Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Lecture Plan
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Lecture Plan
Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Lecture Plan
8. Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO), Delivery
and Assessment Methods:
Course Learning Programme Learning Outcomes Delivery Method Assessment KPI
Outcomes (CLO) (PLO) Method
CLO 1 C3 Assignment 1, 100% students
Lecture, Tutorial Tests & obtain at least
Examination 40% marks
CLO 2 C3 Assignment 2, 100% students
Lecture, Tutorial Tests& obtain at least
Examination 40% marks
CLO 3 C3 Tests,
Lecture, Tutorial Examination & 100% students
obtain at least
Group Project
Edisi : 5 / No. Semakan : 1
Lampiran A
where, L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical/Laboratory, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F = Non
Face to Face.