana. So, kuan nalang
every morning kay dili hahaha… dili nalang jud ko mupalit sa canteen. Magpalit
There are some situation that the students went overboard that sometimes
they go against the rules and regulation of the school canteen. According to
Student 5, “Okay lang man na isa lang ang canteen na at the same time dili pud
kay naay uban na maabtan nalang sa time niya kanang dili makapalit kay kanang
naay nisingit sa akong atubangan so siyampre ako nga ning first ko ning linya so
kanang murag malain guro ko as a tigpalit kanang ana gud kanang dapat kanang
i—istrict gud na nga policy kay kuan man pud gud kanang tagbaw’g hula tang
kanang estudyante then naa lang dayon musingit, ana-ana gud.” Student 6 said,
“Kanang kuan, gikasuk-an ko nga kuan naningit daw ko. Kay nganong dili ko
This chapter provides the discussion and analysis of the data gathered
Direction: This tool will measure the validity of the questionnaire made by the
researchers that will serve as the instrument to collect data needed to answer the
questions related to the study.
You are requested to give your authentic assessment using the criteria listed
below. Please encircle the scale that best fit to your answer. Thank you.
1. What are the insights of the students of having mono canteen at Holy
Cross of Bunawan?
a) What can you say about having only one school canteen?
c) Is it okay for you that the canteen doesn’t have “First come, first serve”
policy? Why?
2. What are the challenges encountered by the students of having only one
3. How can additional canteens help the students’ needs of the growing
a) What are the benefits you can get in having additional canteens?
b) Would you agree if the school will add more canteens? Why do you
say so?
Position: __________________________
To the Evaluator: This tool asks for you evaluation of the questionnaire to be
used in the data gathering for our study, to establish its validity. You are
requested to give your honest assessment using the criteria stated below; please
check (/) on the appropriate box for your rating.
Point Equivalent:
5 – Excellent 3 – Good 1 – Poor
4 – Very Good 2 – Fair
5 4 3 2 1
Clarity of Language. The vocabulary level,
language structure and conceptual level of the
questions suits the level of respondents. The items
are written in clear and understandable manner.
Presentation/Organization of Topics. The items
presented are organized in a logical manner.
Suitability of Items. The items appropriately
represent the substance of the research. The
questions are designed to determine condition,
knowledge, perception and attitude that are
supposed to be measured.
Adequateness of Purpose. The instrument as a
whole fulfills the objectives for which it was
Attainment of Purpose. The instrument as a whole
fulfills the objectives for which it was constructed.
Respondents Friendliness. Does the questionnaire
create a positive impression, one that motivates
respondents to answer it?
Objectivity. No aspect of the questionnaire
suggests bias on the part of the researchers.
13 September 2019
We, the researchers of Grade 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes, ABM strand are
currently conducting a research study entitled, ADDITIONAL SCHOOL
CROSS OF BUNAWAN, INC. as part of our curriculum with Ms. Jade Jazel C.
Rosales, our research teacher and Mr. Angelo P. Marqueza, our research
We are looking forward that our request would merit your positive response.
October 1, 2019
The researchers of Grade 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes, ABM strand eho are
presently proposing the study entitled, “ADDITIONAL SCHOOL CANTEEN: AID
BUNAWAN, INC.” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research
Your positive response is a vital help for the success of the study.
Thank you and God bless
This informed consent form is for the Grade 11 senior high school students,
enrolled in Holy Cross of Bunawan, Incorporated. The said students will be
invited to participate in a research study entitled “Additional School Canteen:
Aid to the needs of numerous students in Holy Cross of Bunawan, Inc.”
1. Information Sheet (to share information about the study with you)
2. Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you choose to participate)
Before you decide, you may discuss anything in this form with your parents or
friends or you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about the research.
This consent from may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask
anyone from the researchers to stop as we go through the information and we
will take time to explain. If you have questions later, you can ask the researchers.
Participant Selection
The participants of this study has been chosen using the convenience sampling
method and was guided by this criteria; first, the respondent must be a high
school student; second, the respondent must be enrolled in Holy Cross of
Bunawan, Incorporated; third, the respondent must a regular customer of the
Voluntary Participation
Using the Convenience sampling method and guided by the criteria, the 10
respondents are chosen. We are inviting you to participate in this research. If you
agree, you will be asked to answer interview questions.
All who wish to agree will participate in an interview with us for more one to two
hours. During the interview, one of the researchers will assemble with you in a
comfortable place. The interview can take place in your home or a friend’s home.
If you do not wish to answer any of the questions during the interview, you may
say so and the interviewer will move on to the next question. No one else but us
will be present unless you would like someone else to be there.
This information recorded is confidential, and no one else except the researchers
of this study will access to the information documented during your interview. The
entire interview will be tape-recorded, but no-one will be identified by name on
the tape. The researchers will also be taking down notes using pen and paper
during the interview. The tape or the recorded file will be kept in a place where
only the researchers can access, like a coded safe. The tapes will be destroyed
after 5 years.
If you participate in this research, you will have the following benefits: As a
student, this research would give you scheme on how helpful and convenient to
have additional canteen in buying your snacks during break time, as a
participant, you can help by suggesting your ideas about having additional school
canteen. There may not be any rigid benefit for you but your participation is likely
to help us find answers to the research questions. There may not be any benefit
to the society at this stage of the research, but future generations are likely to
There will be no reimbursement of costs.
With this research, something out of the ordinary is being done in your school. It
is possible that if others in the school community are aware that you are
participating, they may ask you questions. We will not be sharing the identity of
those participating in the research.
The information that we collect from this research project will be kept confidential.
Information about you that will be collected during the research will be put away
and no-one but the researchers will be able to see it. Any information about you
will have a codename on it instead of your name. Only the researchers will know
what your codename is and we will lock that information up with a lock and key.
Nothing that you tell us today will be shared with anybody outside the research
team, and nothing will be attributed to you by name. However the results will be
published in our manuscript or journals so that other interest people may learn
from the research.
You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so, and
choosing to participate you will not affect you. You may stop participating u=in
this research without the need to explain your reasons.
Who to Contact
If you have any questions now, you can ask us. If you wish to ask questions later,
you may contact and ask Mr. Angelo P. Marqueza, our research adviser.
Questions and inquiries about any parts of the research study will be entertained
if you wish to do. Do you have questions?
I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have had the
opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been asked have
been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a participant in this