AEC Objective Question and Answer
AEC Objective Question and Answer
AEC Objective Question and Answer
A. 288 kA
B. 2 kA
C. 50 mA
D. 500 A
3. A color code of orange, orange, orange is for what ohmic value?
A. 22 kilohms
B. 3300 ohms
C. 44000 ohms
D. 33 kilohms
4. The source is 24 volts and the load resistance is 100 . What is the load current?
A. 2.4 A
B. 240 mA
C. 24 mA
D. 2.4 mA
5. Select the equation below that represents the relationship between charge, capacitance, and voltage for
a capacitor.
A. Q = CV
B. C = QV
D. V = IR
A. 1 F
B. 12 F
C. 0.615 F
D. 8 F
7. A capacitor stores energy within a dielectric between the conducting plates in the form of:
A. a magnetic field
B. positive voltage
C. negative voltage
D. an electric field
B. decrease
B. Decrease
Explanation: We get maximum energy when capacitors are connected in parallel because the equivalent
capacitance is larger than the largest individual capacitance when connected in parallel. The relation
between capacitance and energy is: Energy=CV2/2, hence as the capacitance increases, the energy stored
in it also increases.
11. The electrical energy consumed by a coil is stored in the form of:
A. an electrical field
B. a force field
C. an electrostatic field
D. a magnetic field
B. 300 mH
C. 900 mH
D. 1700 mH
A. 12 mH
B. 6 mH
C. 0.73 mH
D. 0 mH
15. Calculate the value of stored energy in an inductor if the value of inductance is 20H and 4A of current
flows through it.
a) 220J
b) 150J
c) 190J
d) 160J
1. Volt
2. Watt
3. Coulomb
4. Ampere
a) Volt
b) Watt
c) Coulomb
d) Ampere
a) Volt
b) Watt
c) Coulomb
d) Ampere
19. Unit of resistance is:
1. Volt
2. Watt
3. Ohms
4. Ampere
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Answer: c
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Answer: b
Answer: a
Explanation: Q=cv. Q-charge, V-voltage, c-capacitance.
Answer: a
Explanation: Any small change in voltage occurs within zero time across the gives an infinite current
which is practically impossible. So, in a fixed capacitor, the voltage cannot change abruptly.
Answer: b
Explanation: Any small change in current occurs within zero time across the gives an infinite voltage
which is practically impossible. So, in a fixed inductor, the voltage cannot change abruptly.
Answer: d
Explanation: E=∫p dt
=∫ LI*(dI/dt).dt
= L∫I dI
= ½ LI2.
Answer: c
Explanation: The unit for inductance is ‘Henry’ and capacitance is ‘Faraday’.
B. I = V/R
C. R = IV
D. R = V/I
2. A 10 ohms resistor is powered by a 5-V battery. The current flowing through the source is:
a) 10 A
b) 50 A
c) 2A
d) 0.5 A
1. 50 Ω
2. 5Ω
3. 10 Ω
4. 2Ω
B. the algebraic sum of the resistances is equal to the sum of the voltages
C. the algebraic sum of the individual currents around a closed loop is zero
D. the voltages developed across each element in a series circuit are identical
Answer: Option A
a) i1=i2=i3=i4=i5
b) i1+i4+i3=i5+i2
c) i1-i5=i2-i3-i4
d) i1+i5=i2+i3+i4
Explanation: According to KVL, the sum of the voltage over any closed loop is equal to 0.
10. If there are 3 Resistors R1, R2 and R3 in series and V is total voltage and I is total current then Voltage
across R2 is
a) V R3/ R1 + R2 + R3
b) V R2/ R1 + R2 + R3
c) V R1/R1 + R2 + R3
d) V
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Answer: b
Explanation: V2 =I R2
= V R2/ R1 + R2 + R3.
Explanation: The star connection is also known as the Y-connection because its formation is like the letter
13.Which elements behave as an open circuit especially under the consideration of d.c. quantities?
a. Inductors
b. Resistors
c. Capacitors
d. All of the above
ANSWER: (c) Capacitors
A. 1A, 1A, 1A
B. 1A, 2A, 3A
C. 3A, 3A, 3A
D. 3A, 2A, 1A
Answer: Option A
V = IR
V = I(R1 + R2 + R3)
I = V/(R1 + R2 + R3)
= 9/(3 + 3 + 3)
= 9/9
= 1 Amp.
15.A short circuit has:
A. too much resistance
B. no conductance
C. no resistance
D. low current
Answer: Option C
B. I2 x R
C. V x I
D. I x R
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option B
Answer: d
Explanation: All the resistors are in parallel, so the voltage across each resistor is the same V.
i1=V/7 ,i2 =V/3 , i3=V/5.By current law , 50A = V/7 + V/3 + V/5. On solving, we obtain V and then
values of i1,i2, i3.
21. For the circuit below , find the voltage across 5Ω resistor and the current through it
a) 1.93 V
b) 2.83 V
c) 3.5 V
d) 5.7 V
Answer: b
Explanation: Here all the resistors are connected in parallel and let the voltage be V. Hence, i15=V/15 ,
i5=V/5 , i2=V/2 , i1=V/1. By kirchhoff’s current law, V/15 + V/5 + V/2 V/1 +5 = 10. On solving equation,
we obtain the value of V. As all resistors are in parallel, voltage across each is same as V.
22. Determine the current through the resistor R3 shown in the figure using KCL
a) 25mA
b) 10mA
c) 20mA
d) 35mA
Answer: a
Explanation: Using KCL , 60mA = 10mA + 25mA + i3.
a) 2A
b) 1A
c) 3A
d) 0.5A
Answer: c
Explanation: By applying the KCL at the node in the circuit , 5A = 2A +i3.
Answer: a
Explanation: Resistance is directly proportional to sqaure of voltage and inversely proportional to the
Answer: d
Explanation: Ohm’s law is not applicable to semi-conductors and insulators.
1. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other voltage
sources are ____________
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
Answer: a
Explanation: In superposition theorem when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other
voltage sources are shorted and current sources are opened.
2. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one current source, all the other voltage
sources are ____________
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
Answer: a
Explanation: In superposition theorem, whether we consider the effect of a voltage or current source,
voltage sources are always shorted and current sources are always opened.
3. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other current
sources are ____________
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
Answer: b
Explanation: In superposition theorem when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other
current sources are opened and voltage sources are shorted.
4. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one current source, all the other current
sources are ____________
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
Answer: b
Explanation: In superposition theorem, whether we consider the effect of a voltage or current source,
current sources are always opened and voltage sources are always shorted.
5. In the circuit shown, find the current through 3Ω resistor using Superposition theorem.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
Explanation: Considering the voltage source 20V, 5A current source is open circuited.
6. The Thevenin voltage is the__________
a) Open circuit voltage
b) Short circuit voltage
c) Open circuit and short circuit voltage
d) Neither open circuit nor short circuit voltage
Answer: a
Explanation: Thevenin voltage is obtained by opening the specified terminals so it is open circuit voltage.
It is not the short circuit voltage because if specified terminals are shorted voltage is equal to zero.
10.Consider the circuit shown below. The expression of Thevenin’s voltage (VTh) is?
a) V(Z1/(Z1+Z2))
b) V(Z2/(Z1+Z2))
c) V(Z1)
d) V(Z2)
Answer: b
Explanation: Thevenin’s theorem gives us a method for simplifying a given circuit. The thevenin’s
voltage is VTh = V(Z2/(Z1+Z2)).
Answer: a
Explanation: Norton current is obtained by shorting the specified terminals. So, it is the short circuit
current. It is not the open circuit current because if specified terminals get open circuited then current is
equal to zero.
Answer: c
Explanation: Ideal current sources have infinite internal resistance hence behave like an open circuit
whereas ideal voltage sources have zero internal resistances hence behave as a short circuit. So, to obtain
Norton resistance, all voltage sources are shorted and all current sources are opened.
Answer: b
Explanation: According to Norton’s theorem, Isc is found through the output terminals of a network and
not the input terminals.
Answer: b
Explanation: We can use Norton’s theorem only for linear networks. BJT is a non-linear network hence
we cannot apply Norton’s theorem for it.
d) none of above
17. According to Millman’s Theorem, if there are n voltage sources with n internal resistances
respectively, are in parallel, then these sources are replaced by?
a) single current source I’ in series with R’
b) single voltage source V’ in series with R’
c) single current source I’ in parallel to R’
d) single voltage source V’ in parallel to R’
Answer: b
Explanation: Millman’s Theorem states that if there are voltage sources V1, V2,…… Vn with internal
resistances R1, R2,…..Rn, respectively, are in parallel, then these sources are replaced by single voltage
source V’ in series with R’.
18. According to Millman’s Theorem, if there are n current sources with n internal conductances
respectively, are in series, then these sources are replaced by?
a) single voltage source V’ in parallel with G’
b) single current source I’ in series with G’
c) single current source I’ in parallel with G’
d) single voltage source V’ in series with G’
Answer: c
Explanation: Millman’s Theorem states that if there are current sources I1,I2,…… In with internal
conductances G1,G2,…..Gn, respectively, are in series, then these sources are replaced by single current
source I’ in parallel with G’.
19. The maximum power is delivered from a source to its load when the load resistance is ______ the
source resistance.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) equal to
d) less than or equal to
Answer: c
Explanation: The maximum power is delivered from a source to its load when the load resistance is equal
to the source resistance. The maximum power transfer theorem can be applied to both dc and ac circuits.
Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum power transferred is equal to E2/4*RL. So, we can say maximum power
depends on load resistance.
21. The maximum power is delivered to a circuit when source resistance is __________ load resistance.
a) Greater than
b) Equal to
c) Less than
d) Greater than or equal to
Answer: b
Explanation: The circuit can draw maximum power only when source resistance is equal to the load
Answer: d
Explanation: Efficiency=(Power output/ Power input)*100.
Power Output=I2RL, Power Input=I2(RL+RS)
Under maximum power transfer conditions, RL=RS
Power Output=I2RL; Power Input=2*I2RL
Thus efficiency=50%.
24. Name some devices where maximum power has to be transferred to the load rather than maximum
a) Amplifiers
b) Communication circuits
c) Both amplifiers and communication circuits
d) Neither amplifiers nor communication circuits
Answer: c
Explanation: Maximum power transfer to the load is preferred over maximum efficiency in both
amplifiers and communication circuits since in both these cases the output voltage is more than the input.
Answer: d
Explanation: For ZL = ZS*, the relation between XL and XS is XL = -XS. Maximum power transfer is not
always desirable since the transfer occurs at a 50 percent efficiency.
1. A sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz. Its angular frequency is _______ radian/second.
(a) 100 n
(b) 50 jt
(c) 25 JT
(d) 5 n
Ans: a
8. Two waves of the same frequency have opposite phase when the phase angle between them is
(a) 360°
(b) 180°
(c) 90°
(d) 0°
Ans: b
9. The power consumed in a circuit element will be least when the phase difference between the current
and voltage is
(a) 180″
(b) 90°
(c) 60°
(d) 0°
Ans: b
10. The r.m.s. value and mean value is the same in the case of
(a) triangular wave
(b) sine wave
(c) square wave
(d) half wave rectified sine wave
Ans: c
11. For the same peak value which of the following wave will ‘have the highest r.m.s. value ?
(a) square wave
(b) half wave rectified sine wave
(c) triangular wave
(d) sine wave
Ans: a
12. For the same peak value, which of the following wave has the least mean value ?
(a) half wave rectified sine wave
(b) triangular wave
(c) sine wave
(d) square wave
Ans: a
13. For a sine wave with peak value Imax the r.m.s. value is
(a) 0.5 Imax
(b) 0.707
(c) 0.9
(d) 1.414 Lmax
Ans: b
15. For a sine wave with peak value Emax______8.30. the average value is
(a) 0.636 Emax
(b) 0.707 Emax
(c) 0.434 EWc
(d) l AU Emax
Ans: a
17. The phase difference between voltage and current wave through a circuit element is given as 30°. The
essential condition is that
(a) both waves must have same frequency
(b) both waves must have identical peak values
(c) both waves must have zero value at the same time
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
18. The r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal A.C. current is equal to its value at an angle of______degrees.
(a) 90
(b) 60
(c) 45
(d) 30
Ans: c
26. All the rules and laws of D.C. circuit also apply to A.C. circuit containing
(a) capacitance only
(b) inductance only
(c) resistance only
(d) all above
Ans: c
27. The r.m.s. value of alternating current is given by steady (D.C.) current which when flowing through a
given circuit for a given time produces
(a) the more heat than produced by A.C. when flowing through the same circuit
(b) the same heat as produced by A.C. when flowing through the same circuit
(c) the less heat than produced by A.C. flowing through the same circuit
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
28. The square waveform of current has following relation between r.m.s. value and average value.
(a) r.m.s. value is equal to average value
(b) r.m.s. value of current is greater than average value
(c) r.m.s. value of current is less than average value
(d) none of the above
Ans: a
29. In any A.C. circuit always
(a) apparent power is more than actual power
(b) reactive power is more than apparent power
(c) actual power is more than reactive power
(d) reactive power is more than actual power
Ans: a
31. Skin effect occurs when a conductor carries current at_____ frequencies.
(a) very low
(b) low
(c) medium
(d) high
Ans: d
1. The circuit is said to be in resonance if the current is ____ with the applied voltage.
a) in phase
b) out of phase
c) 45⁰ out of phase
d) 90⁰ out of phase
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Answer: a
Explanation: The circuit is said to be in resonance if the current is in phase with the applied voltage and
not if the current is out of phase with the applied voltage. The study of resonance is very useful
particularly in the area of communications.
Answer: c
Explanation: In a series resonance circuit, series resonance occurs when capacitive reactance is equal to
the inductive reactance that is XL = XC.
Answer: c
Explanation: As XL = XC in a series resonance circuit, the impedance is purely resistive. In a series RLC
circuit the current lags behind or leads the applied voltage depending on the values of XL and XC.
4. At resonant frequency, the voltage across capacitor is _______ the voltage across inductor.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) greater than or equal to
d) equal to
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Answer: d
Explanation: At resonant frequency, the voltage across capacitor is equal to the voltage across inductor. If
one of the parameters of the series RLC circuit is varied in such a way that the current in the circuit is in
phase with the applied voltage, then the circuit is said to be in resonance.
5. In series RLC circuit, the voltage across capacitor and inductor are ______ with each other.
a) in phase
b) 180⁰ out of phase
c) 90⁰ out of phase
d) 45⁰ out of phase
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Answer: b
Explanation: In series RLC circuit, the voltage across capacitor and inductor are 180⁰ out of phase with
each other. The frequency at which the resonance occurs is called resonant frequency.
Answer: a
Explanation: Since the voltage across capacitor and inductor are 180⁰ out of phase with each other, the
voltage across the LC combination in a series RLC circuit is 0V.
A. very large
B. very small
C. −∞
D. ∞
A. Increases.
B. Decreases.
Answer: d
Explanation: XL=2*π*f*L = 10 ohm. Z2=(R2+XL2)
Therefore the total impedance Z = 12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore I=V/Z=100/12.2 = 8.2A.
10. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to
a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the resistor.
a) 31.8V
b) 57.4V
c) 67.3V
d) 78.2V
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Answer: b
Explanation: XL=2*π*f*L = 10 ohm. Z2=(R2+XL2)
Therefore, the total impedance Z = 12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore I=V/Z=100/12.2 = 8.2A. Voltage across resistor = 8.2*7 = 57.4V.
11. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to
a 100V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. Calculate the voltage across the inductor.
a) 52V
b) 82V
c) 65V
d) 76V
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Answer: b
Explanation: XL=2*π*f*L = 10 ohm. Z2=(R2+XL2)
Therefore, the total impedance Z = 12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore I=V/Z=100/12.2 = 8.2A. Voltage across inductor = 8.2*10 = 82V.
12. A resistance of 7 ohm is connected in series with an inductance of 31.8mH. The circuit is connected to
a x V 50Hz sinusoidal supply. The current in the circuit is 8.2A. Calculate the value of x.
a) 10V
b) 50V
c) 100V
d) 120V
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Answer: c
Explanation: XL=2*π*f*L= 10 ohm. Z2=(R2+XL2)
Therefore, the total impedance Z = 12.2ohm.
V=IZ, therefore V = 12.2*8.2 = 100V.
13. If in an alternating current circuit, resistance is 5 ohm, capacitive reactance is 12 ohm, what is the
a) 5 ohm
b) 10 ohm
c) 12 ohm
d) 13 ohm
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Answer: d
Explanation: R=5Ω, XC=12Ω
Z2=R2+XC2 Substituting the values we get,
Z2 = 52 + 122
Z2 = 169
Z=13 Ω.
14. If in an alternating current circuit, impedance is 26 ohm, capacitive reactance is 24 ohm, what is the
a) 25 ohm
b) 10 ohm
c) 12 ohm
d) 23 ohm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Z=26Ω, XC=24Ω
Z2=R2+XC2 Substituting the values we get,
262 = R2 + 242
676 = R2 + 576
R2 = 100
R=10 Ω.
Answer: a
Explanation: XC=1/(2πfC)=106.1
I=V/XC=200/106.1=1.89 A.
Answer: a
Explanation: XC= V/I = 200/1.89 = 106.1 Ω. XC=1/(2πfC) Substituting the values we get C = 30 µF.
17. In ac circuit, resistance 5 ohm is connected with capacitor having capacitive reactance 12 ohm.
Supply of 260 V is connected to the circuit. Calculate the current in the circuit.
a) 40 A
b) 10 A
c) 20 A
d) 30 A
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Answer: c
Explanation: Z2=R2+XC2 Substituting the values we get Z2 = 52 + 122
Z2 = 169
Z=13 Ω.
I=V/Z = 260/13=20 A.
18. In ac circuit, resistance 5 ohm is connected with capacitor having capacitive reactance 12 ohm.
Supply of 260 V is connected to the circuit. Calculate the voltage across resistance.
a) 300 V
b) 200 V
c) 240 V
d) 100 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: Z2=R2+XC2 Substituting the values we get
Z2 = 52 + 122
Z2 = 169
Z=13 Ω.
I = V/Z = 260/13=20 A.
VR=iR=20*5=100 V.
19. In ac circuit, resistance 5 ohm is connected with a capacitor having capacitive reactance 12 ohm.
Supply of 260 V is connected to the circuit. Calculate the voltage across a capacitor.
a) 300 V
b) 200 V
c) 240 V
d) 100 V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Z2=R2+XC2 Substituting the values we get
Z2 = 52 + 122
Z2 = 169
Z=13 Ω.
I = V/Z = 260/13=20 A.
VC=iXC=20*12=240 V.
Answer: b
Explanation: The formula for frequency in an inductive circuit is:
Therefore: f is inversely proportional to L.
Answer: b
Explanation: The formula for frequency in an inductive circuit is:
XL=2*π*f*L => i=V/(2*π*f*L)
Therefore: f is inversely proportional to i.
Answer: b
Explanation: Inductive reactance is nothing but the impedance. Impedance is the AC equivalent of
resistance, hence the unit for inductive reactance is ohm.
Answer: a
Explanation: Any circuit in which a change of current is accompanied by a change of flux, and therefore
by an induced emf, is said to be inductive.
Answer: c
Explanation: Both coils and capacitors offer an opposition to alternating current flow known as reactance,
which is expressed in ohms. Like resistance, reactance is an opposition that directly affects the amount of
current in a circuit.
Answer: b
Explanation: In addition to resistance of alternating current flow, a capacitor alters the phase difference
between the current and voltage. The capacitor lowers the phase of the voltage and hence the current leads
the voltage.
Answer: a
Explanation: In addition to a resistance of alternating current flow, an inductor/coil alters the phase
difference between the current and voltage. The inductor/coil lowers the phase of the current and hence
the voltage leads the current.
Answer: a
Explanation: In an ac power supply the voltage increases and decreases with a particular frequency.
During the first half cycle, the capacitor gets charged and in the other half, it gets discharged. The same
process repeats throughout the wave.
Answer: a
Explanation: Inductive reactance is directly proportional to the operating frequency and is given by the
formula Xf= 2πfL where L is the inductance value in Henry.
Explanation: Capacitative reactance =Xc= 1/2πfC = 1/(2 x 3.14 x 2 x 106 x 100 x 10-12) = 796.2Ω.
34. In series resonant circuit, increasing inductance to its twice value and reducing capacitance to its half
(a) will change the maximum value of current at resonance
(6) will change the resonance frequency
(c) will change the impedance at resonance frequency
(d) will increase the selectivity of the circuit
Ans: d
35. In a R-L-C circuit
(a) power is consumed in resistance and is equal to I R
(b) exchange of power takes place between inductor and supply line
(c) exchange of power takes place between capacitor and supply line
(d) exchange of power does not take place between resistance and the supply line
(e) all above are correct
Ans: e
36. In R-L-C series resonant circuit magnitude of resonance frequency can be changed by changing the
value of
(a) R only
(b) L only
(c)C only
(e) R,LorC
Ans: d