Getting Startedwithepiplex 500
Getting Startedwithepiplex 500
Getting Startedwithepiplex 500
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Customer Support:
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
Welcome to Epiplex500 Enterprise.
Epiplex500 Enterprise is a suite of products that can be used for business process
capture, improvement, knowledge provisioning, workforce automation and
generating e-learning content.
The Epiplex500 Enterprise modules that are available to you will depend on the
Epiplex500 Enterprise package purchased.
o To get started with the Epiplex500 Enterprise Administrator, please refer to the
section Getting Started with the Epiplex500 Enterprise Administrator.
o To work with Capture a Process, please refer to the section, Getting Started with
o If in case you need to work with Simulations and Documents, you need to refer
to the section, Getting Started with epiSimDoc Editor.
o If you want to Model Workflow, please refer to the section Getting Started with
Process Modeler.
o To create Web Content, please refer to the section, Getting Started with
Presentation Editor.
o To work with Integrated Project, please refer to the section, Getting Started with
Epiplex500 Enterprise Projects.
o To know more about working with ERMS, please refer to the section Getting
Started with ERMS.
o To get started with various Epiplex500 Enterprise Utilities, please refer to the
section Getting Started with Epiplex500 Enterprise Utilities.
o If you require details on how to install the products, please refer to the
document, InstallationGuideforEpiplex500ProductSuite.pdf. To install the
Epiplex500 Server, refer
Product Overview
Epiplex500 Enterprise is a system that enables business performance by linking
business processes to the outcomes that must be achieved and to the people who
must accomplish the work through the rapid creation and delivery of enterprise
systems knowledge, training and process assets that improve productivity and
enhance efficiency. It is a means to accomplish business (or organizational)
performance through human performance by supporting the business
(organizational) processes that are critical to success.
Epiplex500 Enterprise allows you to create workflow solutions that integrate with
your existing enterprise and desktop applications without requiring access to source
code. Epiplex500 Enterprise integrates applications on the front-end, where
performers interact with software, making solutions simpler and more efficient.
Module Description
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Product Overview
EPSS Author There are times when Epiplex500 Enterprise Knowledge Objects
and third party content are contextually support intrinsic to the
performer's work context. EPSS Author lets you create Context
Maps and performance support solutions that are invoked by the
performer's EPSS.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Product Overview
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Product Overview
On launching, you will see the Epiplex500 Enterprise home screen. This screen
provides a unified interface for accessing Epiplex500 Enterprise suite of products.
The interface more or less follows the Epiplex500 Enterprise development process.
The table below cross-references the menu options with the Epiplex500 Enterprise
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Epiplex500 Administrator
The ERMS can be accessed from the ERMS icon on the home screen and as well as
from any of the Epiplex500 Enterprise editors. You can perform functions such as
Check-in, Check-out of the Epiplex500 Enterprise files without having to leave the
Epiplex500 Enterprise Editor. To do this, you need to configure Epiplex500
Enterprise to access the ERMS. This requires certain prerequisites to be adhered to,
ERMS must be installed on your server. This is necessary to store all the
Epiplex500 Enterprise files. The Epiplex500 Enterprise Server installation is
required for ERMS to be installed. You also require having,
o A User Name created in the ERMS.
o This User should be linked to a Group.
o The group should be associated to a Repository. The Repository should
have “Write” access rights defined.
Please contact your System Administrator for creating a user and group and
assigning rights. Also, see the section Getting Started with the Enterprise Repository
Management System for more information.
2. The Administrator dialog box is displayed. In the “Repository” Tab, the default
location for the local repository is displayed. You can choose to change the
3. In Enterprise Repository Application URL text box, type the URL of the
ERMS. In case you have already specified the URL while installing Epiplex500
Enterprise, the same will be displayed in this text box.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Epiplex500 Administrator
5. Click Set Default Repository. The Select Repository screen is displayed. The
Repositories assigned to you will be displayed in the Repository drop down box.
6. In the Repository list, select the Repository to be set as the default repository
for storing enterprise preferences. The Access Rights available for the Repository
is displayed.
7. Click OK.
For more information on the Epiplex500 Enterprise Administrator, please read the
online help.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Processor
Capturing a Process
The Processor supports,
o Capturing a process
o Capturing a process with audio
The procedure below helps you in creating a process. You can also use the following
steps to record on any application supported by Epiplex500 Enterprise. For
example, here we will use Microsoft Word 2000 and create a table.
To capture a process:
2. Click Capture & Publish icon. Capture and Publish tabs appear.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Processor
4. Specify a capture file name in case of a new capture; else select a capture file
from the Enter a new file name or select from the list or from the window in
the Capture tab.
The home screen is hidden and a green icon is seen swirling in the system tray.
Follow the steps below to capture the process of creating a table in Microsoft
Word 2000. You can also capture a process of your choice.
6. Click the title bar of the application window – here you can click on Microsoft
Word 2000 application window and continue as below.
8. Enter the number of rows and columns (say 5 and 6, respectively) then click
10. In the Insert table dialog box, click OK and you will see the table created in the
11. Right click the icon in the system tray to pop-up the menu and click Stop.
12. Enter information in the Processor – Summary Information dialog being displayed.
1. Specify a name for capture file in the Capture file text box.
The home screen will be hidden and a green icon is seen swirling in the taskbar.
5. After typing in the text, click Ok to associate the note with the step.
The Processor also supports specifying the option to secure the data on certain
controls in the Preferences. This helps to protect the sensitive data from being
captured. You can also take Snapshots and add Notes as you capture. These topics
are covered in the online help and you can access them by clicking the Help icon.
You can also set additional preferences. The captured file can be edited using the
Review button on the home screen.
Lastly, the Processor also supports you to specify applications that can be excluded
or included while capturing a process. When you add an application to the Excluded
Applications list, the Epiplex500 Enterprise Processor will not capture the user
actions performed on that application and when you add an application to the
Included Applications list, the Epiplex500 Enterprise Processor will capture the user
actions performed on that application. You can at any time edit this list.
For more information on capturing a process, please read the online help.
Editing a Process
1. In the home screen, in the Capture tab, click Review or double click a process
file. The Process Editor screen is displayed.
2. In the Process Editor, open the file that you have just captured. All the captured
steps with their actions and their respective images will be displayed.
4. The associated image for the selected step will be displayed on the right. The
image captured before the user action is seen in the Before tab and the image
captured after the user action was performed is seen in the After tab.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
You can cut, copy, paste and delete the captured steps. You can also insert or
append steps in a process file. In addition, you can also group steps, promote
and demote steps. Use the Edit menu to perform these editing functions.
5. Select the step above which you want to paste the copied or cut steps.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
7. To insert new steps to a process file, select the step above where you want to
insert the newly captured steps.
8. On the Edit menu, click Insert Below. Swirly will appear. Record the additional
steps, save and edit. The newly captured steps will be inserted. For more
information on editing steps, please read the rules in the online Help file.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
9. To append new steps to a process file, on the Edit menu, click Append. Swirly
will appear. Record the additional steps, save and edit. The newly captured steps
will be appended.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
10. On the Edit menu, click Preferences. This dialog box lets you define the
preferences. For example, you can choose to specify the sentence structure and
sentence style. You can also define additional preferences.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
11. To Playback the images of the captured process, use the playback controls at the
top of the screen. You can also use Ctrl+P to play the images and Ctrl+T to
stop the playback at any point of time.
12. To play the audio and video in a process file, click and select an option.
13. You can edit properties in a process file. You can define an Alias Name, change
data, add short cut keys, change an event type and modify validation rules. On
the View menu, click Properties or press Ctrl+E.
14. The Properties View is presented in a grid view. Double click to edit the
corresponding column values.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Editing a Process
15. You can also edit the sentence description through the Edit - Step Description
dialog box. The text entered gets simultaneously updated for the step. On the
View menu, click Properties or press F4.
For more information on adding Group Steps, Demoting and Promoting steps,
specifying the option to secure the data on certain controls in the Process Editor,
please read the Processor online help.
Once you have captured the various sub processes of a complex process, you can
model the complex process in Process Modeler by visually laying out a flow chart of
interconnected questions or options (decisions), processes and manual activities.
1. In the Home screen, click Workflows. You can create a new workflow as well as
edit an existing workflow. To create a complex process you can use the process
created for inserting a table and changing the format of an existing table.
2. The Process Modeler main screen will be displayed. The toolbar shows the
different process objects that can be used to create a workflow. Here, we will
create a simple workflow structure containing a Manual task and a Branch object.
3. On the toolbar, click the Manual activity object and drop it into the canvas. The
Properties of the inserted object will be displayed in the Properties window.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Process Modeler
4. In the Caption text box, the caption of the Manual Object is populated by
default. However, you can define another name.
5. In the Manual Task Description box, enter "Launch Word. If you wish to create
a new table, open a blank document. If you wish to change the format of an
existing table, open the document with the table”.
6. Link the Manual activity object to the Start object by dragging the blue
connection box from the Manual object to the white placeholder box in the Start
object. When successfully linked, the connectors will blink.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Process Modeler
7. Click a Question object in the toolbar and drop it below the Manual activity.
10. In the Question Text textbox, enter a question "What would you like to do?"
12. In the two-option textboxes, enter "Create a new table" and "Format an existing
table" respectively.
14. Below each Branch option, add a Unit Process object. The caption for the unit
process object is also populated. You can edit this caption by entering, “Create
table" and “Format table” respectively.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Process Modeler
15. Click the Browse button in the Unit Process file Name text box to select the
process file for creating a table.
16. Perform the same for the other unit process object, defining another process file
and caption. Link these two objects to the respective option ends.
17. Use the End Branch and Stop objects as shown in the picture to complete the
flow. You have now created a simple branched process with a decision point and
manual activity.
18. After creating the workflow, you need to validate the workflow to check if the
workflow has been created and all its corresponding properties correctly defined.
On the File menu, click Validate.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with Process Modeler
19. To save the workflow, on the File menu, click Save. The workflow is saved as an
*.ewf file in the Repository.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0
Getting Started with epiSimDoc Editor
2. Select a file and click Edit, epiSimDoc Editor opens the selected file.
3. In order to open a new file other than the selected one, on the File menu in
epiSimDoc Editor, click New. The New wizard is displayed.
4. Click the button in the Capture/Workflow File text box. The Open dialog box
is displayed.
5. In the Files of Type list, select Workflow documents (*ewf). You could also
choose capture files (*.gps).
6. Select a capture file and click Open. The Target Applications on which the
process file was recorded on is displayed in the Applications Included dialog
7. Click Next.
8. Here the default Sentence Style and Format are displayed. If you have edited
your process file and would like to retain your edits performed, you need to
select the Import all sentences from the capture file check box.
9. Click Next.
10. The Automatically group related steps check box is seen as selected. In case
you have captured snapshots, you can select the Use Snapshot images (if
available) in the document check box.
12. In the next screen, you can choose to change the Font properties for an event
that involves typing of keys. Select the Set the Font properties of all Type
Text events to check box.
14. Click the Step Properties dialog box seen on the right. The properties for the
Manual Task are displayed. On the View menu, click Step Properties in case
the Step Properties window is not visible.
15. Double click the Capturing Webpage tabs. You will see the screen as shown
below. The Process Tree tab is now visible. The list of steps is displayed on the
left. The image of the step is displayed in the right pane.
16. The Step properties window will now display the properties for the selected step.
In the step property dialog box, you can
17. The Draw menu lets you add or modify the regions for the selected step. It also
allows you to add a Rollover image.
18. Using the Edit menu you can perform the following edits:
o Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Insert steps
o Replace, Crop, Edit images
o Import steps from a capture file
o Group and Ungroup selected steps
o Redraw Control Image
o Locate Steps
o Define preferences
o Choose or create a new Template
o Save preferences in the ERMS (Write to ERMS)
o Apply preferences from the ERMS (Read from ERMS)
o Manage Templates
For more information on the editing capabilities, refer to the online help.
19. After editing the file, on the File menu, click Save. The Save dialog box is
20. In the File name text box, type the name. Click Save.
21. To generate a document, on the File menu, click Generate Document. In the
wizard screens, choose the type of document; select a template, contents of the
document, Image details and other options.
22. Click Finish. The document will be generated and then you can choose to view
23. To generate an epiLearn, on the File menu, click Generate epiLearn. In the
wizard screens, select the template, Load and save settings to generate
epiLearn. Also choose the content, document resolution, cue card options, Cursor
speed and other options.
24. Click Finish. The epiLearn is generated and can be played back.
The layout for the epiLearn generated is based on the template that you have
selected. By default, a few templates like the Classic, Classic Style, Modern and
Demo templates have been included. You can also create templates using the
epiTemplate Editor.
1. You can launch this editor by clicking the Start button and point to Programs
menu, point to Epiplex500 Enterprise menu and then to Epiplex500
Enterprise Utilities menu. You can even launch epiTemplate Editor from the
Utilities icon on the home screen.
For further information on creating your own templates, please refer to the online
Using the Presentation Editor, you can sequence and deploy any content that can be
launched by the Internet Explorer. This means, apart from html files, you can also
use Flash files and other media files.
1. In the Home screen, click the Aggregate icon. Click Web Content to launch the
Presentation Editor.
6. On the Properties page, click the cell adjacent to the Masthead field, to set the
masthead properties.
7. You can add an epiLearn or any other browser content. On the Properties page,
click the Browse button in the File or URL cell. The Select a file dialog box is
displayed. Select the page and click Open. The name and the path of the page
are displayed in the browser.
8. On the Properties page, double-click in the Notes Text cell. The Enter Value
dialog box is displayed. Type the text. Click OK.
10. On the File menu, click Export as HTML to generate a HTML presentation.
Please note you cannot attach audio to a page that contains epiLearns.
For more information on the Presentation Editor, please read the online help.
EPSS Author allows you to create Context Maps that link these Epiplex500
Enterprise Knowledge Objects and other Content to support context specified help.
EPSS Client that resides on the client system access the Context Map and Content
files from the local system or the EPSS Sever based on the configuration given.
EPSS Client matches the current context (interacted dialog or URL) in the user
system with the Context Map info and delivers the appropriate Knowledge object.
Author creates the Context Maps and links the Content files, in the EPSS Author.
These Context Maps have to be published to the EPSS Server. The EPSS Server
stores the Context Maps and the related Content files in the respective folders of
the Repository.
EPSS Client needs to be installed and configured on the client computers. This is
required to contextually access the Knowledge Objects from the EPSS Server.
You require having Process files or Epiplex500 Enterprise Content files created
before you create the Context Maps. These Process or Epiplex500 Enterprise
Content files should contain the tasks for which you intend to display context
sensitive help. It could be a single Process file or Epiplex500 Enterprise Content
file containing all the tasks together or you could have multiple Process or
Epiplex500 Enterprise Content files. To create a Process file, please refer to the
section, Getting Started with Processor.
You can create different Knowledge Objects using the Process files. The
Knowledge Objects could be epiLearn files and projects. It could also contain any
HTML files.
1. In the Home screen, click the EPSS icon. Click Contextual Knowledge to
launch EPSS Author.
3. To generate a new context map, on the File menu, click New. The Context Map
Generation dialog box is displayed.
Select Capture file(s) to generate a context map using the capture files.
Here we will select Capture file(s).
8. Now you need to save the file. On the File menu, click Save. The Save dialog
box appears. Type a name in the File name text box. Click Save.
Hosting of the Context Maps and the Content files on the EPSS Server
In the above section, you have just created a Context Map. Now you need to place
the Context Map and the corresponding Knowledge Objects in the Repository of your
Server computer. You can host the Context Maps and the corresponding Content
files either using the Publish feature in the ERMS or by manually transferring these
files on to the EPSS Server. For more information, please refer to the section Getting
Started with ERMS.
EPSS Client can query and display tasks and the associated Knowledge Objects that
are context sensitive to the active application or dialog box. This can be accessed
when the Context Maps and the corresponding Content files are deployed on the
EPSS Server. After you have hosted the EPSS files, you need to configure your EPSS
Client. Then the User can access tasks for which he requires assistance.
For example, the User is in the Insert Table dialog box and requires assistance. Then
the User needs to click on the EPSS Client icon in the taskbar. The EPSS Client
window is displayed. The tasks that are relevant to the user in the current context
(here it is Insert Table) are only shown.
EPSS Client launches Content files automatically when the User is accessing a dialog
box or a Web page. On accessing a certain dialog box or a Web page, a pop-up
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0 55
Getting Started with EPSS Client
window is displayed indicating that the dialog box or Web page has an associated
content. The Content file can be viewed by clicking the pop-up message.
You require the following information to configure your EPSS Client in the EPSS
Preferences dialog box.
URL of the This is the context map that your To launch through Internet, the path
Context EPSS Author has created for you. will be:
Map You need to ensure that the http://www.Web site name.
relevant context maps and the Domain/virtual directory name/
corresponding Knowledge Objects Repository name/Context Maps folder
reside in the Repository on your name/ Name of the Context Map
Server computer. For example:
After you have gathered the above information, you need to define it in the
Preferences dialog box.
1. Right-click the EPSS Client icon on the taskbar. Click Preferences on the
shortcut menu. The Preferences window of EPSS Client is displayed.
2. Enter the URL of the Context Map in the first text box.
3. Enter the URL of the Content Repository in the second text box. (Make sure that
you append “//” at the end of the URL.)
4. In case, you want the EPSS Client window to always remain on the top, select
the “Let the EPSS Client window always be on top” check box.
5. Click OK.
The EPSS Client window displays the tasks and Knowledge Objects that are specific
only to the active window. The active window may be a dialog box within an
application or the main window of the application.
1. Click the icon in the taskbar. Alternatively, you can right-click the EPSS
Client icon and choose Display Tasks to display the tasks. You can also choose to
search for a particular task using the Search Tasks option.
The EPSS Client window displays all the relevant tasks to Word.
3. Click More and select the Knowledge Object list. The list displays only the
Knowledge Objects available for the selected task. The Knowledge Object is
4. To close the EPSS Client Task window, click the Close button.
5. To search for tasks, click Search to access Knowledge Objects for other tasks
that are not in context. The following window is displayed. You can search for
tasks based on an Application, Dialog box and Task.
For more information on creating and launching the EPSS files, please refer to the
EPSS Author and EPSS Client Help files.
You can create these Projects using the different Objects that are supported by the
Project Editor. The Objects supported are - Presentations, Inspect Tap, Forms,
Projects, Script, and Clipboard. A Project can also have logical constructs to a branch
and loop. You will also be able to create "nested" Projects.
The power of Epiplex500 Enterprise Visual Project Editor lies in the fact that you can
create new workflows in this simple authoring environment without understanding
programming. But if the demands of a Project require the power of programming,
you can also write either the Microsoft Visual Basic or Java Script code using the
Script object.
1. In the Home screen, click the Aggregate icon. Click Integrated Project to launch
Project Editor.
2. The Project Editor will appear with the Start object. You will also see the List and
Properties windows.
3. Click in the workspace where you want to insert the object. The Object is
To insert from the List dialog box, double-click the required Object from their
respective tabs. The selected Form or Project is automatically assigned to the
corresponding Object.
4. Drag the end point of the Start object and drop it in the connection slot of the
Alternatively, you can add a new Presentation object by choosing the Presentation
button from the toolbar. You can specify the properties in the Properties window.
Likewise, other object icons can be added and their corresponding properties can be
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0 62
Getting Started with Epiplex500 Projects
The toolbar represent all the objects that can be used in Project Editor. Move the
pointer over the buttons and the tool tip will display the description of the icon.
For example, if you want an epiLearn to be a part of the Project flow, select - the
Presentation object, set its properties and connect it to the preceding object.
5. Place an End Point object by selecting it from the toolbar and connecting it to the
Presentation object above. Now save your project with the name
You have visually built your project, Table.epv. You can generate the script by
choosing Generate Script from the File menu.
6. On the File menu, click Generate Script. The Project Editor creates a script file
7. You can now test the Project using the Play menu.
The Project Offline menu option is a good way of checking the overall general flow
of a project. In this mode, the Knowledge Objects will not be launched but the
general flow will be executed.
Once the general flow is confirmed, you can use the Project Online menu option to
actually launch the project. All your objects will be executed, as it exists in the
If you want a zero-footprint version of project (this does not require an installation
of Epiplex500 Enterprise on a user’s computer), you can use the Export to Html
feature to export the project as html files. On the File menu, click Export to Html.
This feature will work for those projects that have only epiLearns and
Presentation objects. These projects can also contain a Branch and a
Note Loop object.
License Administrator
Assessment Editor
epiTemplate Editor
Pack Utility
SCORM Utility
Sentence Generator
Form Editor
AICC Utility
License Administrator
The License Administrator Utility allows you to manage and administer the licensing
activities of the Epiplex500 Enterprise product suite. The primary licensing activities
of the Epiplex500 Enterprise product suite involves activation and deactivation of the
product suite. Most of the Epiplex500 Enterprise products cannot be used until they
have been activated through Epiplex500 Enterprise License Activation System
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500
Enterprise menu and then to Epiplex500 Enterprise Utilities menu. You can
even launch this utility from the Utilities icon on the home screen.
It is mandatory that before you start using the product, you must activate the
product suite license through this License Administrator Utility. Otherwise, the
Product will not function.
The License Administrator Utility also allows you to directly access the
Note Epiplex500 Enterprise evaluation license activation system through
which you can activate as well as extend the evaluation license of your
Epiplex500 Enterprise product suite. Click the Activate Evaluation
link to directly access the Epiplex500 Enterprise evaluation license
activation system.
A few key prerequisites must be met before the license activation of the Epiplex500
Enterprise product suite is as follows:
1. You must have successfully installed the Epiplex500 Enterprise Product Suite
on your Windows based system as an administrator or a member of the
Administrators group.
3. You must have the User Key code with you before running the License
Administrator Utility.
You can also deactivate the product suite license from the same License
Administrator Utility.
The following prerequisites must be met before the license deactivation of the
Epiplex500 Enterprise product suite.
You can also check the status of the current license from the same License
Administrator Utility.
Assessment Editor
The Assessment Editor allows you to create a question bank and schedule tests for
learners in different categories and levels. The Question Bank lets you create specific
topics and different sections. Each section can have multiple questions. These
questions need to be unique and cannot be duplicated. The question bank supports
two types of questions
Multiple Choice
True or False
Using these questions, you can create multiple tests based on sections for the
learner. Additionally, you can define Properties for a test. The summary of the
complete test or section is displayed in the test view. It displays the total number of
questions under each test, the total mark and the passing score. Once you have
defined your test, you need to generate a test. This is saved as a *.html page.
Reports are generated after the learner takes the test. The Score is also presented
to the learner. The Score can be stored in a server at any point of time.
1. Click Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility
from the Utilities icon on the home screen.
2. On the Topic menu click New Topic. The Topic Name dialog box is displayed.
3. Enter a name for the topic in the Enter the Topic Name text box.
4. Click OK.
5. On the Question menu click New Question. The Question dialog box is
6. In the Question Type drop down box, choose either Multiple Choice or
9. Type the option. You can change the font size and style using the formatting tool
10. Click OK. The option is seen highlighted in the Options box.
11. Repeat steps 8, 9 and 10 to add more options to the particular question defined.
12. In the Option box, click inside an option button to specify a correct answer for
the question defined.
14. Click Save and Exit. The question is seen added in the Question tab.
2. On the Test menu, click New Test. The Test Name dialog box is displayed.
3. Enter a name for the test in the Enter the Test Name text box.
6. From the list of questions, select the question you want to add to the test.
7. Click Add question to test . The question is added to the test. Repeat steps
6 and 7 to add more questions.
To add all the questions to a test, select the topic and click .
1. Click the Properties tab. Now you need to specify marks, assign the passing
score and other properties required for your test. You can also choose to retain
the default values.
1. On the File menu, click Generate Test. The Save As dialog box appears. Type a
name of the test in the File name text box or choose to retain the default name.
2. Click Save. A message is displayed. Click Yes to launch the test. You can use
the navigation buttons to navigate through the tests after answering the
questions. Click the Submit button. The Reports page is launched. The
results of the test can be viewed. You can also save the assessment test report
once the test is completed.
The test that you have created can be hosted on a server and accessed by multiple
learners or can be distributed as stand-alone tests. Tests can also be associated as a
Presentation object in the Epiplex500 Enterprise Project Editor and the Epiplex500
Enterprise Presentation Editor. The result of the test can be stored in a server at
any point of time.
You can choose to create multiple tests for the learner. See the online help for more
Form Editor
The Epiplex500 Enterprise Form Editor is used to create and edit forms of two
1. Click the Start button, point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500, point to
Epiplex500 Utilities menu. Click Form Editor. You can even launch this utility
from the Utilities icon on the home screen.
4. Select a format, a Single Page or Multi Page, by clicking on the icons in the
left side of the main dialog. Click OK.
A single-page dialog presents only a single screen to the user, along with a
Cancel and Finish button.
A blank Form template is displayed in the center of the screen. The Form template is
where you will place the controls using the toolbar.
The controls available in the Floating Toolbar (from left to right) are:
o Pointer
o Label
o Textbox
o Numeric textbox
o Password Textbox
o Checkbox
o Option Button
o Combo Box
o List Box
o File Dialog
Web Control
o Browser Control
o Image Control
1. Select the control by clicking once on the control button in the Toolbar.
2. Move the mouse pointer to the Form Template where you want the control
positioned and click once with the left mouse button. The control will be placed
on the template. Place the Label controls and Numeric text boxes as displayed.
Controls can be resized by clicking and dragging one of the handles displayed
around the control or by holding down the Shift key while pressing the arrow keys.
Controls can be moved around the Form Template. Click on the control to display
the control handles then either click anywhere in the control and with the left mouse
button held down, drag the control to the area you want it in or, hold down the Ctrl
key and press an arrow key to move the control in the direction shown on the arrow.
The grid on the Form Template can be turned on or off using the View Menu. The
View Menu includes an option to have the controls “align to grid” for easier
Each control you place on the Form Template has an associated Properties Window.
The properties for each control will differ, depending on the control that is in focus.
An example of the properties form created for a textbox above is shown below:
To change a property,
1. Double-click the cell adjacent to the property name (the cell containing the value
for that property) in the Properties window and change the value.
2. Change the required property of the label controls you added to Columns and
The Pages Window displays the list of pages for the type of dialog box selected. For
a single page dialog box there will be only one page (Start) and for a multi-page
dialog box, there will be two pages (Start and Finish).
Once you have finished creating the Form, save it as Create Table.epf.
epiTemplate Editor
In the epiTemplate Editor, you can create the templates that will be used by the
epiLearns generated in the epiSimdoc Editor.
To launch,
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility from
the Utilities icon on the home screen.
You can design the structure of your template that is required for your epilearn
Knowledge Object.
Using the Attributes menu, you can also customize the different aspects of an
For detailed information on epiTemplate Editor, please refer to the online help.
Pack Utility
The Epiplex500 Enterprise Pack Utility enables you to pack one or more Epiplex500
Enterprise files and its dependent files into a single file. Thus, it makes it easy for
Epiplex500 Enterprise Developers to share and distribute the Epiplex500 Enterprise
files. You can even secure your packed files by providing password.
The Utility also supports unpacking of a packed file. However, you cannot unpack a
packed epiLearn. You need launcher to unpack a packed epiLearn.
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility from
the Utilities icon on the home screen.
2. Click Pack Utility. The Epiplex500(R) Pack Utility: Step 1 of 3 dialog box is
Please refer to the Pack Utility online help for more information.
SCORM Utility
This tool lets you make your epiLearns, Presentations and HTML projects ADL’s
SCORM compliant. This helps the Epiplex500 Enterprise components to be integrated
with the Learning Management Systems (LMS) easily. Currently, Epiplex500
Enterprise learning content files support versions SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 3rd
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility from
the Utilities icon on the home screen.
For more information on SCORM Utility, please read the online help.
Sentence Generator
The Sentence Generator lets you define Sentence Structures and formats.
Epiplex500 Enterprise editors use these Sentence Structures and formats. It can
also be exported to other users who in turn can use them.
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility from
the Utilities icon on the home screen.
Please refer online help for more information on Sentence Generator Utility.
AICC Utility
This tool lets you to generate AICC designed Assignable Units (AU) that follow AICC
AGR-010 standards for the Epiplex500 Enterprise Knowledge Objects.
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility from
the Utilities icon on the home screen.
For more information on AICC Utility, please read the online help.
This tool lets you delete or clear Epiplex500 Enterprise generated files and their
dependencies permanently from the local repository.
1. Click the Start button and point to Programs menu, point to Epiplex500 menu
and then to Epiplex500 Utilities menu. You can even launch this utility from
the Utilities icon on the home screen.
2. Click Local Repository Manager. The Local Repository Manager dialog box is
To access the ERMS menus from the Epiplex500 Enterprise editors, you must
configure your ERMS access in the Epiplex500 Enterprise Administrator Utility.
This is required for you to manage your files from you Epiplex500 Enterprise
computer. Please see the section Getting Started with Epiplex500 Enterprise
Administrator for configuring your ERMS access.
2. Type the URL for ERMS. The Enterprise Repository Management System Login
page opens.
5. Click Login. The Enterprise Repository Management System Home page opens.
6. The menus listed in the menu bar at the top of the page and help you perform
ERMS Admin operations.
1. In the ERMS screen, click the Users menu. The Users screen is displayed.
3. Type a User ID, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Email address and
a Password. The password needs to be retyped in the Confirm Password box.
4. Click Create. The status message seen above confirms that the User has been
5. Click Close to return back to the Users screen. The icon indicates that the
respective user has not been added to any Group.
1. In the ERMS screen, click the Groups menu. The Groups screen is displayed.
4. Click Create.
5. Click Close. In the Group screen, the icon is displayed to indicate that a
Group does not have any access rights associated to it. You need to define the
access rights. Please see section Assign Access Rights below.
1. In the ERMS screen, click the Repositories menu. The Repositories screen is
2. Click New.
3. Type a name for the repository in the Repository box. Type just the Repository
name. Do not type the complete path.
5. You can edit the Email template or retain the default email template. You need
to click Edit the E-mail template.
6. You may import Properties, Access Rights and Workflow definitions from an
existing Repository to the new one.
7. Click Create. The newly created repository along with its path and the
associated Repository Manager is displayed in the list.
Now you need to log on as a Repository Manager to assign access rights and
perform other ERMS functions.
2. Type the URL for ERMS. The Enterprise Repository Management System Login
page opens.
3. Type the User Name assigned as the Repository Manager in the User ID box.
1. In the ERMS screen, click the Access Rights menu. The Access Rights screen is
2. Click New.
7. Click Create.
8. Click Close.
Getting Started with © Epiplex500 Enterprise Release 6.0 92
Getting Started with ERMS
1. In the ERMS screen, click the Properties menu. The Properties screen is
8. Click Create.
9. Click Close.
a. You can choose the ERPreference Repository or create a new one. You need to
define Access Rights for the new Repository created.
b. You need to Check in all the required files that you would like to Publish to the
Repository residing on your server.
1. In the ERMS screen, click the Publish menu. The Publish screen is displayed.
3. Click New.
4. In the Publish Server Name textbox, define a name for your server. This is
just to identify the Server you are publishing to - incase there are multiple
servers created.
5. In the Publish Page with Location, define the path to your EPSS virtual
directory. You need to type the path as
For example, p1.asp?target=http://epiplexserver/EPSS /Repository
6. Click Close.
7. In the screen that comes up, you will see the Publish Server name and the
location. Click Close. The Publish screen is displayed.
9. Under Locate files to publish, select the Repository from the Repository box.
10. In the File Type box, select the file type. You can also select All Files type.
11. In the Status box, select the Status associated to the File type. The Status
would have been defined when you were checking in the files.
13. Select the files one by one by clicking the corresponding All check box.
15. The ERMS screen displays a message that the files are being uploaded. When
uploaded, it displays a message, "Upload Complete".
16. Click Back and you can publish more files to the server. To publish more files to
the server, repeat steps.
Check in a file
Check out a file
Get a file
Delete a file
Add Comments to current file
You are required to configure the ERMS location in the Epiplex500 Enterprise
Administrator Utility. This allows you to access ERMS from the Epiplex500 Enterprise
1. Click Admin on the Epiplex500 Enterprise Home screen to launch the Epiplex500
Enterprise Administrator Utility.
3. In Enterprise Repository Application URL text box, type the URL of the
ERMS. In case you have already specified the URL while installing Epiplex500
Enterprise, the same will be displayed in this text box.
5. Click Set Default Repository. The Select Repository screen is displayed. The
Repositories assigned to you will be displayed in the Repository drop down box.
6. In the Repository list, select the Repository to be set as the default repository
for storing enterprise preferences. The Access Rights available for the Repository
is displayed.
7. Click OK.
Please refer to the section Configuring ERMS access in the Epiplex500 Enterprise
Administrator Help for more detailed information on configuring ERMS.
2. Click any of the following submenus to perform the respective ERMS functions:
a. Check in a file
b. Check out a file
c. Get a file
d. Delete a file
e. Add Comments to current file
3. Enter your logon name in the User ID box. Here you have to type in your User
4. Enter password in the Password box. Here you have to specify the password
defined for the User name.
ERMS has two additional features, which let you open a file that you have selected in
the ERMS directly in your editor. These menu commands are seen on your File
Please read the online help specified in Epiplex500 Enterprise for more detailed
information on ERMS.
Please refer to the online help files, in case you need more assistance in each of the
Epiplex500 modules.